/* Title: Pure/Admin/build_log.scala Author: Makarius Management of build log files and database storage. */ package isabelle import java.io.{File => JFile} import java.time.ZoneId import java.time.format.{DateTimeFormatter, DateTimeParseException} import java.util.Locale import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap import scala.collection.mutable import scala.util.matching.Regex object Build_Log { /** content **/ /* properties */ object Prop { val build_tags = SQL.Column.string("build_tags") // lines val build_args = SQL.Column.string("build_args") // lines val build_group_id = SQL.Column.string("build_group_id") val build_id = SQL.Column.string("build_id") val build_engine = SQL.Column.string("build_engine") val build_host = SQL.Column.string("build_host") val build_start = SQL.Column.date("build_start") val build_end = SQL.Column.date("build_end") val isabelle_version = SQL.Column.string("isabelle_version") val afp_version = SQL.Column.string("afp_version") val all_props: List[SQL.Column] = List(build_tags, build_args, build_group_id, build_id, build_engine, build_host, build_start, build_end, isabelle_version, afp_version) } /* settings */ object Settings { val ISABELLE_BUILD_OPTIONS = SQL.Column.string("ISABELLE_BUILD_OPTIONS") val ML_PLATFORM = SQL.Column.string("ML_PLATFORM") val ML_HOME = SQL.Column.string("ML_HOME") val ML_SYSTEM = SQL.Column.string("ML_SYSTEM") val ML_OPTIONS = SQL.Column.string("ML_OPTIONS") val ml_settings = List(ML_PLATFORM, ML_HOME, ML_SYSTEM, ML_OPTIONS) val all_settings = ISABELLE_BUILD_OPTIONS :: ml_settings type Entry = (String, String) type T = List[Entry] object Entry { def unapply(s: String): Option[Entry] = s.indexOf('=') match { case -1 => None case i => val a = s.substring(0, i) val b = Library.perhaps_unquote(s.substring(i + 1)) Some((a, b)) } def apply(a: String, b: String): String = a + "=" + quote(b) def getenv(a: String): String = apply(a, Isabelle_System.getenv(a)) } def show(): String = cat_lines( List(Entry.getenv(ISABELLE_BUILD_OPTIONS.name), "") ::: ml_settings.map(c => Entry.getenv(c.name))) } /* file names */ def log_date(date: Date): String = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s.%05d", DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd").format(date.rep), new java.lang.Long((date.time - date.midnight.time).ms / 1000)) def log_subdir(date: Date): Path = Path.explode("log") + Path.explode(date.rep.getYear.toString) def log_filename(engine: String, date: Date, more: List[String] = Nil): Path = Path.explode((engine :: log_date(date) :: more).mkString("", "_", ".log")) /** log file **/ def print_date(date: Date): String = Log_File.Date_Format(date) object Log_File { /* log file */ def plain_name(name: String): String = { List(".log", ".log.gz", ".log.xz", ".gz", ".xz").find(name.endsWith(_)) match { case Some(s) => Library.try_unsuffix(s, name).get case None => name } } def apply(name: String, lines: List[String]): Log_File = new Log_File(plain_name(name), lines) def apply(name: String, text: String): Log_File = Log_File(name, Library.trim_split_lines(text)) def apply(file: JFile): Log_File = { val name = file.getName val text = if (name.endsWith(".gz")) File.read_gzip(file) else if (name.endsWith(".xz")) File.read_xz(file) else File.read(file) apply(name, text) } def apply(path: Path): Log_File = apply(path.file) /* log file collections */ def is_log(file: JFile, prefixes: List[String] = List(Build_History.log_prefix, Identify.log_prefix, Identify.log_prefix2, Isatest.log_prefix, AFP_Test.log_prefix, Jenkins.log_prefix), suffixes: List[String] = List(".log", ".log.gz", ".log.xz")): Boolean = { val name = file.getName prefixes.exists(name.startsWith(_)) && suffixes.exists(name.endsWith(_)) && name != "isatest.log" && name != "afp-test.log" && name != "main.log" } def find_files(dirs: Iterable[Path]): List[JFile] = dirs.iterator.flatMap(dir => File.find_files(dir.file, is_log(_))).toList /* date format */ val Date_Format = { val fmts = Date.Formatter.variants( List("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss O yyyy", "EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss VV yyyy"), List(Locale.ENGLISH, Locale.GERMAN)) ::: List( DateTimeFormatter.RFC_1123_DATE_TIME, Date.Formatter.pattern("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss yyyy").withZone(ZoneId.of("Europe/Berlin"))) def tune_timezone(s: String): String = s match { case "CET" | "MET" => "GMT+1" case "CEST" | "MEST" => "GMT+2" case "EST" => "Europe/Berlin" case _ => s } def tune_weekday(s: String): String = s match { case "Die" => "Di" case "Mit" => "Mi" case "Don" => "Do" case "Fre" => "Fr" case "Sam" => "Sa" case "Son" => "So" case _ => s } def tune(s: String): String = Word.implode( Word.explode(s) match { case a :: "M\uFFFDr" :: bs => tune_weekday(a) :: "Mär" :: bs.map(tune_timezone(_)) case a :: bs => tune_weekday(a) :: bs.map(tune_timezone(_)) case Nil => Nil } ) Date.Format.make(fmts, tune) } /* inlined content */ def print_props(marker: String, props: Properties.T): String = marker + YXML.string_of_body(XML.Encode.properties(Properties.encode_lines(props))) } class Log_File private(val name: String, val lines: List[String]) { log_file => override def toString: String = name def text: String = cat_lines(lines) def err(msg: String): Nothing = error("Error in log file " + quote(name) + ": " + msg) /* date format */ object Strict_Date { def unapply(s: String): Some[Date] = try { Some(Log_File.Date_Format.parse(s)) } catch { case exn: DateTimeParseException => log_file.err(exn.getMessage) } } /* inlined content */ def find[A](f: String => Option[A]): Option[A] = lines.iterator.map(f).find(_.isDefined).map(_.get) def find_line(marker: String): Option[String] = find(Library.try_unprefix(marker, _)) def find_match(regexes: List[Regex]): Option[String] = regexes match { case Nil => None case regex :: rest => lines.iterator.map(regex.unapplySeq(_)).find(res => res.isDefined && res.get.length == 1). map(res => res.get.head) orElse find_match(rest) } /* settings */ def get_setting(a: String): Option[Settings.Entry] = lines.find(_.startsWith(a + "=")) match { case Some(line) => Settings.Entry.unapply(line) case None => None } def get_all_settings: Settings.T = for { c <- Settings.all_settings; entry <- get_setting(c.name) } yield entry /* properties (YXML) */ val xml_cache = XML.make_cache() def parse_props(text: String): Properties.T = try { xml_cache.props(Properties.decode_lines(XML.Decode.properties(YXML.parse_body(text)))) } catch { case _: XML.Error => log_file.err("malformed properties") } def filter_lines(marker: String): List[String] = for (line <- lines; s <- Library.try_unprefix(marker, line)) yield s def filter_props(marker: String): List[Properties.T] = for (s <- filter_lines(marker) if YXML.detect(s)) yield parse_props(s) def find_props(marker: String): Option[Properties.T] = find_line(marker) match { case Some(text) if YXML.detect(text) => Some(parse_props(text)) case _ => None } /* parse various formats */ def parse_meta_info(): Meta_Info = Build_Log.parse_meta_info(log_file) def parse_build_info(ml_statistics: Boolean = false): Build_Info = Build_Log.parse_build_info(log_file, ml_statistics) def parse_session_info( command_timings: Boolean = false, theory_timings: Boolean = false, ml_statistics: Boolean = false, task_statistics: Boolean = false): Session_Info = Build_Log.parse_session_info( log_file, command_timings, theory_timings, ml_statistics, task_statistics) } /** digested meta info: produced by Admin/build_history in log.xz file **/ object Meta_Info { val empty: Meta_Info = Meta_Info(Nil, Nil) } sealed case class Meta_Info(props: Properties.T, settings: Settings.T) { def is_empty: Boolean = props.isEmpty && settings.isEmpty def get(c: SQL.Column): Option[String] = Properties.get(props, c.name) orElse Properties.get(settings, c.name) def get_date(c: SQL.Column): Option[Date] = get(c).map(Log_File.Date_Format.parse(_)) } object Identify { val log_prefix = "isabelle_identify_" val log_prefix2 = "plain_identify_" def engine(log_file: Log_File): String = if (log_file.name.startsWith(Jenkins.log_prefix)) "jenkins_identify" else if (log_file.name.startsWith(log_prefix2)) "plain_identify" else "identify" def content(date: Date, isabelle_version: Option[String], afp_version: Option[String]): String = terminate_lines( List("isabelle_identify: " + Build_Log.print_date(date), "") ::: isabelle_version.map("Isabelle version: " + _).toList ::: afp_version.map("AFP version: " + _).toList) val Start = new Regex("""^isabelle_identify: (.+)$""") val No_End = new Regex("""$.""") val Isabelle_Version = List(new Regex("""^Isabelle version: (\S+)$""")) val AFP_Version = List(new Regex("""^AFP version: (\S+)$""")) } object Isatest { val log_prefix = "isatest-makeall-" val engine = "isatest" val Start = new Regex("""^------------------- starting test --- (.+) --- (.+)$""") val End = new Regex("""^------------------- test (?:successful|FAILED) --- (.+) --- .*$""") val Isabelle_Version = List(new Regex("""^Isabelle version: (\S+)$""")) } object AFP_Test { val log_prefix = "afp-test-devel-" val engine = "afp-test" val Start = new Regex("""^Start test(?: for .+)? at ([^,]+), (.*)$""") val Start_Old = new Regex("""^Start test(?: for .