structure pairTools :> pairTools = struct open HolKernel Parse boolLib pairSyntax pairTheory PairRules; val PERR = mk_HOL_ERR "pairTools"; (* recursively expand variables with pair type *) local val name_of = fst o dest_var fun rename_tac v1 v2 = FULL_STRUCT_CASES_TAC (EXISTS (mk_exists(v2,(mk_eq(v1,v2))),v1) (REFL v1)) fun split_tac p a d = FULL_STRUCT_CASES_TAC (CONV_RULE (RENAME_VARS_CONV [name_of a, name_of d]) (ISPEC p pair_CASES)) in fun PairCases_on q g = let val fvs = free_varsl(snd g::fst g) val mk_var = variant fvs o mk_var val v = parse_in_context fvs q in if is_var v then let val (sv,ty) = dest_var v val n = let val n = ref 0 in fn()=> !n before n := !n+1 end fun split_tacs v tya tyd = let fun try_split s ty = let val v = mk_var((name_of v)^s,ty) in (v, case total dest_prod ty of NONE => (fn()=> rename_tac v (mk_var(sv^(Int.toString(n())),ty))) | SOME (tya, tyd) => (fn()=> split_tacs v tya tyd)) end val (va,ka) = try_split "a" tya val (vd,kd) = try_split "d" tyd in split_tac v va vd THEN ka() THEN kd() end in case total dest_prod (type_of v) of NONE => raise PERR "PairCases_on" "Not of pair type" | SOME (tya, tyd) => split_tacs v tya tyd end g else raise PERR "PairCases_on" "Not a variable" end end (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * (x = (v1,...,vn)) |- M[(v1,...,vn)] * --------------------------------------------- * ?v1 ... vn. x = (v1,...,vn) |- M[x] * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun VSTRUCT_ABS bind th = let fun CHOOSER v (tm,thm) = let val ex_tm = mk_exists(v,tm) in (ex_tm, CHOOSE(v, ASSUME ex_tm) thm) end val L = strip_pair (rand bind) in snd(itlist CHOOSER L (bind, SUBS[SYM(ASSUME bind)] th)) end; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * `x` `` * -------------------------------- * |- ? x = * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) local val pthm = GSYM pairTheory.PAIR in fun PAIR_EX x vstruct = let fun pair_exists node value thm = if Term.is_var value then EXISTS (mk_exists(value,subst[node|->value] (concl thm)), node) thm else let val (V,(l,r)) = (I##dest_eq)(strip_exists(concl thm)) val v = genvar(type_of node) val template = list_mk_exists(V,mk_eq(l, subst[node|->v] r)) val expansion = ISPEC node pthm val pthm' = Thm.SUBST[v |-> expansion] template thm val (node1, node2) = dest_pair(rhs(concl expansion)) val (value1,value2) = dest_pair value in pair_exists node1 value1 (pair_exists node2 value2 pthm') end handle HOL_ERR _ => raise PERR "PAIR_EX" "" in pair_exists x vstruct (REFL x) end end (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Generalize a free tuple (vstr) into a universally quantified variable (a). * There must be a faster way! Note however that the notion of "freeness" for * a tuple is different than for a variable: if variables in the tuple also * occur in any other place than an occurrences of the tuple, they aren't * "free" (which is thus probably the wrong word to use). *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun PGEN a vstr th = GEN a (if is_var vstr then Thm.INST [vstr |-> a] th else PROVE_HYP (PAIR_EX a vstr) (VSTRUCT_ABS (mk_eq(a,vstr)) th)) fun PGEN_TAC vars (asl:Term.term list,tm) = let val (v,_) = dest_forall tm val tm' = beta_conv(mk_comb(rand tm,vars)) in ([(asl,tm')], fn [th] => PGEN v vars th | _ => raise PERR "PGEN_TAC" "validation") end; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- |- f = g ------------------------ PFUN_EQ_RULE |- f = g ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) local val expected = PERR "PFUN_EQ_RULE" "expected f = g " val SIMP = Rewrite.PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE[GSYM FUN_EQ_THM] in fun PFUN_EQ_RULE th = let val ((_,v1),(_,v2)) = with_exn ((dest_comb##dest_comb) o dest_eq o concl) th expected in if v1=v2 then SIMP (PGEN (genvar (type_of v1)) v1 th) else raise expected end end; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------* * v (|- !v_1...v_n. M[v_1...v_n]) * * TUPLE ------------------------------------------------- * * !v. M[FST v, FST(SND v), ... SND(SND ... v)] * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) local fun trav tm A = trav (mk_fst tm) (trav (mk_snd