open OS.Process open filter.UserDeclarations fun slave (input, outstream) state = let val lexer = filter.makeLexer input state in lexer(); TextIO.closeOut outstream; exit success end fun noninteractive (is,os) = let fun input n = TextIO.input is in (fn () => slave(input, os) (newstate os)) end fun interactive () = let open MLton.Thread val out = TextIO.stdOut fun input _ = TextIO.input TextIO.stdIn fun go() = prepare (new (slave (input, out)), newstate out) fun interrupt_handler _ = go() val h = MLton.Signal.Handler.handler interrupt_handler in MLton.Signal.setHandler(, h); switch interrupt_handler end val go : unit -> unit = case CommandLine.arguments() of [] => interactive | [ifile, ofile] => let open TextIO val is = openIn ifile handle OS.SysErr _ => (output(stdErr, "Error opening "^ifile^"\n"); exit failure) val os = openOut ofile handle IO.Io {cause = OS.SysErr (_, eo), ...} => (case eo of SOME e => output(stdErr, OS.errorMsg e) | NONE => (); exit failure) in noninteractive (is,os) end | _ => (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr, "Usage:\n " ^ ^ " [ ]\n"); exit failure) val _ = go()