structure type_grammar :> type_grammar = struct open HOLgrammars open Lib open type_grammar_dtype fun typstruct_uptodate ts = case ts of PARAM _ => true | TYOP {Thy, Tyop, Args} => isSome (Type.op_arity {Thy = Thy, Tyop = Tyop}) andalso List.all typstruct_uptodate Args type kernelname = KernelSig.kernelname fun break_qident s = case String.fields (equal #"$") s of [ _ ] => (NONE, s) | [thy, nm] => (SOME thy, nm) | _ => raise GrammarError ("String \""^s^ "\" is not a valid type identifier") datatype grammar = TYG of { rules : (int * grammar_rule) list, parse_str : (kernelname, type_structure) Binarymap.dict, str_print : (int * kernelname) TypeNet.typenet, bare_names : (string, string) Binarymap.dict, tstamp : int } datatype ty_absyn = VTY of string | QTYOP of kernelname * ty_absyn list (* Like term parsing, type parsing is handled in two phases: 1. Concrete syntax (involving infixes and the special syntax for array-typeshere) is mapped to abstract syntax, the ty_absyn type above. The infix rules are in the rules field. Along the way, bare names in the concrete syntax are mapped to "qualified" operators (the QTYOP constructor) using the bare_names map of the grammar. 2. The parse_str field of the grammar is then used to turn QTYOPs into genuine type operators. Printing uses the str_print field to turn structures into syntactic structure names. If these are privileged, they get to print in bare form; otherwise they will be qualified. As with term overloads, more specific structure matches are preferred when turning underlying type operators into names, and the timestamp is used to break ties. *) open FunctionalRecordUpdate fun tyg_mkUp z = makeUpdate5 z fun update_G z = let fun from rules parse_str str_print bare_names tstamp = {rules = rules, parse_str = parse_str, str_print = str_print, bare_names = bare_names, tstamp = tstamp} (* fields in reverse order *) fun from' tstamp bare_names str_print parse_str rules = {rules = rules, parse_str = parse_str, str_print = str_print, bare_names = bare_names, tstamp = tstamp} (* first order *) fun to f {rules, parse_str, str_print, bare_names, tstamp} = f rules parse_str str_print bare_names tstamp in tyg_mkUp (from, from', to) end z fun fupdate_rules f (TYG g) = TYG (update_G g (U #rules (f (#rules g))) $$) fun fupdate_str_print f (TYG g) = TYG (update_G g (U #str_print (f (#str_print g))) $$) fun fupdate_parse_str f (TYG g) = TYG (update_G g (U #parse_str (f (#parse_str g))) $$) fun fupdate_tstamp f (TYG g) = TYG (update_G g (U #tstamp (f (#tstamp g))) $$) fun fupdate_bare_names f (TYG g) = TYG (update_G g (U #bare_names (f (#bare_names g))) $$) fun default_typrinter (G:grammar) (ty:Type.hol_type) = HOLPP.PrettyString "" val type_printer = ref default_typrinter val initialised_printer = ref false fun initialise_typrinter f = if not (!initialised_printer) then (type_printer := f; initialised_printer := true) else raise Feedback.HOL_ERR {origin_structure = "type_grammar", origin_function = "initialised_printer", message = "Printer function already initialised"} fun pp_type g ty = (!type_printer) g ty fun structure_to_type st = case st of TYOP {Thy,Tyop,Args} => Type.mk_thy_type {Thy = Thy, Tyop = Tyop, Args = map structure_to_type Args} | PARAM n => Type.mk_vartype ("'"^str (chr (n + ord #"a"))) fun params0 acc (PARAM i) = HOLset.add(acc, i) | params0 acc (TYOP{Args,...