# * Copyright 2016, NICTA # * # * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms # of # * the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided. # * See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details. # * # * @TAG(NICTA_BSD) #!/usr/bin/env python import os, re, sys, copy from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from elf_correlate import immFunc from elf_file import elfFile from addr_utils import callNodes,phyAddrP import bench import cplex import graph_refine.trace_refute as trace_refute import convert_loop_bounds from graph_refine.trace_refute import parse_num_arrow_list global bb_addr_to_ids global id_to_bb_addr global id_to_context global bb_count global edge_count global bb_addrs_in_loops global tcfg_paths bb_addr_to_ids = {} id_to_context = {} bb_count = {} edge_count = {} bb_addrs_in_loops = [] tcfg_paths = {} id_to_bb_addr = {} def cleanGlobalStates(): global bb_addr_to_ids global id_to_bb_addr global id_to_context global bb_count global edge_count global bb_addrs_in_loops global tcfg_paths #we assume the ilp problem stays the same modulo extra refutes bb_addr_to_ids = {} id_to_context = {} bb_count = {} edge_count = {} bb_addrs_in_loops = [] tcfg_paths = {} id_to_bb_addr = {} print 'conflict.py: global states cleaned' def read_variables(input_filename): var_re = re.compile(r'^d(\d+|Sta)_(\d+)\s+([\d.]+)$') f = open(input_filename) global path_counts global total_edges while True: s = f.readline() if s == '': break g = var_re.match(s.strip()) if not g: continue from_id, to_id, count = g.groups() if from_id not in path_counts: path_counts[from_id] = {} if to_id in path_counts[from_id]: raise Exception("Variable from %s to %s mentioned more than once." % (from_id, to_id)) count = int(round(float(count))) if count == 0: continue path_counts[from_id][to_id] = count total_edges += count f.close() if not path_counts: raise Exception("No variables found in solution.") def read_tcfg_map(input_filename): tcfg_re = re.compile( r'''^ (\d+) \( \d+ \. \d+ \) \( (0x[0-9a-f]+) \+ (0x[0-9a-f]+) \): \s \[\s ([\d\s]*) \]([0-9a-f\s]+)$''', re.VERBOSE) f = open(input_filename) global bb_addr_to_ids global bb_count global edge_count global id_to_bb_addr id_to_bb_addr = {} while True: s = f.readline() if s == '': break g = tcfg_re.match(s.strip()) if not g: continue bb_id, bb_addr, bb_size, bb_dests, ctx_str= g.groups() bb_id = int(bb_id) #print ctx_str bb_addr = int(bb_addr, 16) #our context matching assumes that all bb addr has the same n_digits... assert bb_addr >= 0xe0000000, 'Go fix context matching :( bb_addr: %x' % bb_addr bb_size = int(bb_size, 16) bb_dests = [int(x.strip()) for x in bb_dests.split() if x.strip()] ctx_str_list = ctx_str.split(' ') ctx_list = [int(x, 16) for x in ctx_str_list if x <> ''] if not bb_addr in bb_addr_to_ids: bb_addr_to_ids[bb_addr] = [bb_id] else: bb_addr_to_ids[bb_addr].append(bb_id) #if ctx_list[0] == 0: # ctx_list.pop(0) loop_head = ctx_list[0] if loop_head == 0: pass else: if not bb_addr in bb_addrs_in_loops: bb_addrs_in_loops.append(bb_addr) pass ctx_list=ctx_list[1:] id_to_context[bb_id] = ctx_list tcfg_paths[bb_id] = bb_dests assert bb_id not in id_to_bb_addr id_to_bb_addr[bb_id] = bb_addr bb_count[bb_id] = 0 for dest in bb_dests: edge_count[(bb_id, dest)] = 0 f.close() def callSitePA(pn,p): return phyAddrP(p.preds[pn][0],p) def callstring_bbs(fs,cs_so_far = None): bbAddr= immFunc().bbAddr #print 'fs: %s' % str(fs) #print 'cs_so_far: %s' % str(cs_so_far) if not cs_so_far: cs_so_far = [ ] ret = [] top_f = fs[0] next_f = fs[1] #print 'top_f #%s# next_f #%s#' % (top_f,next_f) p = immFunc().f_problems[top_f] cns = callNodes(p,fs=[next_f]) #print 'cns:%s'% cns pA = lambda x: phyAddrP(x,p) #phy_rets =[phyAddrP(x,p) for x in cns] phy_rets =[callSitePA(x,p) for x in cns] #print ' phy_rets: %s' % str(phy_rets) if len(fs) == 2: return [(cs_so_far +[bbAddr(x)]) for x in phy_rets] assert len(fs) >2 for x in