structure Pretype :> Pretype = struct open HolKernel errormonad Pretype_dtype; infix >> >-; val TCERR = mk_HOL_ERR "Pretype"; structure Env = struct type t = ((int,pretype) Binarymap.dict * int) fun lookup (d,c) i = Binarymap.peek(d,i) fun update (i,pty) (d,c) = (Binarymap.insert(d,i,pty), c) val empty : t = (Binarymap.mkDict, 0) fun new (d,c) = ((d,c+1), c) fun toList (d,c) = List.tabulate(c, fn i => (i, Binarymap.peek(d,i))) end open typecheck_error type 'a in_env = (Env.t,'a,error) errormonad.t fun fail s = error (Misc s, locn.Loc_Unknown) fun boundcase i (n:'a in_env) (sf : pretype -> 'a in_env) : 'a in_env = fn e => case Env.lookup e i of NONE => n e | SOME pty => sf pty e fun tyvars t = case t of Vartype s => return [s] | Tyop{Args,...} => List.foldl (fn (t, set) => lift2 Lib.union (tyvars t) set) (return []) Args | UVar i => boundcase i (return []) tyvars fun mk_fun_ty (dom,rng) = Tyop{Thy="min", Tyop="fun", Args = [dom,rng]} val new_uvar = lift UVar (Some o fun update arg E = let val E' = Env.update arg E in Some (E', ()) end infix ref_occurs_in fun (r:int) ref_occurs_in (value:pretype) : bool in_env= case value of Vartype _ => return false | Tyop {Args = ts : pretype list,...} => refoccl r ts | UVar i => boundcase i (return (r = i)) (fn pty => r ref_occurs_in pty) and refoccl r [] = return false | refoccl r ((t:pretype)::ts) = r ref_occurs_in t >- (fn b => if b then return b else refoccl r ts) infix ref_equiv fun r ref_equiv value = case value of Vartype _ => return false | Tyop _ => return false | UVar r' => boundcase r' (return (r = r')) (fn pty => if r = r' then return true else r ref_equiv pty) fun bind i pty : unit in_env = case pty of UVar j => if i = j then ok else boundcase j (update(i,pty)) (bind i) | _ => (i ref_occurs_in pty) >- (fn b => if b then fail "Circular binding in unification" else update(i,pty)) fun unify t1 t2 = case (t1, t2) of (UVar r, _) => boundcase r (bind r t2) (fn t1' => unify t1' t2) | (_, UVar r) => boundcase r (bind r t1) (fn t2' => unify t1 t2') | (Vartype v1, Vartype v2) => if v1 = v2 then ok else fail ("Attempt to unify fixed variable types "^v1^" and " ^ v2) | (Vartype v, Tyop {Thy,Tyop=s,...}) => fail ("Attempt to unify fixed variable type "^v^" with operator "^ Thy^"$"^s) | (Tyop {Thy,Tyop=s,...}, Vartype v) => fail ("Attempt to unify fixed variable type "^v^" with operator "^ Thy^"$"^s) | (Tyop{Args=as1, Tyop=op1, Thy=thy1}, Tyop{Args=as2, Tyop=op2, Thy=thy2})=> if thy1 <> thy2 orelse op1 <> op2 then fail ("Attempt to unify different type operators: " ^ thy1 ^ "$" ^ op1^ " and " ^ thy2 ^ "$" ^ op2) else unifyl as1 as2 and unifyl [] [] = ok | unifyl [] _ = fail "Same tyop with different # of arguments?" | unifyl _ [] = fail "Same tyop with different # of arguments?" | unifyl (t1::t1s) (t2::t2s) = unify t1 t2 >> unifyl t1s t2s fun can_unify pty1 pty2 : bool in_env = fn e => case unify pty1 pty2 e of Error _ => Some (e, false) | _ => Some (e, true) fun apply_subst E pty = case pty of Vartype _ => pty | Tyop{Tyop = s, Thy = t, Args = args} => Tyop{Tyop = s, Thy = t, Args = map (apply_subst E) args} | UVar i => case Env.lookup E i of NONE => pty | SOME pty => apply_subst E pty (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Passes over a type, turning all of the type variables not in the avoids list into fresh UVars, but doing so consistently by using an env, which is an alist from variable names to type variable refs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) local fun replace s (env as (E, alist)) = case Lib.assoc1 s alist of NONE => (case new_uvar E of Some (E', pty) => Some ((E',(s,pty) :: alist), pty) | Error e => Error e (* should never happen *)) | SOME (_, pty) => Some (env, pty) in fun rename_tv avds ty = case ty of Vartype s => if mem s avds then return ty else replace s | Tyop{Tyop = s, Thy = thy, Args = args} => mmap (rename_tv avds) args >- (fn args' => return (Tyop{Tyop = s, Thy = thy, Args = args'})) | x => return x fun rename_typevars avds ty : pretype in_env = fn e => case rename_tv avds ty (e, []) of Some ((e', _), pty) => Some (e', pty) | Error e => Error e end fun fromType t = if Type.is_vartype t then Vartype (Type.dest_vartype t) else let val {Tyop = tyop, Args, Thy} = Type.dest_thy_type t in Tyop{Tyop = tyop, Args = map fromType Args, Thy = Thy} end fun remove_made_links ty = case ty of UVar i => boundcase i (return ty) remove_made_links | Tyop{Tyop = s, Thy, Args} => lift (fn args => Tyop {Tyop = s, Thy = Thy, Args = args}) (mmap remove_made_links Args) | _ => return ty val tyvariant = Lexis.gen_variant Lexis.tyvar_vary fun replace_null_links ty : (Env.t * string list, pretype, error) t = case ty of UVar r => (fn (e,used) => case Env.lookup e r of SOME pty => replace_null_links pty (e,used) | NONE => let val nm = tyvariant used "'a" val res = Vartype nm in Some ((Env.update (r,res) e, nm::used), res) end) | Tyop {Args,Thy,Tyop=s} => lift (fn args => Tyop{Tyop=s,Args=args,Thy=Thy}) (mmap replace_null_links Args) | Vartype _ => return ty fun clean ty = case ty of Vartype s => Type.mk_vartype s | Tyop{Tyop = s, Args, Thy} => Type.mk_thy_type{Tyop = s, Thy = Thy, Args = map clean Args} | _ => raise Fail "Don't expect to see links remaining at this stage" fun toTypeM ty : Type.hol_type in_env = remove_made_links ty >- (fn ty => tyvars ty >- (fn vs => lift (clean o #2) (addState vs (replace_null_links ty)))) fun toType pty = case toTypeM pty Env.empty of Error e => raise mkExn e | Some (_, ty) => ty fun chase (Tyop{Tyop = "fun", Thy = "min", Args = [_, ty]}) = return ty | chase (UVar i) = boundcase i (fail ("chase: uvar "^Int.toString i^" unbound")) chase | chase (Vartype s) = fail ("chase: can't chase variable type "^s) | chase (Tyop{Tyop=s, Thy, ...}) = fail ("chase: can't chase through "^Thy^"$"^s) datatype pp_pty_state = none | left | right | uvar fun pp_pretype pty = let open HOLPP fun pp_pty state pty = let in case pty of Vartype s => [add_string ("V("^s^")")] | Tyop {Thy,Tyop = tyop,Args} => let val qid = if Thy = "bool" orelse Thy = "min" then add_string tyop else add_string (Thy ^ "$" ^ tyop) in if Thy = "min" andalso tyop = "fun" then let val wrap = case state of none => (fn ps => [block INCONSISTENT 0 ps]) | right => I | _ (* left or uvar *) => fn ps => [add_string "(", block INCONSISTENT 0 ps, add_string ")"] val core = pp_pty left (hd Args) @ [add_string " ", add_string "->", add_break (1,0)] @ pp_pty right (hd (tl Args)) in wrap core end else case Args of [] => [qid] | _ => [ add_string "(", block INCONSISTENT 0 ( pr_list (block INCONSISTENT 0 o pp_pty none) [add_string ","] Args ), add_string ")", qid ] end | UVar r => [add_string ("U("^Int.toString r^")")] end in block INCONSISTENT 0 (pp_pty none pty) end fun remove_ty_aq t = if parse_type.is_ty_antiq t then parse_type.dest_ty_antiq t else raise mk_HOL_ERR "Parse" "type parser" "antiquotation is not of a type" fun tyop_to_qtyop ((tyop,locn), args) = case Type.decls tyop of [] => raise mk_HOL_ERRloc "Parse" "type parser" locn (tyop^" not a known type operator") | {Thy,Tyop = tyop} :: _ => Tyop{Thy = Thy, Tyop = tyop, Args = args} fun do_qtyop {Thy,Tyop=tyop,Locn,Args} = Tyop {Thy=Thy,Tyop=tyop,Args=Args} val termantiq_constructors = {vartype = fn x => Vartype (fst x), qtyop = do_qtyop, tyop = tyop_to_qtyop, antiq = fn x => fromType (remove_ty_aq x)} val typantiq_constructors = {vartype = fn x => Vartype (fst x), qtyop = do_qtyop, tyop = tyop_to_qtyop, antiq = fromType} fun has_unbound_uvar pty = case pty of Vartype _ => return false | UVar r => boundcase r (return true) has_unbound_uvar | Tyop{Args,...} => huul Args and huul [] = return false | huul (ty1 :: tys) = has_unbound_uvar ty1 >- (fn b => if b then return true else huul tys) end;