tm) A) handle HOL_ERR _ => (tm::A) fun hd1 [th] = th | hd1 _ = raise Bind in fun TUPLE v thm = GEN v (SPECL (trav v []) thm) fun TUPLE_TAC vtuple:tactic = fn (asl,w) => let val (Bvar,Body) = dest_forall w val w1 = subst [Bvar |-> vtuple] Body val w2 = list_mk_forall(strip_pair vtuple,w1) in ([(asl,w2)], PURE_REWRITE_RULE[pairTheory.PAIR] o TUPLE Bvar o hd1) end end; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Builds a list of projection terms for "rhs", based on structure * of "tuple". fun flat_vstruct0 tuple rhs = if (is_var tuple) then [rhs] else let val {fst,snd} = dest_pair tuple in flat_vstruct0 fst (mk_fst rhs) @ flat_vstruct0 snd (mk_snd rhs) end; * That was the clean implementation. Now for the one that gets used, we * add an extra field to the return value, so that it can be made into * an equality. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun flat_vstruct tuple rhs = let (* behaviour of mk_fst and mk_snd should match PairedLambda.GEN_BETA_CONV in LET_INTRO *) val mk_fst = fn tm => if is_pair tm then #1 (dest_pair tm) else mk_fst tm val mk_snd = fn tm => if is_pair tm then #2 (dest_pair tm) else mk_snd tm fun flat tuple (v,rhs) = if is_var tuple then [(tuple, rhs)] else let val (fst,snd) = dest_pair tuple in flat fst (v, mk_fst rhs) @ flat snd (v, mk_snd rhs) end in map mk_eq (flat tuple (genvar alpha,rhs)) end; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Gamma |- ( = M) ==> N * -------------------------------------------------- * Gamma |- let = M in N * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) local val LET_THM1 = GSYM LET_THM val PAIR_RW = PURE_REWRITE_RULE [pairTheory.PAIR] fun lhs_repl th = (lhs(concl th) |-> th) in fun LET_INTRO thm = let val (ant,conseq) = dest_imp(concl thm) val (lhs,rhs) = dest_eq ant val bindings = flat_vstruct lhs rhs val thl = map ASSUME bindings val th0 = UNDISCH thm val th1 = SUBS thl th0 val Bredex = mk_comb(mk_pabs(lhs,conseq),rhs) val th2 = EQ_MP (GSYM(PairedLambda.GEN_BETA_CONV Bredex)) th1 val th3 = PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_RULE[LET_THM1] th2 val vstruct_thm = SUBST_CONV (map lhs_repl thl) lhs lhs; val th4 = PROVE_HYP (PAIR_RW vstruct_thm) th3 in rev_itlist (fn bind => fn th => let val th' = DISCH bind th val (lhs,rhs) = dest_eq bind in MP (Thm.INST [lhs |-> rhs] th') (REFL rhs) end) bindings th4 end end; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Returns the variants and the "away" list augmented with the variants. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun unpabs tm = let val (vstr,body) = dest_pabs tm val V = free_vars_lr vstr in list_mk_abs(V,body) end; local fun dot 0 vstr tm away = (vstr,tm) | dot n vstr tm away = let val (Bvar,Body) = dest_abs tm val v' = variant away Bvar val tm' = beta_conv(mk_comb(tm, v')) val vstr' = subst[Bvar |-> v'] vstr in dot (n-1) vstr' tm' (v'::away) end in (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Alpha convert to ensure that variables bound by the "let" are not * free in the assumptions of the goal. Alpha-convert in reverse on way * back from achieving the goal. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val LET_INTRO_TAC :tactic = fn (asl,w) => let val (func,arg) = dest_let w val func' = unpabs func val (vstr,body) = dest_pabs func val away0 = Lib.op_union aconv (free_vars func) (free_varsl asl) val (vstr', body') = dot (length (free_vars vstr)) vstr func' away0 val bind = mk_eq(vstr', arg) in ([(asl,mk_imp(bind,body'))], fn ths => let val let_thm = LET_INTRO (hd ths) in EQ_MP (ALPHA (concl let_thm) w) let_thm end) end end; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Test. * set_goal([Term`x:bool`, Term`x':bool`], Term`let (x':bool,(x:bool)) = M in x'' x x' : bool`); * * * g`!P x M N. (!x. x=M ==> P(N x)) ==> P(let (x = M) in N)`; * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun LET_EQ_TAC thml = Ho_Rewrite.PURE_REWRITE_TAC thml THEN REPEAT (LET_INTRO_TAC THEN DISCH_TAC); (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Eliminate PABS * ----------------------------------- PABS_ELIM_CONV (\. P vstr) |- \. P = \x. P x * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) local