phy_rets: ret += callstring_bbs(fs[1:],cs_so_far = cs_so_far + [bbAddr(x)]) return ret #does context match the list of bb_heads s ? def bbs_context_match(context_targ, context_to_match): bbAddr = immFunc().bbAddr #print 'context: %s' % str(context) #print 's: %s' % str(s) #all of s must be in context to begin with, strip the 0 subfix bb_ctx = [bbAddr(x) for x in context_targ[:-1]] if len(bb_ctx) < len(context_to_match): return False for i in range(len(context_to_match)): if context_to_match[i] != bb_ctx[len(context_to_match) -i - 1]: return False return True def inALoop(addr): ''' Is the addr part of a loop ? ''' return bbAddr(addr) in bb_addrs_in_loops def inFunLoop(addr): from addr_utils import gToPAddrP f = elfFile().addrs_to_f[addr] p = immFunc().f_problems[f] p_addr = gToPAddrP(addr,p) return p_addr in p.loop_data #ids for bb_addr with context def idsMatchingContext(full_bb_context): ret = [] for i,addr in enumerate(full_bb_context): ids = bb_addr_to_ids[addr] #we know there can only be 1 matching id match_id = None for d in ids: if bbs_context_match(id_to_context[d],full_bb_context[:i]): match_id = d break assert match_id != None ret.append(match_id) return ret #translate context in bin to a list of ids corresponding to the context #note: no tcfg_ids can have the exact same context def contextsBbAddrToIds(context,bb_addr): bb_context = [bbAddr(x[0]) for x in context] ret = idsMatchingContext(context, bb_addr) return ret def bbAddrs(l): bbAddr = immFunc().bbAddr return [bbAddr(x) for x in l if x] #get the unique tid corresponding to addr that matches context[: -truncate], #given that context is in the from of contexts from id_to_context def addr_context_truncate_get_tid(addr, context, truncate): #note: r if truncate: #context = context[: - truncate] context = context[truncate : ] tids = [tid for tid in bb_addr_to_ids[addr] if id_to_context[tid] == context] if len(tids) > 1: ctx = id_to_context[tids[0]] print 'tids: %r' % tids assert all ([id_to_context[x]==ctx for x in tids ]) #FIXME: some pairs of tids seem to share the exact same bb_addr, full ctx. # seems to be related to tailcalls print '!! WARNING !! Figure out wht\'s going on !! Seems to be a chronos feature...' print 'tids[0]: %d' % tids[0] return tids[0] assert len(tids) == 1, (tids, addr, context, truncate) [tid] = tids return tid #emit a particular trace. full_context comes unmodified from id_to_context def emitInconsistentTrace(fout, full_context,visits,line=None): if line==None: line = '' #fout.write('\ === impossible/inconsistent:' +line+' === \n') print ' full_context: %r' % full_context id_points = [] for x in visits: addr,stack_i = x print ' visit: %s, stack_i %d' % (addr,stack_i) #addr = bbAddr(addr) if stack_i == 0 and bbAddr(addr) == bbAddr(full_context[0]): #special case for addr == tip_context, since id_to_context will be effectively one context short, as (addr / tip_context) itself will be missing. id_points.append(addr_context_truncate_get_tid(addr, full_context, 1)) else: id_points.append(addr_context_truncate_get_tid(addr, full_context, stack_i)) max_stack_i =max(visits, key = lambda x: x[1])[1] print 'max_stack_i: %d' % max_stack_i assert (max_stack_i < len(full_context)) limiting_node_bb = bbAddr(full_context[max_stack_i]) limiting_tid = addr_context_truncate_get_tid(limiting_node_bb, full_context,max_stack_i + 1) #now emit the ilp constraint print 'id_points: %r' % id_points s = ' + '.join(['b{0}'.format(p) for p in id_points]) s += ' - {0} b{1} <= 0\n'.format( (len(id_points) -1 ), limiting_tid ) print 'emitting \n%s\n' % s fout.write(s) ''' def isHalt(addr): text = elfFile().lines[addr] if 'halt' in text: return True return False ''' #context is infeasible def emitImpossible(fout,context): #get the matching ids tids = bb_addr_to_ids[bbAddr(context[-1])] len_a = len(tids) tids = [x for x in tids if bbs_context_match(id_to_context[x], bbAddrs(context[:-1])) ] s='' assert tids for tid