# * Copyright 2016, NICTA # * # * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms # of # * the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided. # * See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details. # * # * @TAG(NICTA_BSD) #!/usr/bin/env python2 import sys, subprocess, re, os unbounded = "unbounded" infeasible = "Integer infeasible." #this cplex footer ends a .ilp file and does cplex_end_command=''' End ''' cplex_footer2=''' optimize display solution objective display solution variables - quit ''' cplex_presolve_off=''' set preprocessing presolve n ''' def rmSol(sol_file): '''remove existing solution file if it exists''' #stop rm from complaining without using the dangerous -f flag p = subprocess.Popen(['test','-e',sol_file]) p.communicate() if p.returncode ==0: p = subprocess.Popen(['rm',sol_file]) p.communicate() def cplexSolve(ilp_file_name,silent=True,sol_file=None,expect_unbounded=False): '''call cplex on the specified ilp file''' cplex = 'cplex' if sol_file == None: #This is where Chronos stores the sol file by default, [:-4] removes the .ilp extension sol_file = ilp_file_name[:-4] + ".sol" rmSol(sol_file) f_ilp = open(ilp_file_name, 'r') p = subprocess.Popen(cplex,stdin=f_ilp,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) print 'cplex called' out,err = p.communicate() if not silent: print out ret = p.returncode print 'cplex terminated' if not expect_unbounded and (ret or (infeasible in err or infeasible in out) or (unbounded in err or unbounded in out)): print 'ilp solver FAILED \nout : %s \nerr: %s\n'%(out,err) print 'note that infeasible/unbounded can mean the other, turn off the presolver to investiage which is the case' return False return parseSolFile(sol_file, expect_unbounded) def parseSolFile (sol_file, expect_unbounded): objective_regex = r".*Objective\s*=\s*(?P.*)\n" f_out = open(sol_file,'r') for line in f_out: if re.search(unbounded,line) or re.search(infeasible, line): if expect_unbounded: return unbounded assert False and "Infeasible/unbounded ilp !!!" match = re.search(objective_regex,line) if match: f_out.close() return match.group ('value') assert match, "Failed to regex cplex output" def stripFooter(ilp_file): '''strip the footer off the ilp file''' f_ilp = open(ilp_file, 'r') print "ilp_file %s" % ilp_file stripped_name = ilp_file+'_nofooter' stripped = open (stripped_name, 'w') for line in f_ilp: if re.search(r'^End',line): #we are done break stripped.write(line) stripped.close() f_ilp.close() print 'footer stripped, %s generated' % stripped_name return stripped_name def endProblem(f_ilp,sol_file_name): f_ilp.write(cplex_end_command) f_ilp.write('set logfile %s\n' % sol_file_name) def solveProblem(f_ilp,presolve_off=False): if presolve_off: f_ilp.write(cplex_presolve_off) f_ilp.write(cplex_footer2) def varsUnbounded(var_s,rest): tmp_name = "./temp_ilp.ilp" sol_name = tmp_name + ".sol" tmp_f = open(tmp_name,'w') tmp_f.write("enter Q\nMaximize\n") for (i,var) in enumerate(var_s): if i != 0: tmp_f.write("+ ") tmp_f.write("1 %s"% var) for line in rest: if "set logfile" in line: tmp_f.write("set logfile " + sol_name + "\n") else: tmp_f.write(line) tmp_f.flush() ret_val = cplexSolve(tmp_name, silent=True, sol_file= sol_name, expect_unbounded=True) #os.remove(tmp_name) return ret_val == unbounded def findUnboundedVar(ilp_f_name): lp_f = open(ilp_f_name) lines = lp_f.readlines() for (i,line) in enumerate(lines): if 'Maximize' not in line: continue i = i+ 1 break while lines[i].strip() == '': i = i +1 print "found maximized term: " rest_ilp = lines [i+1:] line = lines[i] terms = line.split('+') var_s = [] for term in terms: x = term.strip() x = x.split() #discard the coeeficent var_s.append(x[-1]) print "there are %d variables" % len(var_s) n = len(var_s) while len(var_s) > 1: print 'n= %d, 0: %d, %d: \n' % (n,n/2,n/2) var_s_1= var_s[0:n/2] var_s_2= var_s[n/2:] print 'var_s_1 %d var_s_2 %d' % (len(var_s_1),len(var_s_2)) if varsUnbounded (var_s_1,rest_ilp): print "unbounded in bot half" var_s = var_s_1 else: if not varsUnbounded(var_s_2,rest_ilp): print "what !?" print "vars[0]: %s, [-1]: %s" % (var_s[0],var_s[-1]) assert False print "unbounded in top half" var_s = var_s_2 n = len(var_s) print "the unbounded variable is : %s" % str(var_s) assert len(var_s) == 1 def printUsage(): print 'usage: [OPTION]' print 'options: --x: run cplex --f: strip footer' if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 3: printUsage() sys.exit(1) ilp_f_name = sys.argv[1] flag = sys.argv[2] if flag == '--x': ret = cplex(ilp_f_name) print 'result : %f' % ret elif flag == '--f': stripFooter(ilp_f_name) elif flag == '--u': print 'finding unbounded variable' findUnboundedVar(ilp_f_name) else: printUsage() sys.exit(1)