structure ThyDataSexp :> ThyDataSexp = struct open Feedback Term Thm Theory val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "ThyDataSexp" datatype t = Int of int | String of string | List of t list | Term of Term.term | Type of Type.hol_type | Thm of Thm.thm | Sym of string | Bool of bool | Char of char | Option of t option fun pp_sexp typ tmp thp s = let open PP val pp = pp_sexp typ tmp thp fun safechar c = Char.isGraph c andalso c <> #"\"" in case s of Int i => add_string (Int.toString i) | String s => add_string ("\"" ^ String.toString s ^ "\"") | List sl => block INCONSISTENT 1 ( add_string "(" :: pr_list pp [add_break(1,0)] sl @ [add_string ")"] ) | Term tm => tmp tm | Type ty => typ ty | Thm th => thp th | Sym s => if CharVector.all safechar s then add_string s else add_string ("|\"" ^ String.toString s ^ "\"|") | Bool b => if b then add_string "'t" else add_string "'f" | Char c => add_string ("#\"" ^ Char.toString c ^ "\"") | Option NONE => add_string "NONE" | Option (SOME s) => block INCONSISTENT 1 [ add_string "(", add_string "SOME", add_break(1,0), pp s, add_string ")" ] end fun uptodate s = case s of Term tm => Term.uptodate_term tm | Type ty => Type.uptodate_type ty | Thm th => Theory.uptodate_thm th | List sl => List.all uptodate sl | Option NONE => true | Option (SOME s0) => uptodate s0 | _ => true fun compare (s1, s2) = case (s1, s2) of (Int i1, Int i2) =>,i2) | (Int _, _) => LESS | (_, Int _) => GREATER | (String s1, String s2) =>,s2) | (String _, _) => LESS | (_, String _) => GREATER | (List l1, List l2) => Lib.list_compare compare (l1, l2) | (List _, _) => LESS | (_, List _) => GREATER | (Term t1, Term t2) =>,t2) | (Term _, _) => LESS | (_, Term _) => GREATER | (Type ty1, Type ty2) =>, ty2) | (Type _, _) => LESS | (_, Type _) => GREATER | (Thm th1, Thm th2) => Lib.pair_compare (Lib.list_compare, ((hyp th1, concl th1), (hyp th2, concl th2)) | (Thm _, _) => LESS | (_, Thm _) => GREATER | (Sym s1, Sym s2) => (s1, s2) | (Sym _, _) => LESS | (_, Sym _) => GREATER | (Bool b1, Bool b2) => Lib.bool_compare(b1, b2) | (Bool _, _) => LESS | (_, Bool _) => GREATER | (Char c1, Char c2) => (c1, c2) | (Char _, _) => LESS | (_, Char _) => GREATER | (Option opt1, Option opt2) => Lib.option_compare compare (opt1, opt2) fun update_alist (kv, es) = let val k = case kv of List[k,_] => k | _=> raise ERR "update_alist" "kv shape" fun recurse es = case es of [] => [kv] | (e as List [k',_])::rest => if compare(k, k') = EQUAL then kv::rest else e :: recurse rest | _ => raise ERR "update_alist" "alist of bad shape" in recurse es end fun alist_merge {old = s1, new = s2} = case (s1, s2) of (List dict, List updates) => let val dict' = foldl update_alist dict updates in List dict' end | _ => raise ERR "alist_merge" "bad inputs" fun append_merge {old, new} = case (old, new) of (List l1, List l2) => List (l1 @ l2) | _ => raise ERR "append_merge" "bad inputs" fun sterms0 (s, acc) = case s of List sl => List.foldl sterms0 acc sl | Term tm => tm::acc | Thm th => concl th :: (hyp th @ acc) | Type ty => Term.mk_var("x", ty) :: acc | Option (SOME s0) => sterms0 (s0, acc) | _ => acc fun sterms s = sterms0 (s, []) open Coding fun listwrite w l = IntData.encode (length l) ^ String.concat ( w l) val >~ = op>- infix 