structure CooperShell :> CooperShell = struct open HolKernel boolLib integerTheory arithmeticTheory intSyntax int_arithTheory intReduce CooperSyntax CooperThms CooperMath; val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "CooperShell"; val lhand = rand o rator (* Fix the grammar used by this file *) structure Parse = struct open Parse val (Type,Term) = parse_from_grammars integer_grammars end open Parse val simple_disj_congruence = tautLib.TAUT_PROVE (Term`!p q r. (~p ==> (q = r)) ==> (p \/ q = p \/ r)`) val simple_conj_congruence = tautLib.TAUT_PROVE (Term`!p q r. (p ==> (q = r)) ==> (p /\ q = p /\ r)`) fun congruential_simplification tm = let val (d1, d2) = dest_disj tm in if is_disj d1 then REWR_CONV (GSYM DISJ_ASSOC) THENC congruential_simplification else if is_conj d1 then LAND_CONV congruential_simplification THENC RAND_CONV congruential_simplification else if d1 = true_tm then K (SPEC d2 T_or_l) else if d1 = false_tm then K (SPEC d2 F_or_l) else let val notd1_t = mk_neg d1 val notd1_thm = ASSUME notd1_t val notd1 = if is_neg d1 then EQT_INTRO (CONV_RULE (REWR_CONV NOT_NOT_P) notd1_thm) else EQF_INTRO (notd1_thm) val d2_rewritten = SOME (DISCH notd1_t (REWRITE_CONV [notd1] d2)) handle UNCHANGED => NONE in case d2_rewritten of NONE => RAND_CONV congruential_simplification | SOME d2thm => K (MATCH_MP simple_disj_congruence d2thm) THENC (REWR_CONV T_or_r ORELSEC REWR_CONV F_or_r ORELSEC RAND_CONV congruential_simplification) end end tm handle HOL_ERR _ => let val (c1, c2) = dest_conj tm in if is_conj c1 then REWR_CONV (GSYM CONJ_ASSOC) THENC congruential_simplification else if is_disj c1 then LAND_CONV congruential_simplification THENC RAND_CONV congruential_simplification else if c1 = true_tm then K (SPEC c2 T_and_l) else if c1 = false_tm then K (SPEC c2 F_and_l) else let val c2_rewritten = SOME (DISCH c1 (REWRITE_CONV [EQT_INTRO (ASSUME c1)] c2)) handle UNCHANGED => NONE in case c2_rewritten of NONE => RAND_CONV congruential_simplification | SOME th => K (MATCH_MP simple_conj_congruence th) THENC (REWR_CONV T_and_r ORELSEC REWR_CONV F_and_r ORELSEC RAND_CONV congruential_simplification) end end tm handle HOL_ERR _ => if is_neg tm then RAND_CONV congruential_simplification tm else ALL_CONV tm val unwind_constraint = UNCONSTRAIN THENC resquan_remove val p6_step = prove( ``(?x:int. K (lo < x /\ x <= hi) x /\ P x) = lo < hi /\ (P hi \/ (?x:int. K (lo < x /\ x <= hi - 1) x /\ P x))``, REWRITE_TAC [combinTheory.K_THM, LEFT_AND_OVER_OR] THEN EQ_TAC THENL [ CONV_TAC (LAND_CONV (ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [restricted_quantification_simp])) THEN STRIP_TAC THENL [ FIRST_X_ASSUM SUBST_ALL_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC [], ASM_REWRITE_TAC [] THEN DISJ2_TAC THEN Q.EXISTS_TAC `x` THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC [] ], STRIP_TAC THENL [ Q.EXISTS_TAC `hi` THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC [INT_LE_REFL], ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [restricted_quantification_simp] THEN Q.EXISTS_TAC `x` THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC [] ] ]); fun p6_recurse tm = let (* tm of form ?x. K (lo < x /\ x <= hi) x /\ P x *) in REWR_CONV p6_step THENC LAND_CONV REDUCE_CONV