(* Copyright (c) 2001-7, 2015 David C.J. Matthews This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) structure Message: MESSAGE = struct local open Foreign open Memory open Base open Globals open WinBase fun user name = getSymbol(loadLibrary "user32.dll") name val toAddr = Memory.sysWord2VoidStar and fromAddr = Memory.voidStar2Sysword val RegisterMessage = winCall1 (user "RegisterWindowMessageA") cString cUint (* Used in WM_WINDOWPOSXXX and also WM_NCCALCSIZE *) val WINDOWPOS = cStruct7(cHWND, cHWND, cInt, cInt, cInt, cInt, cWINDOWPOSITIONSTYLE) local (* WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING and WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED. The C structure is the same but WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING has refs in the ML to allow the call-back to change the position. *) val {load=fromCwindowpos, store=toCwindowpos, ctype={size=sizeCwp, ...}, ...} = breakConversion WINDOWPOS type wmWINDOWPOSCHANGED = { hwnd: HWND, front: HWND, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int, flags: WindowPositionStyle list } and wmWINDOWPOSCHANGING = { hwnd: HWND, front: HWND ref, x: int ref, y: int ref, width: int ref, height: int ref, flags: WindowPositionStyle list ref } in fun cToMLWindowPosChanging{wp=_, lp}: wmWINDOWPOSCHANGING = let val (wh,front,x,y,width,height,flags) = fromCwindowpos(toAddr lp) in {hwnd = wh, front = ref front, x = ref x, y = ref y, width = ref width, height = ref height, flags = ref flags} end and cToMLWindowPosChanged{wp=_, lp}: wmWINDOWPOSCHANGED = let val (wh,front,x,y,width,height,flags) = fromCwindowpos(toAddr lp) in {hwnd = wh, front = front, x = x, y = y, width = width, height = height, flags = flags} end fun mlToCWindowPosChanging(msgNo, {hwnd, front=ref front, x=ref x, y=ref y, width=ref width, height=ref height, flags=ref flags}: wmWINDOWPOSCHANGING) = let open Memory val mem = malloc sizeCwp val freeCwp = toCwindowpos(mem, (hwnd, front, x, y, width, height, flags)) in (msgNo, 0w0, fromAddr mem, fn() => (freeCwp(); free mem)) end and mlToCWindowPosChanged(msgNo, {hwnd, front, x, y, width, height, flags}: wmWINDOWPOSCHANGED) = let open Memory val mem = malloc sizeCwp val freeCwp = toCwindowpos(mem, (hwnd, front, x, y, width, height, flags)) in (msgNo, 0w0, fromAddr mem, fn() => (freeCwp(); free mem)) end fun updateCfromMLwmWindowPosChanging( {wp=_, lp}, { front, x, y, width, height, flags, ...}:wmWINDOWPOSCHANGING) = let val (_,newfront,newx,newy,newwidth,newheight,newflags) = fromCwindowpos(toAddr lp) in front := newfront; x := newx; y := newy; width := newwidth; height := newheight; flags := newflags end and updateWindowPosChangingParms({wp=_, lp}, { hwnd, front=ref front, x=ref x, y=ref y, width=ref width, height=ref height, flags=ref flags}) = ignore(toCwindowpos(toAddr lp, (hwnd, front, x, y, width, height, flags))) end datatype ControlType = ODT_MENU | ODT_LISTBOX | ODT_COMBOBOX | ODT_BUTTON | ODT_STATIC local val tab = [ (ODT_MENU, 1), (ODT_LISTBOX, 2), (ODT_COMBOBOX, 3), (ODT_BUTTON, 4), (ODT_STATIC, 5) ] in val cCONTROLTYPE = tableConversion(tab, NONE) cUint end fun structAsAddr strConv = let val {load, store, ctype={size, ...}, ...} = breakConversion strConv fun make v = let open Memory val mem = malloc size val freeS = store(mem, v) in (fromAddr mem, fn () => (freeS(); free mem)) end in (load o toAddr, make) end val (_, makePointStructAddr) = structAsAddr cPoint local val MDICREATESTRUCT = cStruct9(cCLASS,cString,cHINSTANCE,cInt,cInt,cInt,cInt,cDWORD,cLPARAM) in val (toMdiCreate, fromMdiCreate) = structAsAddr MDICREATESTRUCT end local (* WM_COMPAREITEM *) val COMPAREITEMSTRUCT = cStruct8(cCONTROLTYPE,cUint,cHWND,cUint,cUINT_PTRw,cUint,cUINT_PTRw, cDWORD) val MEASUREITEMSTRUCT = cStruct6(cCONTROLTYPE,cUint,cUint,cUint,cUint,cULONG_PTR) val DELETEITEMSTRUCT = cStruct5(cCONTROLTYPE,cUint,cUint,cHWND,cULONG_PTR) val {store=toMeasureItem, ...} = breakConversion MEASUREITEMSTRUCT in val (toMLCompareItem, fromMLCompareItem) = structAsAddr COMPAREITEMSTRUCT and (toMLMeasureItem, fromMLMeasureItem) = structAsAddr MEASUREITEMSTRUCT and (toMLDeleteItem, fromMLDeleteItem) = structAsAddr DELETEITEMSTRUCT fun updateMeasureItemFromWpLp({itemWidth, itemHeight, ...}, {wp=_, lp}) = let val (_, _, _, iWidth, iHeight, _) = toMLMeasureItem lp in itemWidth := iWidth; itemHeight := iHeight end and updateMeasureItemParms({wp=_, lp}, {itemWidth=ref itemWidth, itemHeight=ref itemHeight, ...}) = let val (ctlType, ctlID, itemID, _, _, itemData) = toMLMeasureItem lp in ignore(toMeasureItem(toAddr lp, (ctlType, ctlID, itemID, itemWidth, itemHeight, itemData))) end end local (* WM_CREATE and WM_NCCREATE *) val CREATESTRUCT = cStruct12(cPointer,cHINSTANCE,cHMENU,cHWND,cInt,cInt,cInt,cInt,cUlongw,cString,cCLASS,cDWORD) val (toMLCreate, fromMLCreate) = structAsAddr CREATESTRUCT in fun decompileCreate{wp=_, lp} = let val (cp,inst,menu,parent, cy,cx,y,x, style, name,class, extendedstyle) = toMLCreate lp in { instance = inst, creation = cp, menu = menu, parent = parent, cy = cy, cx = cx, y = y, x = x, style = Style.fromWord(Word32.toLargeWord style), name = name, class = class, extendedstyle = extendedstyle } end and compileCreate(code, { instance, creation, menu, parent, cy, cx, y, x, style, name, class, extendedstyle}) = let val (addr, free) = fromMLCreate(creation, instance, menu, parent, cy, cx, y, x, Word32.fromLargeWord(Style.toWord style), name, class, extendedstyle) in (code, 0w0, addr, free) end end local val MINMAXINFO = cStruct5(cPoint,cPoint,cPoint,cPoint,cPoint) val {store=toCminmaxinfo, ...} = breakConversion MINMAXINFO val (toMLMinMax, fromMLMinMax) = structAsAddr MINMAXINFO in fun decompileMinMax{wp=_, lp} = let val (_, ptms, ptmp, ptts, ptmts) = toMLMinMax lp in { maxSize = ref ptms, maxPosition = ref ptmp, minTrackSize = ref ptts, maxTrackSize = ref ptmts} end and compileMinMax(code, { maxSize=ref maxSize, maxPosition=ref maxPosition, minTrackSize=ref minTrackSize, maxTrackSize=ref maxTrackSize}) = let val (addr, free) = fromMLMinMax({x=0,y=0}, maxSize, maxPosition, minTrackSize, maxTrackSize) in (code, 0w0, addr, free) end fun updateMinMaxFromWpLp({maxSize, maxPosition, minTrackSize, maxTrackSize}, {wp=_, lp}) = let val (_, ptms, ptmp, ptts, ptmts) = toMLMinMax lp in maxSize := ptms; maxPosition := ptmp; minTrackSize := ptts; maxTrackSize := ptmts end and updateMinMaxParms({wp=_, lp}, {maxSize=ref maxSize, maxPosition=ref maxPosition, minTrackSize=ref minTrackSize, maxTrackSize=ref maxTrackSize}) = let val (ptres, _, _, _, _) = toMLMinMax lp in ignore(toCminmaxinfo(toAddr lp, (ptres, maxSize, maxPosition, minTrackSize, maxTrackSize))) end end local val DRAWITEMSTRUCT = cStruct9(cCONTROLTYPE,cUint,cUint,cUint,cUint,cHWND,cHDC,cRect,cULONG_PTR) in val (toMLDrawItem, fromMLDrawItem) = structAsAddr DRAWITEMSTRUCT end local (* WM_NCCALCSIZE *) val NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS = cStruct4(cRect,cRect,cRect, cConstStar WINDOWPOS) val {load=loadStruct, store=storeStruct, ctype={size=sizeStr, ...}, ...} = breakConversion NCCALCSIZE_PARAMS val {load=loadRect, store=storeRect, ctype={size=sizeRect, ...}, ...} = breakConversion cRect in fun decompileNCCalcSize{wp=0w0, lp} = let val (newrect,oldrect,oldclientarea,winpos) = loadStruct (toAddr lp) val (wh,front,x,y,cx,cy,style) = winpos in { validarea = true, newrect = ref newrect, oldrect = oldrect, oldclientarea = oldclientarea, hwnd = wh, insertAfter = front, x = x, y = y, cx = cx, cy = cy, style = style } end | decompileNCCalcSize{wp=_, lp} = let val newrect = loadRect (toAddr lp) val zeroRect = {left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0} in { validarea = false, newrect = ref newrect, oldrect = zeroRect, oldclientarea = zeroRect, insertAfter = hwndNull, hwnd = hwndNull, x = 0, y = 0, cx = 0, cy = 0, style = [] } end and compileNCCalcSize{validarea=true, newrect=ref newrect, oldrect, oldclientarea, hwnd, insertAfter, x, y, cx, cy, style} = let open Memory val mem = malloc sizeStr val freeRect = storeStruct(mem, (newrect,oldrect,oldclientarea, (hwnd,insertAfter,x,y,cx,cy, style))) in (0x0083, 0w1, fromAddr mem, fn () => (freeRect(); free mem)) end | compileNCCalcSize{validarea=false, newrect=ref newrect, ...} = let open Memory val mem = malloc sizeRect val () = ignore(storeRect(mem, newrect)) in (0x0083, 0w0, fromAddr mem, fn () => free mem) end end local val HELPINFO = cStruct6(cUint, cInt, cInt, cPointer (* HANDLE *), cDWORD, cPoint) val {ctype={size=sizeHelpInfo, ...}, ...} = breakConversion HELPINFO val (toHelpInfo, fromHelpInfo) = structAsAddr HELPINFO in datatype HelpHandle = MenuHandle of HMENU | WindowHandle of HWND fun compileHelpInfo(code, {ctrlId, itemHandle, contextId, mousePos}) = let val (ctype, handl) = case itemHandle of MenuHandle m => (2, voidStarOfHandle m) | WindowHandle w => (1, voidStarOfHandle w) val (addr, free) = fromHelpInfo(Word.toInt sizeHelpInfo, ctype, ctrlId, handl, contextId, mousePos) in (code, 0w0, addr, free) end and decompileHelpInfo{wp=_, lp} = let val (_, ctype, ctrlId, itemHandle, contextId, mousePos) = toHelpInfo lp val hndl = if ctype = 2 then MenuHandle(handleOfVoidStar itemHandle) else WindowHandle(handleOfVoidStar itemHandle) in { ctrlId = ctrlId, itemHandle = hndl, contextId = contextId, mousePos = mousePos} end end local val {store=storeScrollInfo, ctype = {size=sizeStruct, ...}, ...} = breakConversion ScrollBase.cSCROLLINFOSTRUCT val (toScrollInfoStruct, fromScrollInfoStruct) = structAsAddr ScrollBase.cSCROLLINFOSTRUCT in fun toScrollInfo lp = let val (_, options, minPos, maxPos, pageSize, pos, trackPos) = toScrollInfoStruct lp val info = { minPos = minPos, maxPos = maxPos, pageSize = pageSize, pos = pos, trackPos = trackPos } in (info, options) end and fromScrollInfo({minPos, maxPos, pageSize, pos, trackPos}, options) = fromScrollInfoStruct(Word.toInt sizeStruct, options, minPos, maxPos, pageSize, pos, trackPos) and updateScrollInfo({wp=_, lp=lp}, {info=ref {minPos, maxPos, pageSize, pos, trackPos}, options}) = ignore(storeScrollInfo(toAddr lp, (Word.toInt sizeStruct, options, minPos, maxPos, pageSize, pos, trackPos))) end local val {store=storeWord, load=loadWord, ctype={size=sizeWord, ...}, ...} = breakConversion cWORD in (* We have to allocate a buffer big enough to receive the text and set the first word to the length of the buffer. *) fun compileGetLine {lineNo, size, ...} = let open Memory (* Allocate one extra byte so there's space for a null terminator. *) val vec = malloc (Word.max(Word.fromInt(size+1), sizeWord)) in ignore(storeWord(vec, size+1)); (0x00C5, SysWord.fromInt lineNo, fromAddr vec, fn () => free vec) end and decompileGetLine{wp, lp} = let (* The first word is supposed to contain the length *) val size = loadWord(toAddr lp) in { lineNo = SysWord.toInt wp, size = size(*-1 ? *), result = ref "" } end end val {load=loadInt, store=storeInt, ctype={size=sizeInt, ...}, ...} = breakConversion cInt local (* EM_SETTABSTOPS and LB_SETTABSTOPS *) open Memory infix 6 ++ in fun decompileTabStops{wp, lp} = let val v = toAddr lp fun getTab i = loadInt(v ++ Word.fromInt i * sizeInt) in IntVector.tabulate(SysWord.toInt wp, getTab) end and compileTabStops(code, tabs) = let val cTabs = IntVector.length tabs val vec = malloc(Word.fromInt cTabs * sizeInt) fun setVec(tab, addr) = (ignore(storeInt(addr, tab)); addr ++ sizeInt) val _ = IntVector.foldl setVec vec tabs in (code, SysWord.fromInt cTabs, fromAddr vec, fn () => free vec) end end local open Memory IntArray infix 6 ++ in fun compileGetSelItems(code, {items}) = (* Allocate a buffer to receive the items. Set each element of the buffer to ~1 so that the values are defined if not all of them are set. *) let open Memory IntArray val itemCount = length items infix 6 ++ val v = malloc(Word.fromInt itemCount * sizeInt) in appi(fn (i, s) => ignore(storeInt(v ++ Word.fromInt i * sizeInt, s))) items; (code, SysWord.fromInt itemCount, fromAddr v, fn () => free v) end fun updateGetSelItemsParms({wp=_, lp=lp}, {items}) = let val v = toAddr lp in appi(fn (i, s) => ignore(storeInt(v ++ Word.fromInt i * sizeInt, s))) items end and updateGetSelItemsFromWpLp({items}, {wp=_, lp, reply}) = let (* The return value is the actual number of items copied *) val nItems = SysWord.toIntX reply val b = toAddr lp open Memory infix 6 ++ fun newValue (i, old) = if i < nItems then loadInt(b ++ sizeInt * Word.fromInt i) else old in IntArray.modifyi newValue items end end (* Passed in the lpParam argument of a WM_NOTIFY message. TODO: Many of these have additional information. *) datatype Notification = NM_OUTOFMEMORY | NM_CLICK | NM_DBLCLK | NM_RETURN | NM_RCLICK | NM_RDBLCLK | NM_SETFOCUS | NM_KILLFOCUS | NM_CUSTOMDRAW | NM_HOVER | NM_NCHITTEST | NM_KEYDOWN | NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE | NM_SETCURSOR | NM_CHAR | NM_TOOLTIPSCREATED | NM_LDOWN | NM_RDOWN | NM_THEMECHANGED | LVN_ITEMCHANGING | LVN_ITEMCHANGED | LVN_INSERTITEM | LVN_DELETEITEM | LVN_DELETEALLITEMS | LVN_BEGINLABELEDIT | LVN_ENDLABELEDIT | LVN_COLUMNCLICK | LVN_BEGINDRAG | LVN_BEGINRDRAG | LVN_GETDISPINFO | LVN_SETDISPINFO | LVN_KEYDOWN | LVN_GETINFOTIP | HDN_ITEMCHANGING | HDN_ITEMCHANGED | HDN_ITEMCLICK | HDN_ITEMDBLCLICK | HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICK | HDN_BEGINTRACK | HDN_ENDTRACK | HDN_TRACK | HDN_ENDDRAG | HDN_BEGINDRAG | HDN_GETDISPINFO | TVN_SELCHANGING | TVN_SELCHANGED | TVN_GETDISPINFO | TVN_SETDISPINFO | TVN_ITEMEXPANDING | TVN_ITEMEXPANDED | TVN_BEGINDRAG | TVN_BEGINRDRAG | TVN_DELETEITEM | TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT | TVN_ENDLABELEDIT | TVN_KEYDOWN | TVN_GETINFOTIP | TVN_SINGLEEXPAND | TTN_GETDISPINFO of string ref | TTN_SHOW | TTN_POP | TCN_KEYDOWN | TCN_SELCHANGE | TCN_SELCHANGING | TBN_GETBUTTONINFO | TBN_BEGINDRAG | TBN_ENDDRAG | TBN_BEGINADJUST | TBN_ENDADJUST | TBN_RESET | TBN_QUERYINSERT | TBN_QUERYDELETE | TBN_TOOLBARCHANGE | TBN_CUSTHELP | TBN_DROPDOWN | TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE | TBN_DRAGOUT | TBN_DELETINGBUTTON | TBN_GETDISPINFO | TBN_GETINFOTIP | UDN_DELTAPOS | RBN_GETOBJECT | RBN_LAYOUTCHANGED | RBN_AUTOSIZE | RBN_BEGINDRAG | RBN_ENDDRAG | RBN_DELETINGBAND | RBN_DELETEDBAND | RBN_CHILDSIZE | CBEN_GETDISPINFO | CBEN_DRAGBEGIN | IPN_FIELDCHANGED | SBN_SIMPLEMODECHANGE | PGN_SCROLL | PGN_CALCSIZE | NM_OTHER of int (* Catch-all for other cases. *) local (* Notification structures *) val NMHDR = cStruct3(cHWND, cUINT_PTR, cUint) val (toMLNmhdr, fromMLNmhdr) = structAsAddr NMHDR val CHARARRAY80 = cCHARARRAY 80 val NMTTDISPINFO = cStruct6(NMHDR, cPointer (* String or resource id *), CHARARRAY80, cHINSTANCE, cUint, cLPARAM); val (toMLNMTTDISPINFO, fromMLNMTTDISPINFO) = structAsAddr NMTTDISPINFO in fun compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_OUTOFMEMORY) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~1) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_CLICK) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~2) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_DBLCLK) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~3) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_RETURN) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~4) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_RCLICK) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~5) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_RDBLCLK) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~6) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_SETFOCUS) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~7) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_KILLFOCUS) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~8) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_CUSTOMDRAW) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~12) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_HOVER) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~13) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_NCHITTEST) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~14) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_KEYDOWN) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~15) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~16) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_SETCURSOR) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~17) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_CHAR) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~18) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_TOOLTIPSCREATED) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~19) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_LDOWN) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~20) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_RDOWN) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~21) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_THEMECHANGED) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~22) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, LVN_ITEMCHANGING) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~100) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, LVN_ITEMCHANGED) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~101) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, LVN_INSERTITEM) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~102) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, LVN_DELETEITEM) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~103) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, LVN_DELETEALLITEMS) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~104) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, LVN_BEGINLABELEDIT) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~105) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, LVN_ENDLABELEDIT) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~106) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, LVN_COLUMNCLICK) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~108) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, LVN_BEGINDRAG) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~109) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, LVN_BEGINRDRAG) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~111) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, LVN_GETDISPINFO) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~150) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, LVN_SETDISPINFO) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~151) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, LVN_KEYDOWN) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~155) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, LVN_GETINFOTIP) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~157) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, HDN_ITEMCHANGING) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~300) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, HDN_ITEMCHANGED) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~301) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, HDN_ITEMCLICK) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~302) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, HDN_ITEMDBLCLICK) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~303) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICK) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~305) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, HDN_BEGINTRACK) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~306) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, HDN_ENDTRACK) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~307) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, HDN_TRACK) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~308) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, HDN_ENDDRAG) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~311) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, HDN_BEGINDRAG) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~310) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, HDN_GETDISPINFO) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~309) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TVN_SELCHANGING) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~401) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TVN_SELCHANGED) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~402) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TVN_GETDISPINFO) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~403) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TVN_SETDISPINFO) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~404) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TVN_ITEMEXPANDING) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~405) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TVN_ITEMEXPANDED) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~406) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TVN_BEGINDRAG) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~407) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TVN_BEGINRDRAG) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~408) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TVN_DELETEITEM) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~409) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~410) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TVN_ENDLABELEDIT) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~411) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TVN_KEYDOWN) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~412) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TVN_GETINFOTIP) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~413) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TVN_SINGLEEXPAND) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~415) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TTN_GETDISPINFO(ref s)) = fromMLNMTTDISPINFO((from, idFrom, ~520), Memory.null, s, Globals.hNull, 0, 0) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TTN_SHOW) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~521) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TTN_POP) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~522) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TCN_KEYDOWN) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~550) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TCN_SELCHANGE) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~551) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TCN_SELCHANGING) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~552) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TBN_GETBUTTONINFO) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~700) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TBN_BEGINDRAG) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~701) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TBN_ENDDRAG) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~702) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TBN_BEGINADJUST) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~703) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TBN_ENDADJUST) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~704) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TBN_RESET) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~705) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TBN_QUERYINSERT) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~706) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TBN_QUERYDELETE) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~707) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TBN_TOOLBARCHANGE) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~708) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TBN_CUSTHELP) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~709) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TBN_DROPDOWN) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~710) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~713) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TBN_DRAGOUT) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~714) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TBN_DELETINGBUTTON) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~715) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TBN_GETDISPINFO) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~716) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, TBN_GETINFOTIP) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~718) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, UDN_DELTAPOS) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~722) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, RBN_GETOBJECT) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~832) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, RBN_LAYOUTCHANGED) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~833) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, RBN_AUTOSIZE) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~834) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, RBN_BEGINDRAG) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~835) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, RBN_ENDDRAG) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~836) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, RBN_DELETINGBAND) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~837) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, RBN_DELETEDBAND) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~838) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, RBN_CHILDSIZE) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~839) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, CBEN_GETDISPINFO) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~800) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, CBEN_DRAGBEGIN) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~808) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, IPN_FIELDCHANGED) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~860) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, SBN_SIMPLEMODECHANGE) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~880) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, PGN_SCROLL) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~901) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, PGN_CALCSIZE) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, ~902) | compileNotification (from, idFrom, NM_OTHER code) = fromMLNmhdr(from, idFrom, code) local fun decompileNotifyArg (_, ~1) = NM_OUTOFMEMORY | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~2) = NM_CLICK | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~3) = NM_DBLCLK | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~4) = NM_RETURN | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~5) = NM_RCLICK | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~6) = NM_RDBLCLK | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~7) = NM_SETFOCUS | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~8) = NM_KILLFOCUS | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~12) = NM_CUSTOMDRAW | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~13) = NM_HOVER | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~14) = NM_NCHITTEST | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~15) = NM_KEYDOWN | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~16) = NM_RELEASEDCAPTURE | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~17) = NM_SETCURSOR | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~18) = NM_CHAR | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~19) = NM_TOOLTIPSCREATED | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~20) = NM_LDOWN | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~21) = NM_RDOWN | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~22) = NM_THEMECHANGED | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~100) = LVN_ITEMCHANGING | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~101) = LVN_ITEMCHANGED | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~102) = LVN_INSERTITEM | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~103) = LVN_DELETEITEM | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~104) = LVN_DELETEALLITEMS | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~105) = LVN_BEGINLABELEDIT | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~106) = LVN_ENDLABELEDIT | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~108) = LVN_COLUMNCLICK | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~109) = LVN_BEGINDRAG | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~111) = LVN_BEGINRDRAG | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~150) = LVN_GETDISPINFO | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~151) = LVN_SETDISPINFO | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~155) = LVN_KEYDOWN | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~157) = LVN_GETINFOTIP | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~300) = HDN_ITEMCHANGING | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~301) = HDN_ITEMCHANGED | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~302) = HDN_ITEMCLICK | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~303) = HDN_ITEMDBLCLICK | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~305) = HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICK | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~306) = HDN_BEGINTRACK | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~307) = HDN_ENDTRACK | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~308) = HDN_TRACK | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~311) = HDN_ENDDRAG | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~310) = HDN_BEGINDRAG | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~309) = HDN_GETDISPINFO | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~401) = TVN_SELCHANGING | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~402) = TVN_SELCHANGED | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~403) = TVN_GETDISPINFO | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~404) = TVN_SETDISPINFO | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~405) = TVN_ITEMEXPANDING | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~406) = TVN_ITEMEXPANDED | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~407) = TVN_BEGINDRAG | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~408) = TVN_BEGINRDRAG | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~409) = TVN_DELETEITEM | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~410) = TVN_BEGINLABELEDIT | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~411) = TVN_ENDLABELEDIT | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~412) = TVN_KEYDOWN | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~413) = TVN_GETINFOTIP | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~415) = TVN_SINGLEEXPAND | decompileNotifyArg (lp, ~520) = let val nmt = toMLNMTTDISPINFO lp (* Just look at the byte data at the moment. *) in TTN_GETDISPINFO(ref(#3 nmt)) end | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~521) = TTN_SHOW | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~522) = TTN_POP | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~550) = TCN_KEYDOWN | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~551) = TCN_SELCHANGE | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~552) = TCN_SELCHANGING | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~700) = TBN_GETBUTTONINFO | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~701) = TBN_BEGINDRAG | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~702) = TBN_ENDDRAG | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~703) = TBN_BEGINADJUST | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~704) = TBN_ENDADJUST | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~705) = TBN_RESET | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~706) = TBN_QUERYINSERT | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~707) = TBN_QUERYDELETE | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~708) = TBN_TOOLBARCHANGE | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~709) = TBN_CUSTHELP | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~710) = TBN_DROPDOWN | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~713) = TBN_HOTITEMCHANGE | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~714) = TBN_DRAGOUT | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~715) = TBN_DELETINGBUTTON | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~716) = TBN_GETDISPINFO | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~718) = TBN_GETINFOTIP (*<<<*) | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~722) = UDN_DELTAPOS | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~832) = RBN_GETOBJECT | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~833) = RBN_LAYOUTCHANGED | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~834) = RBN_AUTOSIZE | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~835) = RBN_BEGINDRAG | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~836) = RBN_ENDDRAG | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~837) = RBN_DELETINGBAND | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~838) = RBN_DELETEDBAND | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~839) = RBN_CHILDSIZE | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~800) = CBEN_GETDISPINFO | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~808) = CBEN_DRAGBEGIN | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~860) = IPN_FIELDCHANGED | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~880) = SBN_SIMPLEMODECHANGE | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~901) = PGN_SCROLL | decompileNotifyArg (_, ~902) = PGN_CALCSIZE | decompileNotifyArg (_, code) = NM_OTHER code in fun decompileNotify {wp, lp} = let val (hwndFrom, idFrom, code) = toMLNmhdr lp val notification = decompileNotifyArg (lp, code) in { idCtrl = SysWord.toInt wp, from = hwndFrom, idFrom = idFrom, notification = notification} end end end local val cFINDREPLACE = cStruct11(cDWORD, cHWND, cHINSTANCE, FindReplaceFlags.cFindReplaceFlags, cString, cString, cWORD, cWORD, cPointer, cPointer, cPointer) val {load=loadFindReplace, store=storeFindReplace, ctype={size=sizeFindReplace, ...}, ...