/* Title: Pure/Thy/sessions.scala Author: Makarius Cumulative session information. */ package isabelle import java.io.{File => JFile} import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.nio.channels.FileChannel import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption import scala.collection.SortedSet import scala.collection.mutable object Sessions { /* session and theory names */ val root_name: String = "ROOT" val theory_name: String = "Pure.Sessions" val DRAFT = "Draft" def is_pure(name: String): Boolean = name == Thy_Header.PURE def exclude_session(name: String): Boolean = name == "" || name == DRAFT def exclude_theory(name: String): Boolean = name == root_name || name == "README" || name == "index" || name == "bib" /* base info and source dependencies */ object Known { val empty: Known = Known() def make(local_dir: Path, bases: List[Base], sessions: List[(String, Position.T)] = Nil, theories: List[Document.Node.Entry] = Nil, loaded_files: List[(String, List[Path])] = Nil): Known = { def bases_iterator(local: Boolean) = for { base <- bases.iterator (_, entry) <- (if (local) base.known.theories_local else base.known.theories).iterator } yield entry def local_theories_iterator = { val local_path = local_dir.canonical_file.toPath theories.iterator.filter(entry => entry.name.path.canonical_file.toPath.startsWith(local_path)) } val known_sessions = (sessions.toMap /: bases)({ case (known, base) => known ++ base.known.sessions }) val known_theories = (Map.empty[String, Document.Node.Entry] /: (bases_iterator(false) ++ theories.iterator))({ case (known, entry) => known.get(entry.name.theory) match { case Some(entry1) if entry.name != entry1.name => error("Duplicate theory " + quote(entry.name.node) + " vs. " + quote(entry1.name.node)) case _ => known + (entry.name.theory -> entry) } }) val known_theories_local = (Map.empty[String, Document.Node.Entry] /: (bases_iterator(true) ++ local_theories_iterator))({ case (known, entry) => known + (entry.name.theory -> entry) }) val known_files = (Map.empty[JFile, List[Document.Node.Name]] /: (bases_iterator(true) ++ bases_iterator(false) ++ theories.iterator))({ case (known, entry) => val name = entry.name val file = name.path.canonical_file val theories1 = known.getOrElse(file, Nil) if (theories1.exists(name1 => name.node == name1.node && name.theory == name1.theory)) known else known + (file -> (name :: theories1)) }) val known_loaded_files = (loaded_files.toMap /: bases.map(base => base.known.loaded_files))(_ ++ _) Known( known_sessions, known_theories, known_theories_local, known_files.iterator.map(p => (p._1, p._2.reverse)).toMap, known_loaded_files) } } sealed case class Known( sessions: Map[String, Position.T] = Map.empty, theories: Map[String, Document.Node.Entry] = Map.empty, theories_local: Map[String, Document.Node.Entry] = Map.empty, files: Map[JFile, List[Document.Node.Name]] = Map.empty, loaded_files: Map[String, List[Path]] = Map.empty) { def platform_path: Known = copy(theories = for ((a, b) <- theories) yield (a, b.map(File.platform_path(_))), theories_local = for ((a, b) <- theories_local) yield (a, b.map(File.platform_path(_))), files = for ((a, b) <- files) yield (a, b.map(c => c.map(File.platform_path(_))))) def standard_path: Known = copy(theories = for ((a, b) <- theories) yield (a, b.map(File.standard_path(_))), theories_local = for ((a, b) <- theories_local) yield (a, b.map(File.standard_path(_))), files = for ((a, b) <- files) yield (a, b.map(c => c.map(File.standard_path(_))))) def theory_names: List[Document.Node.Name] = theories.iterator.map(p => p._2.name).toList lazy val theory_graph: Graph[Document.Node.Name, Unit] = { val entries = for ((_, entry) <- theories.toList) yield ((entry.name, ()), entry.header.imports.map(imp => theories(imp._1.theory).name)) Graph.make(entries, symmetric = true)(Document.Node.Name.Ordering) } def get_file(file: JFile, bootstrap: Boolean = false): Option[Document.Node.Name] = { val res = files.getOrElse(File.canonical(file), Nil).headOption if (bootstrap) res.map(_.map_theory(Thy_Header.bootstrap_name(_))) else res } } object Base { def bootstrap(global_theories: Map[String, String]): Base = Base( global_theories = global_theories, overall_syntax = Thy_Header.bootstrap_syntax) } sealed case class Base( pos: Position.T = Position.none, doc_names: List[String] = Nil, global_theories: Map[String, String] = Map.empty, loaded_theories: Graph[String, Outer_Syntax] = Graph.string, used_theories: List[Document.Node.Name] = Nil, known: Known = Known.empty, overall_syntax: Outer_Syntax = Outer_Syntax.empty, imported_sources: List[(Path, SHA1.Digest)] = Nil, sources: List[(Path, SHA1.Digest)] = Nil, session_graph_display: Graph_Display.Graph = Graph_Display.empty_graph, errors: List[String] = Nil, imports: Option[Base] = None) { def platform_path: Base = copy(known = known.platform_path) def standard_path: Base = copy(known = known.standard_path) def theory_qualifier(name: String): String = global_theories.getOrElse(name, Long_Name.qualifier(name)) def theory_qualifier(name: Document.Node.Name): String = theory_qualifier(name.theory) def loaded_theory(name: String): Boolean = loaded_theories.defined(name) def loaded_theory(name: Document.Node.Name): Boolean = loaded_theory(name.theory) def loaded_theory_syntax(name: String): Option[Outer_Syntax] = if (loaded_theory(name)) Some(loaded_theories.get_node(name)) else None def loaded_theory_syntax(name: Document.Node.Name): Option[Outer_Syntax] = loaded_theory_syntax(name.theory) def node_syntax(nodes: Document.Nodes, name: Document.Node.Name): Outer_Syntax = nodes(name).syntax orElse loaded_theory_syntax(name) getOrElse overall_syntax def known_theory(name: String): Option[Document.Node.Name] = known.theories.get(name).map(_.name) def dest_known_theories: List[(String, String)] = for ((theory, entry) <- known.theories.toList) yield (theory, entry.name.node) def get_imports: Base = imports getOrElse Base.bootstrap(global_theories) } sealed case class Deps( sessions_structure: Structure, session_bases: Map[String, Base], all_known: Known) { def is_empty: Boolean = session_bases.isEmpty def apply(name: String): Base = session_bases(name) def get(name: String): Option[Base] = session_bases.get(name) def imported_sources(name: String): List[SHA1.Digest] = session_bases(name).imported_sources.map(_._2) def sources(name: String): List[SHA1.Digest] = session_bases(name).sources.map(_._2) def errors: List[String] = (for { (name, base) <- session_bases.iterator if base.errors.nonEmpty } yield cat_lines(base.errors) + "\nThe error(s) above occurred in session " + quote(name) + Position.here(base.pos) ).toList def check_errors: Deps = errors match { case Nil => this case errs => error(cat_lines(errs)) } } def deps(sessions_structure: Structure, global_theories: Map[String, String], progress: Progress = No_Progress, inlined_files: Boolean = false, verbose: Boolean = false, list_files: Boolean = false, check_keywords: Set[String] = Set.empty): Deps = { var cache_sources = Map.empty[JFile, SHA1.Digest] def check_sources(paths: List[Path]): List[(Path, SHA1.Digest)] = { for { path <- paths file = path.file if cache_sources.isDefinedAt(file) || file.isFile } yield { cache_sources.get(file) match { case Some(digest) => (path, digest) case None => val digest = SHA1.digest(file) cache_sources = cache_sources + (file -> digest) (path, digest) } } } val doc_names = Doc.doc_names() val session_bases = (Map.empty[String, Base] /: sessions_structure.imports_topological_order)({ case (session_bases, session_name) => progress.expose_interrupt() val info = sessions_structure(session_name) try { val parent_base: Sessions.Base = info.parent match { case None => Base.bootstrap(global_theories) case Some(parent) => session_bases(parent) } val imports_base: Sessions.Base = parent_base.copy(known = Known.make(info.dir, parent_base :: info.imports.map(session_bases(_)))) val resources = new Resources(imports_base) if (verbose || list_files) { val groups = if (info.groups.isEmpty) "" else info.groups.mkString(" (", " ", ")") progress.echo("Session " + info.chapter + "/" + info.name + groups) } val dependencies = resources.dependencies( for { (_, thys) <- info.theories; (thy, pos) <- thys } yield (resources.import_name(info.name, info.dir.implode, thy), pos)) val overall_syntax = dependencies.overall_syntax val theory_files = dependencies.theories.map(_.path) val loaded_files = if (inlined_files) { if (Sessions.is_pure(info.name)) { val pure_files = resources.pure_files(overall_syntax, info.dir) dependencies.loaded_files.map({ case (name, files) => (name, if (name == Thy_Header.PURE) pure_files ::: files else files) }) } else dependencies.loaded_files } else Nil val session_files = (theory_files ::: loaded_files.flatMap(_._2) ::: info.document_files.map(file => info.dir + file._1 + file._2)).map(_.expand) val imported_files = if (inlined_files) dependencies.imported_files else Nil if (list_files) progress.echo(cat_lines(session_files.map(_.implode).sorted.map(" " + _))) if (check_keywords.nonEmpty) { Check_Keywords.check_keywords( progress, overall_syntax.keywords, check_keywords, theory_files) } val session_graph_display: Graph_Display.Graph = { def session_node(name: String): Graph_Display.Node = Graph_Display.Node("[" + name + "]", "session." + name) def node(name: Document.Node.Name): Graph_Display.Node = { val qualifier = imports_base.theory_qualifier(name) if (qualifier == info.name) Graph_Display.Node(name.theory_base_name, "theory." + name.theory) else session_node(qualifier) } val imports_subgraph = sessions_structure.imports_graph. restrict(sessions_structure.imports_graph.all_preds(info.deps).toSet) val graph0 = (Graph_Display.empty_graph /: imports_subgraph.topological_order)( { case (g, session) => val a = session_node(session) val bs = imports_subgraph.imm_preds(session).toList.map(session_node(_)) ((g /: (a :: bs))(_.default_node(_, Nil)) /: bs)(_.add_edge(_, a)) }) (graph0 /: dependencies.entries)( { case (g, entry) => val a = node(entry.name) val bs = entry.header.imports.map({ case (name, _) => node(name) }). filterNot(_ == a) ((g /: (a :: bs))(_.default_node(_, Nil)) /: bs)(_.add_edge(_, a)) }) } val known = Known.make(info.dir, List(imports_base), sessions = List(info.name -> info.pos), theories = dependencies.entries, loaded_files = loaded_files) val sources_errors = for (p <- session_files if !p.is_file) yield "No such file: " + p val bibtex_errors = try { info.bibtex_entries; Nil } catch { case ERROR(msg) => List(msg) } val base = Base( pos = info.pos, doc_names = doc_names, global_theories = global_theories, loaded_theories = dependencies.loaded_theories, used_theories = dependencies.theories, known = known, overall_syntax = overall_syntax, imported_sources = check_sources(imported_files), sources = check_sources(session_files), session_graph_display = session_graph_display, errors = dependencies.errors ::: sources_errors ::: bibtex_errors, imports = Some(imports_base)) session_bases + (info.name -> base) } catch { case ERROR(msg) => cat_error(msg, "The error(s) above occurred in session " + quote(info.name) + Position.here(info.pos)) } }) val all_known = Known.make(Path.current, sessions_structure.imports_topological_order.map(session_bases(_))) Deps(sessions_structure, session_bases, all_known) } /* base info */ sealed case class Base_Info( options: Options, dirs: List[Path], session: String, sessions_structure: Structure, errors: List[String], base: Base, infos: List[Info]) { def check_base: Base = if (errors.isEmpty) base else error(cat_lines(errors)) } def base_info(options: Options, session: String, progress: Progress = No_Progress, dirs: List[Path] = Nil, include_sessions: List[String] = Nil, session_ancestor: Option[String] = None, session_requirements: Boolean = false, session_focus: Boolean = false, all_known: Boolean = false): Base_Info = { val full_sessions = load_structure(options, dirs = dirs) val global_theories = full_sessions.global_theories val selected_sessions = full_sessions.selection(Selection(sessions = session :: session_ancestor.toList)) val info = selected_sessions(session) val ancestor = session_ancestor orElse info.parent val (session1, infos1) = if (session_requirements && ancestor.isDefined) { val deps = Sessions.deps(selected_sessions, global_theories, progress = progress) val base = deps(session) val ancestor_loaded = deps.get(ancestor.get) match { case Some(ancestor_base) if !selected_sessions.imports_requirements(List(ancestor.get)).contains(session) => ancestor_base.loaded_theories.defined(_) case _ => error("Bad ancestor " + quote(ancestor.get) + " for session " + quote(session)) } val required_theories = for { thy <- base.loaded_theories.keys if !ancestor_loaded(thy) && base.theory_qualifier(thy) != session } yield thy if (required_theories.isEmpty) (ancestor.get, Nil) else { val other_name = info.name + "_requirements(" + ancestor.get + ")" (other_name, List( make_info(info.options, dir_selected = false, dir = info.dir, chapter = info.chapter, Session_Entry( pos = info.pos, name = other_name, groups = info.groups, path = ".", parent = ancestor, description = "Required theory imports from other sessions", options = Nil, imports = info.deps, theories = List((Nil, required_theories.map(thy => ((thy, Position.none), false)))), document_files = Nil, export_files = Nil)))) } } else (session, Nil) val full_sessions1 = if (infos1.isEmpty) full_sessions else load_structure(options, dirs = dirs, infos = infos1) val selected_sessions1 = { val sel_sessions1 = session1 :: session :: include_sessions val select_sessions1 = if (session_focus) { full_sessions1.check_sessions(sel_sessions1) full_sessions1.imports_descendants(sel_sessions1) } else sel_sessions1 full_sessions1.selection(Selection(sessions = select_sessions1)) } val sessions1 = if (all_known) full_sessions1 else selected_sessions1 val deps1 = Sessions.deps(sessions1, global_theories, progress = progress) val base1 = deps1(session1).copy(known = deps1.all_known) Base_Info(options, dirs, session1, deps1.sessions_structure, deps1.errors, base1, infos1) } /* cumulative session info */ sealed case class Info( name: String, chapter: String, dir_selected: Boolean, pos: Position.T, groups: List[String], dir: Path, parent: Option[String], description: String, options: Options, imports: List[String], theories: List[(Options, List[(String, Position.T)])], global_theories: List[String], document_files: List[(Path, Path)], export_files: List[(Path, List[String])], meta_digest: SHA1.Digest) { def deps: List[String] = parent.toList ::: imports def timeout: Time = Time.seconds(options.real("timeout") * options.real("timeout_scale")) def bibtex_entries: List[Text.Info[String]] = (for { (document_dir, file) <- document_files.iterator if Bibtex.is_bibtex(file.base_name) info <- Bibtex.entries(File.read(dir + document_dir + file)).iterator } yield info).toList } def make_info(options: Options, dir_selected: Boolean, dir: Path, chapter: String, entry: Session_Entry): Info = { try { val name = entry.name if (exclude_session(name)) error("Bad session name") if (is_pure(name) && entry.parent.isDefined) error("Illegal parent session") if (!is_pure(name) && !entry.parent.isDefined) error("Missing parent session") val session_options = options ++ entry.options val theories = entry.theories.map({ case (opts, thys) => (session_options ++ opts, thys.map({ case ((thy, pos), _) => if (exclude_theory(thy)) error("Bad theory name " + quote(thy) + Position.here(pos)) else (thy, pos) })) }) val global_theories = for { (_, thys) <- entry.theories; ((thy, pos), global) <- thys if global } yield { val thy_name = Path.explode(thy).expand.base_name if (Long_Name.is_qualified(thy_name)) error("Bad qualified name for global theory " + quote(thy_name) + Position.here(pos)) else thy_name } val conditions = theories.flatMap(thys => space_explode(',', thys._1.string("condition"))).distinct.sorted. map(x => (x, Isabelle_System.getenv(x) != "")) val document_files = entry.document_files.map({ case (s1, s2) => (Path.explode(s1), Path.explode(s2)) }) val export_files = entry.export_files.map({ case (dir, pats) => (Path.explode(dir), pats) }) val meta_digest = SHA1.digest((name, chapter, entry.parent, entry.options, entry.imports, entry.theories_no_position, conditions, entry.document_files, entry.export_files).toString) Info(name, chapter, dir_selected, entry.pos, entry.groups, dir + Path.explode(entry.path), entry.parent, entry.description, session_options, entry.imports, theories, global_theories, document_files, export_files, meta_digest) } catch { case ERROR(msg) => error(msg + "\nThe error(s) above occurred in session entry " + quote(entry.name) + Position.here(entry.pos)) } } object Selection { val empty: Selection = Selection() val all: Selection = Selection(all_sessions = true) } sealed case class Selection( requirements: Boolean = false, all_sessions: Boolean = false, base_sessions: List[String] = Nil, exclude_session_groups: List[String] = Nil, exclude_sessions: List[String] = Nil, session_groups: List[String] = Nil, sessions: List[String] = Nil) { def ++ (other: Selection): Selection = Selection( requirements = requirements || other.requirements, all_sessions = all_sessions || other.all_sessions, base_sessions = Library.merge(base_sessions, other.base_sessions), exclude_session_groups = Library.merge(exclude_session_groups, other.exclude_session_groups), exclude_sessions = Library.merge(exclude_sessions, other.exclude_sessions), session_groups = Library.merge(session_groups, other.session_groups), sessions = Library.merge(sessions, other.sessions)) } def make(infos: List[Info]): Structure = { def add_edges(graph: Graph[String, Info], kind: String, edges: Info => Traversable[String]) : Graph[String, Info] = { def add_edge(pos: Position.T, name: String, g: Graph[String, Info], parent: String) = { if (!g.defined(parent)) error("Bad " + kind + " session " + quote(parent) + " for " + quote(name) + Position.here(pos)) try { g.add_edge_acyclic(parent, name) } catch { case exn: Graph.Cycles[_] => error(cat_lines(exn.cycles.map(cycle => "Cyclic session dependency of " + cycle.map(c => quote(c.toString)).mkString(" via "))) + Position.here(pos)) } } (graph /: graph.iterator) { case (g, (name, (info, _))) => (g /: edges(info))(add_edge(info.pos, name, _, _)) } } val graph0 = (Graph.string[Info] /: infos) { case (graph, info) => if (graph.defined(info.name)) error("Duplicate session " + quote(info.name) + Position.here(info.pos) + Position.here(graph.get_node(info.name).pos)) else