structure UTF8Set :> UTF8Set = struct datatype t = N of bool * (int,t)Binarymap.dict open UTF8 val empty = N(false, Binarymap.mkDict fun add(N (b,m), s) = case getChar s of NONE => N(true, m) | SOME ((c,i), rest) => let in case Binarymap.peek (m, i) of NONE => N(b, Binarymap.insert(m, i, add(empty, rest))) | SOME t => N(b, Binarymap.insert(m, i, add(t, rest))) end fun addList (t, slist) = List.foldl (fn (s,t) => add(t,s)) t slist fun isEmpty (N(b,m)) = not b andalso Binarymap.numItems m = 0 fun listItems set = let fun listItems' pfx acc (N(b,m)) = let fun foldthis (i,set,acc) = listItems' (pfx ^ chr i) acc set val acc' = if b then pfx :: acc else acc in Binarymap.foldl foldthis acc' m end in listItems' "" [] set end fun member(N(b,m),s) = case getChar s of NONE => b | SOME((_,i), rest) => let in case Binarymap.peek(m,i) of NONE => false | SOME s' => member (s', rest) end fun longest_pfx_member(set, s) = let fun recurse best curpfx s (N(b,m)) = let val best = if b then SOME {pfx=curpfx,rest=s} else best in case getChar s of NONE => best | SOME ((_, i), rest) => let in case Binarymap.peek (m,i) of NONE => best | SOME set => recurse best (curpfx ^ chr i) rest set end end in recurse NONE "" s set end end (* struct *)