THENC (REWR_CONV F_and_l ORELSEC (REWR_CONV T_and_l THENC LAND_CONV BETA_CONV THENC RAND_CONV (BINDER_CONV (* under ?x. *) (LAND_CONV (* into K (..) x *) (LAND_CONV (* into lo < x /\ x <= hi - 1 *) (RAND_CONV REDUCE_CONV))) THENC p6_recurse))) end tm fun phase6_CONV tm = let (* succeeds on disjuncts of the form ?x. K (lo < x /\ x <= hi) x /\ P x and converts these to P (lo + 1) \/ P (lo + 2) \/ ... P hi where each argument to P is actually a real numeral (not an expression) *) val (v, _) = dest_exists tm in BINDER_CONV (RAND_CONV (UNBETA_CONV v)) THENC p6_recurse THENC PURE_REWRITE_CONV [F_or_r] end tm (* val phase6_CONV = Profile.profile "phase6" phase6_CONV *) fun vphase6_CONV tm = let (* as above, but works over the constraint attached to v, not the one immediately under the binder *) val (v, body) = dest_exists tm in BINDER_CONV (move_conj_left (is_vconstraint v)) THENC phase6_CONV end tm; fun elim_vars_round_r tm = let val (l,r) = dest_eq tm handle HOL_ERR _ => dest_less tm val lvars = filter (not o null o free_vars) (strip_plus l) val rvars = filter (not o null o free_vars) (strip_plus r) in case intersect lvars rvars of [] => NO_CONV | (h::_) => phase2_CONV (hd (free_vars h)) end tm val obvious_improvements = ADDITIVE_TERMS_CONV (TRY_CONV collect_additive_consts) THENC STRIP_QUANT_CONV (BLEAF_CONV (op THENC) (elim_vars_round_r ORELSEC TRY_CONV check_divides) THENC REDUCE_CONV) fun do_equality_simplifications tm = let (* term is existentially quantified. May contain leaf terms of the form v = e, where v is the variable quantified. If there is such a term at the top level of conjuncts, then use UNWIND_CONV to eliminate the quantifier entirely, otherwise, descend the term looking for such terms in the middle of conjunctions and eliminate the equality from the neighbouring conjuncts. *) val (bvar, body) = dest_exists tm fun eq_term tm = is_eq tm andalso lhs tm = bvar fun neq_term t = eq_term (dest_neg t) handle HOL_ERR _ => false fun reveal_eq tm = let (* tm is a "conjunctive" term, in which there is an equality of the form (bvar = e). Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to selectively rewrite with de-morgan's thm to reveal the tm to be of the form: P /\ Q /\ (bvar = e) /\ R *) val (c1,c2) = dest_conj tm (* easy case because the top level operator is already correct *) val subconv = if List.exists eq_term (cpstrip_conj c1) then LAND_CONV else RAND_CONV in subconv reveal_eq tm end handle HOL_ERR _ => let val tm0 = dest_neg tm in if is_neg tm0 then (REWR_CONV NOT_NOT_P THENC reveal_eq) tm else (* must be a disjunction *) (REWR_CONV NOT_OR THENC reveal_eq) tm end handle HOL_ERR _ => ALL_CONV tm fun reveal_neq tm = let (* tm is a "disjunctive" term in which there is a negated equality *) val (d1,d2) = dest_disj tm val subconv = if List.exists neq_term (cpstrip_disj d1) then LAND_CONV else RAND_CONV in subconv reveal_neq tm end handle HOL_ERR _ => let val tm0 = dest_neg tm in if is_neg tm0 then (REWR_CONV NOT_NOT_P THENC reveal_neq) tm else if is_conj tm0 then (REWR_CONV NOT_AND THENC reveal_neq) tm else ALL_CONV tm end handle HOL_ERR _ => ALL_CONV tm fun descend_and_eliminate tm = if is_conj tm then if List.exists eq_term (cpstrip_conj tm) then let val revealed = reveal_eq