structure ratLib :> ratLib = struct open HolKernel boolLib Parse bossLib; (* interactive mode app load ["simpLib", "pairLib", "intExtensionTheory", "jbUtils", "schneiderUtils", "intLib", "fracTheory", "fracLib", "fracUtils", "ratTheory", "ratUtils", "integerRingLib"]; *) open simpLib pairLib integerTheory intLib intExtensionTheory jbUtils schneiderUtils fracTheory fracLib fracUtils ratTheory ratUtils integerRingLib ratSyntax; val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "ratLib" (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * imported from fracLib *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val FRAC_EQ_TAC = fracLib.FRAC_EQ_TAC; val FRAC_POS_TAC = fracLib.FRAC_POS_TAC; (*========================================================================== * equivalence of rational numbers *==========================================================================*) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_EQ_CONV : conv * * abs_rat f1 = abs_rat f2 * ---------------------------------------------------- * |- (abs_rat f1 = abs_rat f2) * = (nmr f1 * dnm f2 = nmr f2 * dnm f1) : thm *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val RAT_EQ_CONV:conv = fn term1 => let val eqn = dest_neg term1; val (lhs,rhs) = dest_eq eqn; val (lhc, f1) = dest_comb lhs; val (rhc, f2) = dest_comb rhs; in UNDISCH_ALL (SPECL[f1,f2] RAT_EQ) end handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "RAT_EQ_CONV" ""; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_EQ_TAC : tactic * * A ?- abs_rat f1 = abs_rat f2 * ========================================= RAT_EQ_TAC * A ?- nmr f1 * dnm f2 = nmr f2 * dnm f1 *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun RAT_EQ_TAC (asm_list,goal) = (SUBST_TAC[RAT_EQ_CONV goal]) (asm_list,goal) handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "RAT_EQ_TAC" ""; (*========================================================================== * associativity, commutativity *==========================================================================*) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_ADDAC_TAC : tactic * RAT_MULAC_TAC : tactic *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val RAT_ADDAC_CONV = AC_CONV (RAT_MUL_ASSOC, RAT_MUL_COMM); val RAT_MULAC_CONV = AC_CONV (RAT_MUL_ASSOC, RAT_MUL_COMM); fun RAT_ADDAC_TAC t1 = SUBST1_TAC (EQT_ELIM (AC_CONV (RAT_ADD_ASSOC, RAT_ADD_COMM) t1)); fun RAT_MULAC_TAC t1 = SUBST1_TAC (EQT_ELIM (AC_CONV (RAT_MUL_ASSOC, RAT_MUL_COMM) t1)); (*========================================================================== manipulation of terms/equations *==========================================================================*) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_ADDSUB_TAC : tactic *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun RAT_ADDSUB_TAC t1 t2 = SUBST1_TAC (SUBS [SPEC t2 (GSYM RAT_ADD_RINV)] (SPEC t1 (GSYM RAT_ADD_RID))); (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_EQ_LMUL_TAC : tactic *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun RAT_EQ_LMUL_TAC term1 (asm_list,goal) = let val (eq_lhs,eq_rhs) = dest_eq goal; in SUBST_TAC[GSYM (UNDISCH_ALL (SPECL [eq_lhs,eq_rhs,term1] RAT_EQ_LMUL))] end (asm_list,goal) handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "RAT_EQ_RMUL_TAC" ""; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_EQ_RMUL_TAC : tactic *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun RAT_EQ_RMUL_TAC term1 (asm_list,goal) = let val (eq_lhs,eq_rhs) = dest_eq goal; in SUBST_TAC[GSYM (UNDISCH_ALL (SPECL [eq_lhs,eq_rhs,term1] RAT_EQ_RMUL))] end (asm_list,goal) handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "RAT_EQ_RMUL_TAC" ""; (*========================================================================== calculation *==========================================================================*) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_CALCULATE_rewrites : thm list *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val RAT_CALCULATE_rewrites = [RAT_ADD_CALCULATE, RAT_SUB_CALCULATE, RAT_MUL_CALCULATE, RAT_DIV_CALCULATE, RAT_AINV_CALCULATE, RAT_MINV_CALCULATE, rat_0_def, rat_1_def]; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * rat_calculate_table : (term * thm) list *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val rat_calculate_table = [ ( ``rat_0``, rat_0_def ), ( ``rat_1``, rat_1_def ), ( ``rat_ainv``, RAT_AINV_CALCULATE ), ( ``rat_minv``, RAT_MINV_CALCULATE ), ( ``rat_add``, RAT_ADD_CALCULATE ), ( ``rat_sub``, RAT_SUB_CALCULATE ), ( ``rat_mul``, RAT_MUL_CALCULATE ), ( ``rat_div``, RAT_DIV_CALCULATE ) ]; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_CALC_CONV : conv * * r1 * --------------------- * |- r1 = abs_rat(f1) *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun RAT_CALC_CONV (t1:term) = let val thm = REFL t1; val (top_rator, top_rands) = strip_comb t1; val calc_table_entry = List.find (fn x => fst(x)= top_rator) rat_calculate_table; in (* do nothing if term is already in the form abs_rat(...) *) if top_rator=``abs_rat`` then thm (* if it is a numeral, simply rewrite it *) else if (top_rator=``rat_of_num``) then SUBST [``x:rat`` |-> SPEC (rand t1) (RAT_OF_NUM_CALCULATE)] ``^t1 = x:rat`` thm (* if there is an entry in the calculation table, calculate it *) else if (isSome calc_table_entry) then let val arg_thms = map RAT_CALC_CONV top_rands; val arg_fracs = map (fn x => rand(rhs(concl x))) arg_thms; val arg_vars = map (fn x => genvar ``:rat``) arg_thms; val subst_list = map (fn x => fst(x) |-> snd(x)) ( (arg_vars,arg_thms)); (* subst_term: t1 = top_rator arg_vars[1] ... arg_vars[n] *) val subst_term = mk_eq (t1 , list_mk_comb (top_rator,arg_vars)) val thm1 = SUBST subst_list subst_term thm; val (thm1_lhs, thm1_rhs) = dest_eq(concl thm1); val thm1_lhs_var = genvar ``:rat``; val calc_thm = snd (valOf( calc_table_entry )); in SUBST [thm1_lhs_var |-> UNDISCH_ALL (SPECL arg_fracs calc_thm)] ``^thm1_lhs = ^thm1_lhs_var`` thm1 end (* otherwise: applying r = abs_rat(rep_rat r)) always works *) else SUBST [``x:rat`` |-> SPEC t1 (GSYM RAT)] ``^t1 = x:rat`` thm end; (* ---------- test cases ---------- * RAT_CALC_CONV ``abs_rat(f1)``; RAT_CALC_CONV ``r1:rat``; RAT_CALC_CONV ``rat_ainv ( abs_rat(f1) )`` RAT_CALC_CONV ``rat_add (abs_rat(f1)) (abs_rat(f2))``; RAT_CALC_CONV ``rat_add r1 ( rat_sub (abs_rat(abs_frac(4i,5i))) r2)``; RAT_CALC_CONV ``rat_mul r1 ( rat_div (abs_rat(abs_frac(4i,5i))) r2)``; RAT_CALC_CONV ``rat_add rat_0 rat_1``; * ---------- test cases ---------- *) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_CALCTERM_TAC : term -> tactic * * calculates the value of t1:rat *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun RAT_CALCTERM_TAC (t1:term) (asm_list,goal) = let val calc_thm = RAT_CALC_CONV t1; val (calc_asms, calc_concl) = dest_thm calc_thm; in ( MAP_EVERY ASSUME_TAC (map (fn x => TAC_PROOF ((asm_list,x), RW_TAC intLib.int_ss [FRAC_DNMPOS,INT_MUL_POS_SIGN,INT_NOTPOS0_NEG,INT_NOT0_MUL,INT_GT0_IMP_NOT0,INT_ABS_NOT0POS])) calc_asms) THEN SUBST_TAC[calc_thm] ) (asm_list,goal) end handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "RAT_CALCTERM_TAC" ""; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_STRICT_CALC_TAC : tactic * * calculates the value of all subterms (of type ``:rat``) *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun RAT_STRICT_CALC_TAC (asm_list,goal) = let val rat_terms = extract_rat goal; val calc_thms = map RAT_CALC_CONV rat_terms; val calc_asms = list_xmerge (map (fn x => fst (dest_thm x)) calc_thms); in ( MAP_EVERY ASSUME_TAC (map (fn x => TAC_PROOF ((asm_list,x), RW_TAC intLib.int_ss [FRAC_DNMPOS,INT_MUL_POS_SIGN,INT_NOTPOS0_NEG,INT_NOT0_MUL,INT_GT0_IMP_NOT0,INT_ABS_NOT0POS])) calc_asms) THEN SUBST_TAC calc_thms ) (asm_list,goal) end handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "RAT_STRICT_CALC_TAC" ""; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_CALC_TAC : tactic * * calculates the value of all subterms (of type ``:rat``) * assumptions that were needed for the simplification are added to the goal *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun RAT_CALC_TAC (asm_list,goal) = let (* extract terms of type ``:rat`` *) val rat_terms = extract_rat goal; (* build conversions *) val calc_thms = map RAT_CALC_CONV rat_terms; (* split list into assumptions and conclusions *) val (calc_asmlists, calc_concl) = ListPair.unzip (map (fn x => dest_thm x) calc_thms); (* merge assumptions lists *) val calc_asms = list_xmerge calc_asmlists; (* function to prove an assumption, TODO: fracLib benutzen *) val gen_thm = (fn x => TAC_PROOF ((asm_list,x), RW_TAC intLib.int_ss [] )); (* try to prove assumptions *) val prove_list = (total gen_thm) calc_asms; (* combine assumptions and their proofs *) val list1 = (calc_asms,prove_list); (* partition assumptions into proved assumptions and assumptions to be proved *) val list2 = partition (fn x => isSome (snd x)) list1; val asms_toprove = map fst (snd list2); val asms_proved = map (fn x => valOf (snd x)) (fst list2); (* generate new subgoal goal *) val subst_goal = snd (dest_eq (snd (dest_thm (ONCE_REWRITE_CONV calc_thms goal)))); val subgoal = (list_mk_conj (asms_toprove @ [subst_goal]) ); val mp_thm = TAC_PROOF ( (asm_list, mk_imp (subgoal,goal)) , STRIP_TAC THEN MAP_EVERY ASSUME_TAC asms_proved THEN ONCE_REWRITE_TAC calc_thms THEN PROVE_TAC [] ); in ( [(asm_list,subgoal)], fn (thms:thm list) => MP mp_thm (hd thms) ) end handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "RAT_CALC_TAC" ""; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_CALCEQ_TAC : tactic *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val RAT_CALCEQ_TAC = RAT_CALC_TAC THEN FRAC_CALC_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[RAT_EQ] THEN FRAC_NMRDNM_TAC THEN INT_RING_TAC; (*========================================================================== * transformation of rational numbers into "defined rational numbers" *==========================================================================*) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_SAVE_TAC : term -> tactic *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun RAT_SAVE_TAC t1 (asm_list, goal) = let val subst_thm = SPEC t1 RAT_SAVE in (ASSUME_TAC subst_thm THEN LEFT_EXISTS_TAC THEN LEFT_EXISTS_TAC THEN FILTER_ASM_REWRITE_TAC (fn t => not (mem t asm_list)) [] THEN POP_NO_TAC 0) (asm_list, goal) end; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_SAVE_ALLVARS_TAC : tactic *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun RAT_SAVE_ALLVARS_TAC (asm_list, goal) = MAP_EVERY RAT_SAVE_TAC (extract_rat_vars goal) (asm_list, goal); (*========================================================================== * elimination of rat_minv_terms *==========================================================================*) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * rat_eq_rmul_list_conv: term list -> term -> thm *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun rat_eq_rmul_list_conv (factor_list:term list) (equation:term) = let val (lhs,rhs) = dest_eq equation; val product = list_rat_mul factor_list; in REWRITE_RULE[RAT_MUL_ASSOC, RAT_RDISTRIB] (GSYM (UNDISCH( SPECL[lhs,rhs,product] RAT_EQ_RMUL) )) end; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * rat_eliminate_minv_conv: term -> thm *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun rat_eliminate_minv_conv (t1:term) = let (* update the appropiate counter : each element of the list counts the number of occurences of a given term and its multiplicative inverse *) fun insert_into_factor_list (term1:term) (i1:int,i2:int) (h::t) = if( fst h = term1 ) then (fst h, (fst (snd h)+i1, snd (snd h)+i2) )::t else h::(insert_into_factor_list term1 (i1,i2) t) | insert_into_factor_list term1 (i1:int,i2:int) [] = [(term1,(i1,i2))] (* count all factors *) fun count_factors l0 (h::t) = if (is_rat_minv h) then count_factors (insert_into_factor_list (dest_rat_minv h) (0,1) l0) t else count_factors (insert_into_factor_list h (1,0) l0) t | count_factors l0 [] = l0; (* generate the part of a product (product of the same terms and multiplicative inverses resp.) *) fun gen_product_part (term1, (i1,i2)) = if (i1>0) andalso (i2>0) then ``rat_minv ^term1 * ^term1``::gen_product_part(term1,(i1-1,i2-1)) else if (i1=0) andalso (i2>0) then ``rat_minv ^term1``::gen_product_part (term1,(i1,i2-1)) else if (i1>0) andalso (i2=0) then ``^term1``::gen_product_part (term1,(i1-1,i2)) else []; (* generate the whole product *) fun reorder_product (h::t) = gen_product_part h::reorder_product t | reorder_product [] = []; (* extract all fractors of the product given by term t1 *) val factors = strip_rat_mul t1; (* filter out all multiplicative inverses *) val minv_factors = filter is_rat_minv factors; (* generate the new product in which factors and their corresponding multiplicative inverses have been cancelled *) val desired_product = list_rat_mul (map list_rat_mul (reorder_product (count_factors [] factors))); in (* this is basically proven by the specialised versions of RAT_MUL_LINV *) ((fn tx => EQT_ELIM (RAT_MULAC_CONV ``^tx = ^desired_product``)) THENC (REWRITE_CONV (RAT_MUL_LID::RAT_MUL_RID::(map (fn fx=> UNDISCH (SPEC fx RAT_MUL_LINV)) (map dest_rat_minv minv_factors))))) t1 end; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * rat_eliminate_minv_eq_conv: term -> thm *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun rat_eliminate_minv_eq_conv (t1:term) = let val (lhs,rhs) = dest_eq t1; (* extract all summands *) val summands = (strip_rat_add lhs) @ (strip_rat_add rhs); (* generate elimination theorems for all of them *) val reorder_thms = map rat_eliminate_minv_conv summands; in (* apply all theorems - TODO: only rewrite on the right side! *) ONCE_REWRITE_CONV reorder_thms (t1:term) end; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_ELIMINATE_MINV_EQ_CONV: term -> thm *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun RAT_ELIMINATE_MINV_EQ_CONV (t1:term) = let (* generate elimination theorem *) val thm1 = (rat_eq_rmul_list_conv (map dest_rat_minv (extract_rat_minv t1)) THENC rat_eliminate_minv_eq_conv) t1; in (* simplify assumption list *) UNDISCH_ALL (IMP_AND_RULE (REWRITE_RULE[RAT_NO_ZERODIV_NEG] (DISCH_ALL thm1 ))) end; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_ELIMINATE_MINV_CONV: term -> thm *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun RAT_ELIMINATE_MINV_CONV (t1:term) = ONCE_REWRITE_CONV (map RAT_ELIMINATE_MINV_EQ_CONV (extract_rat_equations t1)) t1; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_ELIMINATE_MINV_TAC: tactic -> thm *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val RAT_ELIMINATE_MINV_TAC = CONV_TAC RAT_ELIMINATE_MINV_CONV; (*========================================================================== * calculation of rational expressions *==========================================================================*) (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * rewrite rules to calculate