}) = foldl (fn (t,set) => params0 set t) acc Args val params = params0 (HOLset.empty val num_params = HOLset.numItems o params fun suffix_arity (abbrevs, privs) s = case Binarymap.peek (privs, s) of NONE => NONE | SOME thy => let in case Binarymap.peek(abbrevs, {Thy = thy, Name = s}) of NONE => NONE (* shouldn't happen *) | SOME st => if typstruct_uptodate st then SOME (s, num_params st) else NONE end fun merge r1 r2 = case (r1, r2) of (INFIX(rlist1, a1), INFIX(rlist2, a2)) => let in if a1 = a2 then INFIX(Lib.union rlist1 rlist2, a1) else raise GrammarError "Attempt to merge two infix types with different associativities" end fun insert_sorted (k, v) [] = [(k, v)] | insert_sorted kv1 (wholething as (kv2::rest)) = let val (k1, v1) = kv1 val (k2, v2) = kv2 in if (k1 < k2) then kv1::wholething else if k1 = k2 then (k1, merge v1 v2) :: rest else kv2 :: insert_sorted kv1 rest end fun new_binary_tyop g {precedence, infix_form = ix, opname, associativity = a} = let val rule = (precedence, INFIX([{parse_string = ix, opname = opname}], a)) in g |> fupdate_rules (insert_sorted rule) end fun remove_binary_tyop g s = let fun bad_irule {parse_string,...} = parse_string = s fun edit_rule (prec, r) = case r of INFIX (irules, assoc) => let val irules' = List.filter (not o bad_irule) irules in if null irules' then NONE else SOME (prec, INFIX (irules', assoc)) end in g |> fupdate_rules (List.mapPartial edit_rule) end fun new_qtyop (kid as {Name = name, Thy = thy}) g = let open Type Theory in case Type.op_arity {Tyop = name, Thy = thy} of NONE => raise GrammarError (name ^ " is not the name of a type operator in theory "^ thy) | SOME i => let val TYG {tstamp,...} = g val opstructure = TYOP {Thy = thy, Tyop = name, Args = List.tabulate(i, PARAM)} fun mk_vari i = mk_vartype ("'a" ^ Int.toString i) val ty = mk_thy_type {Tyop = name, Thy = thy, Args = List.tabulate(i, mk_vari)} in g |> fupdate_str_print (fn tynet => TypeNet.insert(tynet,ty,(tstamp,kid))) |> fupdate_parse_str (fn m => Binarymap.insert(m, kid, opstructure)) |> fupdate_tstamp (fn i => i + 1) |> fupdate_bare_names (fn m => Binarymap.insert(m, name, thy)) end end fun hide_tyop s = fupdate_bare_names (fn m => #1 (Binarymap.remove(m,s)) handle Binarymap.NotFound => m) val empty_grammar = TYG { rules = [], parse_str = Binarymap.mkDict KernelSig.name_compare, bare_names = Binarymap.mkDict, str_print = TypeNet.empty, tstamp = 0 } fun keys m = Binarymap.foldr (fn (k,v,acc) => k :: acc) [] m fun rules (TYG gr) = {infixes = #rules gr, suffixes = keys (#bare_names gr)} fun parse_map (TYG gr) = #parse_str gr fun print_map (TYG gr) = #str_print gr fun privabbs (TYG gr) = #bare_names gr val privileged_abbrevs = privabbs fun tstamp (TYG gr) = #tstamp gr fun bump_tstamp g = (tstamp g, fupdate_tstamp (fn n => n + 1) g) fun check_structure st = let fun param_numbers (PARAM i, pset) = HOLset.add(pset, i) | param_numbers (TYOP{Args,...}, pset) = foldl param_numbers pset Args val pset = param_numbers (st, HOLset.empty val plist = HOLset.listItems pset fun check_for_gaps expecting [] = () | check_for_gaps expecting (h::t) = if h <> expecting then raise GrammarError ("Expecting to find parameter #"^Int.toString expecting) else check_for_gaps (expecting + 1) t in check_for_gaps 0 plist end fun remove_knm_abbreviation g knm = let val (dict, st) = Binarymap.remove(parse_map g, knm) fun doprint pmap0 = #1 (TypeNet.delete(pmap0, structure_to_type st)) handle Binarymap.NotFound => pmap0 fun maybe_rmpriv d = case Binarymap.peek (d, #Name knm) of NONE => d | SOME thy' => if thy' = #Thy knm then #1 (Binarymap.remove(d, #Name knm)) else d in g |> fupdate_parse_str (K dict) |> fupdate_str_print doprint |> fupdate_bare_names maybe_rmpriv end fun remove_abbreviation g s = let val (thyopt, nm) = break_qident s fun parsemap nmcheck (knm,st,acc) = if nmcheck knm then acc else Binarymap.insert(acc,knm,st) fun printmap nmcheck (ty,i as (_, knm),acc) = if nmcheck knm then acc else TypeNet.insert(acc,ty,i) fun thyprivrm thy m = case Binarymap.peek (m, nm) of NONE => m | SOME thy' => if thy' = thy then #1 (Binarymap.remove(m,nm)) else m val (check,privrm) = case thyopt of NONE => ((fn knm => #Name knm = nm), (fn m => #1 (Binarymap.remove (m, nm)) handle Binarymap.NotFound => m)) | SOME thy => (equal {Name = nm, Thy = thy}, thyprivrm thy) in g |> fupdate_bare_names privrm |> fupdate_str_print (TypeNet.fold (printmap check) TypeNet.empty) |> fupdate_parse_str (Binarymap.foldl (parsemap check) (Binarymap.mkDict KernelSig.name_compare)) end fun type_to_structure ty = let open Type val params = Listsort.sort (type_vars ty) val (num_vars, pset) = List.foldl (fn (ty,(i,pset)) => (i + 1, Binarymap.insert(pset,ty,i))) (0, Binarymap.mkDict params fun mk_structure pset ty = if is_vartype ty then PARAM (Binarymap.find(pset, ty)) else let val {Thy,Tyop,Args} = dest_thy_type ty in TYOP {Thy = Thy, Tyop = Tyop, Args = map (mk_structure pset) Args} end in mk_structure pset ty end fun new_abbreviation tyg (knm as {Name=s,Thy=thy}, ty) = let val st = type_to_structure ty val tyg = case Binarymap.peek(parse_map tyg, knm) of NONE => tyg | SOME st' => if st = st' then tyg else let val tyg' = remove_knm_abbreviation tyg knm in Feedback.HOL_WARNING "type_grammar" "new_abbreviation" ("Replacing old mapping from " ^ s ^ " to "^ PP.pp_to_string (!Globals.linewidth) (pp_type tyg') (structure_to_type st')); tyg' end val _ = case st of PARAM _ => raise GrammarError "Abbreviation can't be to a type variable" | _ => () val (tstamp, tyg) = bump_tstamp tyg val result = tyg |> fupdate_parse_str (fn d => Binarymap.insert(d,knm,st)) |> fupdate_str_print (fn pmap => TypeNet.insert(pmap, structure_to_type st, (tstamp, knm))) |> fupdate_bare_names(fn d => Binarymap.insert(d,s,thy)) in result end fun rev_append [] acc = acc | rev_append (x::xs) acc = rev_append xs (x::acc) fun merge_abbrevs G (d1, d2) = let fun merge_dictinsert (k,v,newdict) = case Binarymap.peek(newdict,k) of NONE => Binarymap.insert(newdict,k,v) | SOME v0 => if v0 <> v then (Feedback.HOL_WARNING "parse_type" "merge_grammars" ("Conflicting entries for op/abbrev "^ KernelSig.name_toString k ^ "; arbitrarily keeping map to "^ PP.pp_to_string (!Globals.linewidth) (pp_type G) (structure_to_type v0)); newdict) else newdict in Binarymap.foldr merge_dictinsert d1 d2 end fun merge_pmaps (p1, p2) = TypeNet.fold (fn (ty,v,acc) => TypeNet.insert(acc,ty,v)) p1 p2 fun merge_privs (p1, p2) = Binarymap.foldl (fn (nm,thy,acc) => Binarymap.insert(acc,nm,thy)) p1 p2 fun merge_grammars (G1, G2) = let (* both grammars are sorted, with no adjacent suffixes *) val TYG { rules = grules1, parse_str = abbrevs1, str_print = pmap1, tstamp = t1, bare_names = priv1 } = G1 val TYG { rules = grules2, parse_str = abbrevs2, str_print = pmap2, tstamp = t2, bare_names = priv2 } = G2 fun merge_acc acc (gs as (g1, g2)) = case gs of ([], _) => rev_append acc g2 | (_, []) => rev_append acc g1 | ((g1rule as (g1k, g1v))::g1rest, (g2rule as (g2k, g2v))::g2rest) => let in case (g1k, g2k) of LESS => merge_acc (g1rule::acc) (g1rest, g2) | GREATER => merge_acc (g2rule::acc) (g1, g2rest) | EQUAL => merge_acc ((g1k, merge