(* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2006/06/22 07:40:27 michaeln * Add a MoscowML compilable implementation of MLyacc, using the MLton sources * as the base. * * Revision 1997/01/14 01:38:05 george * Version 109.24 * * Revision 1.3 1996/10/03 03:37:12 jhr * Qualified identifiers that are no-longer top-level (quot, rem, min, max). * * Revision 1.2 1996/02/26 15:02:35 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:45 george * Version 109 * *) functor mkLalr ( structure IntGrammar : INTGRAMMAR structure Core : CORE structure Graph : LRGRAPH structure Look: LOOK sharing Graph.Core = Core sharing Graph.IntGrammar = Core.IntGrammar = Look.IntGrammar = IntGrammar) : LALR_GRAPH = struct open Array List infix 9 sub open IntGrammar.Grammar IntGrammar Core Graph Look structure Graph = Graph structure Core = Core structure Grammar = IntGrammar.Grammar structure IntGrammar = IntGrammar datatype tmpcore = TMPCORE of (item * term list ref) list * int datatype lcore = LCORE of (item * term list) list * int val prLcore = fn a as (SymbolToString,nontermToString,termToString,print) => let val printItem = prItem (SymbolToString,nontermToString,print) val printLookahead = prLook(termToString,print) in fn (LCORE (items,state)) => (print "\n"; print "state "; print (Int.toString state); print " :\n\n"; List.app (fn (item,lookahead) => (print "{"; printItem item; print ","; printLookahead lookahead; print "}\n")) items) end exception Lalr of int structure ItemList = ListOrdSet (struct type elem = item * term list ref val eq = fn ((a,_),(b,_)) => eqItem(a,b) val gt = fn ((a,_),(b,_)) => gtItem(a,b) end) structure NontermSet = ListOrdSet (struct type elem = nonterm val gt = gtNonterm val eq = eqNonterm end) (* NTL: nonterms with lookahead *) structure NTL = RbOrdSet (struct type elem = nonterm * term list val gt = fn ((i,_),(j,_)) => gtNonterm(i,j) val eq = fn ((i,_),(j,_)) => eqNonterm(i,j) end) val DEBUG = false val addLookahead = fn {graph,nullable,first,eop, rules,produces,nonterms,epsProds, print,termToString,nontermToString} => let val eop = Look.make_set eop val symbolToString = fn (TERM t) => termToString t | (NONTERM t) => nontermToString t val print = if DEBUG then print else fn _ => () val prLook = if DEBUG then prLook (termToString,print) else fn _ => () val prNonterm = print o nontermToString val prRule = if DEBUG then prRule(symbolToString,nontermToString,print) else fn _ => () val printInt = print o (Int.toString : int -> string) val printItem = prItem(symbolToString,nontermToString,print) (* look_pos: position in the rhs of a rule at which we should start placing lookahead ref cells, i.e. the minimum place at which A -> x .B y, where B is a nonterminal and y =*=> epsilon, or A -> x. is true. Positions are given by the number of symbols before the place. The place before the first symbol is 0, etc. *) val look_pos = let val positions = array(length rules,0) (* rule_pos: calculate place in the rhs of a rule at which we should start placing lookahead ref cells *) val rule_pos = fn (RULE {rhs,...}) => case (rev rhs) of nil => 0 | (TERM t) :: r => length rhs | (l as (NONTERM n) :: r) => (* f assumes that everything after n in the rule has proven to be nullable so far. Remember that the rhs has been reversed, implying that this is true initially *) (* A -> .z t B y, where y is nullable *) let fun f (NONTERM b :: (r as (TERM _ :: _))) = (length r) (* A -> .z B C y *) | f (NONTERM c :: (r as (NONTERM b :: _))) = if nullable c then f r else (length r) (* A -> .B y, where y is nullable *) | f (NONTERM b :: nil) = 0 | f _ = raise Fail "f" in f l end val check_rule = fn (rule as RULE {num,...}) => let val pos = rule_pos rule in (print "look_pos: "; prRule rule; print " = "; printInt pos; print "\n"; update(positions,num,rule_pos rule)) end in app check_rule rules; fn RULE{num,...} => (positions sub num) end (* rest_is_null: true for items of the form A -> x .B y, where y is nullable *) val rest_is_null = fn (ITEM{rule,dot, rhsAfter=NONTERM _ :: _}) => dot >= (look_pos rule) | _ => false (* map core to a new core including only items of the form A -> x. or A -> x. B y, where y =*=> epsilon. It also adds epsilon productions to the core. Each item is given a ref cell to hold the lookahead nonterminals for it.