} = breakConversion cFINDREPLACE type findMsg = { flags: FindReplaceFlags.flags, findWhat: string, replaceWith: string } in fun compileFindMsg({flags, findWhat, replaceWith}: findMsg) = let open Memory val vec = malloc sizeFindReplace (* Is this right? It's supposed to create a buffer to store the result. *) val freeFR = storeFindReplace(vec, (Word.toInt sizeFindReplace, hNull, hNull, flags, findWhat, replaceWith, 0, 0, null, null, null)) in (RegisterMessage "commdlg_FindReplace", 0w0, fromAddr vec, fn() => (freeFR(); free vec)) end fun decompileFindMsg{wp=_, lp}: findMsg = let val (_, _, _, flags, findwhat, replace, _, _, _, _, _) = loadFindReplace(toAddr lp) (* The argument is really a FINDREPLACE struct. *) in {flags=flags, findWhat=findwhat, replaceWith=replace} end end val toHMENU: SysWord.word -> HMENU = handleOfVoidStar o Memory.sysWord2VoidStar and fromHMENU: HMENU -> SysWord.word = Memory.voidStar2Sysword o voidStarOfHandle val toHWND: SysWord.word -> HWND = handleOfVoidStar o Memory.sysWord2VoidStar and fromHWND: HWND -> SysWord.word = Memory.voidStar2Sysword o voidStarOfHandle val toHDC: SysWord.word -> HDC = handleOfVoidStar o Memory.sysWord2VoidStar and fromHDC: HDC -> SysWord.word = Memory.voidStar2Sysword o voidStarOfHandle val toHFONT: SysWord.word -> HFONT = handleOfVoidStar o Memory.sysWord2VoidStar and fromHFONT: HFONT -> SysWord.word = Memory.voidStar2Sysword o voidStarOfHandle val toHRGN: SysWord.word -> HRGN = handleOfVoidStar o Memory.sysWord2VoidStar and fromHRGN: HRGN -> SysWord.word = Memory.voidStar2Sysword o voidStarOfHandle val toHDROP: SysWord.word -> HDROP = handleOfVoidStar o Memory.sysWord2VoidStar and fromHDROP: HDROP -> SysWord.word = Memory.voidStar2Sysword o voidStarOfHandle val toHICON: SysWord.word -> HICON = handleOfVoidStar o Memory.sysWord2VoidStar and fromHICON: HICON -> SysWord.word = Memory.voidStar2Sysword o voidStarOfHandle val toHGDIOBJ: SysWord.word -> HGDIOBJ = handleOfVoidStar o Memory.sysWord2VoidStar and fromHGDIOBJ: HGDIOBJ -> SysWord.word = Memory.voidStar2Sysword o voidStarOfHandle (* Maybe we should have two different types for horizontal and vertical. *) datatype ScrollDirection = SB_BOTTOM | SB_ENDSCROLL | SB_LINEDOWN | SB_LINEUP | SB_PAGEDOWN | SB_PAGEUP | SB_THUMBPOSITION | SB_THUMBTRACK | SB_TOP | SB_LEFT | SB_RIGHT | SB_LINELEFT | SB_LINERIGHT | SB_PAGELEFT | SB_PAGERIGHT local val tab = [ (SB_LINEUP, 0w0: word), (SB_LINELEFT, 0w0), (SB_LINEDOWN, 0w1), (SB_LINERIGHT, 0w1), (SB_PAGEUP, 0w2), (SB_PAGELEFT, 0w2), (SB_PAGEDOWN, 0w3), (SB_PAGERIGHT, 0w3), (SB_THUMBPOSITION, 0w4), (SB_THUMBTRACK, 0w5), (SB_TOP, 0w6), (SB_LEFT, 0w6), (SB_BOTTOM, 0w7), (SB_RIGHT, 0w7), (SB_ENDSCROLL, 0w8) ] in val (toCsd, fromCsd) = tableLookup(tab, NONE) end (* This is a bit of a mess. Various operations take or return handles to these types of image and also take this value as a parameter. *) datatype ImageType = IMAGE_BITMAP | IMAGE_CURSOR | IMAGE_ENHMETAFILE | IMAGE_ICON local val tab = [ (IMAGE_BITMAP, 0), (IMAGE_ICON, 1), (IMAGE_CURSOR, 2), (IMAGE_ENHMETAFILE, 3) ] in val (toCit, fromCit) = tableLookup(tab, NONE) end val (toCcbf, fromCcbf) = clipLookup datatype MouseKeyFlags = MK_LBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON | MK_SHIFT | MK_CONTROL | MK_MBUTTON local val tab = [ (MK_LBUTTON, 0wx0001), (MK_RBUTTON, 0wx0002), (MK_SHIFT, 0wx0004), (MK_CONTROL, 0wx0008), (MK_MBUTTON, 0wx0010) ] in val (toCmkf, fromCmkf) = tableSetLookup(tab, NONE) end datatype MDITileFlags = MDITILE_VERTICAL | MDITILE_HORIZONTAL | MDITILE_SKIPDISABLED local val tab = [ (MDITILE_VERTICAL, 0wx0000), (MDITILE_HORIZONTAL, 0wx0001), (MDITILE_SKIPDISABLED, 0wx0002) ] in val (toCmdif, fromCmdif) = tableSetLookup(tab, NONE) end datatype WMPrintOption = PRF_CHECKVISIBLE | PRF_NONCLIENT | PRF_CLIENT | PRF_ERASEBKGND | PRF_CHILDREN | PRF_OWNED local val tab = [ (PRF_CHECKVISIBLE, 0wx00000001), (PRF_NONCLIENT, 0wx00000002), (PRF_CLIENT, 0wx00000004), (PRF_ERASEBKGND, 0wx00000008), (PRF_CHILDREN, 0wx00000010), (PRF_OWNED, 0wx00000020) ] in val (toCwmpl, fromCwmpl) = tableSetLookup(tab, NONE) end val (toCcbal, fromCcbal) = ComboBase.CBDIRATTRS val (toCesbf, fromCesbf) = ScrollBase.ENABLESCROLLBARFLAG (*fun itob i = i <> 0*) (* These deal with signed quantities. LOWORD/HIWORD deal with words *) local val shift32 = Word.fromInt(SysWord.wordSize-32) and shift16 = Word.fromInt(SysWord.wordSize-16) open SysWord infix 5 << ~>> infix 7 andb infix 6 orb (* Y is the high order word, X is the low order word. *) in fun getYLParam (i: SysWord.word) = toIntX((i << shift32) ~>> shift16) and getXLParam (i: SysWord.word) = toIntX((i << shift16) ~>> shift16) fun makeXYParam (x, y) = ((fromInt y andb 0wxffff) << 0w16) orb (fromInt x andb 0wxffff) end in type flags = WinBase.Style.flags and WindowPositionStyle = WinBase.WindowPositionStyle datatype ControlType = datatype ControlType datatype ScrollDirection = datatype ScrollDirection datatype HitTest = HTBORDER | HTBOTTOM | HTBOTTOMLEFT | HTBOTTOMRIGHT | HTCAPTION | HTCLIENT | HTCLOSE | HTERROR | HTGROWBOX | HTHELP | HTHSCROLL | HTLEFT | HTMENU | HTMAXBUTTON | HTMINBUTTON | HTNOWHERE | HTREDUCE | HTRIGHT | HTSIZE | HTSYSMENU | HTTOP | HTTOPLEFT | HTTOPRIGHT | HTTRANSPARENT | HTVSCROLL | HTZOOM datatype LRESULT = LRESINT of int | LRESHANDLE of HGDIOBJ datatype ImageType = datatype ImageType (* WM_SIZE options. *) datatype WMSizeOptions = SIZE_RESTORED | SIZE_MINIMIZED | SIZE_MAXIMIZED | SIZE_MAXSHOW | SIZE_MAXHIDE local val tab = [ (SIZE_RESTORED, 0w0: SysWord.word), (SIZE_MINIMIZED, 0w1), (SIZE_MAXIMIZED, 0w2), (SIZE_MAXSHOW, 0w3), (SIZE_MAXHIDE, 0w4) ] in val (fromWMSizeOpt, toWMSizeOpt) = tableLookup(tab, NONE) end (* WM_ACTIVATE options *) datatype WMActivateOptions = WA_INACTIVE | WA_ACTIVE | WA_CLICKACTIVE local val tab = [ (WA_INACTIVE, 0w0: word), (WA_ACTIVE, 0w1), (WA_CLICKACTIVE, 0w2) ] in val (fromWMactive, toWMactive) = tableLookup(tab, NONE) end datatype SystemCommand = SC_SIZE | SC_MOVE | SC_MINIMIZE | SC_MAXIMIZE | SC_NEXTWINDOW | SC_PREVWINDOW | SC_CLOSE | SC_VSCROLL | SC_HSCROLL | SC_MOUSEMENU | SC_KEYMENU | SC_ARRANGE | SC_RESTORE | SC_TASKLIST | SC_SCREENSAVE | SC_HOTKEY | SC_DEFAULT | SC_MONITORPOWER | SC_CONTEXTHELP | SC_SEPARATOR local val tab = [ (SC_SIZE, 0xF000), (SC_MOVE, 0xF010), (SC_MINIMIZE, 0xF020), (SC_MAXIMIZE, 0xF030), (SC_NEXTWINDOW, 0xF040), (SC_PREVWINDOW, 0xF050), (SC_CLOSE, 0xF060), (SC_VSCROLL, 0xF070), (SC_HSCROLL, 0xF080), (SC_MOUSEMENU, 0xF090), (SC_KEYMENU, 0xF100), (SC_ARRANGE, 0xF110), (SC_RESTORE, 0xF120), (SC_TASKLIST, 0xF130), (SC_SCREENSAVE, 0xF140), (SC_HOTKEY, 0xF150), (SC_DEFAULT, 0xF160), (SC_MONITORPOWER, 0xF170), (SC_CONTEXTHELP, 0xF180)] in val (fromSysCommand, toSysCommand) = tableLookup(tab, NONE) end datatype EMCharFromPos = EMcfpEdit of POINT | EMcfpRichEdit of POINT | EMcfpUnknown of SysWord.word datatype WMPrintOption = datatype WMPrintOption (* Parameters to EM_SETMARGINS. *) datatype MarginSettings = UseFontInfo | Margins of {left: int option, right: int option } datatype MouseKeyFlags = datatype MouseKeyFlags datatype MDITileFlags = datatype MDITileFlags (* TODO: Perhaps use a record for this. It's always possible to use functions from Word32 though. *) type KeyData = Word32.word datatype Notification = datatype Notification datatype HelpHandle = datatype HelpHandle local val tab = [ (HTBORDER, 18), (HTBOTTOM, 15), (HTBOTTOMLEFT, 16), (HTBOTTOMRIGHT, 17), (HTCAPTION, 2), (HTCLIENT, 1), (HTCLOSE, 20), (HTERROR, ~2), (HTGROWBOX, 4), (HTHELP, 21), (HTHSCROLL, 6), (HTLEFT, 10), (HTMENU, 5), (HTMAXBUTTON, 9), (HTMINBUTTON, 8), (HTNOWHERE, 0), (HTREDUCE, 8), (HTRIGHT, 11), (HTSIZE, 4), (HTSYSMENU, 3), (HTTOP, 12), (HTTOPLEFT, 13), (HTTOPRIGHT, 14), (HTTRANSPARENT, ~1), (HTVSCROLL, 7), (HTZOOM, 9) ] in val (fromHitTest, toHitTest) = tableLookup(tab, SOME(fn _ => HTERROR, fn _ => ~2)) (* Include default just in case a new value is added some time *) end type findReplaceFlags = FindReplaceFlags.flags type windowFlags = flags datatype Message = WM_NULL | WM_ACTIVATE of {active: WMActivateOptions, minimize: bool } (* Indicates a change in activation state *) | WM_ACTIVATEAPP of {active: bool, threadid: int } (* Notifies applications when a new task activates *) | WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME of { length: int, formatName: string ref} (* Retrieves the name of the clipboard format *) | WM_CANCELJOURNAL (* Notifies application when user cancels journaling *) | WM_CANCELMODE (* Notifies a Window to cancel internal modes *) | WM_CHANGECBCHAIN of { removed: HWND, next: HWND } (* Notifies clipboard viewer of removal from chain *) | WM_CHAR of {charCode: char, data: KeyData } (* Indicates the user pressed a character key *) | WM_CHARTOITEM of {key: int, caretpos: int, listbox: HWND } (* Provides list-box keystrokes to owner Window *) | WM_CHILDACTIVATE (* Notifies a child Window of activation *) (* This is WM_USER+1. It's only used in a GetFont dialogue box. | WM_CHOOSEFONT_GETLOGFONT of LOGFONT ref *) (* Retrieves LOGFONT structure for Font dialog box *) | WM_CLEAR (* Clears an edit control *) | WM_CLOSE (* System Close menu command was chosen *) | WM_COMMAND of {notifyCode: int, wId: int, control: HWND } (* Specifies a command message *) | WM_COMPAREITEM of (* Determines position of combo- or list-box item *) { controlid: int, ctlType: ControlType, ctlID: int, hItem: HWND, itemID1: int, itemData1: SysWord.word, itemID2: int, itemData2: SysWord.word } | WM_COPY (* Copies a selection to the clipboard *) | WM_CREATE of { instance: HINSTANCE, creation: Foreign.Memory.voidStar, menu: HMENU, parent: HWND, cy: int, cx: int, y: int, x: int, style: windowFlags, name: string, (* The class may be a string or an atom. *) class: ClassType, extendedstyle: int } (* Indicates a Window is being created *) | WM_CTLCOLORBTN of { displaycontext: HDC, button: HWND } (* Button is about to be drawn *) | WM_CTLCOLORDLG of { displaycontext: HDC, dialogbox: HWND } (* Dialog box is about to be drawn *) | WM_CTLCOLOREDIT of { displaycontext: HDC, editcontrol: HWND } (* Control is about to be drawn *) | WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX of { displaycontext: HDC, listbox: HWND } (* List box is about to be drawn *) | WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX of { displaycontext: HDC, messagebox: HWND } (* Message box is about to be drawn *) | WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR of { displaycontext: HDC, scrollbar: HWND } (* Indicates scroll bar is about to be drawn *) | WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC of { displaycontext: HDC, staticcontrol: HWND } (* Control is about to be drawn *) (* Note the return value is an HBRUSH *) | WM_CUT (* Deletes a selection and copies it to the clipboard *) | WM_DEADCHAR of { charCode: char, data: KeyData } (* Indicates the user pressed a dead key *) | WM_DELETEITEM of { senderId: int, ctlType: ControlType, ctlID: int, itemID: int, item: HWND, itemData: int } (* Indicates owner-draw item or control was altered *) | WM_DESTROY (* Indicates Window is about to be destroyed *) | WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD (* Notifies owner that the clipboard was emptied *) | WM_DEVMODECHANGE of { devicename: string } (* Indicates the device-mode settings have changed *) | WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD (* Indicates the clipboard's contents have changed *) | WM_DRAWITEM of { senderId: int, ctlType: ControlType, ctlID: int, itemID: int, itemAction: int, itemState: int, hItem: HWND , hDC: HDC, rcItem: RECT, itemData: int } (* Indicates owner-draw control/menu needs redrawing *) | WM_DROPFILES of { hDrop: HDROP } (* Indicates that a file has been dropped *) | WM_ENABLE of { enabled: bool } (* Indicates a Window's enable state is changing *) | WM_ENDSESSION of { endsession: bool } (* Indicates whether the Windows session is ending *) | WM_ENTERIDLE of { flag: int, window: HWND } (* Indicates a modal dialog box or menu is idle *) | WM_ENTERMENULOOP of { istrack: bool } (* Indicates entry into menu modal loop *) | WM_EXITMENULOOP of { istrack: bool } (* Indicates exit from menu modal loop *) | WM_ERASEBKGND of { devicecontext: HDC } (* Indicates a Window's background need erasing *) | WM_FONTCHANGE (* Indicates a change in the font-resource pool *) | WM_GETDLGCODE (* Allows dialog procedure to process control input TODO: This has parameters! *) | WM_GETFONT (* Retrieves the font that a control is using *) | WM_GETHOTKEY (* Gets the virtual-key code of a Window's hot key *) | WM_GETMINMAXINFO of { maxSize: POINT ref, maxPosition: POINT ref, minTrackSize: POINT ref, maxTrackSize: POINT ref } (* Gets minimum and maximum sizing information *) | WM_GETTEXT of { length: int, text: string ref } (* Gets the text that corresponds to a Window *) | WM_GETTEXTLENGTH (* Gets length of text associated with a Window *) | WM_HOTKEY of { id: int } (* Hot key has been detected *) | WM_HSCROLL of { value: ScrollDirection, position: int, scrollbar: HWND } (* Indicates a click in a horizontal scroll bar *) | WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD of { viewer: HWND, code: int, position: int } (* Prompts owner to scroll clipboard contents *) | WM_ICONERASEBKGND of { devicecontext: HDC } (* Notifies minimized Window to fill icon background *) | WM_INITDIALOG of { dialog: HWND, initdata: int } (* Initializes a dialog box *) | WM_INITMENU of { menu: HMENU } (* Indicates a menu is about to become active *) | WM_INITMENUPOPUP of { menupopup: HMENU, itemposition: int, isSystemMenu: bool } (* Indicates a pop-up menu is being created *) | WM_KEYDOWN of { virtualKey: int, data: KeyData } (* Indicates a nonsystem key was pressed *) | WM_KEYUP of { virtualKey: int, data: KeyData } (* Indicates a nonsystem key was released *) | WM_KILLFOCUS of { receivefocus: HWND } (* Indicates the Window is losing keyboard focus *) | WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK of { keyflags: MouseKeyFlags list, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates double-click of left button *) | WM_LBUTTONDOWN of { keyflags: MouseKeyFlags list, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates when left mouse button is pressed *) | WM_LBUTTONUP of { keyflags: MouseKeyFlags list, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates when left mouse button is released *) | WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK of { keyflags: MouseKeyFlags list, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates double-click of middle mouse button *) | WM_MBUTTONDOWN of { keyflags: MouseKeyFlags list, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates when middle mouse button is pressed *) | WM_MBUTTONUP of { keyflags: MouseKeyFlags list, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates when middle mouse button is released *) | WM_MDICASCADE of { skipDisabled: bool } (* Arranges MDI child Windows in cascade format *) | WM_MDICREATE of { class: ClassType, title: string, instance: HINSTANCE, x: int, y: int, cx: int, cy: int, style: int, cdata: int } (* Prompts MDI client to create a child Window *) | WM_MDIDESTROY of { child: HWND } (* Closes an MDI child Window *) | WM_MDIGETACTIVE (* Retrieves data about the active MDI child Window *) | WM_MDIICONARRANGE (* Arranges minimized MDI child Windows *) | WM_MDIMAXIMIZE of { child: HWND } (* Maximizes an MDI child Window *) | WM_MDINEXT of { child: HWND, flagnext: bool } (* Activates the next MDI child Window *) | WM_MDIREFRESHMENU (* Refreshes an MDI frame Window's menu *) | WM_MDIRESTORE of { child: HWND } (* Prompts MDI client to restore a child Window *) | WM_MDISETMENU of { frameMenu: HMENU, windowMenu: HMENU } (* Replaces an MDI frame Window's menu *) | WM_MDITILE of { tilingflag: MDITileFlags list } (* Arranges MDI child Windows in tiled format *) | WM_MEASUREITEM of { senderId: int, ctlType: ControlType, ctlID: int, itemID: int, itemWidth: int ref, itemHeight: int ref, itemData: int } (* Requests dimensions of owner-draw control or item *) | WM_MENUCHAR of { ch: char, menuflag: MenuBase.MenuFlag, menu: HMENU } (* Indicates an unknown menu mnemonic was pressed *) | WM_MENUSELECT of { menuitem: int, menuflags: MenuBase.MenuFlag list, menu: HMENU } (* Indicates that the user selected a menu item *) | WM_MOUSEACTIVATE of { parent: HWND, hitTest: HitTest, message: int } (* Indicates a mouse click in an inactive Window *) | WM_MOUSEMOVE of { keyflags: MouseKeyFlags list, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates mouse-cursor movement *) | WM_MOUSEHOVER of { keyflags: MouseKeyFlags list, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates the mouse hovering in the client area *) | WM_MOUSELEAVE (* Indicates the mouse leaving the client area *) | WM_MOVE of { x: int, y: int } (* Indicates a Window's position has changed *) | WM_NCACTIVATE of { active: bool } (* Changes the active state of nonclient area *) | WM_NCCALCSIZE of { validarea: bool, newrect: RECT ref, oldrect: RECT, oldclientarea: RECT, hwnd: HWND, insertAfter: HWND, x: int, y: int, cx: int, cy: int, style: WindowPositionStyle list} (* Calculates the size of a Window's client area *) | WM_NCCREATE of { instance: HINSTANCE, creation: Foreign.Memory.voidStar, menu: HMENU, parent: HWND, cy: int, cx: int, y: int, x: int, style: windowFlags, name: string, class: ClassType, extendedstyle: int } (* Indicates a Window's nonclient area being created *) | WM_NCDESTROY (* Indicates Window's nonclient area being destroyed *) | WM_NCHITTEST of { x: int, y: int } (* Indicates mouse-cursor movement *) | WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK of { hitTest: HitTest, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates nonclient left button double-click *) | WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN of { hitTest: HitTest, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates left button pressed in nonclient area *) | WM_NCLBUTTONUP of { hitTest: HitTest, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates left button released in nonclient area *) | WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK of { hitTest: HitTest, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates nonclient middle button double-click *) | WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN of { hitTest: HitTest, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates middle button pressed in nonclient area *) | WM_NCMBUTTONUP of { hitTest: HitTest, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates middle button released in nonclient area *) | WM_NCMOUSEMOVE of { hitTest: HitTest, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates mouse-cursor movement in nonclient area *) | WM_NCMOUSEHOVER of { hitTest: HitTest, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates the mouse hovering in the nonclient area *) | WM_NCMOUSELEAVE (* Indicates the mouse leaving the nonclient area *) | WM_NCPAINT of { region: HRGN } (* Indicates a Window's frame needs painting *) | WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK of { hitTest: HitTest, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates nonclient right button double-click *) | WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN of { hitTest: HitTest, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates right button pressed in nonclient area *) | WM_NCRBUTTONUP of { hitTest: HitTest, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates right button released in nonclient area *) | WM_NEXTDLGCTL of { control: int, handleflag: bool } (* Sets focus to different dialog box control *) | WM_PAINT (* Indicates a Window's client area need painting *) | WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD of { clipboard: HWND } (* Prompts owner to display clipboard contents *) | WM_PAINTICON (* Icon is about to be painted *) | WM_PALETTECHANGED of { palChg: HWND } (* Indicates the focus-Window realized its palette *) | WM_PALETTEISCHANGING of { realize: HWND } (* Informs Windows that palette is changing *) | WM_PARENTNOTIFY of { eventflag: int, idchild: int, value: int } (* Notifies parent of child-Window activity *) | WM_PASTE (* Inserts clipboard data into an edit control *) | WM_POWER of { powerevent: int } (* Indicates the system is entering suspended mode *) | WM_QUERYDRAGICON (* Requests a cursor handle for a minimized Window *) | WM_QUERYENDSESSION of { source: int } (* Requests that the Windows session be ended *) | WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE (* Allows a Window to realize its logical palette *) | WM_QUERYOPEN (* Requests that a minimized Window be restored *) | WM_QUEUESYNC (* Delimits CBT messages *) | WM_QUIT of { exitcode: int } (* Requests that an application be terminated *) | WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK of { keyflags: MouseKeyFlags list, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates double-click of right mouse button *) | WM_RBUTTONDOWN of { keyflags: MouseKeyFlags list, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates when right mouse button is pressed *) | WM_RBUTTONUP of { keyflags: MouseKeyFlags list, x: int, y: int } (* Indicates when right mouse button is released *) | WM_RENDERALLFORMATS (* Notifies owner to render all clipboard formats *) | WM_RENDERFORMAT of { format: ClipboardFormat } (* Notifies owner to render clipboard data *) | WM_SETCURSOR of { cursorwindow: HWND, hitTest: HitTest, mousemessage: int } (* Prompts a Window to set the cursor shape *) | WM_SETFOCUS of { losing: HWND } | WM_SETFONT of {font: HFONT, redrawflag: bool } | WM_SETHOTKEY of { virtualKey: int } | WM_SETREDRAW of { redrawflag: bool } | WM_SETTEXT of { text: string } | WM_SHOWWINDOW of { showflag: bool, statusflag: int } | WM_SIZE of { flag: WMSizeOptions, width: int, height: int } | WM_SIZECLIPBOARD of { viewer: HWND} | WM_SYSCHAR of { charCode: char, data: KeyData } | WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE | WM_SYSCOMMAND of { commandvalue: SystemCommand, sysBits: int, p: POINT } | WM_SYSDEADCHAR of { charCode: char, data: KeyData } | WM_SYSKEYDOWN of { virtualKey: int, data: KeyData } | WM_SYSKEYUP of { virtualKey: int, data: KeyData } | WM_TIMECHANGE (* Indicates the system time has been set *) | WM_TIMER of { timerid: int } | WM_UNDO | WM_SYSTEM_OTHER of { uMsg: int, wParam: SysWord.word, lParam: SysWord.word } | WM_USER of { uMsg: int, wParam: SysWord.word, lParam: SysWord.word } | WM_APP of { uMsg: int, wParam: SysWord.word, lParam: SysWord.word } | WM_REGISTERED of { uMsg: int, wParam: SysWord.word, lParam: SysWord.word } | WM_VKEYTOITEM of { virtualKey: int, caretpos: int, listbox: HWND } | WM_VSCROLL of { value: ScrollDirection, position: int, scrollbar: HWND } | WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD of { viewer: HWND, code: int, position: int } | WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED of { hwnd: HWND, front: HWND, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int, flags: WindowPositionStyle list } | WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING of { hwnd: HWND, front: HWND ref, x: int ref, y: int ref, width: int ref, height: int ref, flags: WindowPositionStyle list ref } | WM_NOTIFY of {from: HWND, idCtrl: int, idFrom: int, notification: Notification } | WM_CAPTURECHANGED of { newCapture: HWND } | WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE | WM_EXITSIZEMOVE | WM_PRINT of {hdc: HDC, flags: WMPrintOption list } | WM_PRINTCLIENT of {hdc: HDC, flags: WMPrintOption list } | WM_HELP of { ctrlId: int, itemHandle: HelpHandle, contextId: int, mousePos: POINT } | WM_GETICON of { big: bool } | WM_SETICON of { big: bool, icon: HICON } | WM_CONTEXTMENU of { hwnd: HWND, xPos: int, yPos: int } | WM_DISPLAYCHANGE of { bitsPerPixel: int, xScreen: int, yScreen: int } | EM_CANUNDO | EM_CHARFROMPOS of EMCharFromPos | EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER | EM_FMTLINES of {addEOL: bool} | EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE | EM_GETLIMITTEXT | EM_GETLINE of { lineNo: int, size: int, result: string ref } | EM_GETLINECOUNT | EM_GETMARGINS | EM_GETMODIFY | EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR | EM_GETRECT of {rect: RECT ref} | EM_GETSEL of {startPos: int ref, endPos: int ref} | EM_GETTHUMB | EM_LIMITTEXT of {limit: int} | EM_LINEFROMCHAR of {index: int} | EM_LINEINDEX of {line: int} | EM_LINELENGTH of {index: int} | EM_LINESCROLL of {xScroll: int, yScroll: int} | EM_POSFROMCHAR of {index: int} | EM_REPLACESEL of {canUndo: bool, text: string} | EM_SCROLL of {action: ScrollDirection} | EM_SCROLLCARET | EM_SETMARGINS of {margins: MarginSettings} | EM_SETMODIFY of { modified: bool } | EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR of { ch: char } | EM_SETREADONLY of { readOnly: bool } | EM_SETRECT of {rect: RECT} | EM_SETRECTNP of {rect: RECT} | EM_SETSEL of {startPos: int, endPos: int} | EM_SETTABSTOPS of {tabs: IntVector.vector} | EM_UNDO | BM_CLICK | BM_GETCHECK | BM_GETIMAGE of {imageType: ImageType} | BM_GETSTATE | BM_SETCHECK of {state: int} | BM_SETIMAGE of {image: HGDIOBJ, imageType: ImageType} | BM_SETSTATE of {highlight: bool } | BM_SETSTYLE of {redraw: bool, style: windowFlags} | CB_GETEDITSEL of {startPos: int ref, endPos: int ref} | CB_LIMITTEXT of {limit: int} | CB_SETEDITSEL of {startPos: int, endPos: int} | CB_ADDSTRING of { text: string } | CB_DELETESTRING of { index: int } | CB_GETCOUNT | CB_GETCURSEL | CB_DIR of { attrs: ComboBase.CBDirAttr list, fileSpec: string } | CB_GETLBTEXT of { index: int, length: int, text: string ref } | CB_GETLBTEXTLEN of { index: int } | CB_INSERTSTRING of { index: int, text: string } | CB_RESETCONTENT | CB_FINDSTRING of { indexStart: int, text: string } | CB_SELECTSTRING of { indexStart: int, text: string } | CB_SETCURSEL of { index: int } | CB_SHOWDROPDOWN of { show: bool } | CB_GETITEMDATA of { index: int } | CB_SETITEMDATA of { index: int, data: int } | CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT of { rect: RECT ref } | CB_SETITEMHEIGHT of { index: int, height: int } | CB_GETITEMHEIGHT of { index: int } | CB_SETEXTENDEDUI of { extended: bool } | CB_GETEXTENDEDUI | CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE | CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT of { indexStart: int, text: string } | CB_SETLOCALE of { locale: int } | CB_GETLOCALE | CB_GETTOPINDEX | CB_SETTOPINDEX of { index: int } | CB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT | CB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT of { extent: int } | CB_GETDROPPEDWIDTH | CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH of { width: int } | CB_INITSTORAGE of { items: int, bytes: int } | LB_ADDSTRING of { text: string } | LB_INSERTSTRING of { index: int, text: string } | LB_DELETESTRING of { index: int } | LB_SELITEMRANGEEX of { first: int, last: int } | LB_RESETCONTENT | LB_SETSEL of { select: bool, index: int } | LB_SETCURSEL of { index: int } | LB_GETSEL of { index: int } | LB_GETCURSEL | LB_GETTEXT of { index: int, length: int, text: string ref } | LB_GETTEXTLEN of { index: int } | LB_GETCOUNT | LB_SELECTSTRING of { indexStart: int, text: string } | LB_DIR of { attrs: ComboBase.CBDirAttr list, fileSpec: string } | LB_GETTOPINDEX | LB_FINDSTRING of { indexStart: int, text: string } | LB_GETSELCOUNT | LB_GETSELITEMS of { items: IntArray.array } | LB_SETTABSTOPS of { tabs: IntVector.vector } | LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT | LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT of { extent: int } | LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH of { column: int } | LB_ADDFILE of { fileName: string } | LB_SETTOPINDEX of { index: int } | LB_GETITEMRECT of { rect: RECT ref, index: int } | LB_GETITEMDATA of { index: int } | LB_SETITEMDATA of { index: int, data: int } | LB_SELITEMRANGE of { select: bool, first: int, last: int } | LB_SETANCHORINDEX of { index: int } | LB_GETANCHORINDEX | LB_SETCARETINDEX of { index: int, scroll: bool } | LB_GETCARETINDEX | LB_SETITEMHEIGHT of { index: int, height: int } | LB_GETITEMHEIGHT of { index: int } | LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT of { indexStart: int, text: string } | LB_SETLOCALE of { locale: int } (* Should be an abstract type? *) | LB_GETLOCALE (* Result will be the type used above. *) | LB_SETCOUNT of { items: int } | LB_INITSTORAGE of { items: int, bytes: int } | LB_ITEMFROMPOINT of { point: POINT } | STM_GETICON | STM_GETIMAGE of {imageType: ImageType} | STM_SETICON of {icon: HICON} | STM_SETIMAGE of {image: HGDIOBJ, imageType: ImageType} | SBM_SETPOS of { pos: int, redraw: bool } | SBM_GETPOS | SBM_SETRANGE of { minPos: int, maxPos: int } | SBM_SETRANGEREDRAW of { minPos: int, maxPos: int } | SBM_GETRANGE of { minPos: int ref, maxPos: int ref } | SBM_ENABLE_ARROWS of ScrollBase.enableArrows | SBM_SETSCROLLINFO of { info: ScrollBase.SCROLLINFO, options: ScrollBase.ScrollInfoOption list } | SBM_GETSCROLLINFO of { info: ScrollBase.SCROLLINFO ref, options: ScrollBase.ScrollInfoOption list } | FINDMSGSTRING of { flags: findReplaceFlags, findWhat: string, replaceWith: string } (* GetMessage and PeekMessage return these values. *) type MSG = { msg: Message, hwnd: HWND, time: Time.time, pt: {x: int, y: int} } type HGDIOBJ = HGDIOBJ and HWND = HWND and RECT = RECT and POINT = POINT and HMENU = HMENU and HICON = HICON and HINSTANCE = HINSTANCE and HDC = HDC and HFONT = HFONT and HRGN = HRGN and HDROP = HDROP and ClipboardFormat = ClipboardFormat and ClassType = ClassType and findReplaceFlags = FindReplaceFlags.flags and windowFlags = flags (* WM_MOUSEMOVE etc *) fun decompileMouseMove(constr, wp, lp) = let val lp32 = Word32.fromLargeWord lp in constr { keyflags = fromCmkf(Word32.fromLargeWord wp), x = Word.toInt(LOWORD lp32), y = Word.toInt(HIWORD lp32) } end fun compileMouseMove(code, { keyflags, x, y}) = (code, Word32.toLargeWord (toCmkf keyflags), Word32.toLargeWord(MAKELONG(Word.fromInt x, Word.fromInt y)), fn()=>()) local (* EM_GETSEL and CB_GETEDITSEL *) val {load=loadDword, store=storeDword, ctype={size=sizeDword, ...}, ...} = breakConversion cDWORD in fun compileGetSel(code, {startPos=ref s, endPos=ref e}) = let open Memory infix 6 ++ (* Allocate space for two DWORDs *) val mem = malloc(sizeDword * 0w2) val eAddr = mem ++ sizeDword val () = ignore(storeDword(mem, s)) (* Can ignore the results *) and () = ignore(storeDword(eAddr, e)) in (code, fromAddr mem, fromAddr eAddr, fn () => free mem) end and decompileGetSel{wp, lp} = let val s = loadDword(toAddr wp) and e = loadDword(toAddr lp) in {startPos = ref s, endPos=ref e} end (* Update ML from wp/lp values *) fun updateGetSelFromWpLp({startPos, endPos}, {wp, lp}) = ( startPos := loadDword(toAddr wp); endPos := loadDword(toAddr lp) ) (* Update wp/lp from ML *) and updateGetSelParms({wp, lp}, {startPos = ref s, endPos = ref e}) = ( ignore(storeDword(toAddr wp, s)); ignore(storeDword(toAddr lp, e)) ) end local (* EM_GETRECT and CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT. LB_GETITEMRECT and WM_NCCALCSIZE are similar *) val {load=loadRect, store=storeRect, ctype={size=sizeRect, ...}, ...} = breakConversion cRect in fun compileGetRect(code, wp, r) = let open Memory val mem = malloc sizeRect val () = ignore(storeRect(mem, r)) (* Can ignore the result *) in (code, wp, fromAddr mem, fn () => free mem) end and compileSetRect(code, rect) = let open Memory val mem = malloc sizeRect val () = ignore(storeRect(mem, rect)) in (code, 0w0, fromAddr mem, fn () => free mem) end (* These can be used for updating *) val fromCrect = loadRect (* For the moment *) and toCrect = ignore o storeRect end val hiWord = Word.toInt o HIWORD o Word32.fromLargeWord and loWord = Word.toInt o LOWORD o Word32.fromLargeWord (* Decode a received message. *) fun decompileMessage (0x0000, _: SysWord.word, _: SysWord.word) = WM_NULL | decompileMessage (0x0001, wp, lp) = WM_CREATE(decompileCreate{wp=wp, lp=lp}) | decompileMessage (0x0002, _, _) = WM_DESTROY | decompileMessage (0x0003, _, lp) = WM_MOVE { x = loWord lp, y = hiWord lp } | decompileMessage (0x0005, wp, lp) = WM_SIZE { flag = toWMSizeOpt wp, width = loWord lp, height = hiWord lp } | decompileMessage (0x0006, wp, _) = let val wp32 = Word32.fromLargeWord wp in WM_ACTIVATE { active = toWMactive (LOWORD wp32), minimize = HIWORD wp32 <> 0w0 } end | decompileMessage (0x0007, wp, _) = WM_SETFOCUS { losing = handleOfVoidStar(toAddr wp) } | decompileMessage (0x0008, wp, _) = WM_KILLFOCUS { receivefocus = handleOfVoidStar(toAddr wp) } | decompileMessage (0x000A, wp, _) = WM_ENABLE { enabled = wp <> 0w0 } | decompileMessage (0x000B, wp, _) = WM_SETREDRAW { redrawflag = wp <> 0w0 } | decompileMessage (0x000C, _, lp) = WM_SETTEXT { text = fromCstring(toAddr lp) } (* When the message arrives we don't know what the text is. *) | decompileMessage (0x000D, wp, _) = WM_GETTEXT { length = SysWord.toInt wp, text = ref "" } | decompileMessage ( 0x000E, _, _) = WM_GETTEXTLENGTH | decompileMessage ( 0x000F, _, _) = WM_PAINT | decompileMessage ( 0x0010, _, _) = WM_CLOSE | decompileMessage ( 0x0011, wp, _) = WM_QUERYENDSESSION { source = SysWord.toInt wp } | decompileMessage (0x0012, wp, _) = WM_QUIT {exitcode = SysWord.toInt wp } | decompileMessage ( 0x0013, _, _) = WM_QUERYOPEN | decompileMessage ( 0x0014, wp, _) = WM_ERASEBKGND { devicecontext = toHDC wp } | decompileMessage ( 0x0015, _, _) = WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE | decompileMessage ( 0x0016, wp, _) = WM_ENDSESSION { endsession = wp <> 0w0 } | decompileMessage ( 0x0018, wp, lp) = WM_SHOWWINDOW { showflag = wp <> 0w0, statusflag = SysWord.toInt lp } | decompileMessage ( 0x001B, _, lp) = WM_DEVMODECHANGE { devicename = fromCstring(toAddr lp) } (* "0x001B" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x001C, wp, lp) = WM_ACTIVATEAPP { active = wp <> 0w0, threadid = SysWord.toInt lp } (* "0x001C" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x001D, _, _) = WM_FONTCHANGE | decompileMessage ( 0x001E, _, _) = WM_TIMECHANGE (* "0x001E" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x001F, _, _) = WM_CANCELMODE (* "0x001F" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x0020, wp, lp) = WM_SETCURSOR { cursorwindow = toHWND wp, hitTest = toHitTest(loWord lp), mousemessage = hiWord lp } | decompileMessage ( 0x0021, wp, lp) = WM_MOUSEACTIVATE { parent = toHWND wp, hitTest = toHitTest(loWord lp), message = hiWord lp } | decompileMessage (0x0022, _, _) = WM_CHILDACTIVATE (* "0x0022" *) | decompileMessage (0x0023, _, _) = WM_QUEUESYNC (* "0x0023" *) | decompileMessage (0x0024, wp, lp) = WM_GETMINMAXINFO(decompileMinMax{lp=lp, wp=wp}) | decompileMessage ( 0x0026, _, _) = WM_PAINTICON | decompileMessage ( 0x0027, wp, _) = WM_ICONERASEBKGND { devicecontext = toHDC wp } (* "0x0027" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x0028, wp, lp) = WM_NEXTDLGCTL { control = SysWord.toInt wp, handleflag = lp <> 0w0 } (* "0x0028" *) | decompileMessage (0x002B, wp, lp) = let val (ctlType,ctlID,itemID,itemAction,itemState,hItem,hDC, rcItem,itemData) = toMLDrawItem lp in WM_DRAWITEM{ senderId = SysWord.toInt wp, ctlType = ctlType, ctlID = ctlID, itemID = itemID, itemAction = itemAction, itemState = itemState, hItem = hItem, hDC = hDC, rcItem = rcItem, itemData = itemData } end | decompileMessage (0x002C, wp, lp) = let val (ctlType,ctlID,itemID, itemWidth,itemHeight,itemData) = toMLMeasureItem lp in WM_MEASUREITEM { senderId = SysWord.toInt wp, ctlType = ctlType, ctlID = ctlID, itemID = itemID, itemWidth = ref itemWidth, itemHeight = ref itemHeight, itemData = itemData } end | decompileMessage (0x002D, wp, lp) = let val (ctlType,ctlID,itemID,hItem,itemData) = toMLDeleteItem lp in WM_DELETEITEM { senderId = SysWord.toInt wp, ctlType = ctlType, ctlID = ctlID, itemID = itemID, item = hItem, itemData = itemData } end | decompileMessage ( 0x002E, wp, lp) = WM_VKEYTOITEM { virtualKey = loWord wp, caretpos = hiWord wp, listbox = toHWND lp } (* "0x002E" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x002F, wp, lp) = WM_CHARTOITEM { key = loWord wp, caretpos = hiWord wp,listbox = toHWND lp } (* "0x002F" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x0030, wp, lp) = (* The definition of WM_SETFONT says that it is the low order word of lp that says whether the control should be redrawn immediately. *) WM_SETFONT { font = toHFONT wp, redrawflag = SysWord.andb(0wxffff, lp) <> 0w0 } (* "0x0030" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x0031, _, _) = WM_GETFONT (* "0x0031" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x0032, wp, _) = WM_SETHOTKEY { virtualKey = SysWord.toInt wp } (* "0x0032" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x0033, _, _) = WM_GETHOTKEY (* "0x0033" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x0037, _, _) = WM_QUERYDRAGICON (* "0x0037" *) | decompileMessage (0x0039, wp, lp) = let val (ctlType, ctlID, hItem, itemID1, itemData1, itemID2, itemData2, _) = toMLCompareItem lp in WM_COMPAREITEM { controlid = SysWord.toInt wp, ctlType = ctlType, ctlID = ctlID, hItem = hItem, itemID1 = itemID1, itemData1 = itemData1, itemID2 = itemID2, itemData2 = itemData2 } end | decompileMessage (0x0046, wp, lp) = WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING(cToMLWindowPosChanging{wp=wp, lp=lp}) | decompileMessage (0x0047, wp, lp) = WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED(cToMLWindowPosChanged{wp=wp, lp=lp}) | decompileMessage ( 0x0048, wp, _) = WM_POWER { powerevent = SysWord.toInt wp } (* "0x0048" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x004B, _, _) = WM_CANCELJOURNAL (* "0x004B" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x004E, wp, lp) = WM_NOTIFY(decompileNotify{wp=wp, lp=lp}) | decompileMessage ( 0x0053, wp, lp) = WM_HELP(decompileHelpInfo{wp=wp, lp=lp}) (* WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST 0x0050 WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE 0x0051 WM_TCARD 0x0052 WM_USERCHANGED 0x0054 WM_NOTIFYFORMAT 0x0055 NFR_ANSI 1 NFR_UNICODE 2 NF_QUERY 3 NF_REQUERY 4 WM_CONTEXTMENU 0x007B WM_STYLECHANGING 0x007C WM_STYLECHANGED 0x007D *) | decompileMessage ( 0x007B, wp, lp) = WM_CONTEXTMENU { hwnd = toHWND wp, xPos = loWord lp, yPos = hiWord lp} | decompileMessage ( 0x007E, wp, lp) = WM_DISPLAYCHANGE { bitsPerPixel = SysWord.toInt wp, xScreen = loWord lp, yScreen = hiWord lp} | decompileMessage ( 0x007F, wp, _) = WM_GETICON { big = SysWord.toInt wp = 1} | decompileMessage ( 0x0080, wp, lp) = WM_SETICON { big = SysWord.toInt wp = 1, icon = toHICON lp} | decompileMessage ( 0x0081, wp, lp) = WM_NCCREATE(decompileCreate{wp=wp, lp=lp}) | decompileMessage ( 0x0082, _, _) = WM_NCDESTROY | decompileMessage ( 0x0083, wp, lp) = WM_NCCALCSIZE(decompileNCCalcSize{wp=wp, lp=lp}) | decompileMessage ( 0x0084, _, lp) = WM_NCHITTEST { x = loWord lp, y = hiWord lp } (* "0x0084" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x0085, wp, _) = WM_NCPAINT { region = toHRGN wp } (* "0x0085" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x0086, wp, _) = WM_NCACTIVATE { active = wp <> 0w0 } (* "0x0086" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x0087, _, _) = WM_GETDLGCODE (* "0x0087" *) | decompileMessage ( 0x00A0, wp, lp) = WM_NCMOUSEMOVE { hitTest = toHitTest(SysWord.toInt wp), x = getXLParam lp, y = getYLParam lp } | decompileMessage ( 0x00A1, wp, lp) = WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN { hitTest = toHitTest(SysWord.toInt wp), x = getXLParam