structure Binarymap :> Binarymap = struct (* Binarymap -- modified for Moscow ML * from SML/NJ library v. 0.2 file binary-dict.sml. * COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by AT&T Bell Laboratories. * See file mosml/copyrght/copyrght.att for details. * * This code was adapted from Stephen Adams' binary tree implementation * of applicative integer sets. * * Copyright 1992 Stephen Adams. * * This software may be used freely provided that: * 1. This copyright notice is attached to any copy, derived work, * or work including all or part of this software. * 2. Any derived work must contain a prominent notice stating that * it has been altered from the original. * * * Name(s): Stephen Adams. * Department, Institution: Electronics & Computer Science, * University of Southampton * Address: Electronics & Computer Science * University of Southampton * Southampton SO9 5NH * Great Britian * E-mail: * * Comments: * * 1. The implementation is based on Binary search trees of Bounded * Balance, similar to Nievergelt & Reingold, SIAM J. Computing * 2(1), March 1973. The main advantage of these trees is that * they keep the size of the tree in the node, giving a constant * time size operation. * * 2. The bounded balance criterion is simpler than N&R's alpha. * Simply, one subtree must not have more than `weight' times as * many elements as the opposite subtree. Rebalancing is * guaranteed to reinstate the criterion for weight>2.23, but * the occasional incorrect behaviour for weight=2 is not * detrimental to performance. * *) exception NotFound fun wt (i : int) = 3 * i datatype ('key, 'a) dict = DICT of ('key * 'key -> order) * ('key, 'a) tree and ('key, 'a) tree = E | T of {key : 'key, value : 'a, cnt : int, left : ('key, 'a) tree, right : ('key, 'a) tree} fun treeSize E = 0 | treeSize (T{cnt,...}) = cnt fun numItems (DICT(_, t)) = treeSize t local fun N(k,v,E,E) = T{key=k,value=v,cnt=1,left=E,right=E} | N(k,v,E,r as T n) = T{key=k,value=v,cnt=1+(#cnt n),left=E,right=r} | N(k,v,l as T n,E) = T{key=k,value=v,cnt=1+(#cnt n),left=l,right=E} | N(k,v,l as T n,r as T n') = T{key=k,value=v,cnt=1+(#cnt n)+(#cnt n'),left=l,right=r} fun single_L (a,av,x,T{key=b,value=bv,left=y,right=z,...}) = N(b,bv,N(a,av,x,y),z) | single_L _ = raise Match fun single_R (b,bv,T{key=a,value=av,left=x,right=y,...},z) = N(a,av,x,N(b,bv,y,z)) | single_R _ = raise Match fun double_L (a,av,w,T{key=c,value=cv, left=T{key=b,value=bv,left=x,right=y,...}, right=z,...}) = N(b,bv,N(a,av,w,x),N(c,cv,y,z)) | double_L _ = raise Match fun double_R (c,cv,T{key=a,value=av,left=w, right=T{key=b,value=bv,left=x,right=y,...},...},z) = N(b,bv,N(a,av,w,x),N(c,cv,y,z)) | double_R _ = raise Match fun T' (k,v,E,E) = T{key=k,value=v,cnt=1,left=E,right=E} | T' (k,v,E,r as T{right=E,left=E,...}) = T{key=k,value=v,cnt=2,left=E,right=r} | T' (k,v,l as T{right=E,left=E,...},E) = T{key=k,value=v,cnt=2,left=l,right=E} | T' (p as (_,_,E,T{left=T _,right=E,...})) = double_L p | T' (p as (_,_,T{left=E,right=T _,...},E)) = double_R p (* these cases almost never happen with small weight*) | T' (p as (_,_,E,T{left=T{cnt=ln,...},right=T{cnt=rn,...},...})) = if ln < rn then single_L p else double_L p | T' (p as (_,_,T{left=T{cnt=ln,...},right=T{cnt=rn,...},...},E)) = if ln > rn then single_R p else double_R p | T' (p as (_,_,E,T{left=E,...})) = single_L p | T' (p as (_,_,T{right=E,...},E)) = single_R p | T' (p as (k,v,l as T{cnt=ln,left=ll,right=lr,...}, r as T{cnt=rn,left=rl,right=rr,...})) = if rn >= wt ln then (*right is too big*) let val rln = treeSize rl val rrn = treeSize rr in if rln < rrn then single_L p else double_L p end else if ln >= wt rn then (*left is too big*) let val lln = treeSize ll val lrn = treeSize lr in if lrn < lln then single_R p else double_R p end else T{key=k,value=v,cnt=ln+rn+1,left=l,right=r} local fun min (T{left=E,key,value,...}) = (key,value) | min (T{left,...}) = min left | min _ = raise Match fun delmin (T{left=E,right,...}) = right | delmin (T{key,value,left,right,...}) = T'(key,value,delmin left,right) | delmin _ = raise Match in fun delete' (E,r) = r | delete' (l,E) = l | delete' (l,r) = let val (mink,minv) = min r in T'(mink,minv,l,delmin r) end end in fun mkDict cmpKey = DICT(cmpKey, E) fun insert (DICT (cmpKey, t),x,v) = let fun ins E = T{key=x,value=v,cnt=1,left=E,right=E} | ins (T(set as {key,left,right,value,...})) = case cmpKey (key,x) of GREATER => T'(key,value,ins left,right) | LESS => T'(key,value,left,ins right) | _ => T{key=x,value=v,left=left,right=right,cnt= #cnt set} in DICT(cmpKey, ins t) end fun find (DICT(cmpKey, t), x) = let fun mem E = raise NotFound | mem (T(n as {key,left,right,...})) = case cmpKey (x,key) of GREATER => mem right | LESS => mem left | _ => #value n in mem t end fun peek arg = (SOME(find arg)) handle NotFound => NONE fun remove (DICT(cmpKey, t), x) = let fun rm E = raise NotFound | rm (set as T{key,left,right,value,...}) = (case cmpKey (key,x) of GREATER => let val (left', v) = rm left in (T'(key, value, left', right), v) end | LESS => let val (right', v) = rm right in (T'(key, value, left, right'), v) end | _ => (delete'(left,right),value)) val (newtree, valrm) = rm t in (DICT(cmpKey, newtree), valrm) end fun listItems (DICT(_, d)) = let fun d2l E res = res | d2l (T{key,value,left,right,...}) res = d2l left ((key,value) :: d2l right res) in d2l d [] end fun revapp f (DICT(_, d)) = let fun a E = () | a (T{key,value,left,right,...}) = (a right; f(key,value); a left) in a d end fun app f (DICT(_, d)) = let fun a E = () | a (T{key,value,left,right,...}) = (a left; f(key,value); a right) in a d end fun foldr f init (DICT(_, d)) = let fun a E v = v | a (T{key,value,left,right,...}) v = a left (f(key,value,a right v)) in a d init end fun foldl f init (DICT(_, d)) = let fun a E v = v | a (T{key,value,left,right,...}) v = a right (f(key,value,a left v)) in a d init end fun map f (DICT(cmpKey, d)) = let fun a E = E | a (T{key,value,left,right,cnt}) = let val left' = a left val value' = f(key,value) in T{cnt=cnt, key=key,value=value',left = left', right = a right} end in DICT(cmpKey, a d) end fun transform f (DICT(cmpKey, d)) = let fun a E = E | a (T{key,value,left,right,cnt}) = let val left' = a left in T{cnt=cnt, key=key, value=f value, left = left', right = a right} end in DICT(cmpKey, a d) end end end (* struct *)