signature LIST_PAIR = sig exception UnequalLengths val zip : 'a list * 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list val zipEq : 'a list * 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list val unzip : ('a * 'b) list -> 'a list * 'b list val app : ('a * 'b -> unit) -> 'a list * 'b list -> unit val appEq : ('a * 'b -> unit) -> 'a list * 'b list -> unit val map : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list * 'b list -> 'c list val mapEq : ('a * 'b -> 'c) -> 'a list * 'b list -> 'c list val foldl : ('a * 'b * 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> 'a list * 'b list -> 'c val foldr : ('a * 'b * 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> 'a list * 'b list -> 'c val foldlEq : ('a * 'b * 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> 'a list * 'b list -> 'c val foldrEq : ('a * 'b * 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> 'a list * 'b list -> 'c val all : ('a * 'b -> bool) -> 'a list * 'b list -> bool val exists : ('a * 'b -> bool) -> 'a list * 'b list -> bool val allEq : ('a * 'b -> bool) -> 'a list * 'b list -> bool end structure ListPair :> LIST_PAIR = struct open ListPair exception UnequalLengths fun zipEq (xs, ys) = let fun h (x::xr) (y::yr) res = h xr yr ((x, y) :: res) | h [] [] res = List.rev res | h _ _ res = raise UnequalLengths in h xs ys [] end fun mapEq f (xs, ys) = let fun h (x::xr) (y::yr) res = h xr yr (f(x, y) :: res) | h [] [] res = List.rev res | h _ _ res = raise UnequalLengths in h xs ys [] end fun appEq f (xs, ys) = let fun h (x::xr) (y::yr) = (f (x, y); h xr yr) | h [] [] = () | h _ _ = raise UnequalLengths in h xs ys end fun allEq p (xs, ys) = let fun h (x::xr) (y::yr) = p(x, y) andalso h xr yr | h [] [] = true | h _ _ = false in h xs ys end fun foldlEq f e (xs, ys) = let fun h e (x::xr) (y::yr) = h (f(x, y, e)) xr yr | h e [] [] = e | h e _ _ = raise UnequalLengths in h e xs ys end fun foldrEq f e (xs, ys) = foldlEq f e (List.rev xs, List.rev ys) end signature VECTOR = sig type 'a vector = 'a Vector.vector val maxLen : int val fromList : 'a list -> 'a vector val tabulate : int * (int -> 'a) -> 'a vector val length : 'a vector -> int val sub : 'a vector * int -> 'a val update : 'a vector * int * 'a -> 'a vector val concat : 'a vector list -> 'a vector val appi : (int * 'a -> unit) -> 'a vector -> unit val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a vector -> unit val mapi : (int * 'a -> 'b) -> 'a vector -> 'b vector val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a vector -> 'b vector val foldli : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a vector -> 'b val foldri : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a vector -> 'b val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a vector -> 'b val foldr : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a vector -> 'b val findi : (int * 'a -> bool) -> 'a vector -> (int * 'a) option val find : ('a -> bool) -> 'a vector -> 'a option val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a vector -> bool val all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a vector -> bool val collate : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a vector * 'a vector -> order end structure MosmlVector = Vector structure MosmlArray = Array structure Vector :> VECTOR = struct structure V = MosmlVector open V fun update (v,i,e) = tabulate (length v, (fn j => if j = i then e else sub(v,j))) fun appi f v = V.appi f (v,0,NONE) fun mapi f v = V.mapi f (v,0,NONE) fun foldli f b v = V.foldli f b (v,0,NONE) fun foldri f b v = V.foldri f b (v,0,NONE) fun findi P v = let val sz = length v fun recurse i = if i < sz then let val pr = (i,sub(v,i)) in if P pr then SOME pr else recurse (i + 1) end else NONE in recurse 0 end fun find P v = #2 (findi (P o #2) v) fun exists P v = isSome (find P v) fun all P v = not (exists (not o P) v) fun collate cmp (a1, a2) = let val sz1 = length a1 and sz2 = length a2 fun recurse i = if i < sz1 then if i < sz2 then case cmp(sub(a1,i), sub(a2,i)) of EQUAL => recurse (i + 1) | x => x else GREATER else if i < sz2 then LESS else EQUAL in recurse 0 end end signature VECTOR_SLICE = sig type 'a slice val length : 'a slice -> int val sub : 'a slice * int -> 'a val full : 'a