(* ========================================================================= *) (* MAPPING BETWEEN HOL AND FIRST-ORDER LOGIC. *) (* Created by Joe Hurd, October 2001 *) (* ========================================================================= *) structure folMapping :> folMapping = struct open HolKernel Parse boolLib; infix THENR ## |->; type 'a pp = 'a mlibUseful.pp; type term1 = mlibTerm.term; type formula1 = mlibTerm.formula; type thm1 = mlibThm.thm; type vars = term list * hol_type list; val assert = mlibUseful.assert; val pinst = matchTools.pinst; val INST_TY = matchTools.INST_TY; val PINST = matchTools.PINST; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Chatting and error handling. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) local open mlibUseful; val module = "folMapping"; in val () = add_trace {module = module, alignment = I} fun chatting l = tracing {module = module, level = l}; fun chat s = (trace s; true) val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR module; fun BUG f m = Bug (f ^ ": " ^ m); end; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Mapping parameters. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type parameters = {higher_order : bool, (* Application is a first-order function *) with_types : bool}; (* First-order terms include HOL type info *) val defaults = {higher_order = false, with_types = false}; fun update_higher_order f (parm : parameters) : parameters = let val {higher_order, with_types} = parm in {higher_order = f higher_order, with_types = with_types} end; fun update_with_types f (parm : parameters) : parameters = let val {higher_order, with_types} = parm in {higher_order = higher_order, with_types = f with_types} end; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Helper functions. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun uncurry3 f (x, y, z) = f x y z; fun zipwith f = let fun z l [] [] = l | z l (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = z (f x y :: l) xs ys | z _ _ _ = raise ERR "zipwith" "lists different lengths"; in fn xs => fn ys => rev (z [] xs ys) end; fun possibly f x = case total f x of SOME y => y | NONE => x; fun dest_prefix p = let fun check s = assert (String.isPrefix p s) (ERR "dest_prefix" "") val size_p = size p in fn s => (check s; String.extract (s, size_p, NONE)) end; fun is_prefix p = can (dest_prefix p); fun mk_prefix p s = p ^ s; val dest_prime = dest_prefix "'"; val is_prime = is_prefix "'"; val mk_prime = mk_prefix "'"; fun dest_const_name s = let val n = index (equal #".") (String.explode s) in (String.extract (s, 0, SOME n), String.extract (s, n + 1, NONE)) end; val is_const_name = can dest_const_name; fun mk_const_name (t, c) = t ^ "." ^ c; val type_vars_in_terms = foldl (fn (h, t) => union (type_vars_in_term h) t) []; fun list_mk_conj' [] = T | list_mk_conj' l = list_mk_conj l; fun list_mk_disj' [] = F | list_mk_disj' l = list_mk_disj l; fun change_vars (tmG, tyG) (tmV, tyV) = let fun tyF v = let val g = tyG v in (g, v |-> g) end val (tyV', tyS) = unzip (map tyF tyV) fun tmF v = let val v' = inst tyS v val g = tmG v' in (g, v' |-> g) end val (tmV', tmS) = unzip (map tmF tmV) in ((tmV', tyV'), (tmS, tyS)) end; fun gen_alpha c f (varV, a) = let val (varW, sub) = c varV in (varW, f sub a) end; fun gen_vfree_vars varP c a = (matchTools.vfree_vars varP (c a), a); fun f THENR (g : rule) : rule = g o f; fun REPEATR f : rule = repeat f; fun terms_to_string tms = String.concat (map (fn x => "\n" ^ Parse.term_to_string x) tms) ^ "\n"; fun remove_type (mlibTerm.Fn (":", [tm, _])) = tm | remove_type tm = tm; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* "new" variables can be instantiated; everything else is a local constant. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val FOL_PREFIX = "XXfolXX"; local val tag = mk_prefix FOL_PREFIX; val untag = dest_prefix FOL_PREFIX; val new_string = mlibUseful.int_to_string o mlibUseful.new_int; in val fake_new_tyvar = mk_vartype o mk_prime o tag; val new_tyvar = fake_new_tyvar o new_string; val is_new_tyvar = can (untag o dest_prime o dest_vartype); val fake_new_var = mk_var o (tag ## I); val new_var = fake_new_var o (new_string ## I) o pair (); val is_new_var = can (untag o fst o dest_var); end; val all_new_tyvars = W (inst o map (fn v => v |-> new_tyvar ()) o type_vars_in_term); val to_gen = (genvar o type_of, (fn _ : hol_type => gen_tyvar ())); val to_new = (new_var o type_of, (fn _ : hol_type => new_tyvar ())); val to_fake_new = (fake_new_var o dest_var, fake_new_tyvar o dest_prime o dest_vartype); fun new_free_vars x = gen_vfree_vars (is_new_var, is_new_tyvar) x; val fresh_tyvars = let fun f ty = if is_new_tyvar ty then SOME (ty |-> new_tyvar ()) else NONE in List.mapPartial f o type_vars_in_terms end; fun freshen_tyvars tm = inst (fresh_tyvars [tm]) tm; fun freshenl_tyvars tms = map (inst (fresh_tyvars tms)) tms; val new_match_type = matchTools.vmatch_type is_new_tyvar; val new_unify_type = matchTools.vunify_type is_new_tyvar; val new_unifyl_type = matchTools.vunifyl_type is_new_tyvar; val new_match_ty = matchTools.vmatch (K false, is_new_tyvar); val new_unify_ty = matchTools.vunify (K false, is_new_tyvar); val new_unifyl_ty = matchTools.vunifyl (K false, is_new_tyvar); val new_match = matchTools.vmatch (is_new_var, is_new_tyvar); val new_match_uty = matchTools.vmatch_uty (is_new_var, is_new_tyvar); val new_unify = matchTools.vunify (is_new_var, is_new_tyvar); val new_unifyl = matchTools.vunifyl (is_new_var, is_new_tyvar); (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Operations on terms with floppy type variables. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) local fun sync tyS _ [] = tyS | sync tyS vars (tm :: work) = (case dest_term tm of VAR (s, ty) => if not (is_new_var tm) then sync tyS vars work else (case assoc1 s vars of NONE => sync tyS ((s, ty) :: vars) work | SOME (_, ty') => sync (new_unifyl_type tyS [(ty, ty')]) vars work) | COMB (a, b) => sync tyS vars (a :: b :: work) | CONST _ => sync tyS vars work | LAMB _ => raise ERR "sync_vars" "lambda"); in fun sync_vars tms = sync [] [] tms; end; local fun app s (a, b) = new_unifyl_type s [(a, b --> new_tyvar ())]; fun iapp b (a, s) = let val s = app s (a, b) in (snd (dom_rng (type_subst s a)), s) end; in fun prepare_mk_comb (a, b) = app (sync_vars [a, b]) (type_of a, type_of b) fun prepare_list_mk_comb (f, a) = snd (foldl (uncurry (iapp o type_of)) (type_of f, sync_vars (f :: a)) a); end; fun unify_mk_comb (a, b) = let val i = inst (prepare_mk_comb (a, b)) in mk_comb (i a, i b) end; fun unify_list_mk_comb (f, a) = let val i = inst (prepare_list_mk_comb (f, a)) in list_mk_comb (i f, map i a) end; local val eq_tm = prim_mk_const {Thy = "min", Name = "="}; in fun unify_mk_eq (a, b) = unify_list_mk_comb (all_new_tyvars eq_tm, [a, b]); end; val freshen_mk_comb = freshen_tyvars o unify_mk_comb; val freshen_list_mk_comb = freshen_tyvars o unify_list_mk_comb; fun cast_to ty tm = inst (new_match_type (type_of tm) ty) tm; (* Quick testing val a = mk_varconst "list.LENGTH"; type_of a; val b = mk_varconst "x"; type_of b; val c = unify_mk_comb (a, b); type_of c; try sync_vars [``LENGTH (x:'b list) <= 0``, ``x:'a``, ``HD x = 3``]; prepare_list_mk_comb (``LENGTH``, [``[3; 4]``]); try unify_list_mk_comb (``COND``, new_tyvars [``HD x``, ``CONS x``, ``I``]); *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Worker theorems for first-order proof translation. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val HIDE_LITERAL = prove (``!a. a ==> ~a ==> F``, tautLib.TAUT_TAC); val SHOW_LITERAL = prove (``!x. (~x ==> F) ==> x``, tautLib.TAUT_TAC); val INITIALIZE_CLAUSE = prove (``!a b. a \/ b ==> ~a ==> b``, tautLib.TAUT_TAC); val FINALIZE_CLAUSE = prove (``!a b. (~a ==> b) ==> (a \/ b)``, tautLib.TAUT_TAC); val RESOLUTION = prove (``!a. a /\ ~a ==> F``, tautLib.TAUT_TAC); val EQUAL_STEP = prove (``!a b c. ((a ==> (b = c)) /\ b) ==> ~a \/ c``, tautLib.TAUT_TAC); val EXCLUDED_MIDDLE' = prove (``!t. ~t \/ t``, tautLib.TAUT_TAC); (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Operations on HOL literals and clauses. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* val negative_literal = is_neg; val positive_literal = not o negative_literal; fun negate_literal lit = if positive_literal lit then mk_neg lit else dest_neg lit; fun literal_atom lit = if positive_literal lit then lit else negate_literal lit; *) val clause_literals = strip_disj o snd o strip_forall; (* local fun atom ({higher_order, with_types} : parameters) p fun lit_subterm parm p lit = if is_neg lit then (mk_neg o cast_to let val *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Operations for accessing literals, which are kept on the assumption list. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun hide_literal th = UNDISCH (MP (SPEC (concl th) HIDE_LITERAL) th); fun show_literal lit = let val lit' = mk_neg lit in DISCH lit' THENR MP (SPEC lit SHOW_LITERAL) end; local fun REMOVE_DISJ th = let val (a,b) = dest_disj (concl th) in UNDISCH (MP (SPECL [a,b] INITIALIZE_CLAUSE) th) end; val INIT = CONV_RULE (REPEATC (REWR_CONV (GSYM DISJ_ASSOC))) THENR REPEATR REMOVE_DISJ THENR hide_literal; in fun initialize_lits th = if concl th = F then ([], th) else (strip_disj (concl th), INIT th); end; local fun final_lit lit = let val lit' = mk_neg lit in fn th => MP (SPECL [lit, concl th] FINALIZE_CLAUSE) (DISCH lit' th) end; in fun finalize_lits (lits, th) = case rev lits of [] => th | lit :: rest => foldl (uncurry final_lit) (show_literal lit th) rest; end; (* Quick testing val t1 = initialize_hol_thm (([], []), ASSUME ``p \/ ~q \/ ~r \/ s``); val t2 = initialize_hol_thm (([], []), ASSUME ``((p \/ ~q) \/ ~r) \/ s``); try finalize_hol_thm t1; try finalize_hol_thm t2; *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* varconsts lump together constants and locally constant variables. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun dest_varconst tm = case dest_term tm of VAR (s, _) => s | CONST {Thy, Name, Ty = _} => mk_const_name (Thy, Name) | _ => raise ERR "dest_varconst" (term_to_string tm ^ " is neither"); val is_varconst = can dest_varconst; fun mk_varconst s = all_new_tyvars (if is_const_name s then let val (t, n) = dest_const_name s in prim_mk_const {Thy = t, Name = n} end else mk_var (s, alpha)); (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Prettify FOL representations of HOL terms---WILL BREAK PROOF TRANSLATION! *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val prettify_fol = ref false; val type_op_map = [("fun", "->"), ("prod", "*"), ("sum", "+")]; val term_op_map = [("min.=", "equality"), ("min.==>", "implication"), ("bool.T", "truth"), ("bool.F", "falsity"), ("bool.~", "negation"), ("bool./\\", "conjunction"), ("bool.\\/", "disjunction"), ("bool.?", "existential"), ("bool.!", "universal"), ("arithmetic.NUMERAL", "NUMERAL"), ("arithmetic.NUMERAL_BIT1", "BIT1"), ("arithmetic.NUMERAL_BIT2", "BIT2"), ("arithmetic.ALT_ZERO", "ZERO")]; local val pr_op = possibly (fn x => assoc x type_op_map); fun Var' v = mlibTerm.Var (if is_prime v then "_" ^ dest_prime v else v); fun Fn' (f, a) = mlibTerm.Fn (f, a); in fun prettify_type (mlibTerm.Var v) = Var' v | prettify_type (mlibTerm.Fn (f, a)) = Fn' (pr_op f, map prettify_type a); end; local val dest = total (dest_prefix "%%genvar%%"); in fun prettify_varname s = case dest s of SOME s' => "vg" ^ s' | NONE => if !mlibTerm.var_string s then s else "v_" ^ s; end; local local val dest = total (dest_prefix "%%genvar%%"); in fun pr_cname s = case dest s of SOME s' => "gv" ^ s' | NONE => s; end; fun pr_op s = case assoc1 s term_op_map of SOME (_, s') => s' | NONE => if is_const_name s then snd (dest_const_name s) else pr_cname s; fun pr_fn s p a = (pr_op s, p a); fun Var' v = mlibTerm.Var (prettify_varname v); fun Fn' (f, a) = mlibTerm.Fn (f, a); in fun prettify_term (mlibTerm.Var v) = Var' v | prettify_term (mlibTerm.Fn (":", [tm, ty])) = mlibTerm.Fn (":", [prettify_term tm, prettify_type ty]) | prettify_term (mlibTerm.Fn (f, a)) = Fn' (pr_fn f (map prettify_term) a); end; val prettify_formula = let open mlibTerm fun pr True = True | pr False = False | pr (Atom tm) = Atom (prettify_term tm) | pr (Not f) = Not (pr f) | pr (And (f, g)) = And (pr f, pr g) | pr (Or (f, g)) = Or (pr f, pr g) | pr (Imp (f, g)) = Imp (pr f, pr g) | pr (Iff (f, g)) = Iff (pr f, pr g) | pr (Forall (v, f)) = Forall (prettify_varname v, pr f) | pr (Exists (v, f)) = Exists (prettify_varname v, pr f) in pr end; (* val pp_term1 = mlibUseful.pp_map prettify_term mlibTerm.pp_term; val pp_formula1 = mlibUseful.pp_map prettify_formula mlibTerm.pp_formula; local (* Don't make this visible: theorems deserve better protection *) val prettify_thm = (mlibThm.AXIOM o map prettify_formula o mlibThm.clause); in val pp_thm1 = mlibUseful.pp_map prettify_thm mlibThm.pp_thm; end; *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Translate a HOL type to FOL, and back again. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) local fun dest_type ty = let val {Args, Thy, Tyop} = dest_thy_type ty in (Thy ^ "$" ^ Tyop, Args) end fun mk_type (nm, args) = let val (ss1, ss2) = Substring.position "$" (Substring.full nm) val thy = Substring.string ss1 val nm = Substring.slice(ss2, 1, NONE) |> Substring.string in mk_thy_type {Tyop = nm, Thy = thy, Args = args} end in fun hol_type_to_fol tyV = let fun ty_to_fol hol_ty = if is_vartype hol_ty then (if mem hol_ty tyV then mlibTerm.Var else (fn s => mlibTerm.Fn (s, []))) (dest_vartype hol_ty) else let val (f, args) = dest_type hol_ty in mlibTerm.Fn (f, map ty_to_fol args) end in ty_to_fol end; fun fol_type_to_hol (mlibTerm.Var v) = fake_new_tyvar (possibly dest_prime v) | fol_type_to_hol (mlibTerm.Fn (f, a)) = if not (is_prime f) then mk_type (f, map fol_type_to_hol a) else (assert (null a) (ERR "fol_type_to_hol" "bad prime"); mk_vartype f); end (* local *) val fol_bool = hol_type_to_fol [] bool; (* Quick testing installPP pp_term; val t = try hol_type_to_fol [alpha] ``:'a list -> bool # (bool + 'b) list``; try fol_type_to_hol t; *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Translate a HOL literal to FOL. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun hol_term_to_fol (parm : parameters) (tmV, tyV) = let val {with_types, higher_order, ...} = parm fun tmty2fol tm = if not with_types then tm2fol tm else mlibTerm.Fn (":", [tm2fol tm, hol_type_to_fol tyV (type_of tm)]) and tm2fol tm = if mem tm tmV then mlibTerm.Var (fst (dest_var tm)) else if higher_order then if is_comb tm then let val (a, b) = dest_comb tm in mlibTerm.Fn ("%", [tmty2fol a, tmty2fol b]) end else mlibTerm.Fn (dest_varconst tm, []) else let val (f, args) = strip_comb tm val () = assert (not (mem f tmV)) (ERR "hol_term_to_fol" "ho term") in mlibTerm.Fn (dest_varconst f, map tmty2fol args) end in fn tm => (if !prettify_fol then prettify_term else I) (tmty2fol tm) end; fun hol_atom_to_fol parm vs tm = mlibTerm.Atom (if is_eq tm then let val (a, b) = dest_eq tm in mlibTerm.Fn ("=", map (hol_term_to_fol parm vs) [a, b]) end else if #higher_order parm then mlibTerm.Fn ("$", [hol_term_to_fol parm vs tm]) else remove_type (hol_term_to_fol parm vs tm)); fun hol_literal_to_fol parm vars lit = if is_neg lit then mlibTerm.Not (hol_atom_to_fol parm vars (dest_neg lit)) else hol_atom_to_fol parm vars lit; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The HOL -> FOL user interface: *) (* translation of theorems and lists of literals. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun hol_literals_to_fol parm (vars, lits) = map (hol_literal_to_fol parm vars) lits; fun hol_thm_to_fol parm (vars, th) = mlibThm.AXIOM (hol_literals_to_fol parm (vars, fst (initialize_lits th))); (* Quick testing installPP pp_formula; try hol_literals_to_fol {higher_order = true, with_types = true} (([``v_b : 'b``], [``:'a``]), [``~P (c_a : 'a, v_b : 'b)``, ``0 <= LENGTH ([] : 'a list)``]); try hol_literals_to_fol {higher_order = true, with_types = false} (([``v_b : 'b``], [``:'a``]), [``~P (c_a : 'a, v_b : 'b)``, ``0 <= LENGTH ([] : 'a list)``]); try hol_literals_to_fol {higher_order = false, with_types = true} (([``v_b : 'b``], [``:'a``]), [``~P (c_a : 'a, v_b : 'b)``, ``0 <= LENGTH ([] : 'a list)``]); try hol_literals_to_fol {higher_order = false, with_types = false} (([``v_b : 'b``], [``:'a``]), [``~P (c_a : 'a, v_b : 'b)``, ``0 <= LENGTH ([] : 'a list)``]); *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Translate a FOL literal to HOL. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun fol_term_to_hol' ({higher_order, with_types = true, ...