import check,search,problem,syntax,solver,logic,rep_graph,re from rep_graph import vc_num, vc_offs, pc_true_hyp, Hyp, eq_hyp from target_objects import functions, trace from check import restr_others,split_visit_one_visit from problem import inline_at_point from syntax import mk_not, true_term, false_term, mk_implies, Expr, Type, unspecified_precond_term,mk_and from rep_graph import mk_graph_slice, VisitCount, to_smt_expr from search import eval_model_expr import target_objects import trace_refute import stack_logic import time #tryFun must take exactly 1 argument def downBinSearch(minimum, maximum, tryFun): upperBound = maximum lowerBound = minimum while upperBound > lowerBound: print 'searching in %d - %d' % (lowerBound,upperBound) cur = (lowerBound + upperBound) / 2 if tryFun(cur): upperBound = cur else: lowerBound = cur + 1 assert upperBound == lowerBound ret = lowerBound return ret def upDownBinSearch (minimum, maximum, tryFun): """performs a binary search between minimum and maximum, but does not start in the middle. instead it does a binary escalation up from the minimum first. this makes sense for ranges e.g. 2 - 1000000 where the bound is likely to be near the bottom of the range. it also avoids testing values more than twice as high as the bound, which may avoid some issues.""" upperBound = 2 * minimum while upperBound < maximum: if tryFun (upperBound): return downBinSearch (minimum, upperBound, tryFun) else: upperBound *= 2 if tryFun (maximum): return downBinSearch (minimum, maximum, tryFun) else: return None def addr_of_node (preds, n): while not trace_refute.is_addr (n): [n] = preds[n] return n def all_asm_functions (): ss = stack_logic.get_functions_with_tag ('ASM') return [s for s in ss if not stack_logic.is_instruction (s)] call_site_set = {} def build_call_site_set (): for f in all_asm_functions (): preds = logic.compute_preds (functions[f].nodes) for (n, node) in functions[f].nodes.iteritems (): if node.kind == 'Call': s = call_site_set.setdefault (node.fname, set ()) s.add (addr_of_node (preds, n)) call_site_set[('IsLoaded', None)] = True def all_call_sites (f): if not call_site_set: build_call_site_set () return list (call_site_set.get (f, [])) #naive binary search to find loop bounds def findLoopBoundBS(p_n, p, restrs=None, hyps=None, try_seq=None): if hyps == None: hyps = [] #print 'restrs: %s' % str(restrs) if try_seq == None: #bound_try_seq = [1,2,3,4,5,10,50,130,200,260] #bound_try_seq = [0,1,2,3,4,5,10,50,260] calls = [n for n in p.loop_body (p_n) if p.nodes[n].kind == 'Call'] if calls: bound_try_seq = [0,1,20] else: bound_try_seq = [0,1,20,34] else: bound_try_seq = try_seq rep = mk_graph_slice (p, fast = True) #get the head #print 'Binary addr: %s' % toHexs(self.toPhyAddrs(p_loop_heads)) loop_bound = None p_loop_heads = [n for n in p.loop_data if p.loop_data[n][0] == 'Head'] print 'p_loop_heads: %s' % p_loop_heads if restrs == None: others = [x for x in p_loop_heads if not x == p_n] #vc_options([concrete numbers], [offsets]) restrs = tuple( [(n2, rep_graph.vc_options([0],[1])) for n2 in others] ) print 'getting the initial bound' #try: index = tryLoopBound(p_n,p,bound_try_seq,rep,restrs = restrs, hyps=hyps) if index == -1: return None print 'got the initial bound %d' % bound_try_seq[index] #do a downward binary search to find the concrete loop bound if index == 0: loop_bound = bound_try_seq[0] print 'bound = %d' % loop_bound return loop_bound loop_bound = downBinSearch(bound_try_seq[index-1], bound_try_seq[index], lambda