(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Provide standard infixes for rest of distribution These infix declarations affect the interactive system as well as the "compiled" environment, ensuring a degree of consistency between the two. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) infix ++ && |-> THEN THEN1 THENL THEN_LT THENC ORELSE ORELSE_LT ORELSEC THEN_TCL ORELSE_TCL ?> |> |>> ||> ||-> infixr ## $ ? infixr 3 -->; infix 8 via by suffices_by (* infixes for THEN shorthands *) infix >> >- >| \\ >>> >>- ?? infix ~~ !~ Un Isct -- IN structure Tag = Tag :> FinalTag where type tag = Tag.tag structure Type = Type :> FinalType where type hol_type = Type.hol_type structure Term = Term :> FinalTerm where type term = Term.term and type hol_type = Type.hol_type structure Process = OS.Process structure FileSys = OS.FileSys structure Path = OS.Path type 'a quotation = 'a HOLPP.quotation datatype frag = datatype HOLPP.frag structure PP = HOLPP