+)? at ([^,]+)$""") val End = new Regex("""^End test on (.+), .+, elapsed time:.*$""") val Isabelle_Version = List(new Regex("""^Isabelle version: .* -- hg id (\S+)$""")) val AFP_Version = List(new Regex("""^AFP version: .* -- hg id (\S+)$""")) val Bad_Init = new Regex("""^cp:.*: Disc quota exceeded$""") } object Jenkins { val log_prefix = "jenkins_" val engine = "jenkins" val Host = new Regex("""^Building remotely on (\S+) \((\S+)\).*$""") val Start = new Regex("""^(?:Started by an SCM change|Started from command line by admin|).*$""") val Start_Date = new Regex("""^Build started at (.+)$""") val No_End = new Regex("""$.""") val Isabelle_Version = List(new Regex("""^(?:Build for Isabelle id|Isabelle id) (\w+).*$"""), new Regex("""^ISABELLE_CI_REPO_ID="(\w+)".*$"""), new Regex("""^(\w{12}) tip.*$""")) val AFP_Version = List(new Regex("""^(?:Build for AFP id|AFP id) (\w+).*$"""), new Regex("""^ISABELLE_CI_AFP_ID="(\w+)".*$""")) val CONFIGURATION = "=== CONFIGURATION ===" val BUILD = "=== BUILD ===" } private def parse_meta_info(log_file: Log_File): Meta_Info = { def parse(engine: String, host: String, start: Date, End: Regex, Isabelle_Version: List[Regex], AFP_Version: List[Regex]): Meta_Info = { val build_id = { val prefix = proper_string(host) orElse proper_string(engine) getOrElse "build" prefix + ":" + start.time.ms } val build_engine = if (engine == "") Nil else List(Prop.build_engine.name -> engine) val build_host = if (host == "") Nil else List(Prop.build_host.name -> host) val start_date = List(Prop.build_start.name -> print_date(start)) val end_date = log_file.lines.last match { case End(log_file.Strict_Date(end_date)) => List(Prop.build_end.name -> print_date(end_date)) case _ => Nil } val isabelle_version = log_file.find_match(Isabelle_Version).map(Prop.isabelle_version.name -> _) val afp_version = log_file.find_match(AFP_Version).map(Prop.afp_version.name -> _) Meta_Info((Prop.build_id.name -> build_id) :: build_engine ::: build_host ::: start_date ::: end_date ::: isabelle_version.toList ::: afp_version.toList, log_file.get_all_settings) } log_file.lines match { case line :: _ if line.startsWith(Build_History.META_INFO_MARKER) => Meta_Info(log_file.find_props(Build_History.META_INFO_MARKER).get, log_file.get_all_settings) case Identify.Start(log_file.Strict_Date(start)) :: _ => parse(Identify.engine(log_file), "", start, Identify.No_End, Identify.Isabelle_Version, Identify.AFP_Version) case Isatest.Start(log_file.Strict_Date(start), host) :: _ => parse(Isatest.engine, host, start, Isatest.End, Isatest.Isabelle_Version, Nil) case AFP_Test.Start(log_file.Strict_Date(start), host) :: _ => parse(AFP_Test.engine, host, start, AFP_Test.End, AFP_Test.Isabelle_Version, AFP_Test.AFP_Version) case AFP_Test.Start_Old(log_file.Strict_Date(start)) :: _ => parse(AFP_Test.engine, "", start, AFP_Test.End, AFP_Test.Isabelle_Version, AFP_Test.AFP_Version) case Jenkins.Start() :: _ => log_file.lines.dropWhile(_ != Jenkins.BUILD) match { case Jenkins.BUILD :: _ :: Jenkins.Start_Date(log_file.Strict_Date(start)) :: _ => val host = log_file.lines.takeWhile(_ != Jenkins.CONFIGURATION).collectFirst({ case Jenkins.Host(a, b) => a + "." + b }).getOrElse("") parse(Jenkins.engine, host, start.to(ZoneId.of("Europe/Berlin")), Jenkins.No_End, Jenkins.Isabelle_Version, Jenkins.AFP_Version) case _ => Meta_Info.empty } case line :: _ if line.startsWith("\u0000") => Meta_Info.empty case List(Isatest.End(_)) => Meta_Info.empty case _ :: AFP_Test.Bad_Init() :: _ => Meta_Info.empty case Nil => Meta_Info.empty case _ => log_file.err("cannot detect log file format") } } /** build info: toplevel output of isabelle build or Admin/build_history **/ val THEORY_TIMING_MARKER = "\ftheory_timing = " val ML_STATISTICS_MARKER = "\fML_statistics = " val ERROR_MESSAGE_MARKER = "\ferror_message = " val SESSION_NAME = "session_name" object Session_Status extends Enumeration { val existing, finished, failed, cancelled = Value } sealed case class Session_Entry( chapter: String = "", groups: List[String] = Nil, threads: Option[Int] = None, timing: Timing = Timing.zero, ml_timing: Timing = Timing.zero, sources: Option[String] = None, heap_size: Option[Long] = None, status: Option[Session_Status.Value] = None, errors: List[String] = Nil, theory_timings: Map[String, Timing] = Map.empty, ml_statistics: List[Properties.T] = Nil) { def proper_groups: Option[String] = if (groups.isEmpty) None else Some(cat_lines(groups)) def finished: Boolean = status == Some(Session_Status.finished) def failed: Boolean = status == Some(Session_Status.failed) } object Build_Info { val sessions_dummy: Map[String, Session_Entry] = Map("" -> Session_Entry(theory_timings = Map("" -> Timing.zero))) } sealed case class Build_Info(sessions: Map[String, Session_Entry]) { def finished_sessions: List[String] = for ((a, b) <- sessions.toList if b.finished) yield a def failed_sessions: List[String] = for ((a, b) <- sessions.toList if b.failed) yield a } private def parse_build_info(log_file: Log_File, parse_ml_statistics: Boolean): Build_Info = { object Chapter_Name { def unapply(s: String): Some[(String, String)] = space_explode('/', s) match { case List(chapter, name) => Some((chapter, name)) case _ => Some(("", s)) } } val Session_No_Groups = new Regex("""^Session (\S+)$""") val Session_Groups = new Regex("""^Session (\S+) \((.*)\)$""") val Session_Finished1 = new Regex("""^Finished (\S+) \((\d+):(\d+):(\d+) elapsed time, (\d+):(\d+):(\d+) cpu time.*$""") val Session_Finished2 = new Regex("""^Finished (\S+) \((\d+):(\d+):(\d+) elapsed time.*$""") val Session_Timing = new Regex("""^Timing (\S+) \((\d+) threads, (\d+\.\d+)s elapsed time, (\d+\.\d+)s cpu time, (\d+\.\d+)s GC time.*$""") val Session_Started = new Regex("""^(?:Running|Building) (\S+) \.\.\.$""") val Session_Failed = new Regex("""^(\S+) FAILED""") val Session_Cancelled = new Regex("""^(\S+) CANCELLED""") val Sources = new Regex("""^Sources (\S+) (\S{""" + SHA1.digest_length + """})$""") val Heap = new Regex("""^Heap (\S+) \((\d+) bytes\)$""") object Theory_Timing { def unapply(line: String): Option[(String, (String, Timing))] = { val line1 = line.replace('~', '-') Library.try_unprefix(THEORY_TIMING_MARKER, line1).map(log_file.parse_props(_)) match { case Some((SESSION_NAME, name) :: props) => (props, props) match { case (Markup.Name(thy), Markup.Timing_Properties(t)) => Some((name, thy -> t)) case _ => None } case _ => None } } } var chapter = Map.empty[String, String] var groups = Map.empty[String, List[String]] var threads = Map.empty[String, Int] var timing = Map.empty[String, Timing] var ml_timing = Map.empty[String, Timing] var started = Set.empty[String] var failed = Set.empty[String] var cancelled = Set.empty[String] var sources = Map.empty[String, String] var heap_sizes = Map.empty[String, Long] var theory_timings = Map.empty[String, Map[String, Timing]] var ml_statistics = Map.empty[String, List[Properties.T]] var errors = Map.empty[String, List[String]] def all_sessions: Set[String] = chapter.keySet ++ groups.keySet ++ threads.keySet ++ timing.keySet ++ ml_timing.keySet ++ failed ++ cancelled ++ started ++ sources.keySet ++ heap_sizes.keySet ++ theory_timings.keySet ++ ml_statistics.keySet for (line <- log_file.lines) { line match { case Session_No_Groups(Chapter_Name(chapt, name)) => chapter += (name -> chapt) groups += (name -> Nil) case Session_Groups(Chapter_Name(chapt, name), grps) => chapter += (name -> chapt) groups += (name -> Word.explode(grps)) case Session_Started(name) => started += name case Session_Finished1(name, Value.Int(e1), Value.Int(e2), Value.Int(e3), Value.Int(c1), Value.Int(c2), Value.Int(c3)) => val elapsed = Time.hms(e1, e2, e3) val cpu = Time.hms(c1, c2, c3) timing += (name -> Timing(elapsed, cpu, Time.zero)) case Session_Finished2(name, Value.Int(e1), Value.Int(e2), Value.Int(e3)) => val elapsed = Time.hms(e1, e2, e3) timing += (name -> Timing(elapsed, Time.zero, Time.zero)) case Session_Timing(name, Value.Int(t), Value.Double(e), Value.Double(c), Value.Double(g)) => val elapsed = Time.seconds(e) val cpu = Time.seconds(c) val gc = Time.seconds(g) ml_timing += (name -> Timing(elapsed, cpu, gc)) threads += (name -> t) case Sources(name, s) => sources += (name -> s) case Heap(name, Value.Long(size)) => heap_sizes += (name -> size) case _ if line.startsWith(THEORY_TIMING_MARKER) && YXML.detect(line) => line match { case Theory_Timing(name, theory_timing) => theory_timings += (name -> (theory_timings.getOrElse(name, Map.empty) + theory_timing)) case _ => log_file.err("malformed theory_timing " + quote(line)) } case _ if parse_ml_statistics && line.startsWith(ML_STATISTICS_MARKER) && YXML.detect(line) => Library.try_unprefix(ML_STATISTICS_MARKER, line).map(log_file.parse_props(_)) match { case Some((SESSION_NAME, name) :: props) => ml_statistics += (name -> (props :: ml_statistics.getOrElse(name, Nil))) case _ => log_file.err("malformed ML_statistics " + quote(line)) } case _ if line.startsWith(ERROR_MESSAGE_MARKER) && YXML.detect(line) => Library.try_unprefix(ERROR_MESSAGE_MARKER, line).map(log_file.parse_props(_)) match { case Some(List((SESSION_NAME, name), (Markup.CONTENT, msg))) => errors += (name -> (Library.decode_lines(msg) :: errors.getOrElse(name, Nil))) case _ => log_file.err("malformed error message " + quote(line)) } case _ => } } val sessions = Map( (for (name <- all_sessions.toList) yield { val status = if (failed(name)) Session_Status.failed else if (cancelled(name)) Session_Status.cancelled else if (timing.isDefinedAt(name) || ml_timing.isDefinedAt(name)) Session_Status.finished else if (started(name)) Session_Status.failed else Session_Status.existing val entry = Session_Entry( chapter = chapter.getOrElse(name, ""), groups = groups.getOrElse(name, Nil), threads = threads.get(name), timing = timing.getOrElse(name, Timing.zero), ml_timing = ml_timing.getOrElse(name, Timing.zero), sources = sources.get(name), heap_size = heap_sizes.get(name), status = Some(status), errors = errors.getOrElse(name, Nil).reverse, theory_timings = theory_timings.getOrElse(name, Map.empty), ml_statistics = ml_statistics.getOrElse(name, Nil).reverse) (name -> entry) }):_*) Build_Info(sessions) } /** session info: produced by isabelle build as session log.gz file **/ sealed case class Session_Info( session_timing: Properties.T, command_timings: List[Properties.T], theory_timings: List[Properties.T], ml_statistics: List[Properties.T], task_statistics: List[Properties.T], errors: List[String]) { def error(s: String): Session_Info = copy(errors = errors ::: List(s)) } private def parse_session_info( log_file: Log_File, command_timings: Boolean, theory_timings: Boolean, ml_statistics: Boolean, task_statistics: Boolean): Session_Info = { Session_Info( session_timing = log_file.find_props("\fTiming = ") getOrElse Nil, command_timings = if (command_timings) log_file.filter_props("\fcommand_timing = ") else Nil, theory_timings = if (theory_timings) log_file.filter_props(THEORY_TIMING_MARKER) else Nil, ml_statistics = if (ml_statistics) log_file.filter_props(ML_STATISTICS_MARKER) else Nil, task_statistics = if (task_statistics) log_file.filter_props("\ftask_statistics = ") else Nil, errors = log_file.filter_lines(ERROR_MESSAGE_MARKER).map(Library.decode_lines(_))) } def compress_errors(errors: List[String], cache: XZ.Cache = XZ.cache()): Option[Bytes] = if (errors.isEmpty) None else { Some(Bytes(YXML.string_of_body(XML.Encode.list(XML.Encode.string)(errors))). compress(cache = cache)) } def uncompress_errors(bytes: Bytes, cache: XZ.Cache = XZ.cache()): List[String] = if (bytes.isEmpty) Nil else { XML.Decode.list(YXML.string_of_body(_))(YXML.parse_body(bytes.uncompress(cache = cache).text)) } /** persistent store **/ /* SQL data model */ object Data { def build_log_table(name: String, columns: List[SQL.Column], body: String = ""): SQL.Table = SQL.Table("isabelle_build_log_" + name, columns, body) /* main content */ val log_name = SQL.Column.string("log_name").make_primary_key val session_name = SQL.Column.string("session_name").make_primary_key val theory_name = SQL.Column.string("theory_name").make_primary_key val chapter = SQL.Column.string("chapter") val groups = SQL.Column.string("groups") val threads = SQL.Column.int("threads") val timing_elapsed = SQL.Column.long("timing_elapsed") val timing_cpu = SQL.Column.long("timing_cpu") val timing_gc = SQL.Column.long("timing_gc") val timing_factor = SQL.Column.double("timing_factor") val ml_timing_elapsed = SQL.Column.long("ml_timing_elapsed") val ml_timing_cpu = SQL.Column.long("ml_timing_cpu") val ml_timing_gc = SQL.Column.long("ml_timing_gc") val ml_timing_factor = SQL.Column.double("ml_timing_factor") val theory_timing_elapsed = SQL.Column.long("theory_timing_elapsed") val theory_timing_cpu = SQL.Column.long("theory_timing_cpu") val theory_timing_gc = SQL.Column.long("theory_timing_gc") val heap_size = SQL.Column.long("heap_size") val status = SQL.Column.string("status") val errors = SQL.Column.bytes("errors") val sources = SQL.Column.string("sources") val ml_statistics = SQL.Column.bytes("ml_statistics") val known = SQL.Column.bool("known") val meta_info_table = build_log_table("meta_info", log_name :: Prop.all_props ::: Settings.all_settings) val sessions_table = build_log_table("sessions", List(log_name, session_name, chapter, groups, threads, timing_elapsed, timing_cpu, timing_gc, timing_factor, ml_timing_elapsed, ml_timing_cpu, ml_timing_gc, ml_timing_factor, heap_size, status, errors, sources)) val theories_table = build_log_table("theories", List(log_name, session_name, theory_name, theory_timing_elapsed, theory_timing_cpu, theory_timing_gc)) val ml_statistics_table = build_log_table("ml_statistics", List(log_name, session_name, ml_statistics)) /* AFP versions */ val isabelle_afp_versions_table: SQL.Table = { val version1 = Prop.isabelle_version