rational expressions *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* rewrites to calculate operations on integers - (TODO) remove dependencies: numRingTheory and integerRingTheory *) local open numeralTheory numRingTheory integerRingTheory in val num_rewrites = [numeral_distrib, numeral_eq, numeral_suc, numeral_iisuc, numeral_add, numeral_mult, iDUB_removal, ISPEC(``arithmetic$ZERO``) REFL_CLAUSE, ISPEC(``0:num``) REFL_CLAUSE ]; val int_rewrites = [int_calculate, INT_0, INT_1, numeral_lt, numeral_lte, numeral_sub, iSUB_THM, AND_CLAUSES, SGN_def] @ num_rewrites end; (* rewrites to calculate operations on fractions *) val frac_rewrites = [FRAC_0_SAVE, FRAC_1_SAVE, FRAC_AINV_SAVE, FRAC_ADD_SAVE, FRAC_MUL_SAVE]; (* rewrites to calculate operations on rational numbers *) val rat_basic_rewrites = [rat_0, rat_1, rat_0_def, rat_1_def, RAT_AINV_CALCULATE, RAT_ADD_CALCULATE, RAT_MUL_CALCULATE] @ frac_rewrites; (* rewrites to additionally decide equalities and inequalities on rational numbers *) val rat_rewrites = [RAT_EQ_CALCULATE, RAT_LES_CALCULATE, rat_gre_def, rat_leq_def, rat_geq_def, FRAC_NMR_SAVE, FRAC_DNM_SAVE] @ rat_basic_rewrites; (* rewrites to decide equalities on rationals in numeral form *) val rat_num_rewrites = [RAT_ADD_NUM_CALCULATE, RAT_MUL_NUM_CALCULATE, RAT_EQ_NUM_CALCULATE, RAT_AINV_AINV, RAT_AINV_0] @ num_rewrites; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_PRECALC_CONV * RAT_POSTCALC_CONV *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val RAT_PRECALC_CONV = SIMP_CONV int_ss [rat_cons_def, RAT_SAVE_NUM, SGN_def] THENC REWRITE_CONV[RAT_SUB_ADDAINV, RAT_DIV_MULMINV] THENC FRAC_SAVE_CONV; val RAT_POSTCALC_CONV = REWRITE_CONV[GSYM RAT_SUB_ADDAINV, GSYM RAT_DIV_MULMINV] THENC SIMP_CONV int_ss [RAT_SAVE_TO_CONS, RAT_CONS_TO_NUM]; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_BASIC_ARITH_CONV *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val RAT_BASIC_ARITH_CONV = RAT_PRECALC_CONV THENC REWRITE_CONV ([GSYM INT_ADD, GSYM INT_MUL] @ rat_rewrites) THENC ARITH_CONV; (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * RAT_BASIC_ARITH_TAC *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val RAT_BASIC_ARITH_TAC = CONV_TAC RAT_BASIC_ARITH_CONV; (* generic normalisation *) open ratSyntax fun mk_rvar s = mk_var(s, rat) val x = mk_rvar "x" val y = mk_rvar "y" val z = mk_rvar "z" val l_asscomm = prove( mk_eq(mk_rat_add(mk_rat_add(x,y), z), mk_rat_add(mk_rat_add(x,z), y)), CONV_TAC (BINOP_CONV (REWR_CONV (GSYM ratTheory.RAT_ADD_ASSOC))) >> CONV_TAC (LAND_CONV (RAND_CONV (REWR_CONV ratTheory.RAT_ADD_COMM))) >> REFL_TAC); val r_asscomm = prove( mk_eq(mk_rat_add(x, mk_rat_add(y, z)), mk_rat_add(y, mk_rat_add(x,z))), CONV_TAC (BINOP_CONV (REWR_CONV ratTheory.RAT_ADD_ASSOC)) >> CONV_TAC (LAND_CONV (LAND_CONV (REWR_CONV ratTheory.RAT_ADD_COMM))) >> REFL_TAC); val one_r = ratSyntax.mk_rat_of_num (numSyntax.mk_numeral fun non_coeff t = let open ratSyntax in case dest_rat_mul t of SOME (c,x) => if is_literal c then x else if is_literal x then c else t | NONE => if is_literal t then one_r else t end (* val merge = REWR_CONV (GSYM ratTheory.RAT_RDISTRIB) THENC LAND_CONV RAT_ADD_CONV let open ratSyntax val (t1,t2) = dest_rat_add t val RAT_SUM_CANON = GenPolyCanon.gencanon { dest = ratSyntax.dest_rat_add, is_literal = ratSyntax.is_literal, assoc_mode = GenPolyCanon.L, assoc = SPEC_ALL ratTheory.RAT_ADD_ASSOC, symassoc = SYM (SPEC_ALL ratTheory.RAT_ADD_ASSOC), comm = SPEC_ALL ratTheory.RAT_ADD_COMM, l_asscom = l_asscomm, r_asscomm = r_asscomm, non_coeff = non_coeff, merge = merge, *) (*========================================================================== * end of structure *==========================================================================*) end;