Vector.vector -> 'a slice val slice : 'a Vector.vector * int * int option -> 'a slice val subslice : 'a slice * int * int option -> 'a slice val base : 'a slice -> 'a Vector.vector * int * int val vector : 'a slice -> 'a Vector.vector val concat : 'a slice list -> 'a Vector.vector val isEmpty : 'a slice -> bool val getItem : 'a slice -> ('a * 'a slice) option val appi : (int * 'a -> unit) -> 'a slice -> unit val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a slice -> unit val mapi : (int * 'a -> 'b) -> 'a slice -> 'b Vector.vector val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a slice -> 'b Vector.vector val foldli : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b val foldri : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b val foldr : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b val findi : (int * 'a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> (int * 'a) option val find : ('a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> 'a option val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> bool val all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> bool val collate : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a slice * 'a slice -> order end structure VectorSlice :> VECTOR_SLICE = struct type 'a slice = ('a Vector.vector * int * int) val vlen = Vector.length val vsub = Vector.sub fun length (v,i,sz) = sz fun isEmpty (v,i,sz) = sz = 0 fun sub ((v,i,sz), j) = if j < 0 orelse sz <= j then raise Subscript else vsub(v, i + j) fun getItem (v,i,sz) = if sz = 0 then NONE else SOME (vsub(v,i), (v,i+1,sz-1)) fun full v = (v,0,vlen v) fun slice (v,i,NONE) = if i < 0 orelse vlen v < i then raise Subscript else (v,i,vlen v - i) | slice (v,i,SOME sz) = if i < 0 orelse sz < 0 orelse vlen v < i + sz then raise Subscript else (v,i,sz) fun subslice ((v,i,sz), j, NONE) = if j < 0 orelse sz < j then raise Subscript else (v,i+j,sz - j) | subslice ((v,i,sz), j, SOME sz') = if j < 0 orelse sz' < 0 orelse sz < j + sz' then raise Subscript else (v,i+j,sz') fun base v : 'a slice = v fun vector (sl as (v,i,sz)) = Vector.tabulate(sz, (fn i => sub(sl, i))) fun concat sls = case sls of [] => Vector.fromList [] | [sl] => vector sl | _ => let val combinedsz = List.foldl (fn (sl,a) => a + length sl) 0 sls handle Overflow => raise Size val _ = if combinedsz > Vector.maxLen then raise Size else () val sls_r = ref sls val i_r = ref 0 fun tabthis i = let val sl = hd (!sls_r) in if i - !i_r >= length sl then (i_r := !i_r + length sl; sls_r := tl (!sls_r); tabthis i) else sub(sl, i - !i_r) end in Vector.tabulate(combinedsz, tabthis) end fun appi f sl = let fun recurse i = if i < length sl then (f(i, sub(sl,i)); recurse (i + 1)) else () in recurse 0 end fun app f = appi (f o #2) fun mapi f sl = Vector.tabulate(length sl, (fn i => f(i,sub(sl,i)))) fun map f = mapi (f o #2) fun foldli f b sl = let val sz = length sl fun recurse acc i = if i < sz then recurse (f(i,sub(sl,i),acc)) (i + 1) else acc in recurse b 0 end fun foldri f b sl = let fun recurse acc i = if i < 0 then acc else recurse (f(i,sub(sl,i),acc)) (i - 1) in recurse b (length sl - 1) end fun foldl f = foldli (fn (_,e,b) => f (e,b)) fun foldr f = foldri (fn (_,e,b) => f (e,b)) fun findi P v = let val sz = length v fun recurse i = if i < sz then let val pr = (i,sub(v,i)) in if P pr then SOME pr else recurse (i + 1) end else NONE in recurse 0 end fun find P v = #2 (findi (P o #2) v) fun exists P v = isSome (find P v) fun all P v = not (exists (not o P) v) fun collate cmp (a1, a2) = let val sz1 = length a1 and sz2 = length a2 fun recurse i = if i < sz1 then if i < sz2 then case cmp(sub(a1,i), sub(a2,i)) of EQUAL => recurse (i + 1) | x => x else GREATER else if i < sz2 then LESS else EQUAL in recurse 0 end end signature ARRAY = sig type 'a array = 'a Array.array type 'a vector = 'a Vector.vector val maxLen : int val array : int * 'a -> 'a array val fromList : 'a list -> 'a array val tabulate : int * (int -> 'a) -> 'a array val length : 'a array -> int val sub : 'a array * int -> 'a val update : 'a array * int * 'a -> unit val vector : 'a array -> 'a vector val copy : {src : 'a array, dst : 'a array, di : int} -> unit val copyVec : {src : 'a vector, dst : 'a array, di : int} -> unit val