structure satTools = struct local (* app load ["Binaryset","FileSys","TextIO","Process","Char","String","Substring","Conv"] *) open Lib boolLib Globals Parse Term Type Thm Drule Psyntax Conv Feedback open SatSolvers satCommonTools satTheory in infix |->; (* ** Use Binaryset to encode mapping between HOL variable names ** and DIMACS variable numbers as a set of string*int pairs. *) (* Functions for parsing the output of SAT solvers *) (* ** substringContains s ss ** tests whether substring ss contains string s *) fun substringContains s ss = not(Substring.isEmpty(snd(Substring.position s ss))); (* ** parseSat (s1,s2) ss ** returns a list of numbers corresponding to the tokenised ** substring of ss (tokenised wrt Char.isSpace) that starts immediately ** after the first occurrence of s1 and ends just before the first ** occurrence of s2 that is after the first occurrence of s1 *) fun parseSat (s1,s2) ss = let val (ss1,ss2) = Substring.position s1 ss val ss3 = Substring.triml (String.size s1) ss2 val (ss4,ss5) = Substring.position s2 ss3 val ssl = Substring.tokens Char.isSpace ss4 in (valOf o Int.fromString o Substring.string) ssl end handle _ => failwith("parseSat"); (* ** Test for success of the result of Process.system ** N.B. isSuccess expected to primitive in next release of ** Moscow ML, and Process.status will lose eqtype status *) fun isSuccess s = Process.isSuccess s (* ** invokeSat solver t ** invokes solver on t and returns SOME s (where s is the satisfying instance ** as a string of integers) or NONE, if unsatisfiable *) fun sat_sysl s = Systeml.system_ps s fun invokeSat sat_solver tm vc nr svm sva infile = let val (name,executable,notime_run,only_true, failure_string,start_string,end_string) = (getSolverName sat_solver,getSolverExe sat_solver,getSolverRun sat_solver, getSolverTrue sat_solver,getSolverFail sat_solver,getSolverStart sat_solver, getSolverEnd sat_solver) val outfile = infile ^ "." ^ name val run_cmd = notime_run executable (infile,outfile) val code = sat_sysl run_cmd val _ = if isSuccess code orelse (name="minisat" orelse name="minisatp") then () (* minisat returns non-std exit code on success *) else print("Warning:\n Process.system reports failure \ \signal returned by\n " ^ run_cmd ^ "\n") val ins = TextIO.openIn outfile val sat_res_ss = Substring.full (TextIO.inputAll ins) val _ = TextIO.closeIn ins val result = substringContains failure_string sat_res_ss in if result then NONE else let val model1 = parseSat (start_string,end_string) sat_res_ss val model2 = if only_true then model1 @ (map (fn n => 0-n) (subtract (map snd (snd(dimacsTools.showSatVarMap svm))) model1)) else model1 in let val model3 = SOME(map (dimacsTools.intToLiteral sva) model2) in model3 end end end handle Io _ => NONE (* ** satCheck [l1,...,ln] t ** attempts to prove (l1 /\ ... /\ ln) ==> t ** if it succeeds then the theorem is returned, else ** exception satCheckError is raised *) exception satCheckError; fun satCheck model t = let val mtm = list_mk_conj model (* (l1 /\ ... /\ ln) *) val th1 = ASSUME mtm (* l1 /\ ... /\ ln |- l1 /\ ... /\ ln *) val thl = map (fn th => if is_neg(concl th) then MP (SPEC (dest_neg(concl th))EQF_Imp1) th else MP (SPEC(concl th)EQT_Imp1) th) (CONJUNCTS th1) (* [ l1 /\ ... /\ ln |- l1 = T, ... ] *) val subl = map (fn th => lhs(concl th) |-> th) thl (*[l1 |-> l1 /\ ... /\ ln |- l1 = T,...]*) val th2 = SUBST_CONV subl t t (* l1 /\ ... /\ ln |- t = t[l1/T,...] *) val th3 = CONV_RULE (RHS_CONV computeLib.EVAL_CONV) th2 (* l1 /\ ... /\ ln |- t = T *) val th4 = EQT_ELIM th3 (* l1 /\ ... /\ ln |- t *) in DISCH mtm th4 (* |- l1 /\ ... /\ ln ==> t *) end handle Interrupt => raise Interrupt | HOL_ERR {origin_function = "EQT_ELIM", ...} => if is_neg t then UNDISCH (EQF_ELIM (REWRITE_CONV [] t)) handle HOL_ERR _ => raise satCheckError else raise satCheckError | _ => raise satCheckError; end end