structure Count :> Count = struct (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Support for monitoring how many theorems (and of what kind) are proved * * in a session. The numbers returned are not "secure", since the counter * * manipulation routines are visible to all. * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val counting = ref false fun counting_thms b = counting := b val inc = datatype rule = Abs | Alpha | ApTerm | ApThm | Assume | Axiom | Beta | Ccontr | Choose | Conj | Conjunct1 | Conjunct2 | Definition | Disch | Disj1 | Disj2 | DisjCases | Disk | EqImpRule | EqMp | Exists | Gen | GenAbs | Inst | InstType | MkComb | Mp | NotElim | NotIntro | Oracle | Refl | Spec | Subst | Sym | Trans val count = {ABS = ref 0, ALPHA = ref 0, AP_TERM = ref 0, AP_THM = ref 0, ASSUME = ref 0, AXIOM = ref 0, BETA_CONV = ref 0, CCONTR = ref 0, CHOOSE = ref 0, CONJ = ref 0, CONJUNCT1 = ref 0, CONJUNCT2 = ref 0, DEFINITION = ref 0, DISCH = ref 0, DISJ1 = ref 0, DISJ2 = ref 0, DISJ_CASES = ref 0, EQ_IMP_RULE = ref 0, EQ_MP = ref 0, EXISTS = ref 0, FROM_DISK = ref 0, GEN = ref 0, GEN_ABS = ref 0, INST = ref 0, INST_TYPE = ref 0, MK_COMB = ref 0, MP = ref 0, NOT_ELIM = ref 0, NOT_INTRO = ref 0, ORACLE = ref 0, REFL = ref 0, SPEC = ref 0, SUBST = ref 0, SYM = ref 0, TOTAL = ref 0, TRANS = ref 0} fun inc_count R = if !counting then inc ((case R of Assume => #ASSUME | Abs => #ABS | Alpha => #ALPHA | ApTerm => #AP_TERM | ApThm => #AP_THM | Axiom => #AXIOM | Beta => #BETA_CONV | Ccontr => #CCONTR | Choose => #CHOOSE | Conj => #CONJ | Conjunct1 => #CONJUNCT1 | Conjunct2 => #CONJUNCT2 | Definition => #DEFINITION | Disch => #DISCH | Disj1 => #DISJ1 | Disj2 => #DISJ2 | DisjCases => #DISJ_CASES | Disk => #FROM_DISK | EqImpRule => #EQ_IMP_RULE | EqMp => #EQ_MP | Exists => #EXISTS | Gen => #GEN | GenAbs => #GEN_ABS | Inst => #INST | InstType => #INST_TYPE | MkComb => #MK_COMB | Mp => #MP | NotElim => #NOT_ELIM | NotIntro => #NOT_INTRO | Oracle => #ORACLE | Refl => #REFL | Spec => #SPEC | Subst => #SUBST | Sym => #SYM | Trans => #TRANS) count) else () local val l = [#ABS, #ALPHA, #AP_TERM, #AP_THM, #ASSUME, #BETA_CONV, #CCONTR, #CHOOSE, #CONJ, #CONJUNCT1, #CONJUNCT2, #DISCH, #DISJ1, #DISJ2, #DISJ_CASES, #EQ_IMP_RULE, #EQ_MP, #EXISTS, #GEN, #GEN_ABS, #INST, #INST_TYPE, #MK_COMB, #MP, #NOT_ELIM, #NOT_INTRO, #REFL, #SPEC, #SUBST, #SYM, #TRANS] in fun reset_thm_count () = (fn f => f count := 0) (l @ [#AXIOM, #DEFINITION, #FROM_DISK, #ORACLE]) fun prims () = List.foldl (fn (f, c) => !(f count) + c) 0 l end fun axioms () = !(#AXIOM count) fun defns () = !(#DEFINITION count) fun from_disk () = !(#FROM_DISK count) fun oracles () = !(#ORACLE count) fun total () = axioms () + defns () + from_disk () + oracles () + prims () fun thm_count () = {ABS = !(#ABS count), ALPHA = !(#ALPHA count), AP_TERM = !(#AP_TERM count), AP_THM = !(#AP_THM count), ASSUME = !(#ASSUME count), BETA_CONV = !(#BETA_CONV count), CCONTR = !(#CCONTR count), CHOOSE = !(#CHOOSE count), CONJ = !(#CONJ count), CONJUNCT1 = !(#CONJUNCT1 count), CONJUNCT2 = !(#CONJUNCT2 count), DISCH = !(#DISCH count), DISJ1 = !(#DISJ1 count), DISJ2 = !(#DISJ2 count), DISJ_CASES = !(#DISJ_CASES count), EQ_IMP_RULE = !(#EQ_IMP_RULE count), EQ_MP = !(#EQ_MP count), EXISTS = !(#EXISTS count), GEN = !(#GEN count), GEN_ABS = !(#GEN_ABS count), INST = !(#INST count), INST_TYPE = !(#INST_TYPE count), MK_COMB = !(#MK_COMB count), MP = !(#MP count), NOT_ELIM = !(#NOT_ELIM count), NOT_INTRO = !(#NOT_INTRO count), REFL = !(#REFL count), SPEC = !(#SPEC count), SUBST = !(#SUBST count), SYM = !(#SYM count), TRANS = !(#TRANS count), axiom = !(#AXIOM count), definition = !(#DEFINITION count), from_disk = !(#FROM_DISK count), oracle = !(#ORACLE count), total = total ()} type meter = {axioms: int, defns: int, disk: int, oracles: int, prims: int} fun mk_meter () = (counting_thms true; {axioms = axioms (), defns = defns (), disk = from_disk (), oracles = oracles (), prims = prims ()}) fun read {axioms = a0, defns = d0, disk = f0, oracles = or0, prims = p0} = let val {axioms, defns, disk, oracles, prims} = mk_meter () in {axioms = axioms-a0, defns = defns-d0, disk = disk-f0, oracles = oracles-or0, prims = prims-p0} end local fun isay (s, i) = Lib.say (s ^ ": " ^ Lib.int_to_string i) in fun report {axioms, defns, disk, oracles, prims} = ( isay [("Axioms", axioms), (", Defs", defns), (", Disk", disk), (", Orcl", oracles), (", Prims", prims), ("; Total", axioms + defns + disk + oracles + prims)] ; Lib.say "\n") end fun apply f x = let val m = mk_meter () val res = Lib.time f x handle e => (report (read m); raise e) in report (read m); res end end