lp, y = getYLParam lp } | decompileMessage ( 0x00A2, wp, lp) = WM_NCLBUTTONUP { hitTest = toHitTest(SysWord.toInt wp), x = getXLParam lp, y = getYLParam lp } | decompileMessage ( 0x00A3, wp, lp) = WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK { hitTest = toHitTest(SysWord.toInt wp), x = getXLParam lp, y = getYLParam lp } | decompileMessage ( 0x00A4, wp, lp) = WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN { hitTest = toHitTest(SysWord.toInt wp), x = getXLParam lp, y = getYLParam lp } | decompileMessage ( 0x00A5, wp, lp) = WM_NCRBUTTONUP { hitTest = toHitTest(SysWord.toInt wp), x = getXLParam lp, y = getYLParam lp } | decompileMessage ( 0x00A6, wp, lp) = WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK { hitTest = toHitTest(SysWord.toInt wp), x = getXLParam lp, y = getYLParam lp } | decompileMessage ( 0x00A7, wp, lp) = WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN { hitTest = toHitTest(SysWord.toInt wp), x = getXLParam lp, y = getYLParam lp } | decompileMessage ( 0x00A8, wp, lp) = WM_NCMBUTTONUP { hitTest = toHitTest(SysWord.toInt wp), x = getXLParam lp, y = getYLParam lp } | decompileMessage ( 0x00A9, wp, lp) = WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK { hitTest = toHitTest(SysWord.toInt wp), x = getXLParam lp, y = getYLParam lp } (* Edit control messages *) | decompileMessage ( 0x00B0, wp, lp) = EM_GETSEL (decompileGetSel{wp=wp, lp=lp}) | decompileMessage ( 0x00B1, wp, lp) = EM_SETSEL { startPos = SysWord.toInt wp, endPos = SysWord.toInt lp } | decompileMessage ( 0x00B2, _, lp) = EM_GETRECT {rect = ref(fromCrect(toAddr lp))} | decompileMessage ( 0x00B3, _, lp) = EM_SETRECT { rect = fromCrect(toAddr lp) } | decompileMessage ( 0x00B4, _, lp) = EM_SETRECTNP { rect = fromCrect(toAddr lp) } | decompileMessage ( 0x00B5, wp, _) = EM_SCROLL{action = fromCsd(Word.fromLargeWord wp)} | decompileMessage ( 0x00B6, wp, lp) = EM_LINESCROLL{xScroll = SysWord.toInt wp, yScroll = SysWord.toInt lp} | decompileMessage ( 0x00B7, _, _) = EM_SCROLLCARET | decompileMessage ( 0x00B8, _, _) = EM_GETMODIFY | decompileMessage ( 0x00B9, wp, _) = EM_SETMODIFY{modified = wp <> 0w0} | decompileMessage ( 0x00BA, _, _) = EM_GETLINECOUNT | decompileMessage ( 0x00BB, wp, _) = EM_LINEINDEX {line = SysWord.toIntX (* -1 = current line *) wp} (* EM_SETHANDLE 0x00BC *) | decompileMessage ( 0x00BE, _, _) = EM_GETTHUMB | decompileMessage ( 0x00C1, wp, _) = EM_LINELENGTH {index = SysWord.toIntX (* May be -1 *) wp} | decompileMessage ( 0x00C2, wp, lp) = EM_REPLACESEL {canUndo = wp <> 0w0, text = fromCstring(toAddr lp)} | decompileMessage ( 0x00C4, wp, lp) = EM_GETLINE(decompileGetLine{wp=wp, lp=lp}) | decompileMessage ( 0x00C5, wp, _) = EM_LIMITTEXT {limit = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage ( 0x00C6, _, _) = EM_CANUNDO | decompileMessage ( 0x00C7, _, _) = EM_UNDO | decompileMessage ( 0x00C8, wp, _) = EM_FMTLINES{addEOL = wp <> 0w0} | decompileMessage ( 0x00C9, wp, _) = EM_LINEFROMCHAR{index = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage ( 0x00CB, wp, lp) = EM_SETTABSTOPS{tabs=decompileTabStops{wp=wp, lp=lp}} | decompileMessage ( 0x00CC, wp, _) = EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR{ch = chr (SysWord.toInt wp)} | decompileMessage ( 0x00CD, _, _) = EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER | decompileMessage ( 0x00CE, _, _) = EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE | decompileMessage ( 0x00CF, wp, _) = EM_SETREADONLY{readOnly = wp <> 0w0} (* EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC 0x00D0 EM_GETWORDBREAKPROC 0x00D1 *) | decompileMessage (0x00D2, _, _) = EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR | decompileMessage (0x00D3, wp, lp) = if wp = 0wxffff then EM_SETMARGINS{margins=UseFontInfo} else let val left = if SysWord.andb(wp, 0w1) <> 0w0 then SOME(loWord lp) else NONE val right = if SysWord.andb(wp, 0w2) <> 0w0 then SOME(hiWord lp) else NONE in EM_SETMARGINS{margins=Margins{left=left, right=right}} end | decompileMessage (0x00D4, _, _) = EM_GETMARGINS | decompileMessage (0x00D5, _, _) = EM_GETLIMITTEXT | decompileMessage (0x00D6, wp, _) = EM_POSFROMCHAR {index = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x00D7, _, lp) = (* The value in lParam is different depending on whether this is an edit control or a rich edit control. Since we don't know we just pass the lp value. *) EM_CHARFROMPOS(EMcfpUnknown lp) (* Scroll bar messages *) | decompileMessage (0x00E0, wp, lp) = SBM_SETPOS {pos = SysWord.toInt wp, redraw = lp <> 0w0} | decompileMessage (0x00E1, _, _) = SBM_GETPOS | decompileMessage (0x00E2, wp, lp) = SBM_SETRANGE {minPos = SysWord.toInt wp, maxPos = SysWord.toInt lp} | decompileMessage (0x00E6, wp, lp) = SBM_SETRANGEREDRAW {minPos = SysWord.toInt wp, maxPos = SysWord.toInt lp} | decompileMessage (0x00E3, wp, lp) = SBM_GETRANGE { minPos = ref(loadInt(toAddr wp)), maxPos = ref(loadInt(toAddr lp)) } | decompileMessage (0x00E4, wp, _) = SBM_ENABLE_ARROWS(fromCesbf(SysWord.toInt wp)) | decompileMessage (0x00E9, _, lp) = let val (info, options) = toScrollInfo lp in SBM_SETSCROLLINFO{ info = info, options = options } end | decompileMessage (0x00EA, _, lp) = let (* The values may not be correct at this point but the mask should have been set. *) val (info, options) = toScrollInfo lp in SBM_GETSCROLLINFO{ info = ref info, options = options } end (* Button control messages *) | decompileMessage (0x00F0, _, _) = BM_GETCHECK | decompileMessage (0x00F1, wp, _) = BM_SETCHECK{state = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x00F2, _, _) = BM_GETSTATE | decompileMessage (0x00F3, wp, _) = BM_SETSTATE{highlight = SysWord.toInt wp <> 0} | decompileMessage (0x00F4, wp, lp) = BM_SETSTYLE{redraw = SysWord.toInt lp <> 0, style = Style.fromWord wp} | decompileMessage (0x00F5, _, _) = BM_CLICK | decompileMessage (0x00F6, wp, _) = BM_GETIMAGE{imageType = fromCit(SysWord.toInt wp)} | decompileMessage (0x00F7, wp, lp) = BM_SETIMAGE{imageType = fromCit (SysWord.toInt wp), image = toHGDIOBJ lp} | decompileMessage (0x0100, wp, lp) = WM_KEYDOWN { virtualKey = SysWord.toInt wp, data = Word32.fromLargeWord lp } | decompileMessage (0x0101, wp, lp) = WM_KEYUP { virtualKey = SysWord.toInt wp, data = Word32.fromLargeWord lp } | decompileMessage (0x0102, wp, lp) = WM_CHAR { charCode = chr (SysWord.toInt wp), data = Word32.fromLargeWord lp } | decompileMessage (0x0103, wp, lp) = WM_DEADCHAR { charCode = chr (SysWord.toInt wp), data = Word32.fromLargeWord lp } | decompileMessage (0x0104, wp, lp) = WM_SYSKEYDOWN { virtualKey = SysWord.toInt wp, data = Word32.fromLargeWord lp } | decompileMessage (0x0105, wp, lp) = WM_SYSKEYUP { virtualKey = SysWord.toInt wp, data = Word32.fromLargeWord lp } | decompileMessage (0x0106, wp, lp) = WM_SYSCHAR { charCode = chr (SysWord.toInt wp), data = Word32.fromLargeWord lp } | decompileMessage (0x0107, wp, lp) = WM_SYSDEADCHAR { charCode = chr (SysWord.toInt wp), data = Word32.fromLargeWord lp } (* WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION 0x010D WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION 0x010E WM_IME_COMPOSITION 0x010F WM_IME_KEYLAST 0x010F *) | decompileMessage (0x0110, wp, lp) = WM_INITDIALOG { dialog = toHWND wp, initdata = SysWord.toInt lp } (* "0x0110" *) | decompileMessage (0x0111, wp, lp) = let val wp32 = Word32.fromLargeWord wp in WM_COMMAND { notifyCode = Word.toInt(HIWORD wp32), wId = Word.toInt(LOWORD wp32), control = toHWND lp } end | decompileMessage (0x0112, wp, lp) = WM_SYSCOMMAND { commandvalue = toSysCommand(SysWord.toInt(SysWord.andb(wp, 0wxFFF0))), sysBits = SysWord.toInt(SysWord.andb(wp, 0wxF)), p = {x= getXLParam lp, y= getYLParam lp}} | decompileMessage (0x0113, wp, _) = WM_TIMER { timerid = SysWord.toInt wp } (* "0x0113" *) | decompileMessage (0x0114, wp, lp) = WM_HSCROLL { value = fromCsd(LOWORD(Word32.fromLargeWord wp)), position = hiWord wp, scrollbar = toHWND lp } (* "0x0114" *) | decompileMessage (0x0115, wp, lp) = WM_VSCROLL { value = fromCsd(LOWORD(Word32.fromLargeWord wp)), position = hiWord wp, scrollbar = toHWND lp } (* "0x0115" *) | decompileMessage (0x0116, wp, _) = WM_INITMENU { menu = toHMENU wp } (* "0x0116" *) | decompileMessage (0x0117, wp, lp) = WM_INITMENUPOPUP { menupopup = toHMENU wp, itemposition = loWord lp, isSystemMenu = hiWord lp <> 0 } (* "0x0117" *) | decompileMessage (0x011F, wp, lp) = let val wp32 = Word32.fromLargeWord wp in WM_MENUSELECT { menuitem = Word.toInt(LOWORD wp32), menuflags = MenuBase.toMenuFlagSet(Word32.fromLargeWord(Word.toLargeWord(Word.andb(HIWORD wp32, 0wxffff)))), menu = toHMENU lp } (* "0x011F" *) end | decompileMessage (0x0120, wp, lp) = let val wp32 = Word32.fromLargeWord wp in WM_MENUCHAR { ch = chr(Word.toInt(LOWORD wp32)), menuflag = (* Just a single flag *) MenuBase.toMenuFlag(Word32.fromLargeWord(Word.toLargeWord(Word.andb(HIWORD wp32, 0wxffff)))), menu= toHMENU lp } (* "0x0120" *) end | decompileMessage (0x0121, wp, lp) = WM_ENTERIDLE { flag = SysWord.toInt wp, window = toHWND lp } (* "0x0121" *) | decompileMessage (0x0132, wp, lp) = WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX { displaycontext = toHDC wp, messagebox = toHWND lp } (* "0x0132" *) | decompileMessage (0x0133, wp, lp) = WM_CTLCOLOREDIT { displaycontext = toHDC wp, editcontrol = toHWND lp } (* "0x0133" *) | decompileMessage (0x0134, wp, lp) = WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX { displaycontext = toHDC wp, listbox = toHWND lp } (* "0x0134" *) | decompileMessage (0x0135, wp, lp) = WM_CTLCOLORBTN { displaycontext = toHDC wp, button = toHWND lp }(* "0x0135" *) | decompileMessage (0x0136, wp, lp) = WM_CTLCOLORDLG { displaycontext = toHDC wp, dialogbox = toHWND lp } (* "0x0136" *) | decompileMessage (0x0137, wp, lp) = WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR { displaycontext = toHDC wp, scrollbar = toHWND lp } (* "0x0137" *) | decompileMessage (0x0138, wp, lp) = WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC { displaycontext = toHDC wp, staticcontrol = toHWND lp } (* "0x0138" *) (* Combobox messages. *) | decompileMessage (0x0140, wp, lp) = CB_GETEDITSEL (decompileGetSel{wp=wp, lp=lp}) | decompileMessage (0x0141, wp, _) = CB_LIMITTEXT {limit = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x0142, _, lp) = CB_SETEDITSEL { startPos = loWord lp, endPos = hiWord lp } | decompileMessage (0x0143, _, lp) = CB_ADDSTRING {text = fromCstring(toAddr lp) } | decompileMessage (0x0144, wp, _) = CB_DELETESTRING {index = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x0145, wp, lp) = CB_DIR {attrs = fromCcbal(Word32.fromLargeWord wp), fileSpec = fromCstring(toAddr lp) } | decompileMessage (0x0146, _, _) = CB_GETCOUNT | decompileMessage (0x0147, _, _) = CB_GETCURSEL | decompileMessage (0x0148, wp, _) = CB_GETLBTEXT { index = SysWord.toInt wp, length = 0, text = ref "" } | decompileMessage (0x0149, wp, _) = CB_GETLBTEXTLEN {index = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x014A, wp, lp) = CB_INSERTSTRING {text = fromCstring(toAddr lp), index = SysWord.toInt wp } | decompileMessage (0x014B, _, _) = CB_RESETCONTENT | decompileMessage (0x014C, wp, lp) = CB_FINDSTRING {text = fromCstring(toAddr lp), indexStart = SysWord.toInt wp } | decompileMessage (0x014D, wp, lp) = CB_SELECTSTRING {text = fromCstring(toAddr lp), indexStart = SysWord.toInt wp } | decompileMessage (0x014E, wp, _) = CB_SETCURSEL {index = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x014F, wp, _) = CB_SHOWDROPDOWN {show = wp <> 0w0} | decompileMessage (0x0150, wp, _) = CB_GETITEMDATA {index = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x0151, wp, lp) = CB_SETITEMDATA {index = SysWord.toInt wp, data = SysWord.toInt lp} | decompileMessage (0x0152, _, lp) = CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT {rect = ref(fromCrect(toAddr lp))} | decompileMessage (0x0153, wp, lp) = CB_SETITEMHEIGHT {index = SysWord.toInt wp, height = SysWord.toInt lp} | decompileMessage (0x0154, wp, _) = CB_GETITEMHEIGHT {index = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x0155, wp, _) = CB_SETEXTENDEDUI {extended = wp <> 0w0} | decompileMessage (0x0156, _, _) = CB_GETEXTENDEDUI | decompileMessage (0x0157, _, _) = CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE | decompileMessage (0x0158, wp, lp) = CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT {text = fromCstring(toAddr lp), indexStart = SysWord.toInt wp } | decompileMessage (0x0159, wp, _) = CB_SETLOCALE {locale = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x015A, _, _) = CB_GETLOCALE | decompileMessage (0x015b, _, _) = CB_GETTOPINDEX | decompileMessage (0x015c, wp, _) = CB_SETTOPINDEX {index = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x015d, _, _) = CB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT | decompileMessage (0x015e, wp, _) = CB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT {extent = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x015f, _, _) = CB_GETDROPPEDWIDTH | decompileMessage (0x0160, wp, _) = CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH {width = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x0161, wp, lp) = CB_INITSTORAGE {items = SysWord.toInt wp, bytes = SysWord.toInt lp} (* Static control messages. *) | decompileMessage (0x0170, wp, _) = STM_SETICON{icon = toHICON wp} | decompileMessage (0x0171, _, _) = STM_GETICON | decompileMessage (0x0172, wp, lp) = STM_SETIMAGE{imageType = fromCit(SysWord.toInt wp), image = toHGDIOBJ lp} | decompileMessage (0x0173, wp, _) = STM_GETIMAGE{imageType = fromCit(SysWord.toInt wp)} (* Listbox messages *) | decompileMessage (0x0180, _, lp) = LB_ADDSTRING {text = fromCstring(toAddr lp) } | decompileMessage (0x0181, wp, lp) = LB_INSERTSTRING {text = fromCstring(toAddr lp), index = SysWord.toInt wp } | decompileMessage (0x0182, wp, _) = LB_DELETESTRING {index = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x0183, wp, lp) = LB_SELITEMRANGEEX {first = SysWord.toInt wp, last = SysWord.toInt lp} | decompileMessage (0x0184, _, _) = LB_RESETCONTENT | decompileMessage (0x0185, wp, lp) = LB_SETSEL {select = wp <> 0w0, index = SysWord.toInt lp} | decompileMessage (0x0186, wp, _) = LB_SETCURSEL {index = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x0187, wp, _) = LB_GETSEL {index = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x0188, _, _) = LB_GETCURSEL | decompileMessage (0x0189, wp, _) = LB_GETTEXT { index = SysWord.toInt wp, length = 0, text = ref "" } | decompileMessage (0x018A, wp, _) = LB_GETTEXTLEN {index = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x018B, _, _) = LB_GETCOUNT | decompileMessage (0x018C, wp, lp) = LB_SELECTSTRING {text = fromCstring(toAddr lp), indexStart = SysWord.toInt wp } | decompileMessage (0x018D, wp, lp) = LB_DIR {attrs = fromCcbal(Word32.fromLargeWord wp), fileSpec = fromCstring(toAddr lp) } | decompileMessage (0x018E, _, _) = LB_GETTOPINDEX | decompileMessage (0x018F, wp, lp) = LB_FINDSTRING {text = fromCstring(toAddr lp), indexStart = SysWord.toInt wp } | decompileMessage (0x0190, _, _) = LB_GETSELCOUNT | decompileMessage (0x0191, wp, _) = LB_GETSELITEMS { items = IntArray.array(SysWord.toInt wp, ~1) } | decompileMessage (0x0192, wp, lp) = LB_SETTABSTOPS{tabs=decompileTabStops{wp=wp, lp=lp}} | decompileMessage (0x0193, _, _) = LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT | decompileMessage (0x0194, wp, _) = LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT {extent = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x0195, wp, _) = LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH {column = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x0196, _, lp) = LB_ADDFILE {fileName = fromCstring(toAddr lp) } | decompileMessage (0x0197, wp, _) = LB_SETTOPINDEX {index = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x0198, wp, lp) = LB_GETITEMRECT {index = SysWord.toInt wp, rect = ref(fromCrect(toAddr lp))} | decompileMessage (0x0199, wp, _) = LB_GETITEMDATA {index = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x019A, wp, lp) = LB_SETITEMDATA {index = SysWord.toInt wp, data = SysWord.toInt lp} | decompileMessage (0x019B, wp, lp) = LB_SELITEMRANGE {select = wp <> 0w0, first = loWord lp, last = hiWord lp} | decompileMessage (0x019C, wp, _) = LB_SETANCHORINDEX {index = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x019D, _, _) = LB_GETANCHORINDEX | decompileMessage (0x019E, wp, lp) = LB_SETCARETINDEX {index = SysWord.toInt wp, scroll = lp <> 0w0} | decompileMessage (0x019F, _, _) = LB_GETCARETINDEX | decompileMessage (0x01A0, wp, lp) = LB_SETITEMHEIGHT {index = SysWord.toInt wp, height = loWord lp} | decompileMessage (0x01A1, wp, _) = LB_GETITEMHEIGHT {index = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x01A2, wp, lp) = LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT {text = fromCstring(toAddr lp), indexStart = SysWord.toInt wp } | decompileMessage (0x01A5, wp, _) = LB_SETLOCALE {locale = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x01A6, _, _) = LB_GETLOCALE | decompileMessage (0x01A7, wp, _) = LB_SETCOUNT {items = SysWord.toInt wp} | decompileMessage (0x01A8, wp, lp) = LB_INITSTORAGE {items = SysWord.toInt wp, bytes = SysWord.toInt lp} | decompileMessage (0x01A9, _, lp) = LB_ITEMFROMPOINT {point = {x = loWord lp, y = hiWord lp }} | decompileMessage (0x0200, wp, lp) = decompileMouseMove(WM_MOUSEMOVE, wp, lp) | decompileMessage (0x0201, wp, lp) = decompileMouseMove(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, wp, lp) | decompileMessage (0x0202, wp, lp) = decompileMouseMove(WM_LBUTTONUP, wp, lp) | decompileMessage (0x0203, wp, lp) = decompileMouseMove(WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, wp, lp) | decompileMessage (0x0204, wp, lp) = decompileMouseMove(WM_RBUTTONDOWN, wp, lp) | decompileMessage (0x0205, wp, lp) = decompileMouseMove(WM_RBUTTONUP, wp, lp) | decompileMessage (0x0206, wp, lp) = decompileMouseMove(WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK, wp, lp) | decompileMessage (0x0207, wp, lp) = decompileMouseMove(WM_MBUTTONDOWN, wp, lp) | decompileMessage (0x0208, wp, lp) = decompileMouseMove(WM_MBUTTONUP, wp, lp) | decompileMessage (0x0209, wp, lp) = decompileMouseMove(WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK, wp, lp) (* WM_MOUSEWHEEL 0x020A *) | decompileMessage (0x0210, wp, lp) = WM_PARENTNOTIFY { eventflag = loWord wp, idchild = hiWord wp, value = SysWord.toInt lp } | decompileMessage (0x0211, wp, _) = WM_ENTERMENULOOP { istrack= wp <> 0w0 } (* "0x0211" *) | decompileMessage (0x0212, wp, _) = WM_EXITMENULOOP { istrack= wp <> 0w0 } (* "0x0212" *) (* WM_NEXTMENU 0x0213 WM_SIZING 0x0214 *) | decompileMessage (0x0215, _, lp) = WM_CAPTURECHANGED { newCapture = toHWND lp } (* WM_MOVING 0x0216 WM_POWERBROADCAST 0x0218 WM_DEVICECHANGE 0x0219 *) | decompileMessage (0x0220, _, lp) = let val (class, title, hinst, x,y,cx,cy, style, lParam) = toMdiCreate lp in WM_MDICREATE { class = class, title = title, instance = hinst, x = x, y = y, cx = cx, cy = cy, style = style, cdata = lParam } end | decompileMessage (0x0221, wp, _) = WM_MDIDESTROY { child = toHWND wp } (* "0x0221" *) | decompileMessage (0x0223, wp, _) = WM_MDIRESTORE { child = toHWND wp } (* "0x0223" *) | decompileMessage (0x0224, wp, lp) = WM_MDINEXT { child = toHWND wp, flagnext = lp <> 0w0 } (* "0x0224" *) | decompileMessage (0x0225, wp, _) = WM_MDIMAXIMIZE { child = toHWND wp } (* "0x0225" *) | decompileMessage (0x0226, wp, _) = WM_MDITILE { tilingflag = fromCmdif(Word32.fromLargeWord wp) } (* "0x0226" *) | decompileMessage (0x0227, wp, _) = WM_MDICASCADE { skipDisabled = IntInf.andb((SysWord.toInt wp), 2) <> 0 } | decompileMessage (0x0228, _, _) = WM_MDIICONARRANGE | decompileMessage (0x0229, _, _) = WM_MDIGETACTIVE | decompileMessage (0x0230, wp, lp) = WM_MDISETMENU { frameMenu = toHMENU wp, windowMenu = toHMENU lp } (* "0x0230" *) | decompileMessage (0x0231, _, _) = WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE | decompileMessage (0x0232, _, _) = WM_EXITSIZEMOVE | decompileMessage (0x0233, wp, _) = WM_DROPFILES { hDrop = toHDROP wp } | decompileMessage (0x0234, _, _) = WM_MDIREFRESHMENU (* "0x0234" *) (* WM_IME_SETCONTEXT 0x0281 WM_IME_NOTIFY 0x0282 WM_IME_CONTROL 0x0283 WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL 0x0284 WM_IME_SELECT 0x0285 WM_IME_CHAR 0x0286 WM_IME_KEYDOWN 0x0290 WM_IME_KEYUP 0x0291 *) | decompileMessage (0x02A0, wp, lp) = WM_NCMOUSEHOVER { hitTest = toHitTest(SysWord.toInt wp), x = getXLParam lp, y = getYLParam lp } | decompileMessage (0x02A1, wp, lp) = decompileMouseMove(WM_MOUSEHOVER, wp, lp)(* "0x02A1" *) | decompileMessage (0x02A2, _, _) = WM_NCMOUSELEAVE (* "0x02A2" *) | decompileMessage (0x02A3, _, _) = WM_MOUSELEAVE (* "0x02A3" *) | decompileMessage (0x0300, _, _) = WM_CUT (* "0x0300" *) | decompileMessage (0x0301, _, _) = WM_COPY (* "0x0301" *) | decompileMessage (0x0302, _, _) = WM_PASTE (* "0x0302" *) | decompileMessage (0x0303, _, _) = WM_CLEAR (* "0x0303" *) | decompileMessage (0x0304, _, _) = WM_UNDO (* "0x0304" *) | decompileMessage (0x0305, wp, _) = WM_RENDERFORMAT { format = fromCcbf(SysWord.toInt wp) } (* "0x0305" *) | decompileMessage (0x0306, _, _) = WM_RENDERALLFORMATS (* "0x0306" *) | decompileMessage (0x0307, _, _) = WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD (* "0x0307" *) | decompileMessage (0x0308, _, _) = WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD (* "0x0308" *) | decompileMessage (0x0309, wp, _) = WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD { clipboard = toHWND wp } (* "0x0309" *) | decompileMessage (0x030A, wp, lp) = WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD { viewer = toHWND wp, code = loWord lp, position = hiWord lp } (* "0x030A" *) | decompileMessage (0x030B, _, lp) = WM_SIZECLIPBOARD { viewer = toHWND lp } (* "0x030B" *) (* The format name is inserted by the window procedure so any incoming message won't have the information. Indeed the buffer may not have been initialised. *) | decompileMessage (0x030C, wp, _) = WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME { length = SysWord.toInt wp, formatName = ref "" } | decompileMessage (0x030D, wp, lp) = WM_CHANGECBCHAIN { removed = toHWND wp, next = toHWND lp } | decompileMessage (0x030E, wp, lp) = WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD { viewer = toHWND wp, code = loWord lp, position = hiWord lp } (* "0x030E" *) | decompileMessage (0x030F, _, _) = WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE (* "0x030F" *) | decompileMessage (0x0310, wp, _) = WM_PALETTEISCHANGING { realize = toHWND wp } (* "0x0310" *) | decompileMessage (0x0311, wp, _) = WM_PALETTECHANGED { palChg = toHWND wp } (* "0x0311" *) | decompileMessage (0x0312, wp, _) = WM_HOTKEY { id = SysWord.toInt wp } (* "0x0312" *) | decompileMessage (0x0317, wp, lp) = WM_PRINT { hdc = toHDC wp, flags = fromCwmpl(Word32.fromLargeWord lp) } | decompileMessage (0x0318, wp, lp) = WM_PRINTCLIENT { hdc = toHDC wp, flags = fromCwmpl(Word32.fromLargeWord lp) } | decompileMessage (m, wp, lp) = (* User, application and registered messages. *) (* Rich edit controls use WM_USER+37 to WM_USER+122. As and when we implement rich edit controls we may want to treat those messages specially. *) if m >= 0x0400 andalso m <= 0x7FFF then WM_USER { uMsg = m, wParam = wp, lParam = lp } else if m >= 0x8000 andalso m <= 0xBFFF then WM_APP { uMsg = m, wParam = wp, lParam = lp } else if m >= 0x8000 andalso m <= 0xFFFF then ( (* We could use PolyML.OnEntry or use a weak byte ref to initialise the registered messages. *) if m = RegisterMessage "commdlg_FindReplace" then FINDMSGSTRING(decompileFindMsg{wp=wp, lp=lp}) else WM_REGISTERED { uMsg = m, wParam = wp, lParam = lp } ) else (* Other system messages. *) WM_SYSTEM_OTHER { uMsg = m, wParam = wp, lParam = lp } fun btoi false = 0 | btoi true = 1 fun makeLong(x, y) = Word32.toLargeWord(MAKELONG(Word.fromInt x, Word.fromInt y)) (* If we return a string we need to ensure it's freed *) fun compileStringAsLp(code, wp, string) = let val s = toCstring string in (code, wp, fromAddr s, fn () => Memory.free s) end (* Requests for strings. Many of these don't pass the length as an argument. *) fun compileStringRequest(code, wparam, length) = let open Memory val mem = malloc(Word.fromInt length) in (code, wparam, fromAddr mem, fn () => free mem) end fun strAddrAsLp(code, wp, (addr, free)) = (code, wp, addr, free) fun noFree () = () fun compileMessage WM_NULL = (0x0000, 0w0: SysWord.word, 0w0: SysWord.word, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_CREATE args) = compileCreate(0x0001, args) | compileMessage WM_DESTROY = (0x0002, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_MOVE {x, y}) = (0x0003, 0w0, makeLong(x, y), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_SIZE {flag, width, height}) = (0x0005, fromWMSizeOpt flag, makeLong(width, height), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_ACTIVATE {active, minimize}) = (0x0006, Word32.toLargeWord(MAKELONG(fromWMactive active, if minimize then 0w1 else 0w1)), 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_SETFOCUS {losing}) = (0x0007, 0w0, fromHWND losing, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_KILLFOCUS {receivefocus}) = (0x0008, 0w0, fromHWND receivefocus, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_ENABLE {enabled}) = (0x000A, if enabled then 0w1 else 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_SETREDRAW {redrawflag}) = (0x000B, if redrawflag then 0w1 else 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_SETTEXT {text}) = compileStringAsLp(0x000C, 0w0, text) | compileMessage (WM_GETTEXT {length, ...}) = compileStringRequest(0x000D, SysWord.fromInt length, length) | compileMessage WM_GETTEXTLENGTH = (0x000E, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_PAINT = (0x000F, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_CLOSE = (0x0010, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_QUERYENDSESSION { source}) = (0x0011, SysWord.fromInt source, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_QUIT {exitcode}) = (0x0012, SysWord.fromInt exitcode, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_QUERYOPEN = (0x0013, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_ERASEBKGND {devicecontext}) = (0x0014, 0w0, fromHDC devicecontext, noFree) | compileMessage WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE = (0x0015, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_ENDSESSION {endsession}) = (0x0016, SysWord.fromInt(btoi endsession), 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_SHOWWINDOW {showflag, statusflag}) = (0x0018, SysWord.fromInt(btoi showflag), SysWord.fromInt statusflag, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_DEVMODECHANGE {devicename}) = compileStringAsLp(0x001B, 0w0, devicename) | compileMessage (WM_ACTIVATEAPP {active, threadid}) = (0x001B, SysWord.fromInt(btoi active), SysWord.fromInt threadid, noFree) | compileMessage WM_FONTCHANGE = (0x001D, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_TIMECHANGE = (0x001E, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_CANCELMODE = (0x001F, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_SETCURSOR {cursorwindow, hitTest, mousemessage}) = (0x0020, fromHWND cursorwindow, makeLong(fromHitTest hitTest, mousemessage), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_MOUSEACTIVATE {parent, hitTest, message}) = (0x0021, fromHWND parent, makeLong(fromHitTest hitTest, message), noFree) | compileMessage WM_CHILDACTIVATE = (0x0022, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_QUEUESYNC = (0x0023, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage(WM_GETMINMAXINFO args) = compileMinMax(0x0024, args) | compileMessage WM_PAINTICON = (0x0026, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_ICONERASEBKGND {devicecontext}) = (0x0027, fromHDC devicecontext, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_NEXTDLGCTL {control, handleflag}) = (0x0028, SysWord.fromInt control, SysWord.fromInt(btoi handleflag), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_DRAWITEM { senderId, ctlType, ctlID, itemID, itemAction,itemState, hItem, hDC, rcItem, itemData}) = strAddrAsLp(0x002B, SysWord.fromInt senderId, fromMLDrawItem(ctlType, ctlID, itemID, itemAction,itemState, hItem, hDC,rcItem,itemData)) | compileMessage (WM_MEASUREITEM{ senderId, ctlType, ctlID, itemID, itemWidth=ref itemWidth, itemHeight=ref itemHeight, itemData}) = strAddrAsLp(0x002C, SysWord.fromInt senderId, fromMLMeasureItem(ctlType, ctlID, itemID, itemWidth, itemHeight, itemData)) | compileMessage (WM_DELETEITEM{ senderId, ctlType, ctlID, itemID, item, itemData}) = strAddrAsLp(0x002D, SysWord.fromInt senderId, fromMLDeleteItem(ctlType, ctlID, itemID, item, itemData)) | compileMessage (WM_VKEYTOITEM {virtualKey, caretpos, listbox}) = (0x002E, makeLong(virtualKey, caretpos), fromHWND listbox, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_CHARTOITEM {key, caretpos, listbox}) = (0x002F, makeLong(key, caretpos), fromHWND listbox, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_SETFONT {font, redrawflag}) = (0x0030, fromHFONT font, if redrawflag then 0w1 else 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_GETFONT = (0x0031, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_SETHOTKEY {virtualKey}) = (0x0032, SysWord.fromInt virtualKey, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_GETHOTKEY = (0x0033, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_QUERYDRAGICON = (0x0037, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_COMPAREITEM { controlid, ctlType, ctlID, hItem, itemID1,itemData1, itemID2,itemData2}) = let (* TODO: Perhaps we should have locale Id in the argument record. *) val LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT = 0x0400 in strAddrAsLp(0x0039, SysWord.fromInt controlid, fromMLCompareItem (ctlType, ctlID, hItem, itemID1, itemData1, itemID2, itemData2, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT)) end | compileMessage (WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING wpc) = mlToCWindowPosChanging(0x0046, wpc) | compileMessage (WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED wpc) = mlToCWindowPosChanged(0x0047, wpc) | compileMessage (WM_POWER {powerevent}) = (0x0048, SysWord.fromInt powerevent, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_CANCELJOURNAL = (0x004B, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_NOTIFY {idCtrl, from, idFrom, notification}) = strAddrAsLp (0x004E, SysWord.fromInt idCtrl, compileNotification(from, idFrom, notification)) (* WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST 0x0050 WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE 0x0051 WM_TCARD 0x0052 WM_USERCHANGED 0x0054 WM_NOTIFYFORMAT 0x0055 WM_STYLECHANGING 0x007C WM_STYLECHANGED 0x007D *) | compileMessage (WM_HELP args) = compileHelpInfo(0x0053, args) | compileMessage (WM_CONTEXTMENU { hwnd, xPos, yPos }) = (0x007B, fromHWND hwnd, makeLong(xPos, yPos), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_DISPLAYCHANGE { bitsPerPixel, xScreen, yScreen}) = (0x007E, SysWord.fromInt bitsPerPixel, makeLong(xScreen, yScreen), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_GETICON {big}) = (0x007F, SysWord.fromInt(btoi big), 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_SETICON { big, icon }) = (0x0080, SysWord.fromInt(btoi big), fromAddr(voidStarOfHandle icon), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_NCCREATE args) = compileCreate(0x0081, args) | compileMessage WM_NCDESTROY = (0x0082, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_NCCALCSIZE args) = compileNCCalcSize args | compileMessage (WM_NCHITTEST {x, y}) = (0x0084, 0w0, makeLong(x, y), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_NCPAINT {region}) = (0x0085, fromHRGN region, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_NCACTIVATE {active}) = (0x0086, SysWord.fromInt(btoi active), 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_GETDLGCODE = (0x0087, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_NCMOUSEMOVE {hitTest, x, y}) = (0x00A0, SysWord.fromInt(fromHitTest hitTest), makeXYParam(x, y), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN {hitTest, x, y}) = (0x00A1, SysWord.fromInt(fromHitTest hitTest), makeXYParam(x, y), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_NCLBUTTONUP {hitTest, x, y}) = (0x00A2, SysWord.fromInt(fromHitTest hitTest), makeXYParam(x, y), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK {hitTest, x, y}) = (0x00A3, SysWord.fromInt(fromHitTest hitTest), makeXYParam(x, y), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN {hitTest, x, y}) = (0x00A4, SysWord.fromInt(fromHitTest hitTest), makeXYParam(x, y), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_NCRBUTTONUP {hitTest, x, y}) = (0x00A5, SysWord.fromInt(fromHitTest hitTest), makeXYParam(x, y), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK {hitTest, x, y}) = (0x00A6, SysWord.fromInt(fromHitTest hitTest), makeXYParam(x, y), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN {hitTest, x, y}) = (0x00A7, SysWord.fromInt(fromHitTest hitTest), makeXYParam(x, y), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_NCMBUTTONUP {hitTest, x, y}) = (0x00A8, SysWord.fromInt(fromHitTest hitTest), makeXYParam(x, y), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK {hitTest, x, y}) = (0x00A9, SysWord.fromInt(fromHitTest hitTest), makeXYParam(x, y), noFree) (* Edit control messages *) | compileMessage (EM_GETSEL args) = compileGetSel(0x00B0, args) | compileMessage (EM_SETSEL{startPos, endPos}) = (0x00B1, SysWord.fromInt startPos, SysWord.fromInt endPos, noFree) | compileMessage (EM_GETRECT {rect=ref r}) = compileGetRect(0x00B2, 0w0, r) | compileMessage (EM_SETRECT {rect}) = compileSetRect(0x00B3, rect) | compileMessage (EM_SETRECTNP {rect}) = compileSetRect(0x00B4, rect) | compileMessage (EM_SCROLL{action}) = (0x00B5, Word.toLargeWord(toCsd action), 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (EM_LINESCROLL{xScroll, yScroll}) = (0x00B6, SysWord.fromInt xScroll, SysWord.fromInt yScroll, noFree) | compileMessage EM_SCROLLCARET = (0x00B7, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage EM_GETMODIFY = (0x00B8, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (EM_SETMODIFY{modified}) = (0x00B9, if modified then 0w1 else 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage EM_GETLINECOUNT = (0x00BA, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (EM_LINEINDEX{line}) = (0x00BB, SysWord.fromInt line, 0w0, noFree) (* EM_SETHANDLE 0x00BC *) | compileMessage EM_GETTHUMB = (0x00BE, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (EM_LINELENGTH{index}) = (0x00BB, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (EM_REPLACESEL{canUndo, text}) = compileStringAsLp(0x00C2, SysWord.fromInt(btoi canUndo), text) | compileMessage (EM_GETLINE args) = compileGetLine args | compileMessage (EM_LIMITTEXT{limit}) = (0x00C5, SysWord.fromInt limit, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage EM_CANUNDO = (0x00C6, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage EM_UNDO = (0x00C7, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (EM_FMTLINES{addEOL}) = (0x00C8, SysWord.fromInt(btoi addEOL), 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (EM_LINEFROMCHAR{index}) = (0x00C9, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (EM_SETTABSTOPS{tabs}) = compileTabStops(0x00CB, tabs) | compileMessage (EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR{ch}) = (0x00CC, SysWord.fromInt(ord ch), 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER = (0x00CD, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE = (0x00CE, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (EM_SETREADONLY{readOnly}) = (0x00CF, SysWord.fromInt(btoi readOnly), 0w0, noFree) (* EM_SETWORDBREAKPROC 0x00D0 EM_GETWORDBREAKPROC 0x00D1 *) | compileMessage EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR = (0x00D2, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (EM_SETMARGINS{margins}) = ( case margins of UseFontInfo => (0x00D3, SysWord.fromInt 0xffff, 0w0, noFree) | Margins{left, right} => let val (b0, lo) = case left of SOME l => (0w1, l) | NONE => (0w0, 0) val (b1, hi) = case right of SOME r => (0w2, r) | NONE => (0w0, 0) in (0x00D3, SysWord.orb(b0, b1), makeLong(hi,lo), noFree) end ) | compileMessage EM_GETMARGINS = (0x00D4, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) (* Returns margins in lResult *) | compileMessage EM_GETLIMITTEXT = (0x00D5, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (EM_POSFROMCHAR {index}) = (0x00D6, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (EM_CHARFROMPOS arg) = let val (lParam, toFree) = case arg of EMcfpEdit{x,y} => (makeLong(x, y), noFree) | EMcfpRichEdit pt => makePointStructAddr pt | EMcfpUnknown lp => (lp, noFree) in (0x00D7, 0w0, lParam, toFree) end (* Scroll bar messages *) | compileMessage (SBM_SETPOS {pos, redraw}) = (0x00E0, SysWord.fromInt pos, SysWord.fromInt(btoi redraw), noFree) | compileMessage SBM_GETPOS = (0x00E1, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (SBM_SETRANGE {minPos, maxPos}) = (0x00E2, SysWord.fromInt minPos, SysWord.fromInt maxPos, noFree) | compileMessage (SBM_SETRANGEREDRAW {minPos, maxPos}) = (0x00E6, SysWord.fromInt minPos, SysWord.fromInt maxPos, noFree) | compileMessage (SBM_GETRANGE _) = let (* An application should use GetScrollRange rather than sending this.