x: tryLoopBound(p_n,p,[x],rep,restrs=restrs, hyps=hyps, bin_return=True)) print 'bound = %d' % loop_bound return loop_bound def default_n_vc_cases (p, n): head = p.loop_id (n) general = [(n2, rep_graph.vc_options ([0], [1])) for n2 in p.loop_heads () if n2 != head] if head: return [(n, tuple (general + [(head, rep_graph.vc_num (1))])), (n, tuple (general + [(head, rep_graph.vc_offs (1))]))] specific = [(head, rep_graph.vc_offs (1)) for _ in [1] if head] return [(n, tuple (general + specific))] def callNodes(p, fs= None): ns = [n for n in p.nodes if p.nodes[n].kind == 'Call'] if fs != None: ns = [n for n in ns if p.nodes[n].fname in fs] return ns def noHaltHyps(split,p): ret = [] all_halts = callNodes(p,fs=['halt']) for x in all_halts: ret += [rep_graph.pc_false_hyp((n_vc, p.node_tags[x][0])) for n_vc in default_n_vc_cases (p, x)] return ret def tryLoopBound(p_n, p, bounds,rep,restrs =None, hints =None,kind = 'Number',bin_return = False,hyps = None): if restrs == None: restrs = () if hints == None: hints = [] if hyps == None: hyps = [] tag = p.node_tags[p_n][0] from stack_logic import default_n_vc print 'trying bound: %s' % bounds ret_bounds = [] for (index,i) in enumerate(bounds): print 'testing %d' % i restrs2 = restrs + ((p_n, VisitCount (kind, i)), ) try: pc = rep.get_pc ((p_n, restrs2)) except: print 'get_pc failed' if bin_return: return False else: return -1 #print 'got rep_.get_pc' restrs3 = restr_others (p, restrs2, 2) epc = rep.get_pc (('Err', restrs3), tag = tag) hyp = mk_implies (mk_not (epc), mk_not (pc)) hyps = hyps + noHaltHyps(p_n,p) #hyps = [] #print 'calling test_hyp_whyps' if rep.test_hyp_whyps (hyp, hyps): print 'p_n %d: split limit found: %d' % (p_n, i) if bin_return: return True return index if bin_return: return False print 'loop bound not found!' return -1 assert False, 'failed to find loop bound for p_n %d' % p_n def get_linear_series_eqs (p, split, restrs, hyps, omit_standard = False): k = ('linear_series_eqs', split, restrs, tuple (hyps)) if k in p.cached_analysis: if omit_standard: standard = set (search.mk_seq_eqs (p, split, 1, with_rodata = False)) return set (p.cached_analysis[k]) - standard return p.cached_analysis[k] cands = search.mk_seq_eqs (p, split, 1, with_rodata = False) cands += candidate_additional_eqs (p, split) (tag, _) = p.node_tags[split] rep = rep_graph.mk_graph_slice (p, fast = True) def do_checks (eqs_assume, eqs): checks = (check.single_loop_induct_step_checks (p, restrs, hyps, tag, split, 1, eqs, eqs_assume = eqs_assume) + check.single_loop_induct_base_checks (p, restrs, hyps, tag, split, 1, eqs)) groups = check.proof_check_groups (checks) for group in groups: (res, _) = check.test_hyp_group (rep, group) if not res: return False return True eqs = [] failed = [] while cands: cand = cands.pop () if do_checks (eqs, [cand]): eqs.append (cand) failed.reverse () cands = failed + cands failed = [] else: failed.append (cand) assert do_checks ([], eqs) p.cached_analysis[k] = eqs if omit_standard: standard = set (search.mk_seq_eqs (p, split, 1, with_rodata = False)) return set (eqs) - standard return eqs def get_linear_series_hyps (p, split, restrs, hyps): eqs = get_linear_series_eqs (p, split, restrs, hyps) (tag, _) = p.node_tags[split] hyps = [h for (h, _) in linear_eq_hyps_at_visit (tag, split, eqs, restrs, vc_offs (0))] return hyps def is_zero (expr): return expr.kind == 'Num' and expr.val & ((1 << expr.typ.num) - 1) == 0 def candidate_additional_eqs (p, split): eq_vals = set () def visitor (expr): if expr.is_op ('Equals') and expr.vals[0].typ.kind == 'Word': [x, y] = expr.vals eq_vals.update ([(x, y), (y, x)]) for n in p.loop_body (split): p.nodes[n].visit (lambda x: (), visitor) for (x, y) in list (eq_vals): if is_zero (x) and y.is_op ('Plus'): [x, y] = y.vals eq_vals.add ((x, syntax.mk_uminus (y))) eq_vals.add ((y, syntax.mk_uminus (x))) elif is_zero (x) and y.is_op ('Minus'): [x, y] = y.vals eq_vals.add ((x, y)) eq_vals.add ((y, x)) loop = syntax.mk_var ('%i', syntax.word32T) minus_loop_step = syntax.mk_uminus (loop) vas = search.get_loop_var_analysis_at(p, split) ls_vas = dict ([(var, [data]) for (var, data) in vas if data[0] == 'LoopLinearSeries']) cmp_series = [(x, y, rew, offs) for (x, y) in eq_vals for (_, rew, offs) in ls_vas.get (x, [])] odd_eqs = [] for (x, y, rew, offs) in cmp_series: x_init_cmp1 = syntax.mk_less_eq (x, rew (x, minus_loop_step)) x_init_cmp2 = syntax.mk_less_eq (rew (x, minus_loop_step), x) fin_cmp1 = syntax.mk_less (x, y) fin_cmp2 = syntax.mk_less (y, x) odd_eqs.append (syntax.mk_eq (x_init_cmp1, fin_cmp1)) odd_eqs.append (syntax.mk_eq (x_init_cmp2, fin_cmp1)) odd_eqs.append (syntax.mk_eq (x_init_cmp1, fin_cmp2)) odd_eqs.append (syntax.mk_eq (x_init_cmp2, fin_cmp2)) ass_eqs = [] var_deps = p.compute_var_dependencies () for hook in target_objects.hooks ('extra_wcet_assertions'): for assn in hook (var_deps[split]): ass_eqs.append (assn) return odd_eqs + ass_eqs extra_loop_consts = [2 ** 16] call_ctxt_problems = [] avoid_C_information = [False] def get_call_ctxt_problem (split, call_ctxt, timing = True): # time this for diagnostic reasons start = time.time () from trace_refute import identify_function, build_compound_problem_with_links f = identify_function (call_ctxt, [split]) for (ctxt2, p, hyps, addr_map) in call_ctxt_problems: if ctxt2 == (call_ctxt, f): return (p, hyps, addr_map) (p, hyps, addr_map) = build_compound_problem_with_links (call_ctxt, f) if avoid_C_information[0]: hyps = [h for h in hyps if not has_C_information (p, h)] call_ctxt_problems.append(((call_ctxt, f), p, hyps, addr_map)) del call_ctxt_problems[: -20] end = time.time () if timing: save_extra_timing ('GetProblem', call_ctxt + [split], end - start) return (p, hyps, addr_map) def has_C_information (p, hyp): for (n_vc, tag) in hyp.visits (): if not p.hook_tag_hints.get (tag, None) == 'ASM': return True known_bound_restr_hyps = {} known_bounds = {} def serialise_bound (addr, bound_info): if bound_info == None: return [hex(addr), "None", "None"] else: (bound, kind) = bound_info assert logic.is_int (bound) assert str (kind) == kind return [hex (addr), str (bound), kind] def save_bound (glob, split_bin_addr, call_ctxt, prob_hash, prev_bounds, bound, time = None): f_names = [trace_refute.get_body_addrs_fun (x) for x in call_ctxt + [split_bin_addr]] loop_name = '<%s>' % ' -> '.join (f_names) comment = '# bound for loop in %s:' % loop_name ss = ['LoopBound'] + serialise_bound (split_bin_addr, bound) if glob: ss[0] = 'GlobalLoopBound' ss += [str (len (call_ctxt))] + map (hex, call_ctxt) ss += [str (prob_hash)] if glob: assert prev_bounds == None else: ss += [str (len (prev_bounds))] for (split, bound) in prev_bounds: ss += serialise_bound (split, bound) s = ' '.join (ss) f = open ('%s/LoopBounds.txt' % target_objects.target_dir, 'a') f.write (comment + '\n') f.write (s + '\n') if time != None: ctxt2 = call_ctxt + [split_bin_addr] ctxt2 = ' '.join ([str (len (ctxt2))] + map (hex, ctxt2)) f.write ('LoopBoundTiming %s %s\n' % (ctxt2, time)) f.close () trace ('Found bound %s for 0x%x in %s.' % (bound, split_bin_addr, loop_name)) def save_extra_timing (nm, ctxt, time): ss = ['ExtraTiming', nm, str (len (ctxt))] + map (hex, ctxt) + [str(time)] f = open ('%s/LoopBounds.txt' % target_objects.target_dir, 'a') f.write (' '.join (ss) + '\n') f.close () def parse_bound (ss, n): addr = syntax.parse_int (ss[n]) bound = ss[n + 1] if bound == 'None': bound = None return (n + 3, (addr, None)) else: bound = syntax.parse_int (bound) kind = ss[n + 2] return (n + 3, (addr, (bound, kind))) def parse_ctxt_id (bits, n): return (n + 1, syntax.parse_int (bits[n])) def parse_ctxt (bits, n): return syntax.parse_list (parse_ctxt_id, bits, n) def load_bounds (): try: f = open ('%s/LoopBounds.txt' % target_objects.target_dir) ls = list (f) f.close () except IOError, e: ls = [] from syntax import parse_int, parse_list for l in ls: bits = l.split () if bits[:1] not in [['LoopBound'], ['GlobalLoopBound']]: continue (n, (addr, bound)) = parse_bound (bits, 1) (n, ctxt) = parse_ctxt (bits, n) prob_hash = parse_int (bits[n]) n += 1 if bits[0] == 'LoopBound': (n, prev_bounds) = parse_list (parse_bound, bits, n) assert n == len (bits), bits known = known_bounds.setdefault (addr, []) known.append ((ctxt, prob_hash, prev_bounds, bound)) else: assert n == len (bits), bits known = known_bounds.setdefault ((addr, 'Global'), []) known.append ((ctxt, prob_hash, bound)) known_bounds['Loaded'] = True def get_bound_ctxt (split, call_ctxt, use_cache = True): trace ('Getting bound for 0x%x in context %s.' % (split, call_ctxt)) (p, hyps, addr_map) = get_call_ctxt_problem (split, call_ctxt) orig_split = split split = p.loop_id (addr_map[split]) assert split, (orig_split, call_ctxt) split_bin_addr = min ([addr for addr in addr_map if p.loop_id (addr_map[addr]) == split]) prior = get_prior_loop_heads (p, split) restrs = () prev_bounds = [] for split2 in prior: # recursion! split2 = p.loop_id (split2) assert split2 addr = min ([addr for addr in addr_map if p.loop_id (addr_map[addr]) == split2]) bound = get_bound_ctxt (addr, call_ctxt) prev_bounds.append ((addr, bound)) k = (, split2, bound, restrs, tuple (hyps)) if k in known_bound_restr_hyps: (restrs, hyps) = known_bound_restr_hyps[k] else: (restrs, hyps) = add_loop_bound_restrs_hyps (p, restrs, hyps, split2, bound, call_ctxt + [orig_split]) known_bound_restr_hyps[k] = (restrs, hyps) # start timing now. we miss some setup time, but it avoids double counting # the recursive searches. start = time.time () p_h = problem_hash (p) prev_bounds = sorted (prev_bounds) if not known_bounds: load_bounds () known = known_bounds.get (split_bin_addr, []) for (call_ctxt2, h, prev_bounds2, bound) in known: match = (not call_ctxt2 or call_ctxt[- len (call_ctxt2):] == call_ctxt2) if match and use_cache and h == p_h and prev_bounds2 == prev_bounds: return bound bound = search_bin_bound (p, restrs, hyps, split) known = known_bounds.setdefault (split_bin_addr, []) known.append ((call_ctxt, p_h, prev_bounds, bound)) end = time.time () save_bound (False, split_bin_addr, call_ctxt, p_h, prev_bounds, bound, time = end - start) return bound def problem_hash (p): return syntax.hash_tuplify ([, p.entries, sorted (p.outputs.iteritems ()), sorted (p.nodes.iteritems ())]) def search_bin_bound (p, restrs, hyps, split): trace ('Searching for bound for 0x%x in %s.', (split, bound = search_bound (p, restrs, hyps, split) if bound: return bound # try to use a bound inferred from C if avoid_C_information[0]: # OK told not to return None if get_prior_loop_heads (p, split): # too difficult for now return None asm_tag = p.node_tags[split][0] (_, fname, _) = p.get_entry_details (asm_tag) funs = [f for pair in target_objects.pairings[fname] for f in pair.funs.values ()] c_tags = [tag for tag in p.tags () if p.get_entry_details (tag)[1] in funs and tag != asm_tag] if len (c_tags) != 1: print 'Surprised to see multiple matching tags %s' % c_tags return None [c_tag] = c_tags rep = rep_graph.mk_graph_slice (p) if len (search.get_loop_entry_sites (rep, restrs, hyps, split)) != 1: # technical, but it's not going to work in this case return None return getBinaryBoundFromC (p, c_tag, split, restrs, hyps) def rab_test (): [split_bin_addr] = get_loop_heads (functions['resolveAddressBits']) (p, hyps, addr_map) = get_call_ctxt_problem (split_bin_addr, []) split = p.loop_id (addr_map[split_bin_addr]) [c_tag] = [tag for tag in p.tags () if tag != p.node_tags[split][0]] return getBinaryBoundFromC (p, c_tag, split, (), hyps) last_search_bound = [0] def search_bound (p, restrs, hyps, split): last_search_bound[0] = (p, restrs, hyps, split) # try a naive bin search first # limit this to a small bound for time purposes # - for larger bounds the less naive approach can be faster bound = findLoopBoundBS(split, p, restrs=restrs, hyps=hyps, try_seq = [0, 1, 6]) if bound != None: return (bound, 'NaiveBinSearch') l_hyps = get_linear_series_hyps (p, split, restrs, hyps) rep = rep_graph.mk_graph_slice (p, fast = True) def test (n): assert n > 10 hyp = check.mk_loop_counter_eq_hyp (p, split, restrs, n - 2) visit = ((split, vc_offs (2)), ) + restrs continue_to_split_guess = rep.get_pc ((split, visit)) return rep.test_hyp_whyps (syntax.mk_not (continue_to_split_guess), [hyp] + l_hyps + hyps) # findLoopBoundBS always checks to at least 16 min_bound = 16 max_bound = max_acceptable_bound[0] bound = upDownBinSearch (min_bound, max_bound, test) if bound != None and test (bound): return (bound, 'InductiveBinSearch') # let the naive bin search go a bit further bound = findLoopBoundBS(split, p, restrs=restrs, hyps=hyps) if bound != None: return (bound, 'NaiveBinSearch') return None def getBinaryBoundFromC (p, c_tag, asm_split, restrs, hyps): c_heads = [h for h in search.init_loops_to_split (p, restrs) if p.node_tags[h][0] == c_tag] c_bounds = [(p.loop_id (split), search_bound (p, (), hyps, split)) for split in c_heads] if not [b for (n, b) in c_bounds if b]: trace ('no C bounds found (%s).' % c_bounds) return None asm_tag = p.node_tags[asm_split][0] rep = rep_graph.mk_graph_slice (p) i_seq_opts = [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)] j_seq_opts = [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 1)] tags = [p.node_tags[asm_split][0], c_tag] try: split = search.find_split (rep, asm_split, restrs, hyps, i_seq_opts, j_seq_opts, 5, tags = [asm_tag, c_tag]) except solver.SolverFailure, e: return None if not split or split[0] != 'Split': trace ('no split found (%s).' % repr (split)) return None (_, split) = split rep = rep_graph.mk_graph_slice (p) checks = check.split_checks (p, (), hyps, split, tags = [asm_tag, c_tag]) groups = check.proof_check_groups (checks) try: for group in groups: (res, el) = check.test_hyp_group (rep, group) if not res: trace ('split check failed!') trace ('failed at %s' % el) return None except solver.SolverFailure, e: return None (as_details, c_details, _, n, _) = split (c_split, (seq_start, step), _) = c_details c_bound = dict (c_bounds).get (p.loop_id (c_split)) if not c_bound: trace ('key split was not bounded (%r, %r).' % (c_split, c_bounds)) return None (c_bound, _) = c_bound max_it = (c_bound - seq_start) / step assert max_it > n, (max_it, n) (_, (seq_start, step), _) = as_details as_bound = seq_start + (max_it * step) # increment by 1 as this may be a bound for a different splitting point # which occurs later in the loop as_bound += 1 return (as_bound, 'FromC') def get_prior_loop_heads (p, split, use_rep = None): if use_rep: rep = use_rep else: rep = rep_graph.mk_graph_slice (p) prior = [] split = p.loop_id (split) for h in p.loop_heads (): s = set (prior) if h not in s and rep.get_reachable (h, split) and h != split: # need to recurse to ensure prior are in order prior2 = get_prior_loop_heads (p, h, use_rep = rep) prior.extend ([h2 for h2 in prior2 if h2 not in s]) prior.append (h) return prior def add_loop_bound_restrs_hyps (p, restrs, hyps, split, bound, ctxt): # time this for diagnostic reasons start = time.time () #vc_options([concrete numbers], [offsets]) hyps = hyps + get_linear_series_hyps (p, split, restrs, hyps) hyps = list (set (hyps)) if bound == None or bound >= 10: restrs = restrs + ((split, rep_graph.vc_options([0],[1])),) else: restrs = restrs + ((split, rep_graph.vc_upto (bound+1)),) end = time.time () save_extra_timing ('LoopBoundRestrHyps', ctxt, end - start) return (restrs, hyps) max_acceptable_bound = [1000000] functions_hash = [None] def get_functions_hash (): if functions_hash[0] != None: return functions_hash[0] h = hash (tuple (sorted ([(f, hash (functions[f])) for f in functions]))) functions_hash[0] = h return h addr_to_loop_id_cache = {} complex_loop_id_cache = {} def addr_to_loop_id (split): if split not in addr_to_loop_id_cache: add_fun_to_loop_data_cache (trace_refute.get_body_addrs_fun (split)) return addr_to_loop_id_cache[split] def is_complex_loop (split): split = addr_to_loop_id (split) if split not in complex_loop_id_cache: add_fun_to_loop_data_cache (trace_refute.get_body_addrs_fun (split)) return complex_loop_id_cache[split] def get_loop_addrs (split): split = addr_to_loop_id (split) f = functions[trace_refute.get_body_addrs_fun (split)] return [addr for addr in f.nodes if trace_refute.is_addr (addr) if addr_to_loop_id_cache.get (addr) == split] def add_fun_to_loop_data_cache (fname): p = functions[fname].as_problem (problem.Problem) p.do_loop_analysis () for h in p.loop_heads (): addrs = [n for n in p.loop_body (h) if trace_refute.is_addr (n)] min_addr = min (addrs) for addr in addrs: addr_to_loop_id_cache[addr] = min_addr complex_loop_id_cache[min_addr] = problem.has_inner_loop (p, h) return min_addr def get_bound_super_ctxt (split, call_ctxt, no_splitting=False, known_bound_only=False): if not known_bounds: load_bounds () for (ctxt2, fn_hash, bound) in known_bounds.get ((split, 'Global'), []): if ctxt2 == call_ctxt and fn_hash == get_functions_hash (): return bound min_loop_addr = addr_to_loop_id (split) if min_loop_addr != split: return get_bound_super_ctxt (min_loop_addr, call_ctxt, no_splitting = no_splitting, known_bound_only = known_bound_only) if known_bound_only: return None no_splitting_abort = [False] try: bound = get_bound_super_ctxt_inner (split, call_ctxt, no_splitting = (no_splitting, no_splitting_abort)) except problem.Abort, e: bound = None if no_splitting_abort[0]: # don't record this bound, since it might change if splitting was allowed return bound known = known_bounds.setdefault ((split, 'Global'), []) known.append ((call_ctxt, get_functions_hash (), bound)) save_bound (True, split, call_ctxt, get_functions_hash (), None, bound) return bound from trace_refute import (function_limit, ctxt_within_function_limits) def call_ctxt_computable (split, call_ctxt): fs = [trace_refute.identify_function ([], [call_site]) for call_site in call_ctxt] non_computable = [f for f in fs if trace_refute.has_complex_loop (f)] if non_computable: trace ('avoiding functions with complex loops: %s' % non_computable) return not non_computable def get_bound_super_ctxt_inner (split, call_ctxt, no_splitting = (False, None)): first_f = trace_refute.identify_function ([], (call_ctxt + [split])[:1]) call_sites = all_call_sites (first_f) if function_limit (first_f) == 0: return (0, 'FunctionLimit') safe_call_sites = [cs for cs in call_sites if ctxt_within_function_limits ([cs] + call_ctxt)] if call_sites and not safe_call_sites: return (0, 'FunctionLimit') if len (call_ctxt) < 3 and len (safe_call_sites) == 1: call_ctxt2 = list (safe_call_sites) + call_ctxt if call_ctxt_computable (split, call_ctxt2): trace ('using unique calling context %s' % str ((split, call_ctxt2))) return get_bound_super_ctxt (split, call_ctxt2) fname = trace_refute.identify_function (call_ctxt, [split]) bound = function_limit_bound (fname, split) if bound: return bound bound = get_bound_ctxt (split, call_ctxt) if bound: return bound trace ('no bound found immediately.') if no_splitting[0]: assert no_splitting[1], no_splitting no_splitting[1][0] = True trace ('cannot split by context (recursion).') return None # try to split over potential call sites if len (call_ctxt) >= 3: trace ('cannot split by context (context depth).') return None if len (call_sites) == 0: # either entry point or nonsense trace ('cannot split by context (reached top level).') return None problem_sites = [call_site for call_site in safe_call_sites if not call_ctxt_computable (split, [call_site] + call_ctxt)] if problem_sites: trace ('cannot split by context (issues in %s).' % problem_sites) return None anc_bounds = [get_bound_super_ctxt (split, [call_site] + call_ctxt, no_splitting = True) for call_site in safe_call_sites] if None in anc_bounds: return None (bound, kind) = max (anc_bounds) return (bound, 'MergedBound') def function_limit_bound (fname, split): p = functions[fname].as_problem (problem.Problem) p.do_analysis () cuts = [n for n in p.loop_body (split) if p.nodes[n].kind == 'Call' if function_limit (p.nodes[n].fname) != None] if not cuts: return None graph = p.mk_node_graph (p.loop_body (split)) # it is not possible to iterate the loop without visiting a bounded # function. naively, this sets the limit to the sum of all the possible # bounds, plus one because we can enter the loop a final time without # visiting any function call site yet. if logic.divides_loop (graph, set (cuts)): fnames = set ([p.nodes[n].fname for n in cuts]) return (sum ([function_limit (f) for f in fnames]) + 1, 'FunctionLimit') def loop_bound_difficulty_estimates (split, ctxt): # various guesses at how hard the loop bounding problem is. (p, hyps, addr_map) = get_call_ctxt_problem (split, ctxt, timing = False) loop_id = p.loop_id (addr_map[split]) assert loop_id # number of instructions in the loop inst_node_ids = set (addr_map.itervalues ()) l_insts = [n for n in p.loop_body (loop_id) if