open arithmeticTheory HolKernel boolLib Parse testutils fun fail() = die "FAILED\n" val _ = tprint "Testing that I can parse num$0" val _ = (Parse.Term`num$0`; OK()) handle HOL_ERR _ => fail() val _ = tprint "Testing that I can't parse num$1" val _ = (Parse.Term`num$1`; fail()) handle HOL_ERR _ => OK(); val _ = tprint "Testing that bool$0 fails" val _ = (Parse.Term`bool$0`; fail()) handle HOL_ERR _ => OK() val _ = tprint "Testing that num$01 fails" val _ = (Parse.Term`num$01`; fail()) handle HOL_ERR _ => OK() val _ = let val _ = tprint "Anthony's pattern-overloading bug" val b2n_def = new_definition("b2n_def", ``b2n b = if b then 1 else 0``) val _ = overload_on ("foo", ``\(x:num#'a),(y:num#'b). b2n (FST x = FST y)``) val res = trace ("PP.catch_withpp_err", 0) term_to_string ``foo(x,y)`` handle Fail _ => "" in if res <> "" then OK() else fail() end val _ = let val tpp = let open testutils in unicode_off (raw_backend testutils.tpp) end in tpp [ "case e1 of 0 => (case e2 of 0 => 1 | SUC n => n + 1) | SUC m => m * 2", "case e1 of 0 => 1 | SUC n => case e2 of 0 => 2 | SUC m => 3", "(case x of 0 => (\\x. x) | SUC n => (\\m. m + n)) y", "!a b c d e f g.\n\ \ foo' a b /\\ bar a c /\\ baz a c d /\\ qux f g /\\ foo' f g ==>\n\ \ (a + b * c = 10 * d + e + f + g)" ] ; trace ("PP.print_firstcasebar", 1) tpp "case e of | 0 => 1 | SUC n => n + 2"; trace ("PP.print_firstcasebar", 1) tpp "case f e n longvarname of\n\ \| 0 => superlongvarname * secondsuperlongname + 1\n\ \| SUC n => n + 2" end fun colourpp_test (testname, s, expected) = testutils.tpp_expected {testf = (fn _ => testname), input = s, output = expected} val _ = Parse.current_backend := PPBackEnd.vt100_terminal fun bound s = "\^[[0;32m" ^ s ^ "\^[[0m" fun free s = "\^[[0;1;34m" ^ s ^ "\^[[0m" val concat = String.concat val colourtests = [("&3 should print as 3", "&3", "3"), ("Pretty-printing of case expression bound variables", "case x of 0 => 1 | SUC n => n * 2", concat ["case ",free "x"," of 0 => 1 | ", "SUC ", bound "n", " => ", bound "n", " * 2"]), ("Pretty-printing of case in rand position", "f (case x of 0 => 1 | SUC n => n * 2)", concat [free "f", " (case ", free "x", " of 0 => 1 | SUC ", bound "n", " => ", bound "n", " * 2)"]), ("Colouring simple LET", "let x = 3 in x + 1", concat ["let ", bound "x", " = 3 in ", bound "x", " + 1"]), ("Colouring simple LET with free on right", "let x = y + 2 in x * 2", concat ["let ", bound "x", " = ", free "y", " + 2 in ", bound "x", " * 2"]), ("Colouring LET with ands", "let x = 10 and y = x + 6 in x + y", concat ["let ", bound "x", " = 10 and ", bound "y", " = ", free "x", " + 6 in ", bound "x", " + ", bound "y"]), ("Colouring LET binding local function", "let f x = x * 2 in x + f 10", concat ["let ", bound "f", " ", bound "x", " = ", bound "x", " * 2 in ", free "x", " + ", bound "f", " 10"]) ] val _ = app colourpp_test colourtests open groundEval numeralTheory val _ = overload_on ("B1", ``BIT1``); val _ = overload_on ("B2", ``BIT2``); val _ = overload_on ("iZ", ``numeral$iZ``); val _ = overload_on ("NUM", ``NUMERAL``) val ncset = HOLset.addList(empty_tmset, [``NUMERAL``, ``BIT1``, ``BIT2``, ``0:num``, ``ZERO``]); val ge0 = GE {constrs = ncset, rwts = Net.empty, case_consts = empty_tmset } val ge = List.foldl (fn (th,ge) => add_rwt th ge) ge0 (Rewrite.mk_rewrites numeralTheory.numeral_distrib @ Rewrite.mk_rewrites numeralTheory.numeral_add @ Rewrite.mk_rewrites numeralTheory.numeral_suc @ Rewrite.mk_rewrites numeralTheory.numeral_iisuc) fun dot t = reduction ge (vTreeOf ge t) t (Conv (fn x => x)); fun testdot t expected = let val result = dot t in aconv (result_term (dot t)) expected andalso result_tree result = KnownValue orelse die ("Reduction of " ^ term_to_string t ^ " didn't give back " ^ term_to_string expected) end; val _ = testdot ``1 + 1`` ``2``; val _ = testdot ``2 + 1`` ``3``; val _ = testdot ``3 + 4`` ``7``; val _ = testdot ``4 + 5 + 9`` ``18``; val _ = testdot ``(\x. x + y) 5`` ``5 + y``; val _ = testdot ``(\x. x + x + 1) ((\y. y + 10) 4)`` ``29``;