graph.new_node(info.name, info) } val graph1 = add_edges(graph0, "parent", _.parent) val graph2 = add_edges(graph1, "imports", _.imports) new Structure(graph1, graph2) } final class Structure private[Sessions]( val build_graph: Graph[String, Info], val imports_graph: Graph[String, Info]) { def build_graph_display: Graph_Display.Graph = Graph_Display.make_graph(build_graph) def imports_graph_display: Graph_Display.Graph = Graph_Display.make_graph(imports_graph) def defined(name: String): Boolean = imports_graph.defined(name) def apply(name: String): Info = imports_graph.get_node(name) def get(name: String): Option[Info] = if (defined(name)) Some(apply(name)) else None def global_theories: Map[String, String] = (Thy_Header.bootstrap_global_theories.toMap /: (for { (_, (info, _)) <- imports_graph.iterator thy <- info.global_theories.iterator } yield (thy, info)))({ case (global, (thy, info)) => val qualifier = info.name global.get(thy) match { case Some(qualifier1) if qualifier != qualifier1 => error("Duplicate global theory " + quote(thy) + Position.here(info.pos)) case _ => global + (thy -> qualifier) } }) def check_sessions(names: List[String]) { val bad_sessions = SortedSet(names.filterNot(defined(_)): _*).toList if (bad_sessions.nonEmpty) error("Undefined session(s): " + commas_quote(bad_sessions)) } def check_sessions(sel: Selection): Unit = check_sessions(sel.base_sessions ::: sel.exclude_sessions ::: sel.sessions) private def selected(graph: Graph[String, Info], sel: Selection): List[String] = { check_sessions(sel) val select_group = sel.session_groups.toSet val select_session = sel.sessions.toSet ++ imports_graph.all_succs(sel.base_sessions) val selected0 = if (sel.all_sessions) graph.keys else { (for { (name, (info, _)) <- graph.iterator if info.dir_selected || select_session(name) || graph.get_node(name).groups.exists(select_group) } yield name).toList } if (sel.requirements) (graph.all_preds(selected0).toSet -- selected0).toList else selected0 } def selection(sel: Selection): Structure = { check_sessions(sel) val excluded = { val exclude_group = sel.exclude_session_groups.toSet val exclude_group_sessions = (for { (name, (info, _)) <- imports_graph.iterator if imports_graph.get_node(name).groups.exists(exclude_group) } yield name).toList imports_graph.all_succs(exclude_group_sessions ::: sel.exclude_sessions).toSet } def restrict(graph: Graph[String, Info]): Graph[String, Info] = { val sessions = graph.all_preds(selected(graph, sel)).filterNot(excluded) graph.restrict(graph.all_preds(sessions).toSet) } new Structure(restrict(build_graph), restrict(imports_graph)) } def selection_deps(sel: Selection, progress: Progress = No_Progress, inlined_files: Boolean = false, verbose: Boolean = false): Deps = { Sessions.deps(selection(sel), global_theories, progress = progress, inlined_files = inlined_files, verbose = verbose) } def build_selection(sel: Selection): List[String] = selected(build_graph, sel) def build_descendants(ss: List[String]): List[String] = build_graph.all_succs(ss) def build_requirements(ss: List[String]): List[String] = build_graph.all_preds(ss).reverse def build_topological_order: List[String] = build_graph.topological_order def imports_selection(sel: Selection): List[String] = selected(imports_graph, sel) def imports_descendants(ss: List[String]): List[String] = imports_graph.all_succs(ss) def imports_requirements(ss: List[String]): List[String] = imports_graph.all_preds(ss).reverse def imports_topological_order: List[String] = imports_graph.topological_order override def toString: String = imports_graph.keys_iterator.mkString("Sessions.Structure(", ", ", ")") } /* parser */ val ROOT = Path.explode("ROOT") val ROOTS = Path.explode("ROOTS") private val CHAPTER = "chapter" private val SESSION = "session" private val IN = "in" private val DESCRIPTION = "description" private val OPTIONS = "options" private val SESSIONS = "sessions" private val THEORIES = "theories" private val GLOBAL = "global" private val DOCUMENT_FILES = "document_files" private val EXPORT_FILES = "export_files" val root_syntax = Outer_Syntax.empty + "(" + ")" + "+" + "," + "=" + "[" + "]" + GLOBAL + IN + (CHAPTER, Keyword.THY_DECL) + (SESSION, Keyword.THY_DECL) + (DESCRIPTION, Keyword.QUASI_COMMAND) + (OPTIONS, Keyword.QUASI_COMMAND) + (SESSIONS, Keyword.QUASI_COMMAND) + (THEORIES, Keyword.QUASI_COMMAND) + (DOCUMENT_FILES, Keyword.QUASI_COMMAND) + (EXPORT_FILES, Keyword.QUASI_COMMAND) abstract class Entry sealed case class Chapter(name: String) extends Entry sealed case class Session_Entry( pos: Position.T, name: String, groups: List[String], path: String, parent: Option[String], description: String, options: List[Options.Spec], imports: List[String], theories: List[(List[Options.Spec], List[((String, Position.T), Boolean)])], document_files: List[(String, String)], export_files: List[(String, List[String])]) extends Entry { def theories_no_position: List[(List[Options.Spec], List[(String, Boolean)])] = theories.map({ case (a, b) => (a, b.map({ case ((c, _), d) => (c, d) })) }) } private object Parser extends Parse.Parser with Options.Parser { private val chapter: Parser[Chapter] = { val chapter_name = atom("chapter name", _.is_name) command(CHAPTER) ~! chapter_name ^^ { case _ ~ a => Chapter(a) } } private val session_entry: Parser[Session_Entry] = { val option = option_name ~ opt($$$("=") ~! option_value ^^ { case _ ~ x => x }) ^^ { case x ~ y => (x, y) } val options = $$$("[") ~> rep1sep(option, $$$(",")) <~ $$$("]") val global = ($$$("(") ~! $$$(GLOBAL) ~ $$$(")")) ^^ { case _ => true } | success(false) val theory_entry = position(theory_name) ~ global ^^ { case x ~ y => (x, y) } val theories = $$$(THEORIES) ~! ((options | success(Nil)) ~ rep1(theory_entry)) ^^ { case _ ~ (x ~ y) => (x, y) } val in_path = $$$("(") ~! ($$$(IN) ~ path ~ $$$(")")) ^^ { case _ ~ (_ ~ x ~ _) => x } val document_files = $$$(DOCUMENT_FILES) ~! ((in_path | success("document")) ~ rep1(path)) ^^ { case _ ~ (x ~ y) => y.map((x, _)) } val export_files = $$$(EXPORT_FILES) ~! ((in_path | success("export")) ~ rep1(name)) ^^ { case _ ~ (x ~ y) => (x, y) } command(SESSION) ~! (position(session_name) ~ (($$$("(") ~! (rep1(name) <~ $$$(")")) ^^ { case _ ~ x => x }) | success(Nil)) ~ (($$$(IN) ~! path ^^ { case _ ~ x => x }) | success(".")) ~ ($$$("=") ~! (opt(session_name ~! $$$("+") ^^ { case x ~ _ => x }) ~ (($$$(DESCRIPTION) ~! text ^^ { case _ ~ x => x }) | success("")) ~ (($$$(OPTIONS) ~! options ^^ { case _ ~ x => x }) | success(Nil)) ~ (($$$(SESSIONS) ~! rep1(session_name) ^^ { case _ ~ x => x }) | success(Nil)) ~ rep(theories) ~ (rep(document_files) ^^ (x => x.flatten)) ~ (rep(export_files))))) ^^ { case _ ~ ((a, pos) ~ b ~ c ~ (_ ~ (d ~ e ~ f ~ g ~ h ~ i ~ j))) => Session_Entry(pos, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) } } def parse_root(path: Path): List[Entry] = { val toks = Token.explode(root_syntax.keywords, File.read(path)) val start = Token.Pos.file(path.implode) parse_all(rep(chapter | session_entry), Token.reader(toks, start)) match { case Success(result, _) => result case bad => error(bad.toString) } } } def parse_root(path: Path): List[Entry] = Parser.parse_root(path) def parse_root_entries(path: Path): List[Session_Entry] = for (entry <- Parser.parse_root(path) if entry.isInstanceOf[Session_Entry]) yield entry.asInstanceOf[Session_Entry] def read_root(options: Options, select: Boolean, path: Path): List[Info] = { var entry_chapter = "Unsorted" val infos = new mutable.ListBuffer[Info] parse_root(path).foreach { case Chapter(name) => entry_chapter = name case entry: Session_Entry => infos += make_info(options, select, path.dir, entry_chapter, entry) } infos.toList } def parse_roots(roots: Path): List[String] = { for { line <- split_lines(File.read(roots)) if !(line == "" || line.startsWith("#")) } yield line } /* load sessions from certain directories */ private def is_session_dir(dir: Path): Boolean = (dir + ROOT).is_file || (dir + ROOTS).is_file private def check_session_dir(dir: Path): Path = if (is_session_dir(dir)) File.pwd() + dir.expand else error("Bad session root directory: " + dir.toString) def directories(dirs: List[Path], select_dirs: List[Path]): List[(Boolean, Path)] = { val default_dirs = Isabelle_System.components().filter(is_session_dir(_)) (default_dirs ::: dirs).map((false, _)) ::: select_dirs.map((true, _)) } def load_structure(options: Options, dirs: List[Path] = Nil, select_dirs: List[Path] = Nil, infos: List[Info] = Nil): Structure = { def load_dir(select: Boolean, dir: Path): List[(Boolean, Path)] = load_root(select, dir) ::: load_roots(select, dir) def load_root(select: Boolean, dir: Path): List[(Boolean, Path)] = { val root = dir + ROOT if (root.is_file) List((select, root)) else Nil } def load_roots(select: Boolean, dir: Path): List[(Boolean, Path)] = { val roots = dir + ROOTS if (roots.is_file) { for { entry <- parse_roots(roots) dir1 = try { check_session_dir(dir + Path.explode(entry)) } catch { case ERROR(msg) => error(msg + "\nThe error(s) above occurred in session catalog " + roots.toString) } res <- load_dir(select, dir1) } yield res } else Nil } val roots = for { (select, dir) <- directories(dirs, select_dirs) res <- load_dir(select, check_session_dir(dir)) } yield res val unique_roots = ((Map.empty[JFile, (Boolean, Path)] /: roots) { case (m, (select, path)) => val file = path.canonical_file m.get(file) match { case None => m + (file -> (select, path)) case Some((select1, path1)) => m + (file -> (select1 || select, path1)) } }).toList.map(_._2) make(unique_roots.flatMap(p => read_root(options, p._1, p._2)) ::: infos) } /** heap file with SHA1 digest **/ private val sha1_prefix = "SHA1:" def read_heap_digest(heap: Path): Option[String] = { if (heap.is_file) { val file = FileChannel.open(heap.file.toPath, StandardOpenOption.READ) try { val len = file.size val n = sha1_prefix.length + SHA1.digest_length if (len >= n) { file.position(len - n) val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(n) var i = 0 var m = 0 do { m = file.read(buf) if (m != -1) i += m } while (m != -1 && n > i) if (i == n) { val prefix = new String(buf.array(), 0, sha1_prefix.length, UTF8.charset) val s = new String(buf.array(), sha1_prefix.length, SHA1.digest_length, UTF8.charset) if (prefix == sha1_prefix) Some(s) else None } else None } else None } finally { file.close } } else None } def write_heap_digest(heap: Path): String = read_heap_digest(heap) match { case None => val s = SHA1.digest(heap).rep File.append(heap, sha1_prefix + s) s case Some(s) => s } /** persistent store **/ object Session_Info { val session_name = SQL.Column.string("session_name").make_primary_key // Build_Log.Session_Info val session_timing = SQL.Column.bytes("session_timing") val command_timings = SQL.Column.bytes("command_timings") val theory_timings = SQL.Column.bytes("theory_timings") val ml_statistics = SQL.Column.bytes("ml_statistics") val task_statistics = SQL.Column.bytes("task_statistics") val errors = SQL.Column.bytes("errors") val build_log_columns = List(session_name, session_timing, command_timings, theory_timings, ml_statistics, task_statistics, errors) // Build.Session_Info val sources = SQL.Column.string("sources") val input_heaps = SQL.Column.string("input_heaps") val output_heap = SQL.Column.string("output_heap") val return_code = SQL.Column.int("return_code") val build_columns = List(sources, input_heaps, output_heap, return_code) val table = SQL.Table("isabelle_session_info", build_log_columns ::: build_columns) } def store(options: Options, system_mode: Boolean = false): Store = new Store(options, system_mode) class Store private[Sessions](val options: Options, val system_mode: Boolean) { override def toString: String = "Store(output_dir = " + output_dir.expand + ")" /* directories */ val system_output_dir: Path = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_HEAPS_SYSTEM/$ML_IDENTIFIER") val user_output_dir: Path = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_HEAPS/$ML_IDENTIFIER") val output_dir: Path = if (system_mode) system_output_dir else user_output_dir val input_dirs: List[Path] = if (system_mode) List(system_output_dir) else List(user_output_dir, system_output_dir) val browser_info: Path = if (system_mode) Path.explode("$ISABELLE_BROWSER_INFO_SYSTEM") else Path.explode("$ISABELLE_BROWSER_INFO") /* file names */ def heap(name: String): Path = Path.basic(name) def database(name: String): Path = Path.basic("log") + Path.basic(name).ext("db") def log(name: String): Path = Path.basic("log") + Path.basic(name) def log_gz(name: String): Path = log(name).ext("gz") def output_heap(name: String): Path = output_dir + heap(name) def output_database(name: String): Path = output_dir + database(name) def output_log(name: String): Path = output_dir + log(name) def output_log_gz(name: String): Path = output_dir + log_gz(name) def prepare_output_dir() { Isabelle_System.mkdirs(output_dir + Path.basic("log")) } /* heap */ def find_heap(name: String): Option[Path] = input_dirs.map(_ + heap(name)).find(_.is_file) def find_heap_digest(name: String): Option[String] = find_heap(name).flatMap(read_heap_digest(_)) def the_heap(name: String): Path = find_heap(name) getOrElse error("Missing heap image for session " + quote(name) + " -- expected in:\n" + cat_lines(input_dirs.map(dir => " " + dir.expand.implode))) /* database */ private def database_server: Boolean = options.bool("build_database_server") def access_database(name: String, output: Boolean = false): Option[SQL.Database] = { if (database_server) { val db = PostgreSQL.open_database( user = options.string("build_database_user"), password = options.string("build_database_password"), database = options.string("build_database_name"), host = options.string("build_database_host"), port = options.int("build_database_port"), ssh = proper_string(options.string("build_database_ssh_host")).map(ssh_host => SSH.open_session(options, host = ssh_host, user = options.string("build_database_ssh_user"), port = options.int("build_database_ssh_port"))), ssh_close = true) if (output || has_session_info(db, name)) Some(db) else { db.close; None } } else if (output) Some(SQLite.open_database(output_database(name))) else input_dirs.map(_ + database(name)).find(_.is_file).map(SQLite.open_database(_)) } def open_database(name: String, output: Boolean = false): SQL.Database = access_database(name, output = output) getOrElse error("Missing build database for session " + quote(name)) def clean_output(name: String): (Boolean, Boolean) = { val relevant_db = database_server && { access_database(name) match { case Some(db) => try { db.transaction { val relevant_db = has_session_info(db, name) init_session_info(db, name) relevant_db } } finally { db.close } case None => false } } val del = for { dir <- (if (system_mode) List(user_output_dir, system_output_dir) else List(user_output_dir)) file <- List(heap(name), database(name), log(name), log_gz(name)) path = dir + file if path.is_file } yield path.file.delete val relevant = relevant_db || del.nonEmpty val ok = del.forall(b => b) (relevant, ok) } /* SQL database content */ val xml_cache: XML.Cache = XML.make_cache() val xz_cache: XZ.Cache = XZ.make_cache() def read_bytes(db: SQL.Database, name: String, column: SQL.Column): Bytes = db.using_statement(Session_Info.table.select(List(column), Session_Info.session_name.where_equal(name)))(stmt => { val res = stmt.execute_query() if (!res.next()) Bytes.empty else res.bytes(column) }) def read_properties(db: SQL.Database, name: String, column: SQL.Column): List[Properties.T] = Properties.uncompress( read_bytes(db, name, column), cache = xz_cache, xml_cache = Some(xml_cache)) /* session info */ def init_session_info(db: SQL.Database, name: String) { db.transaction { db.create_table(Session_Info.table) db.using_statement( Session_Info.table.delete(Session_Info.session_name.where_equal(name)))(_.execute) db.create_table(Export.Data.table) db.using_statement( Export.Data.table.delete(Export.Data.session_name.where_equal(name)))(_.execute) } } def has_session_info(db: SQL.Database, name: String): Boolean = { db.transaction { db.tables.contains(Session_Info.table.name) && { db.using_statement( Session_Info.table.select(List(Session_Info.session_name), Session_Info.session_name.where_equal(name)))(stmt => stmt.execute_query().next()) } } } def write_session_info( db: SQL.Database, name: String, build_log: Build_Log.Session_Info, build: Build.Session_Info) { db.transaction { db.using_statement(Session_Info.table.insert())(stmt => { stmt.string(1) = name stmt.bytes(2) = Properties.encode(build_log.session_timing) stmt.bytes(3) = Properties.compress(build_log.command_timings, cache = xz_cache) stmt.bytes(4) = Properties.compress(build_log.theory_timings, cache = xz_cache) stmt.bytes(5) = Properties.compress(build_log.ml_statistics, cache = xz_cache) stmt.bytes(6) = Properties.compress(build_log.task_statistics, cache = xz_cache) stmt.bytes(7) = Build_Log.compress_errors(build_log.errors, cache = xz_cache) stmt.string(8) = build.sources stmt.string(9) = cat_lines(build.input_heaps) stmt.string(10) = build.output_heap getOrElse "" stmt.int(11) = build.return_code stmt.execute() }) } } def read_session_timing(db: SQL.Database, name: String): Properties.T = Properties.decode(read_bytes(db, name, Session_Info.session_timing), Some(xml_cache)) def read_command_timings(db: SQL.Database, name: String): List[Properties.T] = read_properties(db, name, Session_Info.command_timings) def read_theory_timings(db: SQL.Database, name: String): List[Properties.T] = read_properties(db, name, Session_Info.theory_timings) def read_ml_statistics(db: SQL.Database, name: String): List[Properties.T] = read_properties(db, name, Session_Info.ml_statistics) def read_task_statistics(db: SQL.Database, name: String): List[Properties.T] = read_properties(db, name, Session_Info.task_statistics) def read_errors(db: SQL.Database, name: String): List[String] = Build_Log.uncompress_errors(read_bytes(db, name, Session_Info.errors), cache = xz_cache) def read_build(db: SQL.Database, name: String): Option[Build.Session_Info] = { if (db.tables.contains(Session_Info.table.name)) { db.using_statement(Session_Info.table.select(Session_Info.build_columns, Session_Info.session_name.where_equal(name)))(stmt => { val res = stmt.execute_query() if (!res.next()) None else { Some( Build.Session_Info( res.string(Session_Info.sources), split_lines(res.string(Session_Info.input_heaps)), res.string(Session_Info.output_heap) match { case "" => None case s => Some(s) }, res.int(Session_Info.return_code))) } }) } else None } } }