fun UNCURRY_ELIM_CONV t = ((REWR_CONV ELIM_UNCURRY) THENC (ABS_CONV ( RATOR_CONV ( ((RATOR_CONV UNCURRY_ELIM_CONV) THENC BETA_CONV THENC UNCURRY_ELIM_CONV)) THENC BETA_CONV))) t handle HOL_ERR _ => raise UNCHANGED; in fun PABS_ELIM_CONV t = if (pairSyntax.is_pabs t) then (UNCURRY_ELIM_CONV t) else raise UNCHANGED; end (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Introduces PABS * ----------------------------------- PABS_ELIM_CONV (\x. P x) |- \x. P x = \. P vstr * *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun PABS_INTRO_CONV vstruct tt = let val (vstruct', _) = variant_of_term (free_vars tt) vstruct val new_t = mk_comb (tt, vstruct') val thm0 = (BETA_CONV THENC REWRITE_CONV[pairTheory.FST, pairTheory.SND]) new_t val thm1 = PairRules.PABS vstruct' thm0 val thm2 = CONV_RULE (LHS_CONV PairRules.PETA_CONV) thm1 in thm2 end; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eliminate tupled quantification ----------------------------------- TUPLED_QUANT_CONV `. P` |- . P = v1 ... vn. P where is one of {?,!} and is a varstruct made from the variables v1,...,vn. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val is_uncurry_tm = same_const pairSyntax.uncurry_tm val is_universal = same_const boolSyntax.universal val is_existential = same_const boolSyntax.existential; local val ELIM_PEXISTS2 = prove (``(?p:('a#'b). P (FST p) (SND p) p) = ?p1 p2. P p1 p2 (p1,p2)``, CONV_TAC (LHS_CONV (HO_REWR_CONV EXISTS_PROD)) THEN REWRITE_TAC[FST, SND]) val ELIM_PFORALL2 = prove (``(!p:('a#'b). P (FST p) (SND p) p) = !p1 p2. P p1 p2 (p1,p2)``, CONV_TAC (LHS_CONV (HO_REWR_CONV FORALL_PROD)) THEN REWRITE_TAC[FST, SND]); val ELIM_PEXISTS_CONV = HO_REWR_CONV ELIM_PEXISTS2; val ELIM_PFORALL_CONV = HO_REWR_CONV ELIM_PFORALL2; fun dest_tupled_quant tm = case total dest_comb tm of NONE => NONE | SOME(f,x) => if is_comb x andalso is_uncurry_tm (rator x) then if is_existential f then SOME ELIM_PEXISTS_CONV else if is_universal f then SOME ELIM_PFORALL_CONV else NONE else NONE fun PQUANT_ELIM_CONV quant_elim vc = if (is_var vc) then (RAND_CONV (ALPHA_CONV vc)) else let val (vc1, vc2) = pairSyntax.dest_pair vc; val conv = (quant_elim THENC (QUANT_CONV (PQUANT_ELIM_CONV quant_elim vc2)) THENC (PQUANT_ELIM_CONV quant_elim vc1)); in conv end; in fun ELIM_TUPLED_QUANT_CONV tm = case dest_tupled_quant tm of NONE => raise PERR "TUPLED_QUANT_CONV" "" | SOME (quant_elim) => ((RAND_CONV PABS_ELIM_CONV) THENC PQUANT_ELIM_CONV quant_elim (fst (dest_pabs(rand tm)))) tm fun SPLIT_QUANT_CONV vc tm = let val quant_elim = if is_universal (rator tm) then ELIM_PFORALL_CONV else if is_existential (rator tm) then ELIM_PEXISTS_CONV else raise PERR "SPLIT_QUANT_CONV" "" val (v, _) = dest_abs (rand tm) handle HOL_ERR _ => raise PERR "SPLIT_QUANT_CONV" "" val _ = if (type_of vc = type_of v) then () else raise PERR "SPLIT_QUANT_CONV" ""; in PQUANT_ELIM_CONV quant_elim vc tm end; end; local val PFORALL_THM2 = prove ( ``!P:'a->'b->bool. (!x. $! (P x)) = $! (UNCURRY P)``, GEN_TAC THEN Q.SUBGOAL_THEN `P = (\x y. P x y)` (fn thm => ONCE_ASM_REWRITE_TAC [thm]) THEN1 (REWRITE_TAC [FUN_EQ_THM] THEN BETA_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[]) THEN BETA_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC [PFORALL_THM]); val PEXISTS_THM2 = prove ( ``!P:'a->'b->bool. (?x. $? (P x)) = $? (UNCURRY P)``, GEN_TAC THEN Q.SUBGOAL_THEN `P = (\x y. P x y)` (fn thm => ONCE_ASM_REWRITE_TAC [thm]) THEN1 (REWRITE_TAC [FUN_EQ_THM] THEN BETA_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[]) THEN BETA_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC [PEXISTS_THM]); in fun PEXISTS_INTRO_CONV tm = (((TRY_CONV ELIM_TUPLED_QUANT_CONV) THENC (QUANT_CONV PEXISTS_INTRO_CONV) THENC (HO_REWR_CONV PEXISTS_THM2)) tm) handle HOL_ERR _ => raise UNCHANGED fun PFORALL_INTRO_CONV tm = (((TRY_CONV ELIM_TUPLED_QUANT_CONV) THENC (QUANT_CONV PFORALL_INTRO_CONV) THENC (HO_REWR_CONV PFORALL_THM2)) tm) handle HOL_ERR _ => raise UNCHANGED fun INTRO_TUPLED_QUANT_CONV tm = if is_universal (rator tm) then PFORALL_INTRO_CONV tm else if is_existential (rator tm) then PEXISTS_INTRO_CONV tm else raise PERR "INTRO_TUPLED_QUANT_CONV" "" end; end