*) open Memory (* We need to allocate two ints and pass their addresses *) val mem = malloc(0w2 * sizeInt) infix 6 ++ in (0x00E3, fromAddr mem, fromAddr(mem ++ sizeInt), fn () => free mem) end | compileMessage (SBM_ENABLE_ARROWS flags) = (0x00E4, SysWord.fromInt(toCesbf flags), 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (SBM_SETSCROLLINFO {info, options}) = strAddrAsLp(0x00E9, 0w0, fromScrollInfo(info, options)) | compileMessage (SBM_GETSCROLLINFO {info = ref info, options}) = strAddrAsLp(0x00EA, 0w0, fromScrollInfo(info, options)) (* Button control messages *) | compileMessage BM_GETCHECK = (0x00F0, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (BM_SETCHECK{state}) = (0x00F1, SysWord.fromInt state, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage BM_GETSTATE = (0x00F2, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (BM_SETSTATE{highlight}) = (0x00F3, SysWord.fromInt(btoi highlight), 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (BM_SETSTYLE{redraw, style}) = (0x00F3, SysWord.fromInt(LargeWord.toInt(Style.toWord style)), SysWord.fromInt(btoi redraw), noFree) | compileMessage BM_CLICK = (0x00F5, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (BM_GETIMAGE{imageType}) = (0x00F6, SysWord.fromInt(toCit imageType), 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (BM_SETIMAGE{imageType, image}) = (0x00F7, SysWord.fromInt(toCit imageType), fromHGDIOBJ image, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_KEYDOWN {virtualKey, data}) = (0x0100, SysWord.fromInt virtualKey, Word32.toLargeWord data, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_KEYUP {virtualKey, data}) = (0x0101, SysWord.fromInt virtualKey, Word32.toLargeWord data, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_CHAR {charCode, data}) = (0x0102, SysWord.fromInt(ord charCode), Word32.toLargeWord data, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_DEADCHAR {charCode, data}) = (0x0103, SysWord.fromInt(ord charCode), Word32.toLargeWord data, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_SYSKEYDOWN {virtualKey, data}) = (0x0104, SysWord.fromInt virtualKey, Word32.toLargeWord data, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_SYSKEYUP {virtualKey, data}) = (0x0105, SysWord.fromInt virtualKey, Word32.toLargeWord data, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_SYSCHAR {charCode, data}) = (0x0106, SysWord.fromInt(ord charCode), Word32.toLargeWord data, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_SYSDEADCHAR {charCode, data}) = (0x0107, SysWord.fromInt(ord charCode), Word32.toLargeWord data, noFree) (* WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION 0x010D WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION 0x010E WM_IME_COMPOSITION 0x010F WM_IME_KEYLAST 0x010F *) | compileMessage (WM_INITDIALOG { dialog, initdata}) = (0x0110, fromHWND dialog, SysWord.fromInt initdata, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_COMMAND {notifyCode, wId, control}) = (0x0111, makeLong(wId, notifyCode), fromHWND control, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_SYSCOMMAND {commandvalue, sysBits, p={x,y}}) = (0x0112, SysWord.fromInt(IntInf.orb(sysBits, fromSysCommand commandvalue)), makeLong(x,y), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_TIMER {timerid}) = (0x0113, SysWord.fromInt timerid, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_HSCROLL {value, position, scrollbar}) = (0x0114, makeLong(Word.toInt(toCsd value), position), fromHWND scrollbar, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_VSCROLL {value, position, scrollbar}) = (0x0115, makeLong(Word.toInt(toCsd value), position), fromHWND scrollbar, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_INITMENU {menu}) = (0x0116, fromHMENU menu, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_INITMENUPOPUP {menupopup, itemposition, isSystemMenu}) = (0x0117, fromHMENU menupopup, makeLong(itemposition, btoi isSystemMenu), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_MENUSELECT {menuitem, menuflags, menu}) = (0x011F, makeLong(menuitem, Word32.toInt(MenuBase.fromMenuFlagSet menuflags)), fromHMENU menu, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_MENUCHAR { ch, menuflag, menu}) = (0x0120, makeLong(ord ch, Word32.toInt(MenuBase.fromMenuFlag menuflag)), fromHMENU menu, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_ENTERIDLE { flag, window}) = (0x0121, SysWord.fromInt flag, fromHWND window, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX { displaycontext, messagebox}) = (0x0132, fromHDC displaycontext, fromHWND messagebox, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_CTLCOLOREDIT { displaycontext, editcontrol}) = (0x0133, fromHDC displaycontext, fromHWND editcontrol, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX { displaycontext, listbox}) = (0x0134, fromHDC displaycontext, fromHWND listbox, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_CTLCOLORBTN { displaycontext, button}) = (0x0135, fromHDC displaycontext, fromHWND button, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_CTLCOLORDLG { displaycontext, dialogbox}) = (0x0136, fromHDC displaycontext, fromHWND dialogbox, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR { displaycontext, scrollbar}) = (0x0137, fromHDC displaycontext, fromHWND scrollbar, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC { displaycontext, staticcontrol}) = (0x0138, fromHDC displaycontext, fromHWND staticcontrol, noFree) (* Combobox messages. *) | compileMessage (CB_GETEDITSEL args) = compileGetSel(0x0140, args) | compileMessage (CB_LIMITTEXT{limit}) = (0x0141, SysWord.fromInt limit, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (CB_SETEDITSEL{startPos, endPos}) = (0x0142, 0w0, makeLong(startPos, endPos), noFree) | compileMessage (CB_ADDSTRING{text}) = compileStringAsLp(0x0143, 0w0, text) | compileMessage (CB_DELETESTRING{index}) = (0x0144, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (CB_DIR{attrs, fileSpec}) = compileStringAsLp(0x0145, Word32.toLargeWord(toCcbal attrs), fileSpec) | compileMessage CB_GETCOUNT = (0x0146, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage CB_GETCURSEL = (0x0147, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (CB_GETLBTEXT {length, index, ...}) = compileStringRequest(0x0148, SysWord.fromInt index, length) | compileMessage (CB_GETLBTEXTLEN{index}) = (0x0149, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (CB_INSERTSTRING{text, index}) = compileStringAsLp(0x014A, SysWord.fromInt index, text) | compileMessage CB_RESETCONTENT = (0x014B, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (CB_FINDSTRING{text, indexStart}) = compileStringAsLp(0x014C, SysWord.fromInt indexStart, text) | compileMessage (CB_SELECTSTRING{text, indexStart}) = compileStringAsLp(0x014D, SysWord.fromInt indexStart, text) | compileMessage (CB_SETCURSEL{index}) = (0x014E, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (CB_SHOWDROPDOWN{show}) = (0x014F, SysWord.fromInt(btoi show), 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (CB_GETITEMDATA{index}) = (0x0150, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (CB_SETITEMDATA{index, data}) = (0x0151, SysWord.fromInt index, SysWord.fromInt data, noFree) | compileMessage (CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT {rect=ref rect}) = compileGetRect(0x0152, 0w0, rect) | compileMessage (CB_SETITEMHEIGHT{index, height}) = (0x0153, SysWord.fromInt index, SysWord.fromInt height, noFree) | compileMessage (CB_GETITEMHEIGHT{index}) = (0x0154, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (CB_SETEXTENDEDUI{extended}) = (0x0155, SysWord.fromInt(btoi extended), 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage CB_GETEXTENDEDUI = (0x0156, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE = (0x0157, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT{text, indexStart}) = compileStringAsLp(0x0158, SysWord.fromInt indexStart, text) | compileMessage (CB_SETLOCALE{locale}) = (0x0159, SysWord.fromInt locale, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage CB_GETLOCALE = (0x015A, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage CB_GETTOPINDEX = (0x015b, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (CB_SETTOPINDEX{index}) = (0x015c, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage CB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT = (0x015d, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (CB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT{extent}) = (0x015e, SysWord.fromInt extent, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage CB_GETDROPPEDWIDTH = (0x015f, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH{width}) = (0x0160, SysWord.fromInt width, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (CB_INITSTORAGE{items, bytes}) = (0x0161, SysWord.fromInt items, SysWord.fromInt bytes, noFree) (* Static control messages. *) | compileMessage (STM_SETICON{icon}) = (0x0170, fromHICON icon, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage STM_GETICON = (0x0171, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (STM_SETIMAGE{imageType, image}) = (0x0172, SysWord.fromInt(toCit imageType), fromHGDIOBJ image, noFree) | compileMessage (STM_GETIMAGE{imageType}) = (0x0173, SysWord.fromInt(toCit imageType), 0w0, noFree) (* Listbox messages *) | compileMessage (LB_ADDSTRING{text}) = compileStringAsLp(0x0180, 0w0, text) | compileMessage (LB_INSERTSTRING{text, index}) = compileStringAsLp(0x0181, SysWord.fromInt index, text) | compileMessage (LB_DELETESTRING{index}) = (0x0182, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_SELITEMRANGEEX{first, last}) = (0x0183, SysWord.fromInt first, SysWord.fromInt last, noFree) | compileMessage LB_RESETCONTENT = (0x0184, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_SETSEL{select, index}) = (0x0185, SysWord.fromInt(btoi select), SysWord.fromInt index, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_SETCURSEL{index}) = (0x0186, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_GETSEL{index}) = (0x0187, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage LB_GETCURSEL = (0x0188, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_GETTEXT {length, index, ...}) = compileStringRequest(0x0189, SysWord.fromInt index, length) | compileMessage (LB_GETTEXTLEN{index}) = (0x018A, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage LB_GETCOUNT = (0x018B, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_SELECTSTRING{text, indexStart}) = compileStringAsLp(0x018C, SysWord.fromInt indexStart, text) | compileMessage (LB_DIR{attrs, fileSpec}) = compileStringAsLp(0x018D, Word32.toLargeWord(toCcbal attrs), fileSpec) | compileMessage LB_GETTOPINDEX = (0x018E, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_FINDSTRING{text, indexStart}) = compileStringAsLp (0x018F, SysWord.fromInt indexStart, text) | compileMessage LB_GETSELCOUNT = (0x0190, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_GETSELITEMS args) = compileGetSelItems(0x0191, args) | compileMessage (LB_SETTABSTOPS{tabs}) = compileTabStops(0x0192, tabs) | compileMessage LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT = (0x0193, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT{extent}) = (0x0194, SysWord.fromInt extent, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH{column}) = (0x0195, SysWord.fromInt column, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_ADDFILE{fileName}) = compileStringAsLp(0x0196, 0w0, fileName) | compileMessage (LB_SETTOPINDEX{index}) = (0x0197, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_GETITEMRECT{rect=ref rect, index}) = compileGetRect(0x0198, SysWord.fromInt index, rect) | compileMessage (LB_GETITEMDATA{index}) = (0x0199, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_SETITEMDATA{index, data}) = (0x019A, SysWord.fromInt index, SysWord.fromInt data, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_SELITEMRANGE{select, first, last}) = (0x019B, SysWord.fromInt(btoi select), makeLong(first, last), noFree) | compileMessage (LB_SETANCHORINDEX{index}) = (0x019C, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage LB_GETANCHORINDEX = (0x019D, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_SETCARETINDEX{index, scroll}) = (0x019E, SysWord.fromInt index, SysWord.fromInt(btoi scroll), noFree) | compileMessage LB_GETCARETINDEX = (0x019F, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_SETITEMHEIGHT{index, height}) = (0x01A0, SysWord.fromInt index, makeLong(height, 0), noFree) | compileMessage (LB_GETITEMHEIGHT{index}) = (0x01A1, SysWord.fromInt index, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT{text, indexStart}) = compileStringAsLp(0x01A2, SysWord.fromInt indexStart, text) | compileMessage (LB_SETLOCALE{locale}) = (0x01A5, SysWord.fromInt locale, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage LB_GETLOCALE = (0x01A6, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_SETCOUNT{items}) = (0x01A7, SysWord.fromInt items, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_INITSTORAGE{items, bytes}) = (0x01A8, SysWord.fromInt items, SysWord.fromInt bytes, noFree) | compileMessage (LB_ITEMFROMPOINT { point = {x, y}}) = (0x01A9, 0w0, makeLong(x,y), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_MOUSEMOVE margs) = compileMouseMove(0x0200, margs) | compileMessage (WM_LBUTTONDOWN margs) = compileMouseMove(0x0201, margs) | compileMessage (WM_LBUTTONUP margs) = compileMouseMove(0x0202, margs) | compileMessage (WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK margs) = compileMouseMove(0x0203, margs) | compileMessage (WM_RBUTTONDOWN margs) = compileMouseMove(0x0204, margs) | compileMessage (WM_RBUTTONUP margs) = compileMouseMove(0x0205, margs) | compileMessage (WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK margs) = compileMouseMove(0x0206, margs) | compileMessage (WM_MBUTTONDOWN margs) = compileMouseMove(0x0207, margs) | compileMessage (WM_MBUTTONUP margs) = compileMouseMove(0x0208, margs) | compileMessage (WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK margs) = compileMouseMove(0x0209, margs) (* WM_MOUSEWHEEL 0x020A *) | compileMessage (WM_PARENTNOTIFY { eventflag, idchild, value}) = (0x0210, makeLong(eventflag,idchild), SysWord.fromInt value, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_ENTERMENULOOP {istrack}) = (0x0211, SysWord.fromInt(btoi istrack), 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_EXITMENULOOP {istrack}) = (0x0212, SysWord.fromInt(btoi istrack), 0w0, noFree) (* WM_NEXTMENU 0x0213 WM_SIZING 0x0214 *) | compileMessage (WM_CAPTURECHANGED {newCapture}) = (0x0215, 0w0, fromHWND newCapture, noFree) (* WM_MOVING 0x0216 WM_POWERBROADCAST 0x0218 WM_DEVICECHANGE 0x0219 *) | compileMessage (WM_MDICREATE{class, title, instance, x, y, cx, cy, style, cdata}) = strAddrAsLp (0x0220, 0w0, fromMdiCreate(class,title,instance,x,y,cx,cy,style,cdata)) | compileMessage (WM_MDIDESTROY{child}) = (0x0221, fromHWND child, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_MDIRESTORE{child}) = (0x0223, fromHWND child, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_MDINEXT{child, flagnext}) = (0x0224, fromHWND child, SysWord.fromInt(btoi flagnext), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_MDIMAXIMIZE{child}) = (0x0225, fromHWND child, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_MDITILE{tilingflag}) = (0x0226, Word32.toLargeWord(toCmdif tilingflag), 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_MDICASCADE{skipDisabled}) = (0x0227, SysWord.fromInt(if skipDisabled then 2 else 0), 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_MDIICONARRANGE = (0x0228, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_MDIGETACTIVE = (0x0229, 0w0, 0w0 (* MUST be null *), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_MDISETMENU{frameMenu, windowMenu}) = (0x0230, fromHMENU frameMenu, fromHMENU windowMenu, noFree) | compileMessage WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE = (0x0231, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_EXITSIZEMOVE = (0x0232, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_DROPFILES{hDrop}) = (0x0233, fromHDROP hDrop, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_MDIREFRESHMENU = (0x0234, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) (* WM_IME_SETCONTEXT 0x0281 WM_IME_NOTIFY 0x0282 WM_IME_CONTROL 0x0283 WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL 0x0284 WM_IME_SELECT 0x0285 WM_IME_CHAR 0x0286 WM_IME_KEYDOWN 0x0290 WM_IME_KEYUP 0x0291 *) | compileMessage (WM_NCMOUSEHOVER {hitTest, x, y}) = (0x02A0, SysWord.fromInt(fromHitTest hitTest), makeXYParam(x, y), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_MOUSEHOVER margs) = compileMouseMove(0x02A1, margs) | compileMessage WM_NCMOUSELEAVE = (0x02A2, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_MOUSELEAVE = (0x02A3, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_CUT = (0x0300, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_COPY = (0x0301, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_PASTE = (0x0302, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_CLEAR = (0x0303, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_UNDO = (0x0304, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_RENDERFORMAT {format}) = (0x0305, SysWord.fromInt(toCcbf format), 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_RENDERALLFORMATS = (0x0306, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD = (0x0307, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD = (0x0308, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD{clipboard}) = (0x030A, fromHWND clipboard, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD{viewer, code, position}) = (0x030A, fromHWND viewer, makeLong(code, position), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_SIZECLIPBOARD{viewer}) = (0x030B, 0w0, fromHWND viewer, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME {length, ...