} : parameters) = let fun tmty_to_hol (mlibTerm.Fn (":",[tm,ty])) = tm_to_hol (fol_type_to_hol ty) tm | tmty_to_hol _ = raise ERR "fol_term_to_hol" "missing type information" and tm_to_hol ty (mlibTerm.Var v) = fake_new_var (v, ty) | tm_to_hol ty (mlibTerm.Fn (fname, args)) = if higher_order then case (fname, args) of (_, []) => cast_to ty (mk_varconst fname) | ("%", [f, a]) => mk_comb (tmty_to_hol f, tmty_to_hol a) | _ => raise ERR "fol_term_to_hol" "(typed) weird higher-order term" else let val hol_args = map tmty_to_hol args val f_type = foldr (fn (h, t) => type_of h --> t) ty hol_args in list_mk_comb (cast_to f_type (mk_varconst fname), hol_args) end in tmty_to_hol end | fol_term_to_hol' ({higher_order, with_types = false, ...} : parameters) = let fun tm_to_hol (mlibTerm.Var v) = fake_new_var (v, new_tyvar ()) | tm_to_hol (mlibTerm.Fn (fname, args)) = if higher_order then case (fname, args) of (_, []) => mk_varconst fname | ("%", [f, a]) => freshen_mk_comb (tm_to_hol f, tm_to_hol a) | _ => raise ERR "fol_term_to_hol" "(typeless) weird higher-order term" else freshen_list_mk_comb (mk_varconst fname, map tm_to_hol args) in tm_to_hol end; fun fol_term_to_hol parm fol_tm = if not (chatting 1) then fol_term_to_hol' parm fol_tm else let fun cmp (mlibTerm.Var v) (mlibTerm.Var w) = possibly dest_prime v = dest_prefix FOL_PREFIX (possibly dest_prime w) | cmp (mlibTerm.Fn (f, a)) (mlibTerm.Fn (g, b)) = f = g andalso length a = length b andalso List.all (uncurry cmp) (zip a b) | cmp _ _ = false val hol_tm = fol_term_to_hol' parm fol_tm val fol_tm' = uncurry (hol_term_to_fol parm) (new_free_vars I hol_tm) val () = assert (cmp fol_tm fol_tm') (BUG "fol_term_to_hol" ("not inverse:\n\noriginal fol =\n" ^ mlibTerm.term_to_string fol_tm ^ "\n\nhol =\n" ^ term_to_string hol_tm ^ "\n\nnew fol =\n" ^ mlibTerm.term_to_string fol_tm')) in hol_tm end; fun fol_atom_to_hol parm (mlibTerm.Atom (mlibTerm.Fn ("=", [x, y]))) = unify_mk_eq (fol_term_to_hol parm x, fol_term_to_hol parm y) | fol_atom_to_hol parm fm = (cast_to bool o fol_term_to_hol parm) let val {higher_order, with_types} = parm in case (higher_order, with_types, fm) of (true, _, mlibTerm.Atom (mlibTerm.Fn ("$", [tm]))) => tm | (false, true, mlibTerm.Atom tm) => mlibTerm.Fn (":", [tm, fol_bool]) | (false, false, mlibTerm.Atom tm) => tm | _ => raise BUG "fol_atom_to_fol" "malformed atom" end; fun fol_literal_to_hol _ mlibTerm.True = T | fol_literal_to_hol _ mlibTerm.False = F | fol_literal_to_hol parm (mlibTerm.Not a) = mk_neg (fol_literal_to_hol parm a) | fol_literal_to_hol parm (a as mlibTerm.Atom _) = fol_atom_to_hol parm a | fol_literal_to_hol _ _ = raise ERR "fol_literal_to_hol" "not a literal"; (* Quick testing installPP pp_formula; val parm = {higher_order = false, with_types = true}; val lits = try hol_literals_to_fol parm (([``v_b : 'b``], [``:'b``]), [``~P (c_a : 'a list, v_b : 'b)``, ``0 <= LENGTH (c_a : 'a list)``]); val [lit1, lit2] = lits; try (fol_literal_to_hol parm) lit1; try (fol_literal_to_hol parm) lit2; *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Translate FOL paths to HOL. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) local fun zeroes l [] = rev l | zeroes l (0 :: h :: t) = zeroes (h :: l) t | zeroes _ _ = raise BUG "fol_path_to_hol" "couldn't strip zeroes"; fun hp r tm [] = (r, tm) | hp r tm (0 :: p) = hp (r o RATOR_CONV) (rator tm) p | hp r tm (1 :: p) = hp (r o RAND_CONV) (rand tm) p | hp _ _ _ = raise BUG "fol_path_to_hol" "bad higher-order path"; fun fp r tm [] = (r, tm) | fp r tm (n :: p) = let val (_, l) = strip_comb tm val m = (length l - 1) - n val r = r o funpow m RATOR_CONV o RAND_CONV val tm = rand (funpow m rator tm) in fp r tm p end; fun ap {higher_order, with_types} (r, tm) p = uncurry3 (if higher_order then hp else fp) ((fn (r', tm', p') => (r', tm', if with_types then zeroes [] p' else p')) (if is_eq tm then (case p of 0 :: p => (r o LAND_CONV, lhs tm, p) | 1 :: p => (r o RAND_CONV, rhs tm, p) | _ => raise BUG "fol_path_to_hol" "bad eq path") else (r, tm, (if higher_order then (case p of 0 :: p => p | _ => raise BUG "fol_path_to_hol" "bad higher-order path") else if with_types then 0 :: p else p)))); in fun fol_path_to_hol parm p tm = ap parm (if is_neg tm then (RAND_CONV, dest_neg tm) else (I, tm)) p; end; (* Quick testing val parm = {higher_order = false, with_types = true}; mlibUseful.try (fol_path_to_hol parm) [0, 0, 1] ``~p a b c``; *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Translate a FOL theorem to HOL (the tricky bit). *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type Axioms = thm1 -> vars * thm; type Pattern = vars * term list; type Result = vars * thm list; fun proof_step parm prev = let open mlibTerm mlibMatch mlibThm fun freshen (lits, th) = if #with_types parm then (lits, th) else let val sub = fresh_tyvars lits in (map (inst sub) lits, INST_TY sub th) end fun match_lits l l' = (if #with_types parm then match_term else new_match_uty) (list_mk_disj' l) (list_mk_disj' l') fun step (fol_th, Axiom' _) = prev fol_th | step (_, Assume' fol_lit) = let val th = if positive fol_lit then EXCLUDED_MIDDLE else EXCLUDED_MIDDLE' val hol_atom = fol_literal_to_hol parm (literal_atom fol_lit) in initialize_lits (SPEC hol_atom th) end | step (fol_th, Inst' (_, fol_th1)) = let val (hol_lits1, hol_th1) = prev fol_th1 val hol_lits = map (fol_literal_to_hol parm) (clause fol_th) val sub = match_lits hol_lits1 hol_lits in (map (pinst sub) hol_lits1, PINST sub hol_th1) end | step (_, Factor' fol_th) = let fun f uns lits [] = (new_unifyl_ty ([], []) uns, rev (map snd lits)) | f uns lits ((fl, hl) :: rest) = case List.find (equal fl o fst) lits of NONE => f uns ((fl, hl) :: lits) rest | SOME (_, hl') => f ((hl, hl') :: uns) lits rest val (hol_lits, hol_th) = prev fol_th val (sub, hol_lits') = f [] [] (zip (clause fol_th) hol_lits) in (map (pinst sub) hol_lits', PINST sub hol_th) end | step (_, Resolve' (False, fol_th1, fol_th2)) = let val (hol_lits1, hol_th1) = prev fol_th1 val (hol_lits2, _) = prev fol_th2 in (hol_lits1 @ hol_lits2, hol_th1) end | step (_, Resolve' (fol_lit, fol_th1, fol_th2)) = let fun res0 fth fl = let val (hls, hth) = prev fth val (a, b) = partition (equal fl o fst) (zip (clause fth) hls) in ((map snd a, map snd b), hth) end val (negate_lit, negate_lit') = if positive fol_lit then (boolSyntax.mk_neg, boolSyntax.dest_neg) else (boolSyntax.dest_neg, boolSyntax.mk_neg) val hol_lit = fol_literal_to_hol parm fol_lit val ((hol_ms1, hol_lits1), hol_th1) = res0 fol_th1 fol_lit val ((hol_ms2, hol_lits2), hol_th2) = res0 fol_th2 (negate fol_lit) val _ = chatting 2 andalso chat ("resolve: hol_lits1 =\n" ^ terms_to_string hol_lits1 ^ "resolve: hol_lits2 =\n" ^ terms_to_string hol_lits2 ^ "resolve: hol_ms1 =\n" ^ terms_to_string hol_ms1 ^ "resolve: hol_ms2 =\n" ^ terms_to_string hol_ms2) val sub = new_unify_ty (hol_lit :: hol_ms1 @ map negate_lit' hol_ms2) val hol_lit' = pinst sub hol_lit val hol_nlit' = negate_lit hol_lit' val hol_th1' = show_literal hol_lit' (PINST sub hol_th1) val hol_th2' = show_literal hol_nlit' (PINST sub hol_th2) in (map (pinst sub) (hol_lits1 @ hol_lits2), if positive fol_lit then MP (SPEC hol_lit' RESOLUTION) (CONJ hol_th1' hol_th2') else MP (SPEC hol_nlit' RESOLUTION) (CONJ hol_th2' hol_th1')) end | step (_, Refl' fol_tm) = initialize_lits (Thm.REFL (fol_term_to_hol parm fol_tm)) | step (_, Equality' (fol_lit, fol_p, fol_r, lr, fol_th)) = let val (hol_lits, hol_th) = prev fol_th val n = mlibUseful.index (equal fol_lit) (clause fol_th) val hol_lit = case n of NONE => fol_literal_to_hol parm fol_lit | SOME n => List.nth (hol_lits, n) val hol_r = fol_term_to_hol parm fol_r val sub = sync_vars [hol_lit, hol_r] val hol_lits = map (inst sub) hol_lits val hol_th = INST_TY sub hol_th val hol_lit = inst sub hol_lit val hol_r = inst sub hol_r val (PATH, hol_l) = fol_path_to_hol parm fol_p hol_lit val sub = (new_unify_type o map type_of) [hol_l, hol_r] val hol_lits = map (inst sub) hol_lits val hol_th = INST_TY sub hol_th val hol_lit = inst sub hol_lit val hol_r = inst sub hol_r val hol_l = inst sub hol_l val eq = boolSyntax.mk_eq (if lr then (hol_l,hol_r) else (hol_r,hol_l)) val hol_eq_th = (if lr then I else Thm.SYM) (Thm.ASSUME eq) val hol_lit_th = (PATH (K hol_eq_th)) hol_lit val hol_lit' = (boolSyntax.rhs o concl) hol_lit_th val hol_lits' = mk_neg eq :: (case n of NONE => hol_lit' :: hol_lits | SOME n => mlibUseful.update_nth (K hol_lit') n hol_lits) val hol_lem = CONJ (DISCH eq hol_lit_th) (show_literal hol_lit hol_th) val equal_step = SPECL [eq, hol_lit, hol_lit'] EQUAL_STEP in (hol_lits', snd (initialize_lits (MP equal_step hol_lem))) end; in fn p => freshen (step p) end; local val initialize_axiom = initialize_lits o snd o gen_alpha (change_vars to_fake_new) PINST; fun previous a l x = case assoc1 x l of SOME (_, y) => y | NONE => initialize_axiom (a x); fun chat_proof th = if not (chatting 1) then mlibThm.proof th else let val res = mlibThm.proof th val _ = chat ("\n\nProof:\n" ^ mlibThm.proof_to_string res ^ "\n\n") in res end; fun chat_proof_step parm prev (p as (fol_th, inf)) = if not (chatting 1) then proof_step parm prev p else let val _ = chat ("_____________________________________________________\n" ^ "\nfol: " ^ mlibThm.thm_to_string fol_th ^ "\n" ^ "\ninf: " ^ mlibThm.inference_to_string inf ^ "\n") val res = proof_step parm prev p val _ = chat ("\nhol: " ^ thm_to_string (finalize_lits res) ^ "\n") in res end; fun translate parm prev = let fun f p [] = finalize_lits (snd (hd p)) | f p (x :: l) = f ((fst x, chat_proof_step parm (prev p) x) :: p) l in f end; fun match_pattern pattern ths = let val pattern = gen_alpha (change_vars to_new) (map o pinst) pattern val pattern = list_mk_conj' (snd pattern) val ths_foot = list_mk_conj' (map concl ths) in map (PINST (new_match_uty pattern ths_foot)) ths end; val finalize_thms = gen_alpha (change_vars to_gen) (map o PINST) o new_free_vars (list_mk_conj' o map concl); in fun fol_thms_to_hol parm axioms pattern ths = (finalize_thms o match_pattern pattern o map (translate parm (previous axioms) [] o chat_proof)) ths handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "fol_thms_to_hol" "proof translation error"; end; end