tm val revealed_t = rhs (concl revealed) val (eqt, rest) = Lib.pluck eq_term (strip_conj revealed_t) val rearranged_t = mk_conj(eqt, list_mk_conj rest) val rearranged = EQT_ELIM (AC_CONV (CONJ_ASSOC, CONJ_COMM) (mk_eq(revealed_t, rearranged_t))) val eliminated = (RAND_CONV (UNBETA_CONV bvar) THENC REWR_CONV CONJ_EQ_ELIM THENC RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) rearranged_t in TRANS (TRANS revealed rearranged) eliminated end else cpEVERY_CONJ_CONV descend_and_eliminate tm else if is_disj tm then if List.exists neq_term (cpstrip_disj tm) then let val revealed = reveal_neq tm val revealed_t = rhs (concl revealed) val (eqt, rest) = Lib.pluck neq_term (strip_disj revealed_t) val rearranged_t = mk_disj(eqt, list_mk_disj rest) val rearranged = EQT_ELIM (AC_CONV (DISJ_ASSOC, DISJ_COMM) (mk_eq(revealed_t, rearranged_t))) val eliminated = (RAND_CONV (UNBETA_CONV bvar) THENC REWR_CONV DISJ_NEQ_ELIM THENC RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) rearranged_t in TRANS (TRANS revealed rearranged) eliminated end else cpEVERY_DISJ_CONV descend_and_eliminate tm else if is_neg tm then RAND_CONV descend_and_eliminate tm else ALL_CONV tm in if List.exists eq_term (cpstrip_conj body) then BINDER_CONV reveal_eq THENC Unwind.UNWIND_EXISTS_CONV else BINDER_CONV descend_and_eliminate end tm fun reveal_a_disj tm = if is_disj tm then ALL_CONV tm else let val tm0 = dest_neg tm in if is_conj tm0 then REWR_CONV NOT_AND tm else (REWR_CONV NOT_NOT_P THENC reveal_a_disj) tm end open CooperCore local fun stop_if_exelim tm = if is_exists tm then NO_CONV tm else REDUCE_CONV tm in fun eliminate_existential tm = let val (bvar, body) = dest_exists tm handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "eliminate_existential" "term not an exists" val base_case = BINDER_CONV (phase2_CONV bvar THENC REPEATC (CHANGED_CONV congruential_simplification) THENC REDUCE_CONV) THENC ((REWR_CONV EXISTS_SIMP THENC REWRITE_CONV []) ORELSEC (phase3_CONV THENC do_equality_simplifications THENC (stop_if_exelim ORELSEC (phase4_CONV THENC phase5_CONV)))) in if cpis_disj body then BINDER_CONV reveal_a_disj THENC EXISTS_OR_CONV THENC (RAND_CONV eliminate_existential) THENC (LAND_CONV eliminate_existential) else base_case THENC EVERY_DISJ_CONV obvious_improvements end tm end val eliminate_existential_entirely = (* used to eliminate an existential, and to lose any constraint *) (* existentials underneath; basically eliminate_existential followed *) (* by phase 6 *) eliminate_existential THENC EVERY_DISJ_CONV (TRY_CONV phase6_CONV THENC (* variables substituted in might result in ground multiplication terms *) REDUCE_CONV THENC obvious_improvements) fun eliminate_quantifier tm = let (* assume that there are no quantifiers below the one we're eliminating *) in if is_forall tm then flip_forall THENC RAND_CONV eliminate_existential_entirely else if is_exists tm then eliminate_existential_entirely else if is_exists1 tm then HO_REWR_CONV cpEU_THM THENC RAND_CONV (BINDER_CONV eliminate_quantifier THENC eliminate_quantifier) THENC RATOR_CONV (RAND_CONV eliminate_quantifier) else raise ERR "eliminate_quantifier" "Not a forall or an exists or a unique exists" end tm fun find_low_quantifier tm = let fun underc g f = case f of NONE => NONE | SOME f' => SOME (g o f') in if (is_forall tm orelse is_exists tm orelse is_exists1 tm) then case find_low_quantifier (#2 (dest_abs (#2 (dest_comb tm)))) of NONE => SOME I | x => underc BINDER_CONV x else if is_comb tm then case find_low_quantifier (rand tm) of NONE => underc RATOR_CONV (find_low_quantifier (rator tm)) | x => underc RAND_CONV x else NONE end fun myfind f [] = NONE | myfind f (h::t) = case f h of NONE => myfind f t | x => x fun find_equality tm = let (* if there is an equality term as a conjunct underneath any number of disjuncts, then return one of the free variables of that equality *) fun check_conj tm = if is_eq tm then let val fvs = free_vars tm in if not (null fvs) then SOME (hd fvs) else NONE end else NONE in myfind check_conj (cpstrip_conj tm) end fun best_var vars tm = let (* Finds the variable in the list vars that occurs in term tm so as to minimise the number of splits necessary if that variable was chosen to eliminate. The rating given to a variable is the minimum of its a and b-var counts. Weights variables slightly higher for appearing earlier in the list vars, this means that unnecessary swapping of existential variables is avoided. Assume that all variables in term and all the variables in the list are of type int. Return SOME n, or NONE if vars is the empty list *) fun assess_leaf v negp t = let (* returns a-count and b-count for v in term t, with negp true if term is under a negation *) val (f, args) = strip_comb t val (arg1, arg2) = (hd args, hd (tl args)) val c1 = sum_var_coeffs v arg1 val c2 = sum_var_coeffs v arg2 open Arbint in if c1 = c2 then (zero,zero) else if same_const f less_tm then if negp then if Arbint.<(c1, c2) then (one,zero) else (zero,one) else if Arbint.<(c1, c2) then (zero,one) else (one,zero) else (one,one) (* must be an equality *) end fun assess negp map t = let val (f, args) = strip_comb t in if same_const f boolSyntax.negation then assess (not negp) map (hd args) else if same_const f boolSyntax.conjunction orelse same_const f boolSyntax.disjunction then assess negp (assess negp map (hd args)) (hd (tl args)) else if is_const t then (* happens when we have a vacuous quantification over true or false *) map else let fun foldthis (v, map) = let open Arbint val (a,b) = assess_leaf v negp t val (a0,b0) = Binarymap.find(map, v) handle Binarymap.NotFound => (zero,zero) in Binarymap.insert(map, v, (a + a0, b + b0)) end in List.foldl foldthis map vars end end val initial_map = Binarymap.mkDict in case vars of [] => NONE | [x] => SOME x | (v::vs) => let val final_map = assess false initial_map tm val start = (v, Arbint.min(Binarymap.find(final_map, v)) handle Binarymap.NotFound => fun findmin (v, acc as (minvar, minc)) = let val vc = Arbint.min(Binarymap.find(final_map, v)) handle Binarymap.NotFound => in if Arbint.