structure PmatchHeuristics :> PmatchHeuristics = struct open HolKernel boolSyntax; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boilerplate stuff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) type thry = {Tyop : string, Thy : string} -> {case_const : term, constructors : term list} option fun constructors_of {case_const : term, constructors : term list} = constructors fun type_names ty = let val {Thy,Tyop,Args} = Type.dest_thy_type ty in {Thy=Thy,Tyop=Tyop} end; (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Various heuristics for pattern compilation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) type pmatch_heuristic = {skip_rows : bool, collapse_cases : bool, col_fun : thry -> term list list -> int} (* the old heuristic used by HOL 4 *) val pheu_classic : pmatch_heuristic = { skip_rows = false, collapse_cases = false, col_fun = (fn _ => fn _ => 0) } (* one that uses always the first column, but quits early and collapses *) val pheu_first_col : pmatch_heuristic = { skip_rows = true, collapse_cases = true, col_fun = (fn _ => fn _ => 0) } (* one that uses always the last column, but quits early and collapses *) val pheu_last_col : pmatch_heuristic = { skip_rows = true, collapse_cases = true, col_fun = (fn _ => fn rowL => case rowL of [] => 0 | (r::_) => length r - 1) } (* A heuristic based on ranking functions *) fun pheu_rank (rankL : (thry -> term list -> int) list) = { skip_rows = true, collapse_cases = true, col_fun = (fn ty_info => fn rowL => let val colL = let (* assumption: rowL noteq [], and all rows have same length *) fun aux a rowL = if (length (hd rowL) = 0) then List.rev a else aux (( hd rowL) :: a) ( tl rowL) in aux [] rowL end val ncolL = Lib.enumerate 0 colL fun step rank ncolL = let val ranked_cols = (fn (i, pL) => ((i, pL), rank ty_info pL)) ncolL val max = List.foldl (fn ((_, r), m) => if r > m then r else m) (snd (hd ranked_cols)) (tl ranked_cols) val ranked_cols' = List.filter (fn (_, r) => r = max) ranked_cols val ncolL' = fst ranked_cols' in ncolL' end fun steps [] ncolL = ncolL | steps _ [] = [] | steps _ [e] = [e] | steps (rf :: rankL) ncolL = steps rankL (step rf ncolL) val ncolL' = steps rankL ncolL in case ncolL' of [] => 0 (* something went wrong, should not happen *) | ((i, _) :: _) => i end)} : pmatch_heuristic (* ranking functions *) fun prheu_first_row _ [] = 0 | prheu_first_row _ (p :: _) = if (is_var p) then 0 else 1 fun prheu_first_row_constr tybase [] = 0 | prheu_first_row_constr tybase (p :: _) = if (is_var p) then 0 else let val (_,ty) = strip_fun (type_of p) in case tybase (type_names ty) of NONE => 1 | SOME tyinfo => (if (length (constructors_of tyinfo) = 1) then 0 else 1) end handle HOL_ERR _ => 0; val prheu_constr_prefix : (thry -> term list -> int) = let fun aux n [] = n | aux n (p :: pL) = if (is_var p) then n else aux (n+1) pL in (fn _ => aux 0) end fun prheu_get_constr_set tybase pL = case pL of [] => NONE | p :: pL' => let val (_,ty) = strip_fun (type_of p) in case tybase (type_names ty) of NONE => NONE | SOME tyinfo => let val constrL = constructors_of tyinfo; val cL = (fn p => fst (strip_comb p)) pL; val cL' = List.filter (fn c => op_mem same_const c constrL) cL; val cL'' = Lib.mk_set cL'; in SOME (cL'', constrL) end end handle HOL_ERR _ => NONE fun prheu_get_nonvar_set pL = let val cL = (fn p => fst (strip_comb p)) pL; val cL' = List.filter (fn c => not (is_var c)) cL; val cL'' = Lib.mk_set cL'; in cL'' end fun prheu_small_branching_factor ty_info pL = case