AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS=foreign ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS= -I m4 --install BOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS = if INTINFISINT POLYIMPORT_OPTIONS = --intIsIntInf else POLYIMPORT_OPTIONS = endif DIST_SUBDIRS = libpolyml libpolymain modules SUBDIRS = libpolyml libpolymain . modules bin_PROGRAMS = polyimport poly dist_bin_SCRIPTS = polyc man_MANS = poly.1 polyimport.1 polyc.1 # Select the architecture-specific pre-built compiler if ARCHI386 POLYIMPORT = $(srcdir)/imports/polymli386.txt else if ARCHINTERPRET POLYIMPORT = $(srcdir)/imports/polymlint.txt else if ARCHINTERPRET64 POLYIMPORT = $(srcdir)/imports/polymlint64.txt else if ARCHX86_64 if WINDOWS64CALLS POLYIMPORT = $(srcdir)/imports/polymlx86_64win.txt else POLYIMPORT = $(srcdir)/imports/polymlx86_64sysv.txt endif else endif endif endif endif noinst_HEADERS = polyexports.h poly_LDFLAGS= polyimport_LDFLAGS= POLYRESOURCES= EXTRALDFLAGS= if NATIVE_WINDOWS if ARCHINTERPRET64 EXTRALDFLAGS += -Wl,-u,WinMain else if ARCHX86_64 EXTRALDFLAGS += -Wl,-u,WinMain else EXTRALDFLAGS += -Wl,-u,_WinMain@16 -Wl,--large-address-aware endif endif if WINDOWSGUI EXTRALDFLAGS += -mwindows polyimport_LDFLAGS += -mwindows else EXTRALDFLAGS += -mconsole polyimport_LDFLAGS += -mconsole endif poly_LDFLAGS += $(EXTRALDFLAGS) POLYOBJECTFILE = polyexport.obj POLYRESOURCES += polyresource.o OBJECTSUFFIX=obj else POLYOBJECTFILE = polyexport.o OBJECTSUFFIX=o endif if MACOSLDOPTS poly_LDFLAGS += -Wl,-no_pie endif poly_SOURCES = poly_LDADD = $(POLYOBJECTFILE) $(POLYRESOURCES) libpolymain/ libpolyml/ polyimport_SOURCES = polyimport.c polyimport_LDADD = $(POLYRESOURCES) libpolyml/ EXTRA_DIST = \ imports/polymli386.txt \ imports/polymlint64.txt \ imports/polymlint.txt \ imports/polymlx86_64.txt \ libpolyml/x86asm.asm \ exportPoly.sml \ poly.1 \ polyimport.1 dist-hook: find {basis,mlsource}/ -type d -exec mkdir $(distdir)/{} \; find {basis,mlsource}/ -type f -not -name .svn \ -exec cp -pf {} $(distdir)/{} \; # Unix. polyexport.o: polyimport exportPoly.sml polytemp.txt ./polyimport $(POLYIMPORT_OPTIONS) polytemp.txt -I $(srcdir) < $(srcdir)/exportPoly.sml # Windows. When building on Windows make sure that we provide both stdin and stdout to suppress the GUI. polyexport.obj: polyimport$(EXEEXT) exportPoly.sml polytemp.txt ./polyimport $(POLYIMPORT_OPTIONS) polytemp.txt -I $(srcdir) < $(srcdir)/exportPoly.sml | cat polyresource.o: PolyML.rc poly.ico $(WINDRES) -o polyresource.o $(srcdir)/PolyML.rc polytemp.txt: $(POLYIMPORT) cp $(POLYIMPORT) polytemp.txt #polyc: buildpolyc # ./buildpolyc LINK=\"$(CC)\" BINDIR=\"$(bindir)\" LIBDIR=\"$(libdir)\" LIBS=\"$(LIBS)\" EXTRALDFLAGS=\"$(EXTRALDFLAGS)\" SUFFIX=\"$(OBJECTSUFFIX)\" # This builds the compiler but does not update the files in the imports directory. # It then builds a version of poly containing the new compiler. compiler: all ./poly $(BOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS) --error-exit < mlsource/BuildExport.sml $(MAKE) reboot: compiler cp polytemp.txt $(POLYIMPORT) clean-local: rm -f *.obj polytemp.txt polyc # Run tests check-local: all echo "val () = use \"$(srcdir)/Tests/RunTests\"; val () = OS.Process.exit(if runTests \"$(srcdir)/Tests\" then OS.Process.success else OS.Process.failure):unit;" | ./poly # Retain this target for backwards compatibility tests: check