structure boolpp :> boolpp = struct open Parse HolKernel open term_pp_types smpp term_pp_utils infix >> >- val ERRORloc = Feedback.mk_HOL_ERRloc "boolpp" fun dest_cond tm = let val (f, args) = strip_comb tm val {Thy,Name,...} = dest_thy_const f handle HOL_ERR _ => raise mk_HOL_ERR "boolpp" "dest_cond" "Not even a const at head" in if Thy = "bool" andalso Name = "COND" then case args of [gd, th, el] => (gd,th,el) | _ => raise mk_HOL_ERR "boolpp" "dest_cond" "Wrong number of arguments" else raise mk_HOL_ERR "boolpp" "dest_cond" "Not a COND-term" end fun condprinter (tyg, tmg) backend printer ppfns (pgr,lgr,rgr) depth tm = let val _ = case Overload.oi_strip_comb (term_grammar.overload_info tmg) tm of SOME(f, _) => if term_grammar.grammar_name tmg f = SOME "case" then () else raise UserPP_Failed | NONE => raise UserPP_Failed val {add_string, ublock, add_break, ...} = ppfns:ppstream_funs fun paren c b p = if b then ublock c 1 ( add_string "(" >> p >> add_string ")" ) else p val paren_required = (case rgr of Prec(p, _) => p > 70 | _ => false) orelse (case lgr of Prec(_, n) => n = GrammarSpecials.fnapp_special | _ => false) fun syspr gravs t = printer { gravs = gravs, depth = decdepth depth, binderp = false } t fun doguard needs_else (g,t) = block PP.CONSISTENT 0 (block PP.CONSISTENT 0 ((if needs_else then add_string "else" >> add_string " " >> add_string "if" else add_string "if") >> add_break (1,2) >> block PP.CONSISTENT 0 (syspr (Top,Top,Top) g) >> add_break (1,0) >> add_string "then") >> add_break (1,2) >> block PP.CONSISTENT 0 (syspr (Top,Top,Top) t)) fun doelse e = let val prec = Prec(70, "COND") in case dest_cond e of SOME (g,t,e_next) => (doguard true (g,t) >> add_break(1,0) >> doelse e_next) | NONE => block PP.CONSISTENT 0 (add_string "else" >> add_break (1,2) >> block PP.CONSISTENT 0 (syspr (prec,prec,rgr) e)) end val (g,t,e) = dest_cond tm in paren PP.CONSISTENT paren_required ( block PP.CONSISTENT 0 (doguard false (g,t) >> add_break(1,0) >> doelse e) ) end val _ = term_grammar.userSyntaxFns.register_userPP {name = "bool.COND", code = condprinter} (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- printing let terms ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun letprinter (tyg, tmg) backend printer ppfns (pgr,lgr,rgr) depth tm = let fun syspr gravs t = printer { gravs = gravs, depth = decdepth depth, binderp = false } t fun pr_vstruct v = case v of Simple t => printer {gravs = (Top,Top,Top), depth = decdepth depth, binderp = true} t | Restricted _ => raise UserPP_Failed fun my_strip_abs tm = let fun recurse acc t = let val (v, body) = pp_dest_abs tmg t in recurse (v::acc) body end handle HOL_ERR _ => (List.rev acc, t) in recurse [] tm end val strip_vstructs = term_pp_utils.strip_vstructs tmg fun strip_nvstructs n tm = let fun strip n acc tm = if n <= 0 then (List.rev acc, tm) else let val (bvar, body) = dest_vstruct tmg {binder=NONE,restrictor=NONE} tm in strip (n - 1) (bvar :: acc) body end in strip n [] tm end (* allow any constant that overloads to the string "LET" to be treated as a let. *) fun is_let0 n tm = let val (let_tm,f_tm) = dest_comb(rator tm) in term_grammar.grammar_name tmg let_tm = SOME "LET" andalso (length (#1 (my_strip_abs f_tm)) >= n orelse is_let0 (n + 1) f_tm) end handle HOL_ERR _ => false val is_let = is_let0 1 val {add_string, ublock, add_break, ...} = ppfns:ppstream_funs fun paren c b p = if b then ublock c 1 ( add_string "(" >> p >> add_string ")" ) else p fun spacep b = if b then add_break(1, 0) else nothing fun find_base acc tm = if is_let tm then let val (let_tm, args) = strip_comb tm in find_base (List.nth(args, 1)::acc) (hd args) end else (acc, tm) fun strip_let acc tm = if is_let tm then let val (values, abstr) = find_base [] tm val (varnames, body) = strip_nvstructs (length values) abstr val name_value_pairs = (varnames, values) in strip_let (name_value_pairs :: acc) body end else (List.rev acc, tm) val (andbindings, body) = strip_let [] tm fun pr_leteq (bv, tm2) = let val (args, rhs_t) = strip_vstructs {binder=NONE,restrictor=NONE} tm2 val fnarg_bvars = List.concat (map (free_vars o bv2term) args) val bvfvs = free_vars (bv2term bv) in block PP.INCONSISTENT 2 (record_bvars bvfvs (pr_vstruct bv) >> spacep true >> record_bvars fnarg_bvars (pr_list pr_vstruct (spacep true) args >> spacep (not (null args)) >> add_string "=" >> add_break (1, 0) >> block PP.INCONSISTENT 0 (syspr (Top, Top, Top) rhs_t))) >> return bvfvs end fun record_bvars new = (* overriding term_pp_utils's version; this one has a different type also *) getbvs >- (fn old => setbvs (HOLset.addList(old,new))) fun pr_letandseq nvpairs = block PP.INCONSISTENT 0 (mappr_list pr_leteq (add_string " " >> add_string "and" >> spacep true) nvpairs >- (return o List.concat)) >- record_bvars fun pr_let0 tm = add_string "let" >> add_break(1,2) >> (* let bindings list does not get a block to itself because you don't want something like let x = e1 ; y = e2 ; z = e3 in e4 Instead, all 6 components above are in the same printing block, and some are indented two, and some are in column 0 *) pr_list pr_letandseq (add_string " " >> add_string ";" >> add_break (1, 2)) andbindings >> add_break(1,0) >> add_string "in" >> add_break(1,2) >> block PP.INCONSISTENT 0 (syspr (RealTop, RealTop, RealTop) body) fun pr_let lgrav rgrav tm = let val addparens = lgrav <> RealTop orelse rgrav <> RealTop in getbvs >- (fn oldbvs => paren PP.CONSISTENT addparens (pr_let0 tm) >> setbvs oldbvs) end in if is_let tm then pr_let lgr rgr tm else raise UserPP_Failed end val _ = term_grammar.userSyntaxFns.register_userPP {name = "bool.LET", code = letprinter} (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- let_processor : absyn -> absyn Moderately disgusting. Hacks about with the absyn structure in order to handle let-expressions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* if it can see the LHS (t1) as a pair or single variable then, creates an pair of form (vstruct_of t1, t2). Otherwise, the LHS should be an application (because it's OK to write things like “let f x1 x2 = body in t”), so returns pair (VIDENT "f", (\x1 x2. t2)) *) fun reform_def (t1, t2) = (Absyn.to_vstruct t1, t2) handle HOL_ERR _ => let open Absyn val (f, args) = strip_app t1 val newlocn = locn.Loc_Near (locn_of_absyn t2) (*TODO:not quite right*) val newrhs = List.foldr (fn (a,body) => LAM(newlocn,to_vstruct a,body)) t2 args in (to_vstruct f, newrhs) end fun munge_let binding_term body = let open Absyn GrammarSpecials fun strip_and pt A = case pt of APP(_,APP(_,IDENT(_,andstr),t1),t2) => if andstr = and_special then strip_and t1 (strip_and t2 A) else pt::A | _ => pt::A val binding_clauses = strip_and binding_term [] val _ = List.all is_eq binding_clauses orelse raise ERRORloc "Term" (locn_of_absyn binding_term) "let with non-equality" val (L,R) = ListPair.unzip (map (reform_def o dest_eq) binding_clauses) val binding_locn = locn.Loc_Near (locn_of_absyn binding_term) (*:TODO:not quite right*) val central_locn = locn.Loc_Near (locn_of_absyn body) (*TODO:not quite right*) val central_abstraction = List.foldr (fn (v,M) => LAM(central_locn,v,M)) body L in List.foldl (fn(arg, b) => APP(central_locn, APP(binding_locn,IDENT (binding_locn,"LET"),b), arg)) central_abstraction R end fun let_processor0 G t0 = let open Absyn GrammarSpecials fun let_remove f (APP(_,APP(_,IDENT _, t1), t2)) = munge_let (f t1) (f t2) | let_remove _ _ = raise Fail "Can't happen" val t1 = traverse (fn APP(_,APP(_,IDENT (_,letstr), _), _) => letstr = let_special | otherwise => false) let_remove t0 val _ = traverse (fn IDENT(_,andstr) => andstr = and_special | _ => false) (fn _ => fn t => raise ERRORloc "Term" (locn_of_absyn t) "Invalid use of reserved word and") t1 in t1 end fun let_processor G t = let open Absyn GrammarSpecials fun nilcheck (APP (_, IDENT (_, nilstr), body)) = nilstr = letnil_special | nilcheck _ = false fun conspresent (APP (_, APP (_, IDENT (_, letstr), APP (_, APP(_, IDENT(_, constr), eq1), eqs)), bod)) = constr = letcons_special andalso letstr = let_special | conspresent _ = false fun foldcons (a, bod) = case a of APP (l1, APP (l2, IDENT(_, constr), eq1), eqs) => if constr = letcons_special then APP (l1, APP (l2, IDENT(l2, let_special), eq1), foldcons(eqs, bod)) else raise ERRORloc "let_processor" l1 "Mal-formed LET" | IDENT(loc, nilstr) => if nilstr = letnil_special then bod else raise ERRORloc "let_processor" loc "Mal-formed LET" | _ => raise ERRORloc "let_processor" (locn_of_absyn a) "Mal-formed LET" fun let_args tf a = let val (fx, y) = dest_app a val (_, x) = dest_app fx in (tf x, tf y) end in traverse conspresent (fn tf => fn a => let_processor0 G (foldcons (let_args tf a))) t end val _ = term_grammar.userSyntaxFns.register_absynPostProcessor {name = "bool.LET", code = let_processor} end