appi : (int * 'a -> unit) -> 'a array -> unit val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a array -> unit val modifyi : (int * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a array -> unit val modify : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a array -> unit val foldli : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a array -> 'b val foldri : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a array -> 'b val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a array -> 'b val foldr : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a array -> 'b val findi : (int * 'a -> bool) -> 'a array -> (int * 'a) option val find : ('a -> bool) -> 'a array -> 'a option val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a array -> bool val all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a array -> bool val collate : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a array * 'a array -> order end structure Array :> ARRAY = struct type 'a vector = 'a Vector.vector structure A = MosmlArray open A fun vector a = extract(a, 0, NONE) fun copy {di,dst,src} = A.copy {src = src, si = 0, len = NONE, dst = dst, di = di} fun copyVec {di,dst,src} = A.copyVec {src = src, si = 0, len = NONE, dst = dst, di = di} fun appi f a = A.appi f (a, 0, NONE) fun modifyi f a = A.modifyi f (a, 0, NONE) fun foldli f b a = A.foldli f b (a, 0, NONE) fun foldri f b a = A.foldri f b (a, 0, NONE) fun findi P a = let val sz = length a fun recurse i = if i < sz then let val pr = (i, sub(a,i)) in if P pr then SOME pr else recurse (i + 1) end else NONE in recurse 0 end fun find P a = #2 (findi (P o #2) a) fun exists P a = isSome (find P a) fun all P a = not (exists (not o P) a) fun collate cmp (a1, a2) = let val sz1 = length a1 and sz2 = length a2 fun recurse i = if i < sz1 then if i < sz2 then case cmp(sub(a1,i), sub(a2,i)) of EQUAL => recurse (i + 1) | x => x else GREATER else if i < sz2 then LESS else EQUAL in recurse 0 end end signature ARRAY_SLICE = sig type 'a slice val length : 'a slice -> int val sub : 'a slice * int -> 'a val update : 'a slice * int * 'a -> unit val full : 'a Array.array -> 'a slice val slice : 'a Array.array * int * int option -> 'a slice val subslice : 'a slice * int * int option -> 'a slice val base : 'a slice -> 'a Array.array * int * int val vector : 'a slice -> 'a Vector.vector val copy : { src : 'a slice, dst : 'a Array.array, di : int } -> unit val copyVec : { src : 'a VectorSlice.slice, dst : 'a Array.array, di : int } -> unit val isEmpty : 'a slice -> bool val getItem : 'a slice -> ('a * 'a slice) option val appi : (int * 'a -> unit) -> 'a slice -> unit val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a slice -> unit val modifyi : (int * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a slice -> unit val modify : ('a -> 'a) -> 'a slice -> unit val foldli : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b val foldri : (int * 'a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b val foldr : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a slice -> 'b val findi : (int * 'a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> (int * 'a) option val find : ('a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> 'a option val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> bool val all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a slice -> bool val collate : ('a * 'a -> order) -> 'a slice * 'a slice -> order end structure ArraySlice :> ARRAY_SLICE = struct type 'a slice = ('a Array.array * int * int) val vlen = Array.length val vsub = Array.sub fun length (v,i,sz) = sz fun isEmpty (v,i,sz) = sz = 0 fun sub ((v,i,sz), j) = if j < 0 orelse sz <= j then raise Subscript else vsub(v, i + j) fun update((a,i,sz),j,e) = Array.update(a,i + j,e) fun getItem (v,i,sz) = if sz = 0 then NONE else SOME (vsub(v,i), (v,i+1,sz-1)) fun full v = (v,0,vlen v) fun slice (v,i,NONE) = if i < 0 orelse vlen v < i then raise Subscript else (v,i,vlen v - i) | slice (v,i,SOME sz) = if i < 0 orelse sz < 0 orelse vlen v < i + sz then raise Subscript else (v,i,sz) fun subslice ((v,i,sz), j, NONE) = if j < 0 orelse sz < j then raise Subscript else (v,i+j,sz - j) | subslice ((v,i,sz), j, SOME sz') = if j < 0 orelse sz' < 0 