open OS.Process (* magic to ensure that interruptions (SIGINTs) are actually seen by the linked executable as Interrupt exceptions *) prim_val catch_interrupt : bool -> unit = 1 "sys_catch_break"; val _ = catch_interrupt true; fun read_from_stream is n = TextIO.input is val (instream, outstream, intp) = case CommandLine.arguments() of [] => (TextIO.stdIn, TextIO.stdOut, true) | [ifile, ofile] => let open TextIO val is = TextIO.openIn ifile handle OS.SysErr _ => (output(stdErr, "Error opening "^ifile^"\n"); exit failure) val os = TextIO.openOut ofile handle Io {cause = OS.SysErr (_, eo), ...} => (case eo of SOME e => output(stdErr, OS.errorMsg e) | NONE => (); exit failure) in (is, os, false) end | _ => (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr, "Usage:\n " ^ ^ " [ ]\n"); exit failure) open QuoteFilter.UserDeclarations val state as QFS args = newstate intp (* with many thanks to Ken Friis Larsen, Peter Sestoft, Claudio Russo and Kenn Heinrich who helped me see the light with respect to this code *) fun loop() = let val lexer = QuoteFilter.makeLexer (read_from_stream instream) state fun coreloop () = case lexer() of "" => () | s => (TextIO.output(outstream, s); TextIO.flushOut outstream; coreloop()) in coreloop() handle Interrupt => (resetstate state; loop()) end val _ = loop() val _ = TextIO.closeOut outstream val _ = exit success