in tids: s += 'b{0} = 0\n'.format(tid) fout.write(s) return #context addrs are bbAddrs #one_context is true iff all visits lie in context 0 def emitInconsistent(fout, context,visits): if visits == []: #this is just an impossible trace emitImpossible(fout,context) return #FIXME: #bug : [4026621540, 4026621472] : [4026621428 <- 1] would become # [4026621540] : [4026621428<-0], which isn't the same thing... ''' if all ([l > 0 for (_, l) in visits]): m = min ([l for (_, l) in visits]) visits = [(baddr, l - m) for (baddr, l) in visits] context = context[: -m] ''' #padding visits with (context[-1],0) should work. #can't think of a better way atm if all ([l > 0 for (_, l) in visits]): visits.append( (bbAddr(context[-1]),0) ) print 'context: %r' % context print 'visits: %r' % visits base_addr = [baddr for (baddr, l) in visits if l == 0][0] tids = bb_addr_to_ids[bbAddr(base_addr)] r_context = list(context) r_context.reverse() if bbAddr(base_addr) == bbAddr(context[-1]): #special case... for tid in tids: tid_ctxt = id_to_context[tid] if r_context and tid_ctxt[ : len(context) - 1] == r_context[1:]: emitInconsistentTrace(fout,[context[-1]]+tid_ctxt,visits) else: for tid in tids: tid_ctxt = id_to_context[tid] if r_context and tid_ctxt[ :len(context) ] == r_context: emitInconsistentTrace(fout,tid_ctxt,visits) return def emit_f_conflicts (fout, line): ''' ''' bbAddr = immFunc().bbAddr match = re.search(r'\s*\[(?P.*)\]\s*:\s*(?P.*$)', line) print 'infeas: %s' % match.group('infeas') infeasible_fs = match.group('infeas').split(',') print 'infeasible_fs: %s' % infeasible_fs #find all bb_addrs where f[-1] can be called by f[-2] bbCallStrings = callstring_bbs(infeasible_fs) print 'bbcs: %s' % str(bbCallStrings) for s in bbCallStrings: for x in s: assert bbAddr(x) == x final_callee_bb = s[-1] #print 'final_callee_bb: %s'% str(final_callee_bb) assert final_callee_bb in bb_addr_to_ids ids = bb_addr_to_ids[final_callee_bb] ids_ctx = [x for x in ids if bbs_context_match(id_to_context[x],s[:-1])] print 'ids: %d, ids_ctx: %d' % (len(ids),len(ids_ctx)) #ok, now all of these are just unreachable. for tcfg_id in ids_ctx: fout.write("b{0} = 0\n".format(tcfg_id)) def process_conflict(fout, conflict_files): fake_preemption_points = [] for conflict_file in conflict_files: f = open(conflict_file,'r') global bb_addr_to_id fout.write('\ === conflict constraints from %s === \n\n' % conflict_file) last_bb_id = 0 bbAddr = immFunc().bbAddr while True: line = f.readline() if line == '': break #get rid of all white spaces line = line.replace(' ', '') line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith('#') or line=='': #comment line continue if line.rstrip() == '': continue match = re.search(r'.*:\s*(?P.*$)', line) kind = match.group('kind') #print 'kind: %s' % kind if kind == 'possible': continue elif kind == 'f_conflicts': emit_f_conflicts (fout, line) elif kind == 'phantom_preemp_point': match = re.search(r'\[(?P.*)\]:(?P.*$)', line) fake_preemption_points.append(int(match.group('addr'),16)) elif kind == 'times': match = re.search(r'\s*\[(?P.*)\]\s*:\s*\[(?P.*)\]\s*:\s*(?P.*$)', line) addr = int(match.group('addr'),16) times = int(match.group('times')) print 'addr: %x' % addr print 'times: %d' % times times_limit(fout,[addr],times) else: bits = line.split(':') [stack,visits,verdict] = bits assert 'impossible' in verdict stack = trace_refute.parse_num_list(stack) visits = trace_refute.parse_num_arrow_list(visits) bb_visits = [(bbAddr(x[0]),x[1]) for x in visits] in_loops = [x for x in (stack[1:] + [x[0] for x in visits]) if inFunLoop(x)] if in_loops: print '!!! loops in inconsistent !!!' print '%r' % in_loops print 'rejected line: %s\n\n' % line continue print 'line: %s' % line emitInconsistent(fout, stack,bb_visits) f.close() fout.write("\n"); return fake_preemption_points def add_impossible_contexts(fout): fout.write('\ === excluded function constraints === \n\n') for (tid, ctxt) in