<=(vc, minc) then (v, vc) else acc end in SOME (#1 (List.foldl findmin start vs)) end end fun pull_last_exists_to_top tm = let val (v, body) = dest_exists tm in if is_exists body then (BINDER_CONV pull_last_exists_to_top THENC SWAP_VARS_CONV) tm else ALL_CONV tm end fun push_nthvar_to_bot n tm = if n <= 0 then TRY_CONV (SWAP_VARS_CONV THENC BINDER_CONV (push_nthvar_to_bot 0)) tm else BINDER_CONV (push_nthvar_to_bot (n - 1)) tm fun listlex_compare c (l1, l2) = (* do a lexicographic comparison of list1 and list2, using c to compare their elements *) case (l1, l2) of ([], []) => EQUAL | (h::t, []) => GREATER | ([], h::t) => LESS | (h1::t1, h2::t2) => case c(h1, h2) of EQUAL => listlex_compare c (t1, t2) | x => x fun find_dup c l = (* l is a sorted list; find the first duplicated element, according to c *) case l of [] => NONE | [_] => NONE | (h1 :: (tail as (h2 :: t))) => if c(h1, h2) = EQUAL then SOME h1 else find_dup c tail val do_muls = ONCE_DEPTH_CONV LINEAR_MULT fun find_triangle_eliminable vset dcsts csts = let (* pick an element of vset to minimise the blow-up after doing a Cooper triangle elimination on the two dcsts The list csts is of range constraints from the problem. Recall that m | ax + b /\ n | ux + v gets turned into mn | dx + vmp + bnq /\ d | av - ub where d = gcd(mu, an) = pum + qan If vset has two elements, then the second conjunct of the result will be a divides constraint over just one variable, and we can pick the variable that results in the best performance. It's not clear what should be done if there are more variables. For the moment, and this is probably a god-awful HACK, just return the hd of the list vset. *) in if length vset > 2 then (hd vset, hd (tl vset)) else let open Arbint val dcst1 = hd dcsts val dcst2 = hd (tl dcsts) val (m, rhs1) = dest_divides dcst1 val m_i = int_of_term m val (n, rhs2) = dest_divides dcst2 val n_i = int_of_term n fun calculate_score v_to_go v_to_remain = let val a_i = abs (sum_var_coeffs v_to_go rhs1) val u_i = abs (sum_var_coeffs v_to_go rhs2) val d0_i = gcd(m_i, n_i) val b_i = sum_var_coeffs v_to_remain rhs1 val v_i = sum_var_coeffs v_to_remain rhs2 val remain0_i = a_i * v_i - u_i * b_i val divide_by = gcd(d0_i, abs remain0_i) val remain_i = remain0_i div divide_by val d_i = d0_i div divide_by val cst = valOf (List.find (is_vconstraint v_to_remain) csts) in constraint_size cst div d_i end val v1 = hd vset val v2 = hd (tl vset) val v1_score = calculate_score v1 v2 val v2_score = calculate_score v2 v1 in if v1_score > v2_score then (v2,v1) else (v1,v2) end end fun finish_pure_goal1 tm = let (* tm is of the form ?x1 .. xn. K1 /\ K2 /\ .. /\ Kn /\ P (x1..xn) /\ c1 | ... /\ c2 | ... where the Ki's are constraints (one per existential variable). In this stage of the process we try to do "delta elimination" to avoid having to consider all of the possibilities in the constraints. Sometimes this is not possible, but the effect of this function is to make one step of progress regardless. The ideal situation is when one of the ex. variables is mentioned just once in a divisibility term's right-hand-side. If this situation holds we can use simplify_constrained_disjunct to make progress. Otherwise, if two divisibility constraints exist with the same set of free variables on the right hand side, we can make progress by using Cooper's first lemma to change this, producing two new divisibility constraints, one of which has one fewer variable than the original. If neither situation holds, then we have no choice but to expand one of the variables, as per phase6. We pick the variable with the smallest range. *) val (vars, body) = strip_exists tm val (constraints, nonconstraints) = partition is_constraint (cpstrip_conj body) val (div_constraints, others) = partition is_divides nonconstraints val divc_rhses = map (#2 o dest_divides) div_constraints val canonicalise_varsets = Listsort.sort fun free_vars' t = (t, free_vars t) fun nzero_coeffs (t, vlist) = filter (fn v => sum_var_coeffs v t <> vlist val div_varsets = map (canonicalise_varsets o nzero_coeffs o free_vars') divc_rhses in case List.find (fn lst => length lst = 1) div_varsets of SOME vs => let (* found a singleton divisibility constraint *) val v = hd vs in push_nthvar_to_bot (index (equal v) vars) THENC STRIP_QUANT_CONV (phase2_CONV v) THENC LAST_EXISTS_CONV simplify_constrained_disjunct THENC do_muls end | NONE => let val vset_compare = listlex_compare val sorted_vsets = Listsort.sort vset_compare div_varsets in case find_dup vset_compare sorted_vsets of SOME vset => let fun my_constraint tm = is_divides tm andalso canonicalise_varsets (free_vars (#2 (dest_divides tm))) = vset val (var_to_eliminate, var_to_keep) = find_triangle_eliminable vset (List.take(List.filter my_constraint div_constraints, 2)) constraints in STRIP_QUANT_CONV (move_conj_left my_constraint THENC RAND_CONV (move_conj_left my_constraint) THENC REWR_CONV CONJ_ASSOC THENC LAND_CONV (phase2_CONV var_to_eliminate THENC REWRITE_CONV [GSYM INT_ADD_ASSOC] THENC elim_paired_divides THENC phase1_CONV THENC phase2_CONV var_to_keep THENC BINOP_CONV (TRY_CONV check_divides) THENC REWRITE_CONV [INT_DIVIDES_1])) end | NONE => let (* look for constraint with least range *) fun min (c_tm, acc as (accv, acci)) = let val i = constraint_size c_tm in if Arbint.<(i,acci) then (constraint_var c_tm, i) else acc end val init = let val c = hd constraints in (constraint_var c, constraint_size c) end val (minv, _) = List.foldl min init (tl constraints) in push_nthvar_to_bot (index (equal minv) vars) THENC LAST_EXISTS_CONV vphase6_CONV THENC push_in_exists end end end tm fun finish_pure_goal tm = if is_exists tm then ((REWR_CONV EXISTS_SIMP ORELSEC finish_pure_goal1) THENC EVERY_DISJ_CONV (obvious_improvements THENC finish_pure_goal)) tm else REDUCE_CONV tm (* val tm0 = ``?w. ((y = 2 * w) \/ (y = 2 * w + 1)) /\ x <= w /\ w < z`` val tm = rhs (concl (phase1_CONV tm0)) val tm0 = ``!x y z. 2 * x < y /\ y < 2 * z ==> (~(1 * y + ~1 < 2 * x) /\ 1 * y + ~1 < 2 * z /\ 2 int_divides 1 * y + ~1 \/ ~(1 * y < 2 * x) /\ 1 * y < 2 * z /\ 2 int_divides 1 * y) \/ ~(1 * y + ~1 < 2 * x) /\ 1 * y + ~1 < 2 * z /\ 2 int_divides 1 * y + ~1 \/ ((2 * z + ~2 = 1 * y) \/ (2 * z + ~2 = 1 * y + ~1)) /\ ~(2 * z + ~2 < 2 * x)`` val tm = rand (rhs (concl ((phase1_CONV THENC flip_foralls) tm0))) val tm0 = ``!x. 0 <= x ==> !x'. 0 <= x' ==> x' <= x ==> !x''. 0 <= x'' ==> (~(x <= x') \/ (x'' + x = x'' + x') \/ x'' <= 0 /\ x'' + x' <= x) /\ (x <= x' \/ (~(x'' + x' <= x) \/ (x'' + x' = x) \/ x'' <= 0 /\ x <= x') /\ (x'' + x' <= x \/ (x'' + (x + x') = x + (x'' + x')) \/ x'' <= 0 /\ x + (x'' + x') <= x + x')) \/ (x'' + x' <= x \/ x'' <= 0) /\ x'' + x' <= x + 0`` val tm = rand (rhs (concl ((phase1_CONV THENC move_quants_up THENC flip_foralls) tm0))) *) fun pure_goal0 tm = let (* pure_goal is called on those goals that have all existential quantifiers; these are assumed