}) = compileStringRequest(0x030C, SysWord.fromInt length, length) | compileMessage (WM_CHANGECBCHAIN{removed, next}) = (0x030D, fromHWND removed, fromHWND next, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD{viewer, code, position}) = (0x030E, fromHWND viewer, makeLong(code, position), noFree) | compileMessage WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE = (0x030F, 0w0, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_PALETTEISCHANGING{realize}) = (0x0310, fromHWND realize, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_PALETTECHANGED{palChg}) = (0x0311, fromHWND palChg, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_HOTKEY{id}) = (0x0312, SysWord.fromInt id, 0w0, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_PRINT{hdc, flags}) = (0x0317, fromHDC hdc, Word32.toLargeWord(toCwmpl flags), noFree) | compileMessage (WM_PRINTCLIENT{hdc, flags}) = (0x0318, fromHDC hdc, Word32.toLargeWord(toCwmpl flags), noFree) | compileMessage (FINDMSGSTRING args) = compileFindMsg args | compileMessage (WM_SYSTEM_OTHER{uMsg, wParam, lParam}) = (uMsg, wParam, lParam, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_USER{uMsg, wParam, lParam}) = (uMsg, wParam, lParam, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_APP{uMsg, wParam, lParam}) = (uMsg, wParam, lParam, noFree) | compileMessage (WM_REGISTERED{uMsg, wParam, lParam}) = (uMsg, wParam, lParam, noFree) local val msgStruct = cStruct6(cHWND, cUint, cUINT_PTRw, cUINT_PTRw, cDWORD, cPoint) val { load=loadMsg, store=storeMsg, ctype={size=msgSize, ... }, ... } = breakConversion msgStruct in (* Store the address of the message in the memory. *) fun storeMessage(v: voidStar, {msg, hwnd, time, pt}: MSG) = let val (msgId: int, wParam, lParam, freeMem) = compileMessage msg val mem = Memory.malloc msgSize val f = storeMsg(mem, (hwnd, msgId, wParam, lParam, Time.toMilliseconds time, pt)) in setAddress(v, 0w0, mem); fn () => (freeMem(); f(); Memory.free mem) end fun loadMessage(v: voidStar): MSG = let val (hWnd, msgId, wParam, lParam, t, pt) = loadMsg v val msg = decompileMessage(msgId, wParam, lParam) val () = case msg of WM_USER _ => TextIO.print(Int.toString msgId ^ "\n") | _ => () in { msg = msg, hwnd = hWnd, time = Time.fromMilliseconds t, pt = pt } end val LPMSG: MSG conversion = makeConversion { load = loadMessage, store = storeMessage, ctype=LowLevel.cTypePointer } val msgSize = msgSize end (* Update the lParam/wParam values from the values in a returned message. This is needed if an ML callback makes a modification that has to be passed back to C. *) (* TODO: The rest of these. *) local fun copyString(_, _, 0) = () (* If the length is zero do nothing *) | copyString(ptr: voidStar, s: string, length: int) = let open Memory fun copyChar(i, c) = if i < length then set8(ptr, Word.fromInt i, Byte.charToByte c) else () in CharVector.appi copyChar s; (* Null terminate either at the end of the string or the buffer *) set8(ptr, Word.fromInt(Int.min(size s + 1, length-1)), 0w0) end in fun updateParamsFromMessage(msg: Message, wp: SysWord.word, lp: SysWord.word): unit = case msg of WM_GETTEXT{text = ref t, ...} => copyString(toAddr lp, t, SysWord.toInt wp) | WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME{formatName = ref t, ...} => copyString(toAddr lp, t, SysWord.toInt wp) | EM_GETLINE{result = ref t, size, ...} => copyString(toAddr lp, t, size) | EM_GETRECT {rect = ref r} => toCrect(toAddr lp, r) | EM_GETSEL args => updateGetSelParms({wp=wp, lp=lp}, args) | CB_GETEDITSEL args => updateGetSelParms({wp=wp, lp=lp}, args) | CB_GETLBTEXT {text = ref t, length, ...} => copyString(toAddr lp, t, length) | CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT {rect = ref r} => toCrect(toAddr lp, r) | SBM_GETRANGE {minPos=ref minPos, maxPos=ref maxPos} => (ignore(storeInt(toAddr wp, minPos)); ignore(storeInt(toAddr lp, maxPos))) | SBM_GETSCROLLINFO args => updateScrollInfo({wp=wp, lp=lp}, args) | LB_GETTEXT {text = ref t, length, ...} => copyString(toAddr lp, t, length) | LB_GETSELITEMS args => updateGetSelItemsParms({wp=wp, lp=lp}, args) | LB_GETITEMRECT{rect = ref r, ...} => toCrect(toAddr lp, r) | WM_NCCALCSIZE { newrect = ref r, ...} => toCrect(toAddr lp, r) (* This sets the first rect *) | WM_MEASUREITEM args => updateMeasureItemParms({wp=wp, lp=lp}, args) | WM_GETMINMAXINFO args => updateMinMaxParms({wp=wp, lp=lp}, args) | WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING args => updateWindowPosChangingParms({wp=wp, lp=lp}, args) (* | WM_NOTIFY{ notification=TTN_GETDISPINFO(ref s), ...} => (* This particular notification allows the result to be fed back in several ways. We copy into the char array. *) assign charArray80 (offset 1 (Cpointer Cvoid) (offset 1 nmhdr (deref lp))) (toCcharArray80 s) *) | _ => () end (* Update the message contents from the values of wParam/lParam. This is used when a message has been sent or passed into C code that may have updated the message contents. Casts certain message results to HGDIOBJ. *) fun messageReturnFromParams(msg: Message, wp: SysWord.word, lp: SysWord.word, reply: SysWord.word): LRESULT = let val () = (* For certain messages we need to extract the reply from the arguments. *) case msg of WM_GETTEXT{text, ...} => text := (if reply = 0w0 then "" else fromCstring(toAddr lp)) | WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME{formatName, ...} => formatName := (if reply = 0w0 then "" else fromCstring(toAddr lp)) | EM_GETLINE{result, ...} => result := (if reply = 0w0 then "" else fromCstring(toAddr lp)) | EM_GETRECT { rect } => rect := fromCrect(toAddr lp) | EM_GETSEL args => updateGetSelFromWpLp(args, {wp=wp, lp=lp}) | CB_GETEDITSEL args => updateGetSelFromWpLp(args, {wp=wp, lp=lp}) | CB_GETLBTEXT {text, ...} => text := (if reply = 0w0 then "" else fromCstring(toAddr lp)) | CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT { rect } => rect := fromCrect(toAddr lp) | SBM_GETRANGE {minPos, maxPos} => (minPos := loadInt(toAddr wp); maxPos := loadInt(toAddr lp)) | SBM_GETSCROLLINFO {info, ...} => let val ({minPos, maxPos, pageSize, pos, trackPos}, _) = toScrollInfo lp in info := {minPos = minPos, maxPos = maxPos, pageSize = pageSize, pos = pos, trackPos = trackPos} end | LB_GETTEXT {text, ...} => text := (if reply = 0w0 then "" else fromCstring(toAddr lp)) | LB_GETSELITEMS args => updateGetSelItemsFromWpLp(args, {wp=wp, lp=lp, reply=reply}) | LB_GETITEMRECT{rect, ...} => rect := fromCrect(toAddr lp) (* This also has an item index *) | WM_NCCALCSIZE { newrect, ...} => (* Whatever the value of "validarea" we just look at the first rectangle. *) newrect := fromCrect (toAddr lp) | WM_GETMINMAXINFO args => updateMinMaxFromWpLp(args, {wp=wp, lp=lp}) | WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING wpCh => updateCfromMLwmWindowPosChanging({wp=wp, lp=lp}, wpCh) | WM_MEASUREITEM args => updateMeasureItemFromWpLp(args, {wp=wp, lp=lp}) | _ => () val fromHgdi = handleOfVoidStar o toAddr in (* We need to "cast" some of the results. *) case msg of WM_GETFONT => LRESHANDLE(fromHgdi reply) | WM_GETICON _ => LRESHANDLE(fromHgdi reply) | WM_SETICON _ => LRESHANDLE(fromHgdi reply) | BM_GETIMAGE _ => LRESHANDLE(fromHgdi reply) | BM_SETIMAGE _ => LRESHANDLE(fromHgdi reply) | STM_GETICON => LRESHANDLE(fromHgdi reply) | STM_GETIMAGE _ => LRESHANDLE(fromHgdi reply) | STM_SETICON _ => LRESHANDLE(fromHgdi reply) | STM_SETIMAGE _ => LRESHANDLE(fromHgdi reply) | _ => LRESINT (SysWord.toInt reply) end (* Window callback table. *) local type callback = HWND * int * SysWord.word * SysWord.word -> SysWord.word (* *) datatype tableEntry = TableEntry of {hWnd: HWND, callBack: callback} (* Windows belong to the thread that created them so each thread has its own list of windows. Any thread could have one outstanding callback waiting to be assigned to a window that is being created. *) val threadWindows = Universal.tag(): tableEntry list Universal.tag val threadOutstanding = Universal.tag(): callback option Universal.tag (* This message is used to test if we are using the Poly callback. We use the same number as MFC uses so it's unlikely that any Windows class will use this. *) val WMTESTPOLY = 0x0360 fun getWindowList (): tableEntry list = getOpt (Thread.Thread.getLocal threadWindows, []) and setWindowList(t: tableEntry list): unit = Thread.Thread.setLocal(threadWindows, t) fun getOutstanding(): callback option = Option.join(Thread.Thread.getLocal threadOutstanding) and setOutstanding(t: callback option): unit = Thread.Thread.setLocal(threadOutstanding, t) (* Get the callback for this window. If it's the first time we've had a message for this window we need to use the outstanding callback. *) fun getCallback(hw: HWND): callback = case List.find (fn (TableEntry{hWnd, ...}) => hw = hWnd) (getWindowList ()) of SOME(TableEntry{callBack, ...}) => callBack | NONE => (* See if this has just been set up. *) (case getOutstanding() of SOME cb => (* It has. We now know the window handle so link it up. *) ( setWindowList(TableEntry{hWnd=hw, callBack=cb} :: getWindowList ()); setOutstanding NONE; cb ) | NONE => raise Fail "No callback found" ) fun removeCallback(hw: HWND): unit = setWindowList(List.filter (fn(TableEntry{hWnd, ...}) => hw <> hWnd) (getWindowList ())) fun mainCallbackFunction(hw:HWND, msgId:int, wParam:SysWord.word, lParam:SysWord.word): SysWord.word = if msgId = WMTESTPOLY then SysWord.fromInt ~1 (* This tests whether we are already installed. *) else getCallback hw (hw, msgId, wParam, lParam) val mainWinProc = buildClosure4withAbi(mainCallbackFunction, winAbi, (cHWND, cUint, cUINT_PTRw, cUINT_PTRw), cUINT_PTRw) val WNDPROC: (HWND * int * SysWord.word * SysWord.word -> SysWord.word) closure conversion = cFunction (* This is used to set the window proc. The result is also a window proc. *) val SetWindowLong = winCall3 (user "SetWindowLongPtrA") (cHWND, cInt, WNDPROC) cPointer val CallWindowProc = winCall5 (user "CallWindowProcA") (cPointer, cHWND, cUint, cUINT_PTRw, cUINT_PTRw) cUINT_PTRw in val mainWinProc = mainWinProc and removeCallback = removeCallback fun windowCallback (call: HWND * Message * 'a -> LRESULT * 'a, init: 'a): (HWND * int * SysWord.word * SysWord.word -> SysWord.word) = let val state = ref init fun callBack(h: HWND, uMsg:int, wParam: SysWord.word, lParam: SysWord.word): SysWord.word = let val msg = decompileMessage(uMsg, wParam, lParam) handle exn => ( print(concat["Exception with message ", Int.toString uMsg, exnMessage exn ]); WM_NULL ) val (result, newState) = call(h, msg, !state) handle exn => ( print(concat["Exception with message ", PolyML.makestring msg, exnMessage exn ]); (LRESINT 0, !state) ) in (* For a few messages we have to update the value pointed to by wParam/lParam after we've handled it. *) updateParamsFromMessage(msg, wParam, lParam); state := newState; (* If our callback returned SOME x we use that as the result, otherwise we call the default. We do it this way rather than having the caller call DefWindowProc because that would involve recompiling the message and we can't guarantee that all the parameters of the original message would be correctly set. *) case result of LRESINT res => SysWord.fromInt res | LRESHANDLE res => fromAddr(voidStarOfHandle res) end; in callBack end (* When we first set up a callback we don't know the window handle so we use null. *) fun setCallback(call, init) = setOutstanding(SOME(windowCallback(call, init))) val sendMsg = winCall4(user "SendMessageA") (cHWND, cUint, cUINT_PTRw, cUINT_PTRw) cUINT_PTRw fun subclass(w: HWND, f: HWND * Message * 'a -> LRESULT * 'a, init: 'a): (HWND * Message -> LRESULT) = let val testPoly = sendMsg(w, WMTESTPOLY, 0w0, 0w0) fun addCallback (hWnd, call: HWND * Message * 'a -> LRESULT * 'a, init: 'a): unit = setWindowList( TableEntry{ hWnd = hWnd, callBack = windowCallback(call, init) } :: getWindowList ()) val oldDefProc: callback = if SysWord.toIntX testPoly = ~1 then (* We already have our Window proc installed. *) let (* We should have a callback already installed. *) val oldCallback = getCallback w in removeCallback w; addCallback(w, f, init); oldCallback end else let (* Set up the new window proc and get the existing one. *) val oldWProc = SetWindowLong(w, ~4, mainWinProc) val defProc = fn (h, m, w, l) => CallWindowProc(oldWProc, h, m, w, l) in (* Remove any existing callback function and install the new one. *) removeCallback w; addCallback(w, f, init); defProc end in fn (hw: HWND, msg: Message) => let val (m: int, w: SysWord.word, l: SysWord.word, freeMem) = compileMessage msg val res: SysWord.word = oldDefProc(hw, m, w, l) in messageReturnFromParams(msg, w, l, res) before freeMem() end end end (* Keyboard operations on modeless dialogues are performed by isDialogMessage. We keep a list of modeless dialogues and process them in the main message loop. This also has an important function for dialogues created by FindText. They allocate memory which can't be freed until the dialogue has gone. *) local val modeless = ref [] val isDialogMessage = winCall2 (user "IsDialogMessage") (cHWND, cPointer) cBool val isWindow = winCall1 (user "IsWindow") (cHWND) cBool in fun addModelessDialogue (hWnd: HWND, doFree) = modeless := (hWnd, doFree) :: (!modeless) fun isDialogueMsg(msg: voidStar) = let (* Take this opportunity to filter any dialogues that have gone away. *) (* If this has gone away run any "free" function.*) fun filter(w, f) = if isWindow w then true (* Still there *) else (case f of NONE => () | SOME f => f(); false) in modeless := List.filter filter (!modeless); (* See if isDialogMessage returns true for any of these. *) List.foldl (fn ((w, _), b) => b orelse isDialogMessage(w, msg)) false (!modeless) end end datatype PeekMessageOptions = PM_NOREMOVE | PM_REMOVE (* TODO: We can also include PM_NOYIELD. *) val peekMsg = winCall5(user "PeekMessageA") (cPointer, cHWND, cUint, cUint, cUint) cBool fun PeekMessage(hWnd: HWND option, wMsgFilterMin: int, wMsgFilterMax: int, remove: PeekMessageOptions): MSG option = let val msg = malloc msgSize val opts = case remove of PM_REMOVE => 1 | PM_NOREMOVE => 0 val res = peekMsg(msg, getOpt(hWnd, hNull), wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax, opts) in (if not res then NONE else SOME(loadMessage msg)) before free msg end; (* TODO: This was originally implemented before we had threads. The only reason for continuing with it is to allow the thread to be interrupted. *) local val callWin = RunCall.run_call2 RuntimeCalls.POLY_SYS_os_specific in fun pauseForMessage(hwnd: HWND, min, max): unit = callWin(1101, (hwnd, min, max)) (* We implement WaitMessage within the RTS. *) fun WaitMessage(): bool = (pauseForMessage(hwndNull, 0, 0); true) end (* We don't use the underlying GetMessage function because that blocks the thread which would prevent other ML processes from running. Instead we use PeekMessage and an RTS call which allows other threads to run. *) fun GetMessage(hWnd: HWND option, wMsgFilterMin: int, wMsgFilterMax: int): MSG = case PeekMessage(hWnd, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax, PM_REMOVE) of SOME msg => msg | NONE => let val hwnd = getOpt(hWnd, hwndNull) in pauseForMessage(hwnd, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax); GetMessage(hWnd, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax) end (* Wait for messages and dispatch them. It only returns when a QUIT message has been received. *) fun RunApplication() = let val peekMsg = winCall5(user "PeekMessageA") (cPointer, cHWND, cUint, cUint, cUint) cBool val transMsg = winCall1(user "TranslateMessage") (cPointer) cBool val dispMsg = winCall1(user "DispatchMessageA") (cPointer) cInt val msg = malloc msgSize val res = peekMsg(msg, hNull, 0, 0, 1) in if not res then (* There's no message at the moment. Wait for one. *) (free msg; WaitMessage(); RunApplication()) else case loadMessage msg of { msg = WM_QUIT{exitcode}, ...} => (free msg; exitcode) | _ => ( if isDialogueMsg msg then () else ( transMsg msg; dispMsg msg; () ); free msg; RunApplication() ) end local val sendMsg = winCall4(user "SendMessageA") (cHWND, cUint, cUINT_PTRw, cUINT_PTRw) cUINT_PTRw in fun SendMessage(hWnd: HWND, msg: Message) = let val (msgId, wp, lp, freeMem) = compileMessage msg val reply = sendMsg(hWnd, msgId, wp, lp) in (* Update any result values and cast the results if necessary. *) messageReturnFromParams(msg, wp, lp, reply) before freeMem() end end local val postMessage = winCall4(user "PostMessageA") (cHWND, cUint, cUINT_PTRw, cUINT_PTRw) (successState "PostMessage") in fun PostMessage(hWnd: HWND, msg: Message) = let val (msgId, wp, lp, _) = compileMessage msg (* This could result in a memory leak. *) in postMessage(hWnd, msgId, wp, lp) end end val HWND_BROADCAST: HWND = handleOfVoidStar(sysWord2VoidStar 0wxffff) val PostQuitMessage = winCall1 (user "PostQuitMessage") cInt cVoid val RegisterWindowMessage = winCall1 (user "RegisterWindowMessageA") (cString) cUint val InSendMessage = winCall0 (user "InSendMessage") () cBool val GetInputState = winCall0 (user "GetInputState") () cBool local val getMessagePos = winCall0 (user "GetMessagePos") () cDWORDw in fun GetMessagePos(): POINT = let val r = getMessagePos () in { x = Word.toInt(LOWORD r), y = Word.toInt(HIWORD r) } end end val GetMessageTime = Time.fromMilliseconds o winCall0 (user "GetMessageTime") () cLong datatype QueueStatus = QS_KEY | QS_MOUSEMOVE | QS_MOUSEBUTTON | QS_POSTMESSAGE | QS_TIMER | QS_PAINT | QS_SENDMESSAGE | QS_HOTKEY | QS_ALLPOSTMESSAGE local val tab = [ (QS_KEY, 0wx0001), (QS_MOUSEMOVE, 0wx0002), (QS_MOUSEBUTTON, 0wx0004), (QS_POSTMESSAGE, 0wx0008), (QS_TIMER, 0wx0010), (QS_PAINT, 0wx0020), (QS_SENDMESSAGE, 0wx0040), (QS_HOTKEY, 0wx0080), (QS_ALLPOSTMESSAGE, 0wx0100) ] in val (fromQS, toQS) = tableSetLookup(tab, NONE) end val QS_MOUSE = [QS_MOUSEMOVE, QS_MOUSEBUTTON] val QS_INPUT = QS_KEY :: QS_MOUSE val QS_ALLEVENTS = QS_POSTMESSAGE :: QS_TIMER :: QS_PAINT :: QS_HOTKEY :: QS_INPUT val QS_ALLINPUT = QS_SENDMESSAGE :: QS_ALLEVENTS local val getQueueStatus = winCall1 (user "GetQueueStatus") (cUintw) cDWORDw in fun GetQueueStatus flags = let val res = getQueueStatus(fromQS flags) in (* The RTS uses PeekMessage internally so the "new messages" value in the LOWORD is meaningless. *) toQS(Word32.fromLargeWord(Word.toLargeWord(HIWORD(res)))) end end (* BroadcastSystemMessage DispatchMessage GetMessageExtraInfo InSendMessageEx - NT 5.0 and Windows 98 PostThreadMessage ReplyMessage SendAsyncProc SendMessageCallback SendMessageTimeout SendNotifyMessage SetMessageExtraInfo TranslateMessage Obsolete Functions PostAppMessage SetMessageQueue *) end end;