orelse sz < j + sz' then raise Subscript else (v,i+j,sz') fun base v : 'a slice = v fun vector (sl as (v,i,sz)) = Vector.tabulate(sz, (fn i => sub(sl, i))) fun copy {di,dst,src = src as (a,i,sz)} = if di < 0 orelse vlen dst < di + sz then raise Subscript else let fun back2front j = if j < 0 then () else (Array.update(dst,j + di,sub(src,j)); back2front (j - 1)) fun front2back j = if j < sz then (Array.update(dst,j+di,sub(src,j)); front2back (j + 1)) else () in if a = dst then if i = di then () else if i < di then back2front (sz - 1) else (* di < i *) front2back 0 else front2back 0 end fun copyVec {di,dst,src} = if di < 0 orelse vlen dst < di + VectorSlice.length src then raise Subscript else let val sub = VectorSlice.sub val sz = VectorSlice.length src fun front2back j = if j < sz then (Array.update(dst,j+di,sub(src,j)); front2back (j + 1)) else () in front2back 0 end fun appi f sl = let fun recurse i = if i < length sl then (f(i, sub(sl,i)); recurse (i + 1)) else () in recurse 0 end fun app f = appi (f o #2) fun modifyi f sl = let val sz = length sl fun recurse i = if i < sz then (update(sl,i,f(i,sub(sl,i))); recurse (i + 1)) else () in recurse 0 end fun modify f = modifyi (f o #2) fun foldli f b sl = let val sz = length sl fun recurse acc i = if i < sz then recurse (f(i,sub(sl,i),acc)) (i + 1) else acc in recurse b 0 end fun foldri f b sl = let fun recurse acc i = if i < 0 then acc else recurse (f(i,sub(sl,i),acc)) (i - 1) in recurse b (length sl - 1) end fun foldl f = foldli (fn (_,e,b) => f (e,b)) fun foldr f = foldri (fn (_,e,b) => f (e,b)) fun findi P v = let val sz = length v fun recurse i = if i < sz then let val pr = (i,sub(v,i)) in if P pr then SOME pr else recurse (i + 1) end else NONE in recurse 0 end fun find P v = #2 (findi (P o #2) v) fun exists P v = isSome (find P v) fun all P v = not (exists (not o P) v) fun collate cmp (a1, a2) = let val sz1 = length a1 and sz2 = length a2 fun recurse i = if i < sz1 then if i < sz2 then case cmp(sub(a1,i), sub(a2,i)) of EQUAL => recurse (i + 1) | x => x else GREATER else if i < sz2 then LESS else EQUAL in recurse 0 end end signature OS_PROCESS = sig type status val success : status val failure : status val isSuccess : status -> bool val system : string -> status val atExit : (unit -> unit) -> unit val exit : status -> 'a val terminate : status -> 'a val getEnv : string -> string option val sleep : Time.time -> unit end signature OS_FILESYS = sig type dirstream val openDir : string -> dirstream val readDir : dirstream -> string option val rewindDir : dirstream -> unit val closeDir : dirstream -> unit val chDir : string -> unit val getDir : unit -> string val mkDir : string -> unit val rmDir : string -> unit val isDir : string -> bool val isLink : string -> bool val readLink : string -> string val fullPath : string -> string val realPath : string -> string val modTime : string -> Time.time val fileSize : string -> int val setTime : string * Time.time option -> unit val remove : string -> unit val rename : {old : string, new : string} -> unit datatype access_mode = A_READ | A_WRITE | A_EXEC val access : string * access_mode list -> bool val tmpName : unit -> string eqtype file_id val fileId : string -> file_id val hash : file_id -> word val compare : file_id * file_id -> order end signature OS_PATH = sig exception Path exception InvalidArc val parentArc : string val currentArc : string val fromString : string -> {isAbs : bool, vol : string, arcs : string list} val toString : {isAbs : bool, vol : string, arcs : string list} -> string val validVolume : {isAbs : bool, vol : string} -> bool val getVolume : string -> string val getParent : string -> string val splitDirFile : string -> {dir : string, file : string} val joinDirFile : {dir : string, file : string} -> string val dir : string -> string val file : string -> string val splitBaseExt : string -> {base : string, ext : string option} val joinBaseExt : {base : string, ext : string option} -> string val base : string -> string val ext : string -> string option val mkCanonical : string -> string val isCanonical : string -> bool val mkAbsolute : {path : string, relativeTo : string} -> string val mkRelative : {path : string, relativeTo : string} -> string val isAbsolute : string -> bool val isRelative : string -> bool val isRoot : string -> bool val concat : string * string -> string val fromUnixPath : string -> string val toUnixPath : string -> string end structure String = struct open String fun concatWith sep l = let fun clist l acc = case l of h1 :: (t as _::_) => clist t (sep :: h1 :: acc) | x => x @ acc in concat (List.rev (clist l [])) end fun isSubstring p t = let (* following *) open Int val m = size p val n = size t val occ = let val occarray = Array.array (Char.ord Char.maxChar + 1, ~1) fun recurse i = if i >= m then () else let val c = String.sub(p,i) in Array.update(occarray, Char.ord c, i); recurse (i + 1) end val _ = recurse 0 in fn c => Array.sub(occarray, Char.ord c) end val f = Array.array(m+1,0) val s = Array.array(m+1,0) val bmPreprocess1 as () = let val i = ref m and j = ref (m + 1) val _ = Array.update(f,!i,!j) in while (!i > 0) do (while !j <= m andalso String.sub(p,!i-1) <> String.sub(p,!j-1) do (if Array.sub(s,!j) = 0 then Array.update(s,!j,(!j) - !i) else (); j := Array.sub(f,!j)); i := !i - 1; j := !j - 1; Array.update(f,!i,!j)) end val bmPreprocess2 as () = let val i = ref 0 and j = ref (Array.sub(f,0)) in while (!i <= m) do (if Array.sub(s,!i) = 0 then Array.update(s,!i,!j) else (); if !i = !j then j := Array.sub(f,!j) else (); i := !i + 1) end exception Done of int val i = ref 0 and j = ref 0 in (while !i <= n - m do (j := m - 1; while (!j >= 0 andalso String.sub(p,!j) = String.sub(t,!i + !j)) do j := !j - 1; if !j < 0 then raise Done (!i) else i := !i + Int.max(Array.sub(s,!j + 1), !j - occ (String.sub(t,!i + !j)))); false) handle Done _ => true end fun isSuffix small big = let open Int fun check i j = i < 0 orelse (0 <= j andalso String.sub(small,i) = String.sub(big,j) andalso check (i - 1) (j - 1)) in check (size small - 1) (size big - 1) end end signature SUBSTRING = sig type substring eqtype char eqtype string val sub : substring * int -> char val size : substring -> int val base : substring -> string * int * int val extract : string * int * int option -> substring val substring : string * int * int -> substring val full : string -> substring val string : substring -> string val isEmpty : substring -> bool val getc : substring -> (char * substring) option val first : substring -> char option val triml : int -> substring -> substring val trimr : int -> substring -> substring val slice : substring * int * int option -> substring val concat : substring list -> string val concatWith : string -> substring list -> string val explode : substring -> char list val isPrefix : string -> substring -> bool val isSubstring : string -> substring -> bool val isSuffix : string -> substring -> bool val compare : substring * substring -> order val collate : (char * char -> order) -> substring * substring -> order val splitl : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring * substring val splitr : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring * substring val splitAt : substring * int -> substring * substring val dropl : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring val dropr : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring val takel : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring val taker : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring val position : string -> substring -> substring * substring val span : substring * substring -> substring val translate : (char -> string) -> substring -> string val tokens : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring list val fields : (char -> bool) -> substring -> substring list val app : (char -> unit) -> substring -> unit val foldl : (char * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> substring -> 'a val foldr : (char * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> substring -> 'a end structure Substring :> SUBSTRING where type substring = Substring.substring and type string = String.string and type char = Char.char = struct open Substring type char = Char.char type string = String.string val full = all fun concatWith sep sslist = let fun clist l = case l of h1 :: (t as _ :: _) => h1 :: full sep :: clist t | x => x in concat (clist sslist) end fun isSubstring s ss = String.isSubstring s (string ss) fun isSuffix s ss = String.isSuffix s (string ss) end structure TextIO = struct open TextIO val inputLine = fn is => case inputLine is of "" => NONE | s => SOME s end signature MONO_VECTOR = sig type vector type elem val maxLen : int val fromList : elem list -> vector val tabulate : int * (int -> elem) -> vector val length : vector -> int val sub : vector * int -> elem val update : vector * int * elem -> vector val concat : vector list -> vector val appi : (int * elem -> unit) -> vector -> unit val app : (elem -> unit) -> vector -> unit val mapi : (int * elem -> elem) -> vector -> vector val map : (elem -> elem) -> vector -> vector val foldli : (int * elem * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> vector -> 'a val foldri : (int * elem * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> vector -> 'a val foldl : (elem * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> vector -> 'a val foldr : (elem * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> vector -> 'a val findi : (int * elem -> bool) -> vector -> (int * elem) option val find : (elem -> bool) -> vector -> elem option val exists : (elem -> bool) -> vector -> bool val all : (elem -> bool) -> vector -> bool val collate : (elem * elem -> order) -> vector * vector -> order end structure CharVector :> MONO_VECTOR where type vector = String.string and type elem = char = struct open CharVector fun update(s,i,c) = if i < 0 orelse i >= size s then raise Subscript else String.extract(s,0,SOME i) ^ str c ^ (if i = size s - 1 then "" else String.extract(s,i+1,NONE)) fun appi f s = CharVector.appi f (s,0,NONE) fun mapi f s = CharVector.mapi f (s,0,NONE) fun foldli f acc s = CharVector.foldli f acc (s,0,NONE) fun foldri f acc s = CharVector.foldri f acc (s,0,NONE) fun findi P s = let val sz = size s fun recurse i = if i = sz then NONE else let val c = String.sub (s, i) val pair = (i,c) in if P pair then SOME pair else recurse (i + 1) end in recurse 0 end fun find P s = let val sz = size s fun recurse i = if i = sz then NONE else let val c = String.sub(s,i) in if P c then SOME c else recurse (i + 1) end in recurse 0 end fun exists P s = isSome (find P s) fun all P = not o exists (not o P) val collate = String.collate end signature MONO_VECTOR_SLICE = sig type elem type vector type slice val length : slice -> int val sub : slice * int -> elem val full : vector -> slice val slice : vector * int * int option -> slice val subslice : slice * int * int option -> slice val base : slice -> vector * int * int val vector : slice -> vector val concat : slice list -> vector val isEmpty : slice -> bool val getItem : slice -> (elem * slice) option val appi : (int * elem -> unit) -> slice -> unit val app : (elem -> unit) -> slice -> unit val mapi : (int * elem -> elem) -> slice -> vector val map : (elem -> elem) -> slice -> vector val foldli : (int * elem * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> slice -> 'b val foldr : (elem * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> slice -> 'b val foldl : (elem * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> slice -> 'b val foldri : (int * elem * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> slice -> 'b val findi : (int * elem -> bool) -> slice -> (int * elem) option val find : (elem -> bool) -> slice -> elem option val exists : (elem -> bool) -> slice -> bool val all : (elem -> bool) -> slice -> bool val collate : (elem * elem -> order) -> slice * slice -> order end structure CharVectorSlice :> MONO_VECTOR_SLICE where type slice = Substring.substring and type vector = String.string and type elem = char = struct type elem = char type slice = Substring.substring type vector = String.string open Substring val length = size val subslice = slice val slice = extract val vector = string val getItem = getc fun appi f ss = let val sz = size ss fun recurse i = if i = sz then () else (f (i,sub(ss,i)); recurse (i + 1)) in recurse 0 end fun mapi f ss = let val sz = size ss fun recurse acc i = if i = sz then acc else recurse (f(i,sub(ss,i)) :: acc) (i + 1) in String.implode (List.rev (recurse [] 0)) end fun map f ss = mapi (fn (i,c) => f c) ss fun foldli f acc ss = let val sz = size ss fun recurse i acc = if i = sz then acc else recurse (i + 1) (f(i,sub(ss,i),acc)) in recurse 0 acc end fun foldri f init seq = let val len = length seq fun loop (i, b) = if i = ~1 then b else loop(i-1,f(i,sub(seq,i),b)) in loop(len-1,init) end fun findi P ss = let val sz = length ss fun loop i = if i = sz then NONE else let val c = sub(ss,i) val pr = (i,c) in if P pr then SOME pr else loop (i + 1) end in loop 0 end fun find P ss = #2 (findi (fn (i,c) => P c) ss) fun exists P ss = isSome (find P ss) fun all P = not o (exists (not o P)) end; structure Word8Vector :> MONO_VECTOR where type elem = Word8.word and type vector = Word8Vector.vector = struct open Word8Vector type vector = Word8Vector.vector fun update (v,i,e) = tabulate (length v, (fn j => if j = i then e else sub(v,j))) fun appi f v = Word8Vector.appi f (v, 0, NONE) fun mapi f v = Word8Vector.mapi f (v, 0, NONE) fun foldli f a v = Word8Vector.foldli f a (v, 0, NONE) fun foldri f a v = Word8Vector.foldri f a (v, 0, NONE) fun findi P v = let val sz = length v fun loop i = if i = sz then NONE else let val c = sub(v,i) val pr = (i,c) in if P pr then SOME pr else loop (i + 1) end in loop 0 end fun find P v = #2 (findi (fn (i,c) => P c) v) fun exists P v = isSome (find P v) fun all P = not o (exists (not o P)) fun collate wcmp (v1, v2) = let val sz1 = length v1 and sz2 = length v2 fun loop i = if i = sz1 then if i = sz2 then EQUAL else LESS else if i = sz2 then GREATER else case wcmp (sub(v1,i), sub(v2,i)) of EQUAL => loop (i + 1) | x => x in loop 0 end end structure OS = struct open OS structure Process : OS_PROCESS = struct open Process fun isSuccess x = (x = success) fun unixSleep t = ignore (system ("sleep "^Time.toString t)) fun winSleep delay = let fun start_timer() = let val timer = Timer.startRealTimer() in (fn () => Timer.checkRealTimer timer handle Time.Time => Time.zeroTime) end val t = start_timer() fun loop () = if Time.>= (t(), delay) then () else loop() in loop() end val isUnix = #vol (Path.fromString (FileSys.getDir())) = "" val sleep = if isUnix then unixSleep else winSleep end structure Path : OS_PATH = struct structure MP = Path open Path (* inspired by the mlton 20070826 approach *) val isWindows = MP.validVolume {isAbs = true, vol = "c:"} val slash = if isWindows then "\\" else "/" infix 9 sub val op sub = String.sub exception InvalidArc fun mkAbsolute{relativeTo, path} = MP.mkAbsolute(path,relativeTo) fun mkRelative{relativeTo, path} = MP.mkRelative(path,relativeTo) fun isRoot path = case fromString path of {isAbs = true, arcs = [""], ...} => true | _ => false fun fromUnixPath s = if not isWindows then s else if Char.contains s (slash sub 0) then raise InvalidArc else String.translate (fn c => if c = #"/" then slash else str c) s fun toUnixPath s = if not isWindows then s else let val {arcs, isAbs, vol} = fromString s in if vol <> "" then raise Path else (if isAbs then "/" else "") ^ String.concatWith "/" arcs end end (* structure Path *) structure FileSys : OS_FILESYS = struct structure MFS = FileSys open MFS datatype access_mode = datatype access fun fullPath s = let val p = MFS.fullPath s in if access(p, []) then p else raise SysErr ("No such file or directory", NONE) end fun realPath p = if Path.isAbsolute p then fullPath p else Path.mkRelative{ path=fullPath p, relativeTo=fullPath(getDir()) } end end signature TIMER = sig type cpu_timer type real_timer val startCPUTimer : unit -> cpu_timer val checkCPUTimes : cpu_timer -> {nongc : {usr : Time.time, sys : Time.time}, gc : {usr : Time.time, sys : Time.time}} val checkCPUTimer : cpu_timer -> {usr : Time.time, sys : Time.time} val checkGCTime : cpu_timer -> Time.time val totalCPUTimer : unit -> cpu_timer val startRealTimer : unit -> real_timer val checkRealTimer : real_timer -> Time.time val totalRealTimer : unit -> real_timer end structure Timer : TIMER = struct open Timer fun checkCPUTimes timer = let val times as {usr,sys,gc} = Timer.checkCPUTimer timer in {nongc = {usr = usr, sys = sys}, gc = {usr = gc, sys = Time.zeroTime}} end fun checkCPUTimer timer = let val times as {usr,sys,gc} = Timer.checkCPUTimer timer in {usr = usr, sys = sys} end fun checkGCTime timer = #gc (Timer.checkCPUTimer timer) end structure Real = struct open Real structure Math = Math end exception Option = Option.Option