*) val map_core = let val f = fn (item as ITEM {rhsAfter=nil,...},r) => (item,ref nil) :: r | (item,r) => if (rest_is_null item) then (item,ref nil)::r else r in fn (c as CORE (items,state)) => let val epsItems = map (fn rule=>(ITEM{rule=rule,dot=0,rhsAfter=nil}, ref (nil : term list)) ) (epsProds c) in TMPCORE(ItemList.union(List.foldr f [] items,epsItems),state) end end val new_nodes = map map_core (nodes graph) exception Find (* findRef: state * item -> lookahead ref cell for item *) val findRef = let val states = Array.fromList new_nodes val dummy = ref nil in fn (state,item) => let val TMPCORE (l,_) = states sub state in case ItemList.find((item,dummy),l) of SOME (_,look_ref) => look_ref | NONE => (print "find failed: state "; printInt state; print "\nitem =\n"; printItem item; print "\nactual items =\n"; app (fn (i,_) => (printItem i; print "\n")) l; raise Find) end end (* findRuleRefs: state -> rule -> lookahead refs for rule. *) val findRuleRefs = let val shift = shift graph in fn state => (* handle epsilon productions *) fn (rule as RULE {rhs=nil,...}) => [findRef(state,ITEM{rule=rule,dot=0,rhsAfter=nil})] | (rule as RULE {rhs=sym::rest,...}) => let val pos = Int.max(look_pos rule,1) fun scan'(state,nil,pos,result) = findRef(state,ITEM{rule=rule, dot=pos, rhsAfter=nil}) :: result | scan'(state,rhs as sym::rest,pos,result) = scan'(shift(state,sym), rest, pos+1, findRef(state,ITEM{rule=rule, dot=pos, rhsAfter=rhs})::result) (* find first item of the form A -> x .B y, where y =*=> epsilon and x is not epsilon, or A -> x. use scan' to pick up all refs after this point *) fun scan(state,nil,_) = [findRef(state,ITEM{rule=rule,dot=pos,rhsAfter=nil})] | scan(state,rhs,0) = scan'(state,rhs,pos,nil) | scan(state,sym::rest,place) = scan(shift(state,sym),rest,place-1) in scan(shift(state,sym),rest,pos-1) end end (* function to compute for some nonterminal n the set of nonterminals A added through the closure of nonterminal n such that n =c*=> .A x, where x is nullable *) val nonterms_w_null = fn nt => let val collect_nonterms = fn n => List.foldr (fn (rule as RULE {rhs=rhs as NONTERM n :: _,...},r) => (case (rest_is_null(ITEM {dot=0,rhsAfter=rhs,rule=rule})) of true => n :: r | false => r) | (_,r) => r) [] (produces n) fun dfs(a as (n,r)) = if (NontermSet.exists a) then r else List.foldr dfs (NontermSet.insert(n,r)) (collect_nonterms n) in dfs(nt,NontermSet.empty) end val nonterms_w_null = let val data = array(nonterms,NontermSet.empty) fun f n = if n=nonterms then () else (update(data,n,nonterms_w_null (NT n)); f (n+1)) in (f 0; fn (NT nt) => data sub nt) end (* look_info: for some nonterminal n the set of nonterms A added through the closure of the nonterminal such that n =c+=> .Ax and the lookahead accumlated for each nonterm A *) val look_info = fn nt => let val collect_nonterms = fn n => List.foldr (fn (RULE {rhs=NONTERM n :: t,...},r) => (case NTL.find ((n,nil),r) of SOME (key,data) => NTL.insert((n,Look.union(data,first t)),r) | NONE => NTL.insert ((n,first t),r)) | (_,r) => r) NTL.empty (produces n) fun dfs(a as ((key1,data1),r)) = case (NTL.find a) of SOME (_,data2) => NTL.insert((key1,Look.union(data1,data2)),r) | NONE => NTL.fold dfs (collect_nonterms key1) (NTL.insert a) in dfs((nt,nil),NTL.empty) end val look_info = if not DEBUG then look_info else fn nt => (print "look_info of "; prNonterm nt; print "=\n"; let val info = look_info nt in (NTL.app (fn (nt,lookahead) => (prNonterm nt; print ": "; prLook lookahead; print "\n\n")) info; info) end) (* prop_look: propagate lookaheads for nonterms added in the closure of a nonterm. Lookaheads must be propagated from each nonterminal m to all nonterminals { n | m =c+=> nx, where x=*=>epsilon} *) val prop_look = fn ntl => let val upd_lookhd = fn new_look => fn (nt,r) => case NTL.find ((nt,new_look),r) of SOME (_,old_look) => NTL.insert((nt, Look.union(new_look,old_look)),r) | NONE => raise (Lalr 241) val upd_nonterm = fn ((nt,look),r) => NontermSet.fold (upd_lookhd look) (nonterms_w_null nt) r in NTL.fold upd_nonterm ntl ntl end val prop_look = if not DEBUG then prop_look else fn ntl => (print "prop_look =\n"; let val info = prop_look ntl in (NTL.app (fn (nt,lookahead) => (prNonterm