g1v g2v)::acc) (g1rest, g2rest) end in TYG { rules = merge_acc [] (grules1, grules2), parse_str = merge_abbrevs G2 (abbrevs1, abbrevs2), str_print = merge_pmaps (pmap1, pmap2), bare_names = merge_privs (priv1, priv2), tstamp = Int.max(t1,t2) + 1 } end fun can_print pmap kns ty = let val net_matches = TypeNet.match(pmap, ty) fun check_match (pat, (tstamp, nm)) = can (Type.match_type pat) ty andalso nm = kns in not (null (List.filter check_match net_matches)) end fun prettyprint_grammar G = let open Portable Lib HOLPP val TYG grm = G val {rules=g, parse_str=abbrevs, str_print=pmap, bare_names,... } = grm fun print_suffix (s,arity) = let fun print_ty_n_tuple n = case n of 0 => [] | 1 => [add_string "TY", add_break (1,0)] | n => [add_string "(", block INCONSISTENT 0 (tabulateWith (fn _ => add_string "TY") [add_string ",", add_break(1,0)] n), add_string ")", add_break(1,0)] in block CONSISTENT 2 (print_ty_n_tuple arity @ [add_string s]) end fun print_abbrev lwidth (kid, kidstr0, st) = let val kidstr = UTF8.padRight #" " (lwidth + 4) kidstr0 val ty = structure_to_type st val printed = can_print pmap kid ty val ty_string = PP.pp_to_string 100 (Feedback.trace ("print_tyabbrevs", 0) (pp_type G)) ty in block INCONSISTENT 0 ( add_string kidstr :: add_string "=" :: add_break(1,0) :: add_string (UTF8.padRight #" " (35 - lwidth) ty_string) :: (if not printed then [add_break(1,lwidth + 6), add_string "[not printed]"] else []) ) end fun kid_string kid st = let val ispriv = case Binarymap.peek (bare_names, #Name kid) of SOME thy => thy = #Thy kid | NONE => false val kns = if ispriv then #Name kid else KernelSig.name_toString kid val paramstr = PP.pp_to_string 100 (pp_type G) o structure_to_type o PARAM in case num_params st of 0 => kns | 1 => paramstr 0 ^ " " ^ kns | n => "(" ^ String.concatWith ", " (List.tabulate(n, paramstr)) ^ ") " ^ kns end val print_abbrevs = let fun foldthis (k,st,acc as (mx,kstrs)) = if typstruct_uptodate st then let val kstr = kid_string k st in (Int.max(mx,size kstr), (k,kstr,st)::kstrs) end else acc val (lwidth, okabbrevs) = Binarymap.foldl foldthis (0, []) abbrevs in if length okabbrevs > 0 then [ NL, add_string "Type abbreviations:", add_break(2,2), block CONSISTENT 0 ( pr_list (print_abbrev lwidth) [NL] (List.rev okabbrevs) ) ] else [] end fun print_infix {opname,parse_string} = block INCONSISTENT 0 ( [add_string "TY ",add_string parse_string,add_break(1,0),add_string "TY"]@ (if opname <> parse_string then [add_break(1,0), add_string ("["^opname^"]")] else []) ) fun print_suffixes slist = let val oksl = List.mapPartial (suffix_arity (abbrevs, bare_names)) slist in if null oksl then [] else [ block INCONSISTENT 0 [ add_string " TY ::= ", block INCONSISTENT 16 ( pr_list print_suffix [add_string " |", add_break(1,0)] oksl ) ] ] end fun print_rule0 r = case r of INFIX(oplist, assoc) => let val assocstring = case assoc of LEFT => "L-" | RIGHT => "R-" | NONASSOC => "non-" in [add_string "TY ::= ", block INCONSISTENT 0 (pr_list print_infix [add_string " |", add_break(1,0)] oplist @ [add_string (" ("^assocstring^"associative)")])] end fun print_rule (n, r) = let val precstr = StringCvt.padRight #" " 7 ("("^Int.toString n^")") in block CONSISTENT 0 (add_string precstr :: print_rule0 r) end in block CONSISTENT 0 ( block CONSISTENT 0 [ add_string "Rules:", add_break (1,2), block CONSISTENT 0 ( pr_list print_rule [NL] g @ [add_break(1,0)] @ print_suffixes (keys bare_names) @ [add_break(1,0), add_string " TY ::= TY[TY] (array type)"] ) ] :: print_abbrevs ) end; val print_abbrevs = ref true val _ = Feedback.register_btrace ("print_tyabbrevs", print_abbrevs) fun tysize ty = if Type.is_vartype ty then 1 else let val {Args,...