(* * Copyright 2014, NICTA * * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided. * See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details. * * @TAG(NICTA_GPL) *) (*<*) theory Library_CAMKES imports Types_CAMKES Wellformed_CAMKES begin (*>*) (*<*) (* Definitions of some built-in CAmkES entities. *) definition seL4RPC :: connector where "seL4RPC \ SyncConnector (Native RPC)" lemma[simp]: "wellformed_connector seL4RPC" by (auto simp:wellformed_connector_def seL4RPC_def) definition seL4Asynch :: connector where "seL4Asynch \ AsyncConnector (Native AsynchronousEvent)" lemma[simp]: "wellformed_connector seL4Asynch" by (auto simp:wellformed_connector_def seL4Asynch_def) definition seL4SharedData :: connector where "seL4SharedData \ MemoryConnector (Native SharedData)" lemma[simp]: "wellformed_connector seL4SharedData" by (auto simp:wellformed_connector_def seL4SharedData_def) (* These connectors aren't literally identical, but for the purposes of the architectural model they * are. *) definition seL4RPCSimple :: connector where "seL4RPCSimple \ seL4RPC" lemma[simp]: "wellformed_connector seL4RPCSimple" by (simp add:seL4RPCSimple_def) definition seL4RPCCall :: connector where "seL4RPCCall \ seL4RPC" lemma[simp]: "wellformed_connector seL4RPCCall" by (simp add:seL4RPCCall_def) definition seL4Notification :: connector where "seL4Notification \ seL4Asynch" lemma[simp]: "wellformed_connector seL4Notification" by (simp add:seL4Notification_def) lemmas connector_simps = seL4SharedData_def seL4RPC_def seL4Asynch_def seL4RPCSimple_def seL4RPCCall_def seL4Notification_def (*>*) (*<*)end(*>*)