(* Modified by sweeks@acm.org on 2000-8-24. * Ported to MLton. *) type int = Int.int (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2006/06/22 07:40:27 michaeln * Add a MoscowML compilable implementation of MLyacc, using the MLton sources * as the base. * * Revision 1998/04/08 18:40:17 george * Version 110.5 * * Revision 1997/01/14 01:38:06 george * Version 109.24 * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:47 george * Version 109 * *) (* Implementation of ordered sets using ordered lists and red-black trees. The code for red-black trees was originally written by Norris Boyd, which was modified for use here. *) (* ordered sets implemented using ordered lists. Upper bound running times for functions implemented here: app = O(n) card = O(n) closure = O(n^2) difference = O(n+m), where n,m = the size of the two sets used here. empty = O(1) exists = O(n) find = O(n) fold = O(n) insert = O(n) is_empty = O(1) make_list = O(1) make_set = O(n^2) partition = O(n) remove = O(n) revfold = O(n) select_arb = O(1) set_eq = O(n), where n = the cardinality of the smaller set set_gt = O(n), ditto singleton = O(1) union = O(n+m) *) functor ListOrdSet(B : sig type elem val gt : elem * elem -> bool val eq : elem * elem -> bool end ) : ORDSET = struct type elem = B.elem val elem_gt = B.gt val elem_eq = B.eq type set = elem list exception Select_arb val empty = nil val insert = fn (key,s) => let fun f (l as (h::t)) = if elem_gt(key,h) then h::(f t) else if elem_eq(key,h) then key::t else key::l | f nil = [key] in f s end val select_arb = fn nil => raise Select_arb | a::b => a val exists = fn (key,s) => let fun f (h::t) = if elem_gt(key,h) then f t else elem_eq(h,key) | f nil = false in f s end val find = fn (key,s) => let fun f (h::t) = if elem_gt(key,h) then f t else if elem_eq(h,key) then SOME h else NONE | f nil = NONE in f s end fun revfold f lst init = List.foldl f init lst fun fold f lst init = List.foldr f init lst val app = List.app fun set_eq(h::t,h'::t') = (case elem_eq(h,h') of true => set_eq(t,t') | a => a) | set_eq(nil,nil) = true | set_eq _ = false fun set_gt(h::t,h'::t') = (case elem_gt(h,h') of false => (case (elem_eq(h,h')) of true => set_gt(t,t') | a => a) | a => a) | set_gt(_::_,nil) = true | set_gt _ = false fun union(a as (h::t),b as (h'::t')) = if elem_gt(h',h) then h::union(t,b) else if elem_eq(h,h') then h::union(t,t') else h'::union(a,t') | union(nil,s) = s | union(s,nil) = s val make_list = fn s => s val is_empty = fn nil => true | _ => false val make_set = fn l => List.foldr insert [] l val partition = fn f => fn s => fold (fn (e,(yes,no)) => if (f e) then (e::yes,no) else (e::no,yes)) s (nil,nil) val remove = fn (e,s) => let fun f (l as (h::t)) = if elem_gt(h,e) then l else if elem_eq(h,e) then t else h::(f t) | f nil = nil in f s end (* difference: X-Y *) fun difference (nil,_) = nil | difference (r,nil) = r | difference (a as (h::t),b as (h'::t')) = if elem_gt (h',h) then h::difference(t,b) else if elem_eq(h',h) then difference(t,t') else difference(a,t') fun singleton X = [X] fun card(S): int = fold (fn (a,count) => count+1) S 0 local fun closure'(from, f, result) = if is_empty from then result else let val (more,result) = fold (fn (a,(more',result')) => let val more = f a val new = difference(more,result) in (union(more',new),union(result',new)) end) from (empty,result) in closure'(more,f,result) end in fun closure(start, f) = closure'(start, f, start) end end (* ordered set implemented using red-black trees: Upper bound running time of the functions below: app: O(n) card: O(n) closure: O(n^2 ln n) difference: O(n ln n) empty: O(1) exists: O(ln n) find: O(ln n) fold: O(n) insert: O(ln n) is_empty: O(1) make_list: O(n) make_set: O(n ln n) partition: O(n ln n) remove: O(n ln n) revfold: O(n) select_arb: O(1) set_eq: O(n) set_gt: O(n) singleton: O(1) union: O(n ln n) *) functor RbOrdSet (B : sig type elem val eq : (elem*elem) -> bool val gt : (elem*elem) -> bool end ) : ORDSET = struct type elem = B.elem val elem_gt = B.gt val elem_eq = B.eq datatype Color = RED | BLACK abstype set = EMPTY | TREE of (B.elem * Color * set * set) with exception Select_arb val empty = EMPTY fun insert(key,t) = let fun f EMPTY = TREE(key,RED,EMPTY,EMPTY) | f (TREE(k,BLACK,l,r)) = if elem_gt (key,k) then case f r of r as TREE(rk,RED, rl as TREE(rlk,RED,rll,rlr),rr) => (case l of TREE(lk,RED,ll,lr) => TREE(k,RED,TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), TREE(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => TREE(rlk,BLACK,TREE(k,RED,l,rll), TREE(rk,RED,rlr,rr))) | r as TREE(rk,RED,rl, rr as TREE(rrk,RED,rrl,rrr)) => (case l of TREE(lk,RED,ll,lr) => TREE(k,RED,TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), TREE(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => TREE(rk,BLACK,TREE(k,RED,l,rl),rr)) | r => TREE(k,BLACK,l,r) else if elem_gt(k,key) then case f l of l as TREE(lk,RED,ll, lr as TREE(lrk,RED,lrl,lrr)) => (case r of TREE(rk,RED,rl,rr) => TREE(k,RED,TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), TREE(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => TREE(lrk,BLACK,TREE(lk,RED,ll,lrl), TREE(k,RED,lrr,r))) | l as TREE(lk,RED, ll as TREE(llk,RED,lll,llr), lr) => (case r of TREE(rk,RED,rl,rr) => TREE(k,RED,TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), TREE(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,TREE(k,RED,lr,r))) | l => TREE(k,BLACK,l,r) else TREE(key,BLACK,l,r) | f (TREE(k,RED,l,r)) = if elem_gt(key,k) then TREE(k,RED,l, f r) else if elem_gt(k,key) then TREE(k,RED, f l, r) else TREE(key,RED,l,r) in case f t of TREE(k,RED, l as TREE(_,RED,_,_), r) => TREE(k,BLACK,l,r) | TREE(k,RED, l, r as TREE(_,RED,_,_)) => TREE(k,BLACK,l,r) | t => t end fun select_arb (TREE(k,_,l,r)) = k | select_arb EMPTY = raise Select_arb fun exists(key,t) = let fun look EMPTY = false | look (TREE(k,_,l,r)) = if elem_gt(k,key) then look l else if elem_gt(key,k) then look r else true in look t end fun find(key,t) = let fun look EMPTY = NONE | look (TREE(k,_,l,r)) = if elem_gt(k,key) then look l else if elem_gt(key,k) then look r else SOME k in look t end fun revfold f t start = let fun scan (EMPTY,value) = value | scan (TREE(k,_,l,r),value) = scan(r,f(k,scan(l,value))) in scan(t,start) end fun fold f t start = let fun scan(EMPTY,value) = value | scan(TREE(k,_,l,r),value) = scan(l,f(k,scan(r,value))) in scan(t,start) end fun app f t = let fun scan EMPTY = () | scan(TREE(k,_,l,r)) = (scan l; f k; scan r) in scan t end (* equal_tree : test if two trees are equal. Two trees are equal if the set of leaves are equal *) fun set_eq (tree1 as (TREE _),tree2 as (TREE _)) = let datatype pos = L | R | M exception Done fun getvalue(stack as ((a,position)::b)) = (case a of (TREE(k,_,l,r)) => (case position of L => getvalue ((l,L)::(a,M)::b) | M => (k,case r of EMPTY => b | _ => (a,R)::b) | R => getvalue ((r,L)::b) ) | EMPTY => getvalue b ) | getvalue(nil) = raise Done fun f (nil,nil) = true | f (s1 as (_ :: _),s2 as (_ :: _ )) = let val (v1,news1) = getvalue s1 and (v2,news2) = getvalue s2 in (elem_eq(v1,v2)) andalso f(news1,news2) end | f _ = false in f ((tree1,L)::nil,(tree2,L)::nil) handle Done => false end | set_eq (EMPTY,EMPTY) = true | set_eq _ = false (* gt_tree : Test if tree1 is greater than tree 2 *) fun set_gt (tree1,tree2) = let datatype pos = L | R | M exception Done fun getvalue(stack as ((a,position)::b)) = (case a of (TREE(k,_,l,r)) => (case position of L => getvalue ((l,L)::(a,M)::b) | M => (k,case r of EMPTY => b | _ => (a,R)::b) | R => getvalue ((r,L)::b) ) | EMPTY => getvalue b ) | getvalue(nil) = raise Done fun f (nil,nil) = false | f (s1 as (_ :: _),s2 as (_ :: _ )) = let val (v1,news1) = getvalue s1 and (v2,news2) = getvalue s2 in (elem_gt(v1,v2)) orelse (elem_eq(v1,v2) andalso f(news1,news2)) end | f (_,nil) = true | f (nil,_) = false in f ((tree1,L)::nil,(tree2,L)::nil) handle Done => false end fun is_empty S = (let val _ = select_arb S in false end handle Select_arb => true) fun make_list S = fold (op ::) S nil fun make_set l = List.foldr insert empty l fun partition F S = fold (fn (a,(Yes,No)) => if F(a) then (insert(a,Yes),No) else (Yes,insert(a,No))) S (empty,empty) fun remove(X, XSet) = let val (YSet, _) = partition (fn a => not (elem_eq (X, a))) XSet in YSet end fun difference(Xs, Ys) = fold (fn (p as (a,Xs')) => if exists(a,Ys) then Xs' else insert p) Xs empty fun singleton X = insert(X,empty) fun card(S): int = fold (fn (_,count) => count+1) S 0 fun union(Xs,Ys)= fold insert Ys Xs local fun closure'(from, f, result) = if is_empty from then result else let val (more,result) = fold (fn (a,(more',result')) => let val more = f a val new = difference(more,result) in (union(more',new),union(result',new)) end) from (empty,result) in closure'(more,f,result) end in fun closure(start, f) = closure'(start, f, start) end end end (* In utils.sig signature TABLE = sig type 'a table type key val size : 'a table -> int val empty: 'a table val exists: (key * 'a table) -> bool val find : (key * 'a table) -> 'a option val insert: ((key * 'a) * 'a table) -> 'a table val make_table : (key * 'a ) list -> 'a table val make_list : 'a table -> (key * 'a) list val fold : ((key * 'a) * 'b -> 'b) -> 'a table -> 'b -> 'b end *) functor Table (B : sig type key val gt : (key * key) -> bool end ) : TABLE = struct datatype Color = RED | BLACK type key = B.key abstype 'a table = EMPTY | TREE of ((B.key * 'a ) * Color * 'a table * 'a table) with val empty = EMPTY fun insert(elem as (key,data),t) = let val key_gt = fn (a,_) => B.gt(key,a) val key_lt = fn (a,_) => B.gt(a,key) fun f EMPTY = TREE(elem,RED,EMPTY,EMPTY) | f (TREE(k,BLACK,l,r)) = if key_gt k then case f r of r as TREE(rk,RED, rl as TREE(rlk,RED,rll,rlr),rr) => (case l of TREE(lk,RED,ll,lr) => TREE(k,RED,TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), TREE(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => TREE(rlk,BLACK,TREE(k,RED,l,rll), TREE(rk,RED,rlr,rr))) | r as TREE(rk,RED,rl, rr as TREE(rrk,RED,rrl,rrr)) => (case l of TREE(lk,RED,ll,lr) => TREE(k,RED,TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), TREE(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => TREE(rk,BLACK,TREE(k,RED,l,rl),rr)) | r => TREE(k,BLACK,l,r) else if key_lt k then case f l of l as TREE(lk,RED,ll, lr as TREE(lrk,RED,lrl,lrr)) => (case r of TREE(rk,RED,rl,rr) => TREE(k,RED,TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), TREE(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => TREE(lrk,BLACK,TREE(lk,RED,ll,lrl), TREE(k,RED,lrr,r))) | l as TREE(lk,RED, ll as TREE(llk,RED,lll,llr), lr) => (case r of TREE(rk,RED,rl,rr) => TREE(k,RED,TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), TREE(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => TREE(lk,BLACK,ll,TREE(k,RED,lr,r))) | l => TREE(k,BLACK,l,r) else TREE(elem,BLACK,l,r) | f (TREE(k,RED,l,r)) = if key_gt k then TREE(k,RED,l, f r) else if key_lt k then TREE(k,RED, f l, r) else TREE(elem,RED,l,r) in case f t of TREE(k,RED, l as TREE(_,RED,_,_), r) => TREE(k,BLACK,l,r) | TREE(k,RED, l, r as TREE(_,RED,_,_)) => TREE(k,BLACK,l,r) | t => t end fun exists(key,t) = let fun look EMPTY = false | look (TREE((k,_),_,l,r)) = if B.gt(k,key) then look l else if B.gt(key,k) then look r else true in look t end fun find(key,t) = let fun look EMPTY = NONE | look (TREE((k,data),_,l,r)) = if B.gt(k,key) then look l else if B.gt(key,k) then look r else SOME data in look t end fun fold f t start = let fun scan(EMPTY,value) = value | scan(TREE(k,_,l,r),value) = scan(l,f(k,scan(r,value))) in scan(t,start) end fun make_table l = List.foldr insert empty l fun size S : int = fold (fn (_,count) => count+1) S 0 fun make_list table = fold (op ::) table nil end end; (* assumes that a functor Table with signature TABLE from table.sml is in the environment *) (* In utils.sig signature HASH = sig type table type elem val size : table -> int val add : elem * table -> table val find : elem * table -> int option val exists : elem * table -> bool val empty : table end *) (* hash: creates a hash table of size n which assigns each distinct member a unique integer between 0 and n-1 *) functor Hash(B : sig type elem val gt : elem * elem -> bool end) : HASH = struct type elem=B.elem structure HashTable = Table(type key=B.elem val gt = B.gt) type table = {count : int, table : int HashTable.table} val empty: table = {count=0,table=HashTable.empty} val size = fn {count,table} => count val add = fn (e,{count,table}) => ({count=count+1,table=HashTable.insert((e,count),table)}: table) val find = fn (e,{table,count}) => HashTable.find(e,table) val exists = fn (e,{table,count}) => HashTable.exists(e,table) end;