AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS=foreign moduledir = @moduledir@ AM_CPPFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) $(OSFLAG) $(GIT_VERSION) -Wall -DMODULEDIR=\"$(moduledir)\" AM_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) $(OSFLAG) $(GIT_VERSION) -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing AM_ASFLAGS = $(OSFLAG) AM_CCASFLAGS = $(OSFLAG) lib_LTLIBRARIES = libpolyml_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 9:0:0 DIST_SUBDIRS = libffi if INTERNAL_LIBFFI SUBDIRS = libffi libpolyml_la_LIBADD = libffi/ endif if NO_UNDEFINED # Force all references to be defined to build the DLL. libpolyml_la_LDFLAGS += -no-undefined endif # Select the architecture-specific modules if ARCHI386 ARCHSOURCE = x86_dep.cpp x86assembly_gas32.S else if ARCHINTERPRET ARCHSOURCE = interpret.cpp else if ARCHINTERPRET64 ARCHSOURCE = interpret.cpp else if ARCHX86_64 ARCHSOURCE = x86_dep.cpp x86assembly_gas64.S else endif endif endif endif # Select the object-format-specific modules if EXPPECOFF EXPORTSOURCE = pecoffexport.cpp else if EXPELF EXPORTSOURCE = elfexport.cpp else if EXPMACHO EXPORTSOURCE = machoexport.cpp endif endif endif if NATIVE_WINDOWS OSSOURCE = Console.cpp windows_specific.cpp else OSSOURCE = unix_specific.cpp endif noinst_HEADERS = \ arb.h \ basicio.h \ bitmap.h \ check_objects.h \ Console.h \ diagnostics.h \ elfexport.h \ errors.h \ exporter.h \ gc.h \ gctaskfarm.h \ globals.h \ heapsizing.h \ int_opcodes.h \ io_internal.h \ locking.h \ machine_dep.h \ machoexport.h \ memmgr.h \ mpoly.h \ network.h \ noreturn.h \ objsize.h \ osmem.h \ os_specific.h \ pecoffexport.h \ pexport.h \ PolyControl.h \ poly_specific.h \ polyffi.h \ polystring.h \ process_env.h \ processes.h \ profiling.h \ realconv.h \ reals.h \ rts_module.h \ rtsentry.h \ run_time.h \ savestate.h \ save_vec.h \ scanaddrs.h \ sharedata.h \ sighandler.h \ statistics.h \ sys.h \ timing.h \ version.h \ xcall_numbers.h \ xwindows.h libpolyml_la_SOURCES = \ arb.cpp \ basicio.cpp \ bitmap.cpp \ check_objects.cpp \ diagnostics.cpp \ errors.cpp \ exporter.cpp \ gc.cpp \ gc_check_weak_ref.cpp \ gc_copy_phase.cpp \ gc_mark_phase.cpp \ gc_share_phase.cpp \ gc_update_phase.cpp \ gctaskfarm.cpp \ heapsizing.cpp \ locking.cpp \ memmgr.cpp \ mpoly.cpp \ network.cpp \ objsize.cpp \ osmem.cpp \ pexport.cpp \ poly_specific.cpp \ polyffi.cpp \ polystring.cpp \ process_env.cpp \ processes.cpp \ profiling.cpp \ quick_gc.cpp \ realconv.cpp \ reals.cpp \ rts_module.cpp \ rtsentry.cpp \ run_time.cpp \ save_vec.cpp \ savestate.cpp \ scanaddrs.cpp \ sharedata.cpp \ sighandler.cpp \ statistics.cpp \ timing.cpp \ xwindows.cpp \ $(ARCHSOURCE) $(EXPORTSOURCE) $(OSSOURCE) pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig pkgconfig_DATA = polyml.pc clean-local: rm -f x86asmtemp.S ppcasmtemp.s