n in inst_node_ids] # number of instructions in the function tag = p.node_tags[loop_id][0] f_insts = [n for n in inst_node_ids if p.node_tags[n][0] == tag] # number of instructions in the whole calling context ctxt_insts = len (inst_node_ids) # well, what else? return (len (l_insts), len (f_insts), ctxt_insts) def load_timing (): f = open ('%s/LoopBounds.txt' % target_objects.target_dir) timing = {} loop_time = 0.0 ext_time = 0.0 for line in f: bits = line.split () if not (bits and 'Timing' in bits[0]): continue if bits[0] == 'LoopBoundTiming': (n, ext_ctxt) = parse_ctxt (bits, 1) assert n == len (bits) - 1 time = float (bits[n]) ctxt = ext_ctxt[:-1] split = ext_ctxt[-1] timing[(split, tuple(ctxt))] = time loop_time += time elif bits[0] == 'ExtraTiming': time = float (bits[-1]) ext_time += time f.close () f = open ('%s/time' % target_objects.target_dir) [l] = [l for l in f if '(wall clock)' in l] f.close () tot_time_str = l.split ()[-1] tot_time = sum ([float(s) * (60 ** i) for (i, s) in enumerate (reversed (tot_time_str.split(':')))]) return (loop_time, ext_time, tot_time, timing) def mk_timing_metrics (): if not known_bounds: load_bounds () probs = [(split_bin_addr, tuple (call_ctxt), bound) for (split_bin_addr, known) in known_bounds.iteritems () if type (split_bin_addr) == int for (call_ctxt, h, prev_bounds, bound) in known] probs = set (probs) data = [(split, ctxt, bound, loop_bound_difficulty_estimates (split, list (ctxt))) for (split, ctxt, bound) in probs] return data # sigh, this is so much work. bound_kind_nums = { 'FunctionLimit': 2, 'NaiveBinSearch': 3, 'InductiveBinSearch': 4, 'FromC': 5, 'MergedBound': 6, } gnuplot_colours = [ "dark-red", "dark-blue", "dark-green", "dark-grey", "dark-orange", "dark-magenta", "dark-cyan"] def save_timing_metrics (num): (loop_time, ext_time, tot_time, timing) = load_timing () col = gnuplot_colours[num] from target import short_name time_ests = mk_timing_metrics () import os f = open ('%s/LoopTimingMetrics.txt' % target_objects.target_dir, 'w') f.write ('"%s"\n' % short_name) for (split, ctxt, bound, ests) in time_ests: time = timing[(split, tuple (ctxt))] if bound == None: bdata = "1000000 7" else: bdata = '%d %d' % (bound[0], bound_kind_nums[bound[1]]) (l_i, f_i, ct_i) = ests f.write ('%s %s %s %s %s %r %s\n' % (short_name, l_i, f_i, ct_i, bdata, col, time)) f.close () def get_loop_heads (fun): if not fun.entry: return [] p = fun.as_problem (problem.Problem) p.do_loop_analysis () loops = set () for h in p.loop_heads (): # any address in the loop will do. pick the smallest one addr = min ([n for n in p.loop_body (h) if trace_refute.is_addr (n)]) loops.add ((addr,, problem.has_inner_loop (p, h))) return list (loops) def get_all_loop_heads (): loops = set () abort_funs = set () for f in all_asm_functions (): try: loops.update (get_loop_heads (functions[f])) except problem.Abort, e: abort_funs.add (f) if abort_funs: trace ('Cannot analyse loops in: %s' % ', '.join (abort_funs)) return loops def get_complex_loops (): return [(loop, name) for (loop, name, compl) in get_all_loop_heads () if compl] def search_all_loops (): all_loops = get_all_loop_heads () for (loop, _, _) in all_loops: get_bound_super_ctxt (loop, []) main = search_all_loops if __name__ == '__main__': import sys args = target_objects.load_target_args () if args == ['search']: search_all_loops () elif args[:1] == ['metrics']: num = args[1:].index (str (target_objects.target_dir)) save_timing_metrics (num)