val version2 = Prop.afp_version build_log_table("isabelle_afp_versions", List(version1.make_primary_key, version2), SQL.select(List(version1, version2), distinct = true) + meta_info_table + " WHERE " + version1.defined + " AND " + version2.defined) } /* earliest pull date for repository version (PostgreSQL queries) */ def pull_date(afp: Boolean = false) = if (afp) SQL.Column.date("afp_pull_date") else SQL.Column.date("pull_date") def pull_date_table(afp: Boolean = false): SQL.Table = { val (name, versions) = if (afp) ("afp_pull_date", List(Prop.isabelle_version, Prop.afp_version)) else ("pull_date", List(Prop.isabelle_version)) build_log_table(name, versions.map(_.make_primary_key) ::: List(pull_date(afp)), "SELECT " + versions.mkString(", ") + ", min(" + Prop.build_start + ") AS " + pull_date(afp) + " FROM " + meta_info_table + " WHERE " + (versions ::: List(Prop.build_start)).map(_.defined).mkString(" AND ") + " GROUP BY " + versions.mkString(", ")) } /* recent entries */ def recent_time(days: Int): SQL.Source = "now() - INTERVAL '" + days.max(0) + " days'" def recent_pull_date_table( days: Int, rev: String = "", afp_rev: Option[String] = None): SQL.Table = { val afp = afp_rev.isDefined val rev2 = afp_rev.getOrElse("") val table = pull_date_table(afp) val version1 = Prop.isabelle_version val version2 = Prop.afp_version val eq1 = version1(table) + " = " + SQL.string(rev) val eq2 = version2(table) + " = " + SQL.string(rev2) SQL.Table("recent_pull_date", table.columns, table.select(table.columns, "WHERE " + pull_date(afp)(table) + " > " + recent_time(days) + (if (rev != "" && rev2 == "") " OR " + eq1 else if (rev == "" && rev2 != "") " OR " + eq2 else if (rev != "" && rev2 != "") " OR (" + eq1 + " AND " + eq2 + ")" else ""))) } def select_recent_log_names(days: Int): SQL.Source = { val table1 = meta_info_table val table2 = recent_pull_date_table(days) table1.select(List(log_name), distinct = true) + SQL.join_inner + table2.query_named + " ON " + Prop.isabelle_version(table1) + " = " + Prop.isabelle_version(table2) } def select_recent_versions(days: Int, rev: String = "", afp_rev: Option[String] = None, sql: SQL.Source = ""): SQL.Source = { val afp = afp_rev.isDefined val version = Prop.isabelle_version val table1 = recent_pull_date_table(days, rev = rev, afp_rev = afp_rev) val table2 = meta_info_table val aux_table = SQL.Table("aux", table2.columns, table2.select(sql = sql)) val columns = table1.columns.map(c => c(table1)) ::: List(known.copy(expr = log_name(aux_table).defined)) SQL.select(columns, distinct = true) + table1.query_named + SQL.join_outer + aux_table.query_named + " ON " + version(table1) + " = " + version(aux_table) + " ORDER BY " + pull_date(afp)(table1) + " DESC" } /* universal view on main data */ val universal_table: SQL.Table = { val afp_pull_date = pull_date(afp = true) val version1 = Prop.isabelle_version val version2 = Prop.afp_version val table1 = meta_info_table val table2 = pull_date_table(afp = true) val table3 = pull_date_table() val a_columns = log_name :: afp_pull_date :: table1.columns.tail val a_table = SQL.Table("a", a_columns, SQL.select(List(log_name, afp_pull_date) ::: table1.columns.tail.map(_.apply(table1))) + table1 + SQL.join_outer + table2 + " ON " + version1(table1) + " = " + version1(table2) + " AND " + version2(table1) + " = " + version2(table2)) val b_columns = log_name :: pull_date() :: a_columns.tail val b_table = SQL.Table("b", b_columns, SQL.select( List(log_name(a_table), pull_date()(table3)) ::: a_columns.tail.map(_.apply(a_table))) + a_table.query_named + SQL.join_outer + table3 + " ON " + version1(a_table) + " = " + version1(table3)) val c_columns = b_columns ::: sessions_table.columns.tail val c_table = SQL.Table("c", c_columns, SQL.select(log_name(b_table) :: c_columns.tail) + b_table.query_named + SQL.join_inner + sessions_table + " ON " + log_name(b_table) + " = " + log_name(sessions_table)) SQL.Table("isabelle_build_log", c_columns ::: List(ml_statistics), { SQL.select(c_columns.map(_.apply(c_table)) ::: List(ml_statistics)) + c_table.query_named + SQL.join_outer + ml_statistics_table + " ON " + log_name(c_table) + " = " + log_name(ml_statistics_table) + " AND " + session_name(c_table) + " = " + session_name(ml_statistics_table) }) } } /* database access */ def store(options: Options): Store = new Store(options) class Store private[Build_Log](options: Options) { val xml_cache: XML.Cache = XML.make_cache() val xz_cache: XZ.Cache = XZ.make_cache() def open_database( user: String = options.string("build_log_database_user"), password: String = options.string("build_log_database_password"), database: String = options.string("build_log_database_name"), host: String = options.string("build_log_database_host"), port: Int = options.int("build_log_database_port"), ssh_host: String = options.string("build_log_ssh_host"), ssh_user: String = options.string("build_log_ssh_user"), ssh_port: Int = options.int("build_log_ssh_port")): PostgreSQL.Database = { PostgreSQL.open_database( user = user, password = password, database = database, host = host, port = port, ssh = if (ssh_host == "") None else Some(SSH.open_session(options, host = ssh_host, user = ssh_user, port = port)), ssh_close = true) } def update_database(db: PostgreSQL.Database, dirs: List[Path], ml_statistics: Boolean = false) { write_info(db, Log_File.find_files(dirs), ml_statistics = ml_statistics) db.create_view(Data.pull_date_table()) db.create_view(Data.pull_date_table(afp = true)) db.create_view(Data.universal_table) } def snapshot_database(db: PostgreSQL.Database, sqlite_database: Path, days: Int = 100, ml_statistics: Boolean = false) { Isabelle_System.mkdirs(sqlite_database.dir) sqlite_database.file.delete using(SQLite.open_database(sqlite_database))(db2 => { db.transaction { db2.transaction { // main content db2.create_table(Data.meta_info_table) db2.create_table(Data.sessions_table) db2.create_table(Data.theories_table) db2.create_table(Data.ml_statistics_table) val recent_log_names = db.using_statement(Data.select_recent_log_names(days))(stmt => stmt.execute_query().iterator(_.string(Data.log_name)).toList) for (log_name <- recent_log_names) { read_meta_info(db, log_name).foreach(meta_info => update_meta_info(db2, log_name, meta_info)) update_sessions(db2, log_name, read_build_info(db, log_name)) if (ml_statistics) { update_ml_statistics(db2, log_name, read_build_info(db, log_name, ml_statistics = true)) } } // pull_date for (afp <- List(false, true)) { val afp_rev = if (afp) Some("") else None val table = Data.pull_date_table(afp) db2.create_table(table) db2.using_statement(table.insert())(stmt2 => { db.using_statement( Data.recent_pull_date_table(days, afp_rev = afp_rev).query)(stmt => { val res = stmt.execute_query() while (res.next()) { for ((c, i) <- table.columns.zipWithIndex) { stmt2.string(i + 1) = res.get_string(c) } stmt2.execute() } }) }) } // full view db2.create_view(Data.universal_table) } } db2.rebuild }) } def domain(db: SQL.Database, table: SQL.Table, column: SQL.Column): Set[String] = db.using_statement(table.select(List(column), distinct = true))(stmt => stmt.execute_query().iterator(_.string(column)).toSet) def update_meta_info(db: SQL.Database, log_name: String, meta_info: Meta_Info) { val table = Data.meta_info_table db.using_statement(db.insert_permissive(table))(stmt => { stmt.string(1) = log_name for ((c, i) <- table.columns.tail.zipWithIndex) { if (c.T == SQL.Type.Date) stmt.date(i + 2) = meta_info.get_date(c) else stmt.string(i + 2) = meta_info.get(c) } stmt.execute() }) } def update_sessions(db: SQL.Database, log_name: String, build_info: Build_Info) { val table = Data.sessions_table db.using_statement(db.insert_permissive(table))(stmt => { val sessions = if (build_info.sessions.isEmpty) Build_Info.sessions_dummy else build_info.sessions for ((session_name, session) <- sessions) { stmt.string(1) = log_name stmt.string(2) = session_name stmt.string(3) = proper_string(session.chapter) stmt.string(4) = session.proper_groups stmt.int(5) = session.threads stmt.long(6) = session.timing.elapsed.proper_ms stmt.long(7) = session.timing.cpu.proper_ms stmt.long(8) = session.timing.gc.proper_ms stmt.double(9) = session.timing.factor stmt.long(10) = session.ml_timing.elapsed.proper_ms stmt.long(11) = session.ml_timing.cpu.proper_ms stmt.long(12) = session.ml_timing.gc.proper_ms stmt.double(13) = session.ml_timing.factor stmt.long(14) = session.heap_size stmt.string(15) = session.status.map(_.toString) stmt.bytes(16) = compress_errors(session.errors, cache = xz_cache) stmt.string(17) = session.sources stmt.execute() } }) } def update_theories(db: SQL.Database, log_name: String, build_info: Build_Info) { val table = Data.theories_table db.using_statement(db.insert_permissive(table))(stmt => { val sessions = if (build_info.sessions.forall({ case (_, session) => session.theory_timings.isEmpty })) Build_Info.sessions_dummy else build_info.sessions for { (session_name, session) <- sessions (theory_name, timing) <- session.theory_timings } { stmt.string(1) = log_name stmt.string(2) = session_name stmt.string(3) = theory_name stmt.long(4) = timing.elapsed.ms stmt.long(5) = timing.cpu.ms stmt.long(6) = timing.gc.ms stmt.execute() } }) } def update_ml_statistics(db: SQL.Database, log_name: String, build_info: Build_Info) { val table = Data.ml_statistics_table db.using_statement(db.insert_permissive(table))(stmt => { val ml_stats: List[(String, Option[Bytes])] = Par_List.map[(String, Session_Entry), (String, Option[Bytes])]( { case (a, b) => (a, Properties.compress(b.ml_statistics, cache = xz_cache).proper) }, build_info.sessions.iterator.filter(p => p._2.ml_statistics.nonEmpty).toList) val entries = if (ml_stats.nonEmpty) ml_stats else List("" -> None) for ((session_name, ml_statistics) <- entries) { stmt.string(1) = log_name stmt.string(2) = session_name stmt.bytes(3) = ml_statistics stmt.execute() } }) } def write_info(db: SQL.Database, files: List[JFile], ml_statistics: Boolean = false) { abstract class Table_Status(table: SQL.Table) { db.create_table(table) private var known: Set[String] = domain(db, table, Data.log_name) def required(file: JFile): Boolean = !known(Log_File.plain_name(file.getName)) def update_db(db: SQL.Database, log_file: Log_File): Unit def update(log_file: Log_File) { if (!known(log_file.name)) { update_db(db, log_file) known += log_file.name } } } val status = List( new Table_Status(Data.meta_info_table) { override def update_db(db: SQL.Database, log_file: Log_File): Unit = update_meta_info(db, log_file.name, log_file.parse_meta_info()) }, new Table_Status(Data.sessions_table) { override def update_db(db: SQL.Database, log_file: Log_File): Unit = update_sessions(db, log_file.name, log_file.parse_build_info()) }, new Table_Status(Data.theories_table) { override def update_db(db: SQL.Database, log_file: Log_File): Unit = update_theories(db, log_file.name, log_file.parse_build_info()) }, new Table_Status(Data.ml_statistics_table) { override def update_db(db: SQL.Database, log_file: Log_File): Unit = if (ml_statistics) { update_ml_statistics(db, log_file.name, log_file.parse_build_info(ml_statistics = true)) } }) for (file_group <- files.filter(file => status.exists(_.required(file))). grouped(options.int("build_log_transaction_size") max 1)) { val log_files = Par_List.map[JFile, Log_File](Log_File.apply _, file_group) db.transaction { log_files.foreach(log_file => status.foreach(_.update(log_file))) } } } def read_meta_info(db: SQL.Database, log_name: String): Option[Meta_Info] = { val table = Data.meta_info_table val columns = table.columns.tail db.using_statement(table.select(columns, Data.log_name.where_equal(log_name)))(stmt => { val res = stmt.execute_query() if (!res.next) None else { val results = columns.map(c => c.name -> (if (c.T == SQL.Type.Date) res.get_date(c).map(Log_File.Date_Format(_)) else res.get_string(c))) val n = Prop.all_props.length val props = for ((x, Some(y)) <- results.take(n)) yield (x, y) val settings = for ((x, Some(y)) <- results.drop(n)) yield (x, y) Some(Meta_Info(props, settings)) } }) } def read_build_info( db: SQL.Database, log_name: String, session_names: List[String] = Nil, ml_statistics: Boolean = false): Build_Info = { val table1 = Data.sessions_table val table2 = Data.ml_statistics_table val where_log_name = Data.log_name(table1).where_equal(log_name) + " AND " + Data.session_name(table1) + " <> ''" val where = if (session_names.isEmpty) where_log_name else where_log_name + " AND " + SQL.member(Data.session_name(table1).ident, session_names) val columns1 = table1.columns.tail.map(_.apply(table1)) val (columns, from) = if (ml_statistics) { val columns = columns1 ::: List(Data.ml_statistics(table2)) val join = table1 + SQL.join_outer + table2 + " ON " + Data.log_name(table1) + " = " + Data.log_name(table2) + " AND " + Data.session_name(table1) + " = " + Data.session_name(table2) (columns, SQL.enclose(join)) } else (columns1, table1.ident) val sessions = db.using_statement(SQL.select(columns) + from + " " + where)(stmt => { stmt.execute_query().iterator(res => { val session_name = res.string(Data.session_name) val session_entry = Session_Entry( chapter = res.string(Data.chapter), groups = split_lines(res.string(Data.groups)), threads = res.get_int(Data.threads), timing = res.timing(Data.timing_elapsed, Data.timing_cpu, Data.timing_gc), ml_timing = res.timing(Data.ml_timing_elapsed, Data.ml_timing_cpu, Data.ml_timing_gc), sources = res.get_string(Data.sources), heap_size = res.get_long(Data.heap_size), status = res.get_string(Data.status).map(Session_Status.withName(_)), errors = uncompress_errors(res.bytes(Data.errors), cache = xz_cache), ml_statistics = if (ml_statistics) { Properties.uncompress( res.bytes(Data.ml_statistics), cache = xz_cache, Some(xml_cache)) } else Nil) session_name -> session_entry }).toMap }) Build_Info(sessions) } } }