2 >~ >* >> infix 0 || fun ntimes n r = if n <= 0 then return [] else r >~ (fn h => ntimes (n-1) r >~ (fn t => return (h::t))) fun listreader r = IntData.reader >~ (fn i => ntimes i r) fun dlwrite (s, ilist) = StringData.encode s ^ listwrite IntData.encode ilist val dlreader = StringData.reader >* listreader IntData.reader fun tagwrite t = let val dep = Tag.dep_of t val (ocl, _) = Tag.dest_tag t val ((s,n), thydl) = case dep of Dep.DEP_SAVED p => p | _ => raise mk_HOL_ERR "ThyDataSexp" "tagwrite" "Bad dep" in StringData.encode s ^ IntData.encode n ^ listwrite dlwrite thydl ^ listwrite StringData.encode ocl end val tagreader = let fun combine (s,(n,(dls,ocls))) : Thm.depdisk * string list = (((s,n), dls), ocls) in map combine (StringData.reader >* ( IntData.reader >* (listreader dlreader >* listreader StringData.reader))) end fun deps_saved th = case Tag.dep_of (Thm.tag th) of Dep.DEP_SAVED _ => true | _ => false fun thmwrite tmw th0 = let val th = if deps_saved th0 then th0 else Thm.save_dep (Theory.current_theory()) th0 in tagwrite (Thm.tag th) ^ listwrite (StringData.encode o tmw) (concl th :: hyp th) end fun thmreader tmr = map Thm.disk_thm (tagreader >* listreader (map tmr StringData.reader)) fun write tmw s = case s of Int i => "I" ^ Coding.IntData.encode i | String s => "S" ^ Coding.StringData.encode s | List sl => "L" ^ listwrite (write tmw) sl | Term tm => "T" ^ StringData.encode (tmw tm) | Type ty => "Y" ^ StringData.encode (tmw (Term.mk_var("x", ty))) | Thm th => "H" ^ thmwrite tmw th | Sym s => "M" ^ StringData.encode s | Char c => "C" ^ CharData.encode c | Bool b => "B" ^ BoolData.encode b | Option NONE => "N" | Option (SOME s) => "S" ^ write tmw s fun reader tmr s = (* necessary eta-expansion! *) let val core = literal "I" >> map Int (IntData.reader) || literal "S" >> map String (StringData.reader) || literal "L" >> map List (listreader (reader tmr)) || literal "T" >> map (Term o tmr) (StringData.reader) || literal "Y" >> map (Type o type_of o tmr) (StringData.reader) || literal "H" >> map Thm (thmreader tmr) || literal "M" >> map Sym StringData.reader || literal "C" >> map Char CharData.reader || literal "B" >> map Bool BoolData.reader || literal "N" >> return (Option NONE) || literal "S" >> map (Option o SOME) (reader tmr) in core s end structure LTD = LoadableThyData fun new {thydataty, load, other_tds, merge} = let val (todata, fromdata) ={thydataty = thydataty, merge = (fn (t1,t2) => merge {old = t1, new = t2}), terms = sterms, read = lift o reader, write = write} fun segment_data {thyname} = Option.join ( fromdata (LTD.segment_data{thy = thyname, thydataty = thydataty})) fun onload thyname = case segment_data{thyname = thyname} of NONE => () | SOME s => load {thyname = thyname, data = s} fun hook0 td = case segment_data {thyname = current_theory()} of NONE => () | SOME d0 => LTD.set_theory_data {thydataty = thydataty, data = todata (other_tds(d0,td))} fun hook (TheoryDelta.TheoryLoaded s) = onload s | hook td = hook0 td fun export s = (load {thyname = current_theory(), data = s}; LTD.write_data_update {thydataty = thydataty, data = todata s}) in register_hook ("ThmSetData.onload." ^ thydataty, hook); onload (ancestry "-"); {export = export, segment_data = segment_data} end end