(* Copyright (c) 2010 Tjark Weber. All rights reserved. *) (* Common auxiliary functions. *) structure QbfLibrary = struct val ERR = Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "QbfLibrary" (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* write_strings_to_file: opens 'path' as an output text file; writes all *) (* elements of 'strings' to this file (in the order given); closes the *) (* file *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun write_strings_to_file path strings = let val outstream = TextIO.openOut path in List.app (TextIO.output o Lib.pair outstream) strings; TextIO.closeOut outstream end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* read_lines_from_file: opens 'path' as an input text file; reads all lines *) (* of this file (using TextIO.inputLine); closes the file before *) (* returning the lines read (as a list of strings, each terminated by *) (* "\n") *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun read_lines_from_file path = let val instream = TextIO.openIn path fun input acc = case TextIO.inputLine instream of SOME line => input (line :: acc) | NONE => List.rev acc in input [] before TextIO.closeIn instream end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* enumerate_quantified_vars: takes a term 't' of the form *) (* "Qn xn. ... Q1 x1. phi" (where n>=0, and each Qi is either ? or !), *) (* and returns (n+1, [(n, xn, qn), ..., (1, x1, q1)], phi), where qi is *) (* true if Qi is !, and false if Qi is ?. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun enumerate_quantified_vars t = let val ((var, body), is_forall) = (boolSyntax.dest_forall t, true) handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => (* 't' is not universally quantified *) (boolSyntax.dest_exists t, false) val (next_index, vars, body) = enumerate_quantified_vars body in (next_index + 1, (next_index, var, is_forall) :: vars, body) end handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => (* 't' is not quantified *) (1, [], t) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* A |- p1 \/ ... \/ pn *) (* --------------------- CLAUSE_TO_SEQUENT *) (* A, ~p1, ..., ~pn |- F *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun CLAUSE_TO_SEQUENT thm = let val concl = Thm.concl thm in let val (p, q) = boolSyntax.dest_disj concl in Thm.DISJ_CASES thm (CLAUSE_TO_SEQUENT (Thm.ASSUME p)) (CLAUSE_TO_SEQUENT (Thm.ASSUME q)) end handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => (* 'concl' is not a disjunction *) if concl = boolSyntax.F then thm else ( Thm.MP (Thm.NOT_ELIM thm) (Thm.ASSUME (boolSyntax.dest_neg concl)) handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => (* 'concl' is not a negation *) Thm.MP (Thm.NOT_ELIM (Thm.ASSUME (boolSyntax.mk_neg concl))) thm ) end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* literals_in_clause: takes a function 'index_fn' that maps variables to a *) (* pair consisting of a positive integer i and a Boolean q, and a *) (* clause theorem 'thm' in sequent form, as produced by *) (* 'CLAUSE_TO_SEQUENT'. Returns a list of triples ([~]i, [~]var, q), *) (* with one element for every hypothesis of 'thm' that is a literal *) (* (i.e., a possibly negated variable). The list is sorted with *) (* respect to the absolute value of its elements first component, [~]i. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun literals_in_clause index_fn thm = let val set = HOLset.foldl (fn (t, set) => let val (i, q) = index_fn (boolSyntax.dest_neg t) in HOLset.add (set, (~ i, t, q)) end handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => (* 't' is not a negation *) let val (i, q) = index_fn t in HOLset.add (set, (i, t, q)) end handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => (* 't' is not a variable *) set) (HOLset.empty (Int.compare o Lib.## (Int.abs o #1, Int.abs o #1))) (Thm.hypset thm) in HOLset.listItems set end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* discharge_lit: discharges a possibly negated variable (i.e., a literal) *) (* from a theorem 'thm' by instantiating it to (either) "T" or "F". *) (* *) (* A, v |- t *) (* ---------------- discharge_lit v *) (* A[T/v] |- t[T/v] *) (* *) (* A, ~v |- t *) (* ---------------- discharge_lit ~v *) (* A[F/v] |- t[F/v] *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) local val NOT_FALSE = bossLib.DECIDE ``~F`` in fun discharge_lit lit thm = let val var = boolSyntax.dest_neg lit in Thm.MP (Thm.INST [{redex = var, residue = boolSyntax.F}] (Thm.DISCH lit thm)) NOT_FALSE end handle Feedback.HOL_ERR _ => (* 'lit' is not negated *) Thm.MP (Thm.INST [{redex = lit, residue = boolSyntax.T}] (Thm.DISCH lit thm)) boolTheory.TRUTH end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* A, hyp |- t *) (* ----------------- bind_var hyp var true *) (* A, !var. hyp |- t *) (* *) (* A, hyp |- t *) (* ----------------- bind_var hyp var false (var not free in A or t) *) (* A, ?var. hyp |- t *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun bind_var thm hyp var is_forall = if is_forall then (*Profile.profile "bind_var(forall)"*) (fn () => let val hyp' = boolSyntax.mk_forall (var, hyp) val thm = Thm.MP (Thm.DISCH hyp thm) (Thm.SPEC var (Thm.ASSUME hyp')) in (thm, hyp') end) () else (*Profile.profile "bind_var(exists)"*) (fn () => (* 'var' must not be free in the hypotheses of 'thm' (except in 'hyp') *) let val hyp' = boolSyntax.mk_exists (var, hyp) val thm = Thm.CHOOSE (var, Thm.ASSUME hyp') thm in (thm, hyp') end) () (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Implements forall-reduction. Takes a clause in sequent form, a list of *) (* variables to be introduced eventually, the partial QBF (which should *) (* be a hypothesis of the clause) that is missing these variables, and *) (* the list of literals present in the clause. Both lists must be *) (* ordered, with variables that are in the scope of other variables *) (* coming first. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun forall_reduce (thm, [], hyp, []) = (thm, [], hyp, []) | forall_reduce (thm, (_, var, is_forall) :: vars, hyp, []) = let val (thm, hyp) = bind_var thm hyp var is_forall in forall_reduce (thm, vars, hyp, []) end | forall_reduce (thm, vars as (i, var, v_is_forall) :: vartail, hyp, lits as (j, lit, l_is_forall) :: littail) = if v_is_forall then let val (thm, hyp) = bind_var thm hyp var v_is_forall (* discharge the variable if it occurs *) val (thm, lits') = if i < Int.abs j then (thm, lits) else (* i = Int.abs j *) ((*Profile.profile "discharge_lit"*) (discharge_lit lit) thm, littail) in forall_reduce (thm, vartail, hyp, lits') end else if l_is_forall then (* late binding of existentials: only when the innermost literal is universal *) let val (thm, hyp) = bind_var thm hyp var v_is_forall in forall_reduce (thm, vartail, hyp, lits) end else (thm, vars, hyp, lits) | forall_reduce (_, [], _, _ :: _) = raise Match (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* merge: merges two lists of tuples whose first components are integers *) (* sorted wrt. absolute value into a single list sorted wrt. absolute *) (* value; drops duplicates that occur in both lists *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun merge xs [] : (int * 'a * 'b) list = xs | merge [] ys = ys | merge (xs as xhd :: xtails) (ys as yhd :: ytails) = let val absx = Int.abs (#1 xhd) val absy = Int.abs (#1 yhd) in if absx = absy then (* drop 'yhd' *) xhd :: merge xtails ytails else if absx < absy then xhd :: merge xtails ys else yhd :: merge xs ytails end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* QRESOLVE_CLAUSES: performs propositional resolution of clauses in sequent *) (* form, followed by forall-reduction. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun QRESOLVE_CLAUSES ((th1, vars1, hyp1, lits1), (th2, vars2, hyp2, lits2)) = let (* returns the resulting set of literals, along with the pivot as it occurs in lits1 and lits2, respectively; cf. merge *) fun find_pivot acc [] _ = raise ERR "QRESOLVE_CLAUSES" "no pivot literal" | find_pivot acc _ [] = raise ERR "QRESOLVE_CLAUSES" "no pivot literal" | find_pivot acc (lits1 as (hd1 as (i, l1, _)) :: tail1) (lits2 as (hd2 as (j, l2, _)) :: tail2) = if i = ~j then (List.rev acc @ merge tail1 tail2, l1, l2, i > 0) else if i = j then find_pivot (hd1 :: acc) tail1 tail2 else if Int.abs i < Int.abs j then find_pivot (hd1 :: acc) tail1 lits2 else (* Int.abs j < Int.abs i *) find_pivot (hd2 :: acc) lits1 tail2 val (lits, p, p', p_is_pos) = find_pivot [] lits1 lits2 (* resolution *) val th = (*Profile.profile "resolve"*) (fn () => let val th1 = Thm.DISCH p th1 val th2 = Thm.DISCH p' th2 in if p_is_pos then Thm.MP th2 (Thm.NOT_INTRO th1) else Thm.MP th1 (Thm.NOT_INTRO th2) end) () (* since variables are always bound innermost first, we simply return the larger set -- no need to actually merge *) fun merge_vars (vars1, hyp1) ([], _) = (vars1, hyp1) | merge_vars ([], _) (vars2, hyp2) = (vars2, hyp2) | merge_vars (vars1, hyp1) (vars2, hyp2) = if #1 (List.hd vars1) < #1 (List.hd vars2) then (vars1, hyp1) else (vars2, hyp2) val (vars, hyp) = merge_vars (vars1, hyp1) (vars2, hyp2) in forall_reduce (th, vars, hyp, lits) end end