(* ===================================================================== *) (* FILE : boolLib.sml *) (* DESCRIPTION : boolTheory and related support. *) (* ===================================================================== *) structure boolLib = struct open boolTheory boolSyntax Hol_pp ParseExtras Drule Tactical Tactic Thm_cont Conv Rewrite Prim_rec Abbrev DB BoundedRewrites TexTokenMap ThmSetData local open DefnBase TypeBase Ho_Rewrite Psyntax Rsyntax in end val parse_from_grammars = Parse.parse_from_grammars; (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Update DefnBase with some extra congruence rules ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val _ = DefnBase.write_congs (DefnBase.read_congs() @ map (REWRITE_RULE [AND_IMP_INTRO]) [RES_FORALL_CONG, RES_EXISTS_CONG]) (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stock the rewriter in Ho_Rewrite with some rules not yet proved in boolTheory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) local open HolKernel Ho_Rewrite (* signature control *) structure Parse = struct open Parse val (Type,Term) = parse_from_grammars bool_grammars end open Parse in (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* The first canjunct is useful when rewriting assumptions, but not when *) (* rewriting conclusion, since it prevents stripping. Better rewrite on *) (* conclusions is IF_THEN_T_IMP. *) (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val COND_BOOL_CLAUSES = prove(``(!b e. (if b then T else e) = (b \/ e)) /\ (!b t. (if b then t else T) = (b ==> t)) /\ (!b e. (if b then F else e) = (~b /\ e)) /\ (!b t. (if b then t else F) = (b /\ t))``, REPEAT (STRIP_TAC ORELSE COND_CASES_TAC ORELSE EQ_TAC) THEN RULE_ASSUM_TAC (REWRITE_RULE[F_DEF]) THEN (ACCEPT_TAC TRUTH ORELSE TRY(FIRST_ASSUM MATCH_ACCEPT_TAC)) THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[]); val _ = Ho_Rewrite.add_implicit_rewrites [COND_BOOL_CLAUSES]; val IF_THEN_T_IMP = (* better rewrite for RW_TAC *) prove(``!b e. (if b then T else e) = (~b ==> e)``, REPEAT (STRIP_TAC ORELSE COND_CASES_TAC ORELSE EQ_TAC) THEN RULE_ASSUM_TAC (REWRITE_RULE[F_DEF]) THEN (ACCEPT_TAC TRUTH ORELSE TRY(FIRST_ASSUM MATCH_ACCEPT_TAC)) THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[]); (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Alternative version of unique existence, slated for boolTheory. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val EXISTS_UNIQUE_ALT = prove( (* store_thm( "EXISTS_UNIQUE_ALT", *) ``!P:'a->bool. (?!x. P x) = ?x. !y. P y = (x = y)``, GEN_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[EXISTS_UNIQUE_THM] THEN EQ_TAC THENL [DISCH_THEN(CONJUNCTS_THEN2 (X_CHOOSE_TAC ``x:'a``) ASSUME_TAC) THEN EXISTS_TAC ``x:'a`` THEN GEN_TAC THEN EQ_TAC THENL [DISCH_TAC THEN FIRST_ASSUM MATCH_MP_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[], DISCH_THEN(SUBST1_TAC o SYM) THEN FIRST_ASSUM MATCH_ACCEPT_TAC], DISCH_THEN(X_CHOOSE_TAC ``x:'a``) THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[GSYM EXISTS_REFL] THEN REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN DISCH_THEN(CONJUNCTS_THEN (SUBST1_TAC o SYM)) THEN REFL_TAC]);; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* NB: this one is true intuitionistically and intensionally. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val UNIQUE_SKOLEM_ALT = prove (* "UNIQUE_SKOLEM_ALT", *) (``!P:'a->'b->bool. (!x. ?!y. P x y) = ?f. !x y. P x y = (f x = y)``, GEN_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[EXISTS_UNIQUE_ALT, SKOLEM_THM]); (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* and this one intuitionistically and extensionally. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val UNIQUE_SKOLEM_THM = prove (* store_thm("UNIQUE_SKOLEM_THM", *) (``!P. (!x:'a. ?!y:'b. P x y) = ?!f. !x. P x (f x)``, GEN_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC[EXISTS_UNIQUE_THM, SKOLEM_THM, FORALL_AND_THM] THEN EQ_TAC THEN DISCH_THEN(CONJUNCTS_THEN ASSUME_TAC) THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[] THENL [REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN ONCE_REWRITE_TAC[FUN_EQ_THM] THEN X_GEN_TAC ``x:'a`` THEN FIRST_ASSUM MATCH_MP_TAC THEN EXISTS_TAC ``x:'a`` THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[], MAP_EVERY X_GEN_TAC [``x:'a``, ``y1:'b``, ``y2:'b``] THEN STRIP_TAC THEN FIRST_ASSUM(X_CHOOSE_TAC ``f:'a->'b``) THEN SUBGOAL_THEN ``(\z. if z=x then y1 else (f:'a->'b) z) = (\z. if z=x then y2 else (f:'a->'b) z)`` MP_TAC THENL [FIRST_ASSUM MATCH_MP_TAC THEN REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN BETA_TAC THEN COND_CASES_TAC THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC[], DISCH_THEN(MP_TAC o C AP_THM ``x:'a``) THEN REWRITE_TAC[BETA_THM]]]) end (* local open *) val def_suffix = ref "_def" local open Feedback Theory fun resolve_storename s = let open Substring val (bracketl,rest) = position "[" (full s) in if isEmpty rest then (s,[]) else let val (names,bracketr) = position "]" (slice(rest,1,NONE)) in if size bracketr <> 1 then raise mk_HOL_ERR "boolLib" "resolve_storename" ("Malformed theorem-binding specifier: "^s) else (string bracketl, String.fields (fn c => c = #",") (string names)) end end in fun save_thm_attrs fname (n, attrs, th) = let fun do_attr a = let val storefn = valOf (ThmSetData.data_storefn a) handle Option => raise mk_HOL_ERR "boolLib" fname ("No attribute with name "^a) val exportfn = ThmSetData.data_exportfn a in storefn n; case exportfn of NONE => () | SOME ef => ef (current_theory()) [(n,th)] end in Theory.save_thm(n,th) before app do_attr attrs end fun store_thm(n0,t,tac) = let val (n, attrs) = resolve_storename n0 val th = Tactical.prove(t,tac) handle e => (print ("Failed to prove theorem " ^ n ^ ".\n"); Raise e) in save_thm_attrs "store_thm" (n,attrs,th) end fun save_thm(n0,th) = let val (n,attrs) = resolve_storename n0 in save_thm_attrs "save_thm" (n,attrs,th) end (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Gets a variant of an arbitrary term instead of a single variable. Besides the resulting term, it returns also the substitution used to get it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun variant_of_term vs t = let open HolKernel val check_vars = free_vars t val (_,sub) = foldl (fn (v, (vs,sub)) => let val v' = variant vs v val vs' = v'::vs val sub' = if (aconv v v') then sub else (v |-> v')::sub in (vs',sub') end) (vs,[]) check_vars val t' = subst sub t in (t', sub) end end (* local *) datatype pel = pLeft | pRight | pAbs fun term_diff t1 t2 = let open Term HolKernel fun recurse p t1 t2 = if aconv t1 t2 then [] else case (dest_term t1, dest_term t2) of (COMB(f1,x1), COMB (f2,x2)) => if aconv f1 f2 then recurse (pRight :: p) x1 x2 else if aconv x1 x2 then recurse (pLeft :: p) f1 f2 else recurse (pLeft :: p) f1 f2 @ recurse (pRight :: p) x1 x2 | (LAMB(v1,b1), LAMB(v2,b2)) => if aconv v1 v2 then recurse (pAbs :: p) b1 b2 else if Type.compare(type_of v1,type_of v2) = EQUAL then let val v1' = variant (free_vars b2) v1 in recurse (pAbs :: p) b1 (subst [v2 |-> v1'] b2) end else recurse (pAbs :: p) b1 b2 | (CONST _, CONST _) => if same_const t1 t2 then [] else [(List.rev p,t1,t2)] | _ => [(List.rev p,t1,t2)] in recurse [] t1 t2 end fun Teq tm = Term.same_const boolSyntax.T tm fun Feq tm = Term.same_const boolSyntax.F tm fun tmleq tl1 tl2 = ListPair.allEq op~~ (tl1,tl2) fun goaleq (tl1,t1) (tl2,t2) = tmleq tl1 tl2 andalso t1 ~~ t2 fun goals_eq gl1 gl2 = ListPair.allEq (fn (g1,g2) => goaleq g1 g2) (gl1,gl2) val tmem = Lib.op_mem Term.aconv val tunion = Lib.op_union Term.aconv fun tassoc t l = Lib.op_assoc Term.aconv t l fun tmx_eq (tm1,x1) (tm2,x2) = x1 = x2 andalso Term.aconv tm1 tm2 fun xtm_eq (x1,tm1) (x2,tm2) = x1 = x2 andalso Term.aconv tm1 tm2 fun tmp_eq (tm1,tm2) (tma,tmb) = tm1 ~~ tma andalso tm2 ~~ tmb end;