id_to_context.iteritems (): if len (ctxt) <= 2: continue if not trace_refute.ctxt_within_function_limits (ctxt[:-2]): fout.write ('b%s = 0\n' % tid) def print_constraints(conflict_files, old_cons_file, new_cons_file,sol_file_name, preempt_limit): global bb_count global edge_count #copy the file p = Popen(['cp', old_cons_file, new_cons_file]) p.communicate() ret = p.returncode assert not ret #fin = open(old_cons_file) #append the new constraints at the end fout = open(new_cons_file,'a+') #copy everything until we hit the General label #cplex.endProblem(fout,log_file_name='./new-gcc-O2.imm.sol') cplex.endProblem(fout,sol_file_name) fout.write('add\n') add_impossible_contexts(fout) fake_preemption_points = process_conflict(fout,conflict_files) print '%r' % fake_preemption_points preemption_limit(fout,fake_preemption_points,preempt_limit) fout.write('end\n') cplex.solveProblem(fout,presolve_off=False) fout.close() def id_print_context(id1,ctx=None): if ctx==None: ctx = id_to_context[id1][:-1] for bb in ctx: print '%s'% elfFile().addrs_to_f[bb] return def preemption_limit(fout,fake_preemption_points,preempt_limit): #hardcoded preemption point limit fout.write('\ === preemption constraints === \n\n') preemp_addr = elfFile().funcs['preemptionPoint'].addr times_limit(fout,fake_preemption_points+[preemp_addr],preempt_limit) def times_limit(fout, addrs,limit): ids = [] for addr in addrs: ids += bb_addr_to_ids[addr] fout.write('b{0} '.format(ids[0])) for x in ids[1:]: fout.write(' + b{0}'.format(x)) fout.write(' <= {0}\n'.format(limit)) def conflict(entry_point_function, tcfg_map, conflict_files, old_ilp, new_ilp, dir_name, sol_file, emit_conflicts=False, do_cplex=False, interactive=False, silent_cplex=False, preempt_limit= None, default_phantom_preempt=False): if preempt_limit == None: preempt_limit = 5 if default_phantom_preempt: conflict_files.append(convert_loop_bounds.phantomPreemptsAnnoFileName(dir_name)) #initialise graph_to_graph so we get immFunc #load the loop_counts print 'conflict.conflict: sol_file %s' % sol_file bench.bench(dir_name, entry_point_function,False,True,False,parse_only=True ) #we need the loop data immFunc().process() global bbAddr bbAddr = immFunc().bbAddr read_tcfg_map(tcfg_map) if interactive: assert False, 'Halt' if emit_conflicts: print 'new_ilp:%s' % new_ilp print_constraints(conflict_files, old_ilp, new_ilp, sol_file, preempt_limit) if do_cplex: cplex_ret = cplex.cplexSolve(new_ilp,silent=silent_cplex,sol_file=sol_file) print 'cplex_ret: %s' % cplex_ret return cplex_ret #print_constraints(sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4], sys.argv[5]) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 9: print '''Usage: python conflict.py [tcfg map] [conflict file] [ilp file with footer stripped] [new ilp file] [target_dir] [flag] [preemption limit] [sol file to be generated] conflict file 1 and/or 2 can be empty flag is one of: --c generate a new conflict file --i interactive mode, for debugging only --cx generate a new conflict file and call cplex directly''' sys.exit(1) tcfg_map = sys.argv[1] old_ilp = sys.argv[3] new_ilp = sys.argv[4] dir_name = sys.argv[5] flag = sys.argv[6] preempt_limit = int(sys.argv[7]) print 'preempt_limit: %d' % preempt_limit sol_file = sys.argv[8] assert 'sol' in sol_file conflict_files = [sys.argv[2]] print 'sol_file: %s' % sol_file print 'old_ilp %s' % old_ilp print 'conflict_files: %r' % conflict_files emit_conflicts = False interactive = False do_cplex=False if flag == '--c': emit_conflicts = True if flag == '--cx': emit_conflicts = True do_cplex = True elif flag == '--i': interactive = True #FIXME: un-hardcode the entry point function's name ret = conflict('handleSyscall', tcfg_map,conflict_files,old_ilp,new_ilp,dir_name,sol_file,emit_conflicts=emit_conflicts,do_cplex=do_cplex,interactive=interactive,preempt_limit = preempt_limit, default_phantom_preempt=True) print 'conflict terminated' print 'ret: %s' % str(ret)