to be at the head of the term *) val (vars, body) = strip_exists tm fun pull_out_and_recurse n tm = let (* tm is of the form ?x1 .. xn. p *) (* where p may or may not have an existential quantifier *) (* if there is a quantifier over p, want to pull it out to the front *) (* of the list and then recurse just underneath it, otherwise recurse *) (* immediately *) val (vars, body) = strip_exists tm in if length vars = n then pure_goal0 tm else (pull_last_exists_to_top THENC BINDER_CONV pure_goal0) tm end in if null vars then REDUCE_CONV else if cpis_disj body then STRIP_QUANT_CONV reveal_a_disj THENC push_in_exists THENC BINOP_CONV pure_goal0 THENC REDUCE_CONV else let val next_var = case find_equality body of NONE => valOf (best_var vars body) | SOME v => v in push_nthvar_to_bot (index (equal next_var) vars) THENC LAST_EXISTS_CONV eliminate_existential THENC TRY_CONV push_in_exists THENC EVERY_DISJ_CONV (pull_out_and_recurse (length vars - 1) THENC TRY_CONV push_in_exists) end end tm (* val pure_goal0 = Profile.profile "pure_goal0" pure_goal0 val finish_pure_goal = Profile.profile "finish_pure_goal" finish_pure_goal *) val pure_goal = pure_goal0 THENC EVERY_DISJ_CONV finish_pure_goal THENC REDUCE_CONV val tm100 = term_of_int (Arbint.fromInt 100) fun counter_example tm = let open seqmonad infix >- >> ++ fun rule f th = (seq.result (f th, ())) handle HOL_ERR _ => seq.empty fun test th = if (concl th = false_tm) then seq.result(EQF_INTRO (NOT_INTRO (DISCH tm th)),()) else seq.empty fun spec n th = let in if is_forall (concl th) then if n > 0 then ((rule (SPEC zero_tm) ++ rule (SPEC tm100)) >> spec (n - 1)) else rule (SPEC one_tm) >> spec (n - 1) else rule (CONV_RULE REDUCE_CONV) >> test end th in case seq.cases (spec 5 (ASSUME tm)) of NONE => NO_CONV tm | SOME ((th,()),_) => th end fun decide_pure_presburger_term tm = let (* no free variables allowed *) val phase0_CONV = (* rewrites out conditional expression terms *) TOP_DEPTH_CONV (REWR_CONV COND_EXPAND ORELSEC REWR_CONV COND_RATOR ORELSEC IntDP_Munge.NBOOL_COND_RAND_CONV ORELSEC IntDP_Munge.COND_ABS_CONV) fun mainwork tm = let in case find_low_quantifier tm of NONE => REDUCE_CONV | SOME f => f eliminate_quantifier THENC REWRITE_CONV [] end tm fun strategy tm = case goal_qtype tm of NEITHER => (mainwork THENC strategy) tm | EITHER => REDUCE_CONV tm | qsUNIV => (move_quants_up THENC ((* counter_example ORELSEC *) (flip_foralls THENC RAND_CONV pure_goal THENC REDUCE_CONV))) tm | qsEXISTS => (move_quants_up THENC pure_goal) tm in phase0_CONV THENC phase1_CONV THENC strategy end tm (* the following is useful in debugging the above; given an f, the function term_at_f will return the term "living" at f, as long as there are no terms of the form (I tm) in the original. local fun I_CONV tm = SYM (ISPEC tm combinTheory.I_THM) val I_tm = Term`I:bool->bool b` in fun term_at_f f tm = rand (find_term (can (match_term I_tm)) (rhs (concl (f I_CONV tm)))) end another useful function is this, which allows for the elimination of the specified number of quantifiers: fun elim_nqs n tm = let in if n <= 0 then ALL_CONV else case find_low_quantifier tm of NONE => ALL_CONV | SOME f => f eliminate_quantifier THENC REWRITE_CONV [] THENC elim_nqs (n - 1) end tm *) end