nt; print ": "; prLook lookahead; print "\n\n")) info; info) end) (* now put the information from these functions together. Create a function which takes a nonterminal n and returns a list of triplets of (a nonterm added through closure, the lookahead for the nonterm, whether the nonterm should include the lookahead for the nonterminal whose closure is being taken (i.e. first(y) for an item j of the form A -> x .n y and lookahead(j) if y =*=> epsilon) *) val closure_nonterms = let val data = array(nonterms,nil: (nonterm * term list * bool) list) val do_nonterm = fn i => let val nonterms_followed_by_null = nonterms_w_null i val nonterms_added_through_closure = NTL.make_list (prop_look (look_info i)) val result = map (fn (nt,l) => (nt,l,NontermSet.exists (nt,nonterms_followed_by_null)) ) nonterms_added_through_closure in if DEBUG then (print "closure_nonterms = "; prNonterm i; print "\n"; app (fn (nt,look,nullable) => (prNonterm nt; print ":"; prLook look; case nullable of false => print "(false)\n" | true => print "(true)\n")) result; print "\n") else (); result end fun f i = if i=nonterms then () else (update(data,i,do_nonterm (NT i)); f (i+1)) val _ = f 0 in fn (NT i) => data sub i end (* add_nonterm_lookahead: Add lookahead to all completion items for rules added when the closure of a given nonterm in some state is taken. It returns a list of lookahead refs to which the given nonterm's lookahead should be propagated. For each rule, it must trace the shift/gotos in the LR(0) graph to find all items of the form A-> x .B y where y =*=> epsilon or A -> x. *) val add_nonterm_lookahead = fn (nt,state) => let val f = fn ((nt,lookahead,nullable),r) => let val refs = map (findRuleRefs state) (produces nt) val refs = List.concat refs val _ = app (fn r => r := (Look.union (!r,lookahead))) refs in if nullable then refs @ r else r end in List.foldr f [] (closure_nonterms nt) end (* scan_core: Scan a core for all items of the form A -> x .B y. Applies add_nonterm_lookahead to each such B, and then merges first(y) into the list of refs returned by add_nonterm_lookahead. It returns a list of ref * ref list for all the items where y =*=> epsilon *) val scan_core = fn (CORE (l,state)) => let fun f ((item as ITEM{rhsAfter= NONTERM b :: y, dot,rule})::t,r) = (case (add_nonterm_lookahead(b,state)) of nil => r | l => let val first_y = first y val newr = if dot >= (look_pos rule) then (findRef(state,item),l)::r else r in (app (fn r => r := Look.union(!r,first_y)) l; f (t,newr)) end) | f (_ :: t,r) = f (t,r) | f (nil,r) = r in f (l,nil) end (* add end-of-parse symbols to set of items consisting of all items immediately derived from the start symbol *) val add_eop = fn (c as CORE (l,state),eop) => let fun f (item as ITEM {rule,dot,...}) = let val refs = findRuleRefs state rule in (* first take care of kernal items. Add the end-of-parse symbols to the lookahead sets for these items. Epsilon productions of the start symbol do not need to be handled specially because they will be in the kernal also *) app (fn r => r := Look.union(!r,eop)) refs; (* now take care of closure items. These are all nonterminals C which have a derivation S =+=> .C x, where x is nullable *) if dot >= (look_pos rule) then case item of ITEM{rhsAfter=NONTERM b :: _,...} => (case add_nonterm_lookahead(b,state) of nil => () | l => app (fn r => r := Look.union(!r,eop)) l) | _ => () else () end in app f l end val iterate = fn l => let fun f lookahead (nil,done) = done | f lookahead (h::t,done) = let val old = !h in h := Look.union (old,lookahead); if (length (!h)) <> (length old) then f lookahead (t,false) else f lookahead(t,done) end fun g ((from,to)::rest,done) = let val new_done = f (!from) (to,done) in g (rest,new_done) end | g (nil,done) = done fun loop true = () | loop false = loop (g (l,true)) in loop false end val lookahead = List.concat (map scan_core (nodes graph)) (* used to scan the item list of a TMPCORE and remove the items not being reduced *) val create_lcore_list = fn ((item as ITEM {rhsAfter=nil,...},ref l),r) => (item,l) :: r | (_,r) => r in add_eop(Graph.core graph 0,eop); iterate lookahead; map (fn (TMPCORE (l,state)) => LCORE (List.foldr create_lcore_list [] l, state)) new_nodes end end;