prheu_get_constr_set ty_info pL of SOME (cL, full_constrL) => (~(length cL + (if length cL = length full_constrL then 0 else 1))) | NONE => (~(length (prheu_get_nonvar_set pL) + 2)) fun prheu_arity ty_info pL = case prheu_get_constr_set ty_info pL of SOME (cL, full_constrL) => List.foldl (fn (c, s) => s + length (fst (strip_fun (type_of c)))) 0 cL | NONE => 0 (* heuristics defined using ranking functions *) val pheu_first_row = pheu_rank [prheu_first_row] val pheu_constr_prefix = pheu_rank [prheu_constr_prefix] val pheu_qba = pheu_rank [prheu_constr_prefix, prheu_small_branching_factor, prheu_arity] val pheu_cqba = pheu_rank [prheu_first_row_constr, prheu_constr_prefix, prheu_small_branching_factor, prheu_arity] (* A list of all the standard heuristics *) val default_heuristic_list = [pheu_qba, pheu_cqba, pheu_first_row, pheu_last_col, pheu_first_col] (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heuristic funs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* run multiple heuristics and take the best result *) type pmatch_heuristic_res_compare = (term list list * term) Lib.cmp type pmatch_heuristic_fun = unit -> pmatch_heuristic_res_compare * (unit -> pmatch_heuristic option) (*---------------------- comparing the results -----------------------*) fun average_tree_depth t = let val (_, ts) = strip_comb t val ts' = tl ts val _ = if is_var (hd ts) andalso not (null ts') then () else fail() val ts'' = map (snd o strip_abs) ts' val ds = List.foldl (fn (t, s) => s + average_tree_depth t) 0.0 ts'' val ds' = (ds / (real (length ts''))) + 1.0 in ds' end handle Empty => 0.0 | HOL_ERR _ => 0.0 fun lex_order (ord1 : 'a cmp) (ord2 : 'a cmp) xy = case ord1 xy of LESS => LESS | GREATER => GREATER | EQUAL => (ord2 xy handle Unordered => EQUAL) handle Unordered => (ord2 xy handle Unordered => EQUAL) val pmatch_heuristic_cases_base_cmp : pmatch_heuristic_res_compare = fn ((patts1, case_tm1), (patts2, case_tm2)) => (length patts1, length patts2) fun pmatch_heuristic_size_base_cmp ((patts1, case_tm1), (patts2, case_tm2)) = (term_size case_tm1, term_size case_tm2) fun pmatch_heuristic_tree_base_cmp ((patts1, case_tm1), (patts2, case_tm2)) = (average_tree_depth case_tm1, average_tree_depth case_tm2) fun pmatch_heuristic_cases_cmp xy = lex_order pmatch_heuristic_cases_base_cmp (lex_order pmatch_heuristic_size_base_cmp pmatch_heuristic_tree_base_cmp) xy fun pmatch_heuristic_size_cmp xy = lex_order pmatch_heuristic_size_base_cmp (lex_order pmatch_heuristic_tree_base_cmp pmatch_heuristic_cases_base_cmp) xy (*------------------------- try a list of heuristics --------------------------*) fun pmatch_heuristic_list min_fun l () : (pmatch_heuristic_res_compare * (unit -> pmatch_heuristic option)) = let val hL_ref = ref l fun aux () = case (!hL_ref) of [] => NONE | h::hL => (hL_ref := hL; SOME h) in (min_fun, aux) end val default_heuristic_fun = (pmatch_heuristic_list pmatch_heuristic_cases_cmp default_heuristic_list); val classic_heuristic_fun = (pmatch_heuristic_list pmatch_heuristic_cases_cmp [pheu_classic]); (*----------------------------------- an exhaustive search heuristic-fun ------------------------------------*) fun exhaustive_heuristic_fun cmp = let val heuristicL_ref = ref ([]:pmatch_heuristic list) fun add_heu heu = (heuristicL_ref := heu :: (!heuristicL_ref)) fun heu (prefix : (bool * int * int) list) : pmatch_heuristic = let val current_prefix = ref prefix val remaining_prefix = ref prefix fun colfun_print thry rowL = case (!remaining_prefix) of (i :: is) => (remaining_prefix := is; i) | [] => let fun all_vars n = List.all is_var ( (fn r => List.nth (r, n)) rowL) fun col_fun n _ = if (all_vars n orelse (List.null rowL) orelse (List.length (List.hd rowL) < 2)) then SOME n else NONE in case (Lib.first_opt col_fun rowL) of SOME r => let val _ = current_prefix := (!current_prefix) @ [(false, r, 1)] in (false, r, 1) end | NONE => let val l = List.length (hd rowL) val _ = Lib.appi (fn i => fn _ => add_heu (heu ((!current_prefix) @ [(true, i+1, l)]))) (tl (hd rowL)) val _ = current_prefix := (!current_prefix) @ [(true, 0, l)] in (true, 0, l) end end fun colfun thry rowL = let val (do_it, r, l) = colfun_print thry rowL val _ = if do_it then (print (int_to_string (r+1)); print "/"; print (int_to_string l); print " ") else () in r end in { skip_rows = true, collapse_cases = true, col_fun = colfun } end fun next_heu () = case (!heuristicL_ref) of [] => NONE | (h :: hs) => (print "\n"; heuristicL_ref := hs; SOME h) fun init () = let val _ = heuristicL_ref := [heu []] fun cmp' (r1, r2) = ( print "\nCases in Result: "; print (int_to_string (length (fst r2))); print " (best so far "; print (int_to_string (length (fst r1))); print ")"; cmp (r1, r2) ) in (cmp', next_heu) end in init end (* A manual one taking an explicit order *) fun pheu_manual (res_input : int list) : pmatch_heuristic = let fun pr ts = let val ts_sl = (fn t => "``" ^ (Hol_pp.term_to_string t) ^ "``") ts val ts_s = String.concatWith ", " ts_sl in print ts_s; print "\n" end val res = ref res_input fun man_choice rowL = let val r = case (!res) of [] => 0 | (i::is) => let val _ = res := is in if (i < List.length (List.hd rowL)) then i else (print ("Error, can't use "^(int_to_string i)^"\n");0) end val _ = pr rowL val _ = print ("Using "^(int_to_string r)^"\n\n\n") in r end fun colfun thry rowL = if ((null rowL) orelse (length (hd rowL) < 2)) then 0 else let fun all_vars n = List.all is_var ( (fn r => List.nth (r, n)) rowL) fun col_fun n _ = if all_vars n then SOME n else NONE in case (Lib.first_opt col_fun rowL) of SOME r => r | NONE => man_choice rowL end in { skip_rows = true, collapse_cases = true, col_fun = colfun } end (*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A reference to store the current heuristic_fun ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val pmatch_heuristic = ref default_heuristic_fun val classic = ref false fun is_classic () = !classic fun set_heuristic_fun heu_fun = (pmatch_heuristic := heu_fun) fun set_heuristic_list_size heuL = set_heuristic_fun (pmatch_heuristic_list pmatch_heuristic_size_cmp heuL) fun set_heuristic_list_cases heuL = set_heuristic_fun (pmatch_heuristic_list pmatch_heuristic_cases_cmp heuL) fun set_heuristic heu = set_heuristic_list_cases [heu] fun set_default_heuristic () = (classic := false; set_heuristic_fun default_heuristic_fun) fun set_default_heuristic_size () = (classic := false; set_heuristic_list_size default_heuristic_list) fun set_default_heuristic_cases () = (classic := false; set_heuristic_list_cases default_heuristic_list) fun set_classic_heuristic () = (classic := true; set_heuristic_fun classic_heuristic_fun) fun with_heuristic heu f = with_flag (classic, false) (with_flag (pmatch_heuristic, pmatch_heuristic_list pmatch_heuristic_cases_cmp [heu]) f) fun with_classic_heuristic f = with_flag (classic, true) (with_flag (pmatch_heuristic, classic_heuristic_fun) f) fun with_manual_heuristic choices = with_heuristic (pheu_manual choices) end;