} = Type.dest_thy_type ty in 1 + List.foldl (fn (ty,acc) => tysize ty + acc) 0 Args end fun dest_type' ty = let val {Thy, Tyop, Args} = Type.dest_thy_type ty in {Thy = SOME Thy, Tyop = Tyop, Args = Args} end fun abb_dest_type0 (TYG{str_print = pmap, bare_names, ...}) ty = let open HolKernel val net_matches = TypeNet.match(pmap, ty) fun mymatch pat ty = let val (i, sames) = Type.raw_match_type pat ty ([], []) in i @ (map (fn ty => ty |-> ty) sames) end fun check_match (pat, (tstamp, nm)) = SOME(mymatch pat ty, nm, tstamp) handle HOL_ERR _ => NONE val checked_matches = List.mapPartial check_match net_matches fun instcmp ({redex = r1, ...}, {redex = r2, ...}) =, r2) in case checked_matches of [] => dest_type' ty | _ => let fun instsize i = List.foldl (fn ({redex,residue},acc) => tysize residue + acc) 0 i fun match_info (i, _, tstamp) = (instsize i, tstamp) val matchcmp = inv_img_cmp match_info (pair_compare(, Lib.flip_order o val allinsts = Listsort.sort matchcmp checked_matches val (inst,{Thy,Name},_) = hd allinsts val inst' = Listsort.sort instcmp inst val args = map #residue inst' in case Binarymap.peek (bare_names, Name) of NONE => {Thy = SOME Thy, Tyop = Name, Args = args} | SOME thy' => if Thy = thy' then {Thy = NONE, Tyop = Name, Args = args} else {Thy = SOME Thy, Tyop = Name, Args = args} end end fun abb_dest_type G ty = if !print_abbrevs then abb_dest_type0 G ty else dest_type' ty fun disable_abbrev_printing s (g as TYG grm) = let val (thyopt, nm) = break_qident s fun rmprints namecheck g = let fun foldthis (ty, i as (_, knm), acc) = if namecheck knm then acc else TypeNet.insert(acc,ty,i) val pmap' = TypeNet.fold foldthis TypeNet.empty (print_map g) in fupdate_str_print (K pmap') g end in case thyopt of NONE => rmprints (fn knm => #Name knm = nm) g | SOME thy => rmprints (fn knm => knm = {Name = nm, Thy = thy}) g end (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- min grammar Grammar that knows about types bool and ind, as well as the operator fun, which also has an infix -> presentation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun nparams s n = TYOP {Thy = "min", Tyop = s, Args = List.tabulate(n, PARAM)} val funty = Type.-->(Type.alpha,Type.beta) val indty = Type.mk_thy_type {Thy = "min", Tyop = "ind", Args = []} fun insert_minop (s,arity,ty) g = let val kid = {Thy = "min", Name = s} in g |> fupdate_parse_str (fn m => Binarymap.insert(m,kid, nparams s arity)) |> fupdate_str_print (fn n => TypeNet.insert(n,ty,(tstamp g, kid))) |> fupdate_bare_names (fn m => Binarymap.insert(m,s,"min")) |> fupdate_tstamp (fn i => i + 1) end val fun_rule = (50,INFIX([{opname = "fun", parse_string = "->"}], RIGHT)) val min_grammar = empty_grammar |> fupdate_rules (K [fun_rule]) |> insert_minop ("ind", 0, indty) |> insert_minop ("bool", 0, Type.bool) |> insert_minop ("fun", 2, funty) fun apply_delta d g = case d of NEW_TYPE kid => new_qtyop kid g | NEW_INFIX {Name,ParseName,Assoc,Prec} => new_binary_tyop g {precedence=Prec, infix_form = ParseName, opname = Name, associativity = Assoc} | TYABBREV (kid,ty) => new_abbreviation g (kid,ty) | DISABLE_TYPRINT s => disable_abbrev_printing s g | RM_KNM_TYABBREV kid => remove_knm_abbreviation g kid | RM_TYABBREV s => remove_abbreviation g s fun apply_deltas ds g = List.foldl (uncurry apply_delta) g ds end