signature ProcessMultiplexor = sig type command = {executable: string, nm_args : string list, env : string list} type 'a job = {tag : string, command : command, update : 'a * bool -> 'a} type jobkey = * string type exit_status = Posix.Process.exit_status datatype 'a genjob_result = NoMoreJobs of 'a | NewJob of ('a job * 'a) | GiveUpAndDie of 'a type 'a workprovider = { initial : 'a, genjob : 'a -> 'a genjob_result } type 'a worklist datatype strmtype = OUT | ERR datatype monitor_message = Output of jobkey * Time.time * strmtype * string | NothingSeen of jobkey * {delay: Time.time, total_elapsed : Time.time} | Terminated of jobkey * exit_status * Time.time | MonitorKilled of jobkey * Time.time | EOF of jobkey * strmtype * Time.time | StartJob of jobkey datatype client_cmd = Kill of jobkey | KillAll type monitor = monitor_message -> client_cmd option val text_monitor : monitor val new_worklist : {worklimit : int, provider : 'a workprovider} -> 'a worklist val do_work : ('a worklist * monitor) -> 'a val mk_shell_command : {cline: string, extra_env: string list} -> command val shell_commands : monitor -> string list * int -> (string * bool) list end