structure HM_DepGraph :> HM_DepGraph = struct infix |> fun x |> f = f x structure Map = Binarymap datatype target_status = Pending | Succeeded | Failed | Running fun status_toString s = case s of Succeeded => "[Succeeded]" | Failed => "[Failed]" | Running => "[Running]" | Pending => "[Pending]" fun pending_dflt (s1, s2) = if s1 = s2 then s1 else Pending exception NoSuchNode exception DuplicateTarget type node = int datatype builtincmd = BIC_BuildScript of string | BIC_Compile fun bic_toString BIC_Compile = "BIC_Compile" | bic_toString (BIC_BuildScript s) = "BIC_Build " ^ s datatype command = NoCmd | SomeCmd of string | BuiltInCmd of builtincmd type 'a nodeInfo = { target : 'a, status : target_status, command : command, phony : bool, seqnum : int, dir : Holmake_tools.hmdir.t, dependencies : (node * string) list } fun setStatus s (nI: 'a nodeInfo) : 'a nodeInfo = let val {target,command,status,dependencies,seqnum,phony,dir} = nI in {target = target, status = s, command = command, seqnum = seqnum, dependencies = dependencies, phony = phony, dir = dir} end fun addDeps0 dps {target,command,status,dependencies,seqnum,phony,dir} = {target = target, status = status, command = command, phony = phony, dependencies = dps @ dependencies, seqnum = seqnum, dir = dir} val node_compare = fun bic_compare (BIC_Compile, BIC_Compile) = EQUAL | bic_compare (BIC_Compile, _) = LESS | bic_compare (BIC_BuildScript _, BIC_Compile) = GREATER | bic_compare (BIC_BuildScript s1, BIC_BuildScript s2) =,s2) fun command_compare (NoCmd, NoCmd) = EQUAL | command_compare (NoCmd, _) = LESS | command_compare (_, NoCmd) = GREATER | command_compare (SomeCmd s1, SomeCmd s2) =,s2) | command_compare (SomeCmd _, BuiltInCmd _) = LESS | command_compare (BuiltInCmd _, SomeCmd _) = GREATER | command_compare (BuiltInCmd b1, BuiltInCmd b2) = bic_compare(b1,b2) type t = { nodes : (node, string nodeInfo) Map.dict, target_map : (string,node) Map.dict, command_map : (command,node list) Map.dict } fun lex_compare c (l1, l2) = case (l1,l2) of ([],[]) => EQUAL | ([], _) => LESS | (_, []) => GREATER | (h1::t1, h2::t2) => case c(h1,h2) of EQUAL => lex_compare c (t1,t2) | x => x val empty = { nodes = Map.mkDict node_compare, target_map = Map.mkDict, command_map = Map.mkDict command_compare } fun fupd_nodes f {nodes, target_map, command_map} = {nodes = f nodes, target_map = target_map, command_map = command_map} fun find_nodes_by_command (g : t) c = case Map.peek (#command_map g, c) of NONE => [] | SOME ns => ns fun size (g : t) = Map.numItems (#nodes g) fun peeknode (g:t) n = Map.peek(#nodes g, n) fun pair_compare (c1,c2) ((a1,b1), (a2,b2)) = case c1(a1,a2) of EQUAL => c2(b1,b2) | x => x val empty_nodeset = Binaryset.empty (pair_compare(node_compare, fun addDeps (n,dps) g = case peeknode g n of NONE => raise NoSuchNode | SOME nI => fupd_nodes (fn nm => Binarymap.insert(nm,n,addDeps0 dps nI)) g fun nodeStatus g n = case peeknode g n of NONE => raise NoSuchNode | SOME nI => #status nI fun nodeset_eq (nl1, nl2) = let val ns1 = Binaryset.addList(empty_nodeset, nl1) val ns2 = Binaryset.addList(empty_nodeset, nl2) in Binaryset.isSubset(ns1, ns2) andalso Binaryset.isSubset(ns2, ns1) end fun extend_map_list m k v = case Map.peek (m, k) of NONE => Map.insert(m, k, [v]) | SOME vs => Map.insert(m, k, v::vs) fun add_node (nI : string nodeInfo) (g :t) = let fun newNode (copt : command) = let val n = size g in ({ nodes = Map.insert(#nodes g,n,nI), target_map = Map.insert(#target_map g, #target nI, n), command_map = extend_map_list (#command_map g) copt n }, n) end val tgt = #target nI val tmap = #target_map g val _ = case Map.peek (tmap, tgt) of SOME n => if #seqnum (valOf (peeknode g n)) <> #seqnum nI then () else raise DuplicateTarget | NONE => () in newNode (#command nI) end fun updnode (n, st) (g : t) : t = case peeknode g n of NONE => raise NoSuchNode | SOME nI => fupd_nodes (fn m => Map.insert(m, n, setStatus st nI)) g fun find_runnable (g : t) = let val sz = size g fun hasSucceeded (i,_) = #status (valOf (peeknode g i)) = Succeeded (* relying on invariant that all nodes up to size are in map *) fun search i = case peeknode g i of NONE => NONE | SOME nI => if #status nI <> Pending then search (i + 1) else if List.all hasSucceeded (#dependencies nI) then SOME (i,nI) else search (i + 1) in search 0 end fun target_node (g:t) t = Map.peek(#target_map g,t) fun listNodes (g:t) = Map.foldr (fn (k,v,acc) => (k,v)::acc) [] (#nodes g) val node_toString = Int.toString fun nodeInfo_toString tstr (nI : 'a nodeInfo) = let open Holmake_tools val {target,status,command,dependencies,seqnum,phony,dir} = nI in OS.Path.concat(hmdir.toString dir, tstr target) ^ (if phony then "[PHONY]" else "") ^ "(" ^ Int.toString seqnum ^ ") " ^ status_toString status ^ " : " ^ (case command of SomeCmd s => s | BuiltInCmd bic => "" | NoCmd => "") end end