(* Title: Pure/General/table.ML Author: Markus Wenzel and Stefan Berghofer, TU Muenchen Generic tables. Efficient purely functional implementation using balanced 2-3 trees. *) signature KEY = sig type key val ord: key * key -> order val pp : key HOLPP.pprinter end; signature TABLE = sig type key type 'a table exception DUP of key exception SAME exception UNDEF of key val empty: 'a table val is_empty: 'a table -> bool val is_single: 'a table -> bool val map: (key -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a table -> 'b table val fold: (key * 'b -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'b table -> 'a -> 'a val fold_rev: (key * 'b -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'b table -> 'a -> 'a val dest: 'a table -> (key * 'a) list val keys: 'a table -> key list val min: 'a table -> (key * 'a) option val max: 'a table -> (key * 'a) option val get_first: (key * 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a table -> 'b option val exists: (key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a table -> bool val forall: (key * 'a -> bool) -> 'a table -> bool val lookup_key: 'a table -> key -> (key * 'a) option val lookup: 'a table -> key -> 'a option val defined: 'a table -> key -> bool val update: key * 'a -> 'a table -> 'a table val update_new: key * 'a -> 'a table -> 'a table (* exn DUP*) val default: key * 'a -> 'a table -> 'a table val map_entry: key -> ('a -> 'a) (*exception SAME*) -> 'a table -> 'a table val map_default: key * 'a -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a table -> 'a table val make: (key * 'a) list -> 'a table (* exn DUP*) val join: (key -> 'a * 'a -> 'a) (*exception SAME*) -> 'a table * 'a table -> 'a table (* exn DUP*) val merge: ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a table * 'a table -> 'a table (* exn DUP*) val delete: key -> 'a table -> 'a table (* exn UNDEF*) val delete_safe: key -> 'a table -> 'a table val member: ('b -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a table -> key * 'b -> bool val insert: ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> key * 'a -> 'a table -> 'a table(* exn DUP*) val remove: ('b -> 'a -> bool) -> key * 'b -> 'a table -> 'a table val lookup_list: 'a list table -> key -> 'a list val cons_list: key * 'a -> 'a list table -> 'a list table val insert_list: ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> key * 'a -> 'a list table -> 'a list table val remove_list: ('b -> 'a -> bool) -> key * 'b -> 'a list table -> 'a list table val update_list: ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> key * 'a -> 'a list table -> 'a list table val make_list: (key * 'a) list -> 'a list table val dest_list: 'a list table -> (key * 'a) list val merge_list: ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list table * 'a list table -> 'a list table type set = unit table val insert_set: key -> set -> set val remove_set: key -> set -> set val make_set: key list -> set val pp : 'a HOLPP.pprinter -> 'a table HOLPP.pprinter end; functor Table(Key: KEY) : TABLE = struct open Portable (* datatype table *) type key = Key.key; datatype 'a table = Empty | Branch2 of 'a table * (key * 'a) * 'a table | Branch3 of 'a table * (key * 'a) * 'a table * (key * 'a) * 'a table; exception DUP of key; (* empty and single *) val empty = Empty; fun is_empty Empty = true | is_empty _ = false; fun is_single (Branch2 (Empty, _, Empty)) = true | is_single _ = false; (* map and fold combinators *) fun map_table f = let fun map Empty = Empty | map (Branch2 (left, (k, x), right)) = Branch2 (map left, (k, f k x), map right) | map (Branch3 (left, (k1, x1), mid, (k2, x2), right)) = Branch3 (map left, (k1, f k1 x1), map mid, (k2, f k2 x2), map right); in map end; fun fold_table f = let fun fold Empty x = x | fold (Branch2 (left, p, right)) x = fold right (f p (fold left x)) | fold (Branch3 (left, p1, mid, p2, right)) x = fold right (f p2 (fold mid (f p1 (fold left x)))); in fold end; fun fold_rev_table f = let fun fold Empty x = x | fold (Branch2 (left, p, right)) x = fold left (f p (fold right x)) | fold (Branch3 (left, p1, mid, p2, right)) x = fold left (f p1 (fold mid (f p2 (fold right x)))); in fold end; fun dest tab = fold_rev_table cons tab []; fun keys tab = fold_rev_table (cons o #1) tab []; (* min/max entries *) fun min Empty = NONE | min (Branch2 (Empty, p, _)) = SOME p | min (Branch3 (Empty, p, _, _, _)) = SOME p | min (Branch2 (left, _, _)) = min left | min (Branch3 (left, _, _, _, _)) = min left; fun max Empty = NONE | max (Branch2 (_, p, Empty)) = SOME p | max (Branch3 (_, _, _, p, Empty)) = SOME p | max (Branch2 (_, _, right)) = max right | max (Branch3 (_, _, _, _, right)) = max right; (* get_first *) fun get_first f = let fun get Empty = NONE | get (Branch2 (left, (k, x), right)) = (case get left of NONE => (case f (k, x) of NONE => get right | some => some) | some => some) | get (Branch3 (left, (k1, x1), mid, (k2, x2), right)) = (case get left of NONE => (case f (k1, x1) of NONE => (case get mid of NONE => (case f (k2, x2) of NONE => get right | some => some) | some => some) | some => some) | some => some); in get end; fun exists pred = isSome o get_first (fn entry => if pred entry then SOME () else NONE); fun forall pred = not o exists (not o pred); (* lookup *) fun lookup tab key = let fun look Empty = NONE | look (Branch2 (left, (k, x), right)) = (case Key.ord (key, k) of LESS => look left | EQUAL => SOME x | GREATER => look right) | look (Branch3 (left, (k1, x1), mid, (k2, x2), right)) = (case Key.ord (key, k1) of LESS => look left | EQUAL => SOME x1 | GREATER => (case Key.ord (key, k2) of LESS => look mid | EQUAL => SOME x2 | GREATER => look right)); in look tab end; fun lookup_key tab key = let fun look Empty = NONE | look (Branch2 (left, (k, x), right)) = (case Key.ord (key, k) of LESS => look left | EQUAL => SOME (k, x) | GREATER => look right) | look (Branch3 (left, (k1, x1), mid, (k2, x2), right)) = (case Key.ord (key, k1) of LESS => look left | EQUAL => SOME (k1, x1) | GREATER => (case Key.ord (key, k2) of LESS => look mid | EQUAL => SOME (k2, x2) | GREATER => look right)); in look tab end; fun defined tab key = let fun def Empty = false | def (Branch2 (left, (k, x), right)) = (case Key.ord (key, k) of LESS => def left | EQUAL => true | GREATER => def right) | def (Branch3 (left, (k1, x1), mid, (k2, x2), right)) = (case Key.ord (key, k1) of LESS => def left | EQUAL => true | GREATER => (case Key.ord (key, k2) of LESS => def mid | EQUAL => true | GREATER => def right)); in def tab end; (* modify *) datatype 'a growth = Stay of 'a table | Sprout of 'a table * (key * 'a) * 'a table; exception SAME; fun modify key f tab = let fun modfy Empty = Sprout (Empty, (key, f NONE), Empty) | modfy (Branch2 (left, p as (k, x), right)) = (case Key.ord (key, k) of LESS => (case modfy left of Stay left' => Stay (Branch2 (left', p, right)) | Sprout (left1, q, left2) => Stay (Branch3 (left1, q, left2, p, right))) | EQUAL => Stay (Branch2 (left, (k, f (SOME x)), right)) | GREATER => (case modfy right of Stay right' => Stay (Branch2 (left, p, right')) | Sprout (right1, q, right2) => Stay (Branch3 (left, p, right1, q, right2)))) | modfy (Branch3 (left, p1 as (k1, x1), mid, p2 as (k2, x2), right)) = (case Key.ord (key, k1) of LESS => (case modfy left of Stay left' => Stay (Branch3 (left', p1, mid, p2, right)) | Sprout (left1, q, left2) => Sprout (Branch2 (left1, q, left2), p1, Branch2 (mid, p2, right))) | EQUAL => Stay (Branch3 (left, (k1, f (SOME x1)), mid, p2, right)) | GREATER => (case Key.ord (key, k2) of LESS => (case modfy mid of Stay mid' => Stay (Branch3 (left, p1, mid', p2, right)) | Sprout (mid1, q, mid2) => Sprout (Branch2 (left, p1, mid1), q, Branch2 (mid2, p2, right))) | EQUAL => Stay (Branch3 (left, p1, mid, (k2, f (SOME x2)), right)) | GREATER => (case modfy right of Stay right' => Stay (Branch3 (left, p1, mid, p2, right')) | Sprout (right1, q, right2) => Sprout (Branch2 (left, p1, mid), p2, Branch2 (right1, q, right2))))); in (case modfy tab of Stay tab' => tab' | Sprout br => Branch2 br) handle SAME => tab end; fun update (key, x) tab = modify key (fn _ => x) tab; fun update_new (key, x) tab = modify key (fn NONE => x | SOME _ => raise DUP key) tab; fun default (key, x) tab = modify key (fn NONE => x | SOME _ => raise SAME) tab; fun map_entry key f = modify key (fn NONE => raise SAME | SOME x => f x); fun map_default (key, x) f = modify key (fn NONE => f x | SOME y => f y); (* delete *) exception UNDEF of key; local fun compare NONE (k2, _) = LESS | compare (SOME k1) (k2, _) = Key.ord (k1, k2); fun if_eq EQUAL x y = x | if_eq _ x y = y; fun del (SOME k) Empty = raise UNDEF k | del NONE (Branch2 (Empty, p, Empty)) = (p, (true, Empty)) | del NONE (Branch3 (Empty, p, Empty, q, Empty)) = (p, (false, Branch2 (Empty, q, Empty))) | del k (Branch2 (Empty, p, Empty)) = (case compare k p of EQUAL => (p, (true, Empty)) | _ => raise UNDEF (valOf k)) | del k (Branch3 (Empty, p, Empty, q, Empty)) = (case compare k p of EQUAL => (p, (false, Branch2 (Empty, q, Empty))) | _ => (case compare k q of EQUAL => (q, (false, Branch2 (Empty, p, Empty))) | _ => raise UNDEF (valOf k))) | del k (Branch2 (l, p, r)) = (case compare k p of LESS => (case del k l of (p', (false, l')) => (p', (false, Branch2 (l', p, r))) | (p', (true, l')) => (p', case r of Branch2 (rl, rp, rr) => (true, Branch3 (l', p, rl, rp, rr)) | Branch3 (rl, rp, rm, rq, rr) => (false, Branch2 (Branch2 (l', p, rl), rp, Branch2 (rm, rq, rr))) | _ => raise Fail "Impossible case - table.del Branch2-LESS")) | ord => (case del (if_eq ord NONE k) r of (p', (false, r')) => (p', (false, Branch2 (l, if_eq ord p' p, r'))) | (p', (true, r')) => (p', case l of Branch2 (ll, lp, lr) => (true, Branch3 (ll, lp, lr, if_eq ord p' p, r')) | Branch3 (ll, lp, lm, lq, lr) => (false, Branch2 (Branch2 (ll, lp, lm), lq, Branch2 (lr, if_eq ord p' p, r'))) | _ => raise Fail "Impossible case - table.del Branch2-"))) | del k (Branch3 (l, p, m, q, r)) = (case compare k q of LESS => (case compare k p of LESS => (case del k l of (p', (false, l')) => (p', (false, Branch3 (l', p, m, q, r))) | (p', (true, l')) => (p', (false, case (m, r) of (Branch2 (ml, mp, mr), Branch2 _) => Branch2 (Branch3 (l', p, ml, mp, mr), q, r) | (Branch3 (ml, mp, mm, mq, mr), _) => Branch3 (Branch2 (l', p, ml), mp, Branch2 (mm, mq, mr), q, r) | (Branch2 (ml, mp, mr), Branch3 (rl, rp, rm, rq, rr)) => Branch3 (Branch2 (l', p, ml), mp, Branch2 (mr, q, rl), rp, Branch2 (rm, rq, rr)) | _ => raise Fail "Impossible case - Table.del LESS-LESS"))) | ord => (case del (if_eq ord NONE k) m of (p', (false, m')) => (p', (false, Branch3 (l, if_eq ord p' p, m', q, r))) | (p', (true, m')) => (p', (false, case (l, r) of (Branch2 (ll, lp, lr), Branch2 _) => Branch2 (Branch3 (ll, lp, lr, if_eq ord p' p, m'), q, r) | (Branch3 (ll, lp, lm, lq, lr), _) => Branch3 (Branch2 (ll, lp, lm), lq, Branch2 (lr, if_eq ord p' p, m'), q, r) | (_, Branch3 (rl, rp, rm, rq, rr)) => Branch3 (l, if_eq ord p' p, Branch2 (m', q, rl), rp, Branch2 (rm, rq, rr)) | _ => raise Fail "Impossible case - Table.del LESS-")))) | ord => (case del (if_eq ord NONE k) r of (q', (false, r')) => (q', (false, Branch3 (l, p, m, if_eq ord q' q, r'))) | (q', (true, r')) => (q', (false, case (l, m) of (Branch2 _, Branch2 (ml, mp, mr)) => Branch2 (l, p, Branch3 (ml, mp, mr, if_eq ord q' q, r')) | (_, Branch3 (ml, mp, mm, mq, mr)) => Branch3 (l, p, Branch2 (ml, mp, mm), mq, Branch2 (mr, if_eq ord q' q, r')) | (Branch3 (ll, lp, lm, lq, lr), Branch2 (ml, mp, mr)) => Branch3 (Branch2 (ll, lp, lm), lq, Branch2 (lr, p, ml), mp, Branch2 (mr, if_eq ord q' q, r')) | _ => raise Fail "Impossible case - Table.del ")))) | del _ _ = raise Fail "Impossible case - Table.del "; in fun delete key tab = snd (snd (del (SOME key) tab)); fun delete_safe key tab = if defined tab key then delete key tab else tab; end; (* membership operations *) fun member eq tab (key, x) = case lookup tab key of NONE => false | SOME y => eq x y fun insert eq (key, x) = modify key (fn NONE => x | SOME y => if eq x y then raise SAME else raise DUP key) fun remove eq (key, x) tab = case lookup tab key of NONE => tab | SOME y => if eq x y then delete key tab else tab (* simultaneous modifications *) fun make entries = Portable.foldl' update_new entries empty; fun join f (table1, table2) = let fun add (key, y) tab = modify key (fn NONE => y | SOME x => f key (x, y)) tab; in if is_empty table1 then table2 else fold_table add table2 table1 end fun merge eq = join (fn key => fn (x,y) => if eq x y then raise SAME else raise DUP key) (* list tables *) fun lookup_list tab key = these (lookup tab key); fun cons_list (key, x) tab = modify key (fn NONE => [x] | SOME xs => x :: xs) tab; fun insert_list eq (key, x) = modify key (fn NONE => [x] | SOME xs => if op_mem eq x xs then raise SAME else x :: xs) fun remove_list eq (key, x) tab = map_entry key (fn xs => (case op_remove eq x xs of [] => raise UNDEF key | ys => ys)) tab handle UNDEF _ => delete key tab; fun update_list eq (key, x) = modify key (fn NONE => [x] | SOME [] => [x] | SOME (xs as y :: _) => if eq x y then raise SAME else op_update eq x xs); fun make_list args = Portable.foldr' cons_list args empty; fun dest_list tab = List.concat (map (fn (key, xs) => map (pair key) xs) (dest tab)) fun merge_list eq = join (fn _ => uncurry (op_union eq)); (* unit tables *) type set = unit table; fun insert_set x = default (x, ()); fun remove_set x : set -> set = delete_safe x; fun make_set entries = Portable.foldl' insert_set entries empty; (* pretty-printing *) fun pp vpp tab = let open HOLPP fun ppi (k,v) = block CONSISTENT 0 [Key.pp k, add_string " |->", add_break(1,2), vpp v] in block CONSISTENT 0 [ add_string "Table{", block INCONSISTENT 6 (pr_list ppi [add_string ",", add_break(1,0)] (dest tab)), add_string "}" ] end (*final declarations of this structure!*) val map = map_table; val fold = fold_table; val fold_rev = fold_rev_table; end;