structure Doc2Tex = struct open ParseDoc fun occurs s ss = not (Substring.isEmpty (#2 (Substring.position s ss))); fun equal x y = (x = y) fun warn s = TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr, s ^ "\n") fun die s = (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr, s ^ "\n"); OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure) fun out(str,s) = TextIO.output(str, s) fun every P ss = case Substring.getc ss of NONE => true | SOME (c, ss') => P c andalso every P ss' fun mem x l = List.exists (fn e => e = x) l val verbstr = "|^$!()*&+-@/'\"" fun find_verbchar avoids ss = let fun loop n = let val candidate = String.extract(verbstr,n,SOME 1) in if occurs candidate ss orelse mem candidate avoids then loop (n + 1) else candidate end in loop 0 end handle Subscript => raise Fail "bracketed string with too many exotic characters!" fun findvc3 avoids ss = let val c1 = find_verbchar avoids ss val c2 = find_verbchar (c1::avoids) ss val c3 = find_verbchar (c1::c2::avoids) ss in (c1,c2,c3) end fun print_verb1(ss, ostr) = let val vd = find_verbchar [] ss val (com,argl,argr) = findvc3 [vd] ss val verbtheta = map (fn (a,b) => {redex = a, residue = b}) [(UnicodeChars.ldquo, com ^ "ldquo" ^ argl ^ argr), (UnicodeChars.rdquo, com ^ "rdquo" ^ argl ^ argr)] in out(ostr, "{\\small\\Verb[commandchars=" ^ String.concat [com,argl,argr] ^ "]" ^ vd); out(ostr, stringfindreplace.subst verbtheta (Substring.string ss)); out(ostr, vd ^ "}") end fun print_verbblock (ss, ostr) = let val (com,argl,argr) = findvc3 [] ss val verbtheta = map (fn (a,b) => {redex = a, residue = b}) [(UnicodeChars.ldquo, com ^ "ldquo" ^ argl ^ argr), (UnicodeChars.rdquo, com ^ "rdquo" ^ argl ^ argr)] in out(ostr,"\\begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=" ^ String.concat[com,argl,argr] ^ "]\n"); out(ostr, stringfindreplace.subst verbtheta (Substring.string ss)); out(ostr, "\\end{Verbatim}\n") end val lastminute_fixes = String.translate (fn #"#" => "\\#" | #"&" => "\\&" | #"_" => "\\_" | c => str c) fun print_markup(m, ostr) = case m of PARA => out(ostr, "\n\n") | TEXT ss => out(ostr, lastminute_fixes (Substring.string ss)) | EMPH ss => out(ostr, "\\emph{" ^ lastminute_fixes (Substring.string ss) ^ "}") | BRKT ss => print_verb1(ss, ostr) | XMPL ss => print_verbblock(ss, ostr) fun print_type (ss, ostr) = if occurs "\n" ss then (out(ostr, "{\\small\n\\begin{verbatim}"); out(ostr, Substring.string ss); out(ostr, "\n\\end{verbatim}\n}\\egroup\n\n")) else (out(ostr, "\\noindent"); print_verb1(ss, ostr); out(ostr, "\\egroup\n\n")) fun print_list(ssl, ostr) = case ssl of [] => () | [x] => out(ostr, lastminute_fixes (Substring.string x)) | x::xs => (out(ostr, lastminute_fixes (Substring.string x) ^ ", "); print_list (xs, ostr)) fun indent_munge mlist = case mlist of [] => [] | ((x as XMPL _) :: (t as TEXT ts) :: rest) => if every Char.isSpace ts then x :: indent_munge rest else x :: TEXT (Substring.full "\\noindent ") :: t :: indent_munge rest | m::ms => m :: indent_munge ms val ignored_sections = ["KEYWORDS", "LIBRARY", "STRUCTURE", "DOC"] fun should_ignore s = List.exists (fn t => t = s) ignored_sections fun print_section(s, ostr) = case s of TYPE ss => print_type(ss,ostr) | FIELD (s, mlist) => if should_ignore s then () else (out(ostr, "\\" ^ s ^ "\n"); app (fn m => print_markup(m, ostr)) (indent_munge mlist); out(ostr, "\n\n")) | SEEALSO ssl => (out(ostr, "\\SEEALSO\n"); print_list (ssl, ostr); out(ostr, ".\n\n")) fun print_docpart (slist, ostr) = let fun find_structpart [] = NONE | find_structpart (FIELD("STRUCTURE", [TEXT m])::_) = SOME m | find_structpart (_ :: t) = find_structpart t fun find_docpart [] = raise Fail "Can't happen - empty section list" | find_docpart (FIELD("DOC", [TEXT m]) :: _) = m | find_docpart (_ :: t) = raise Fail "Can't happen \\DOC not first entry" val docpart = lastminute_fixes (Substring.string (find_docpart slist)) val prettypart = case find_structpart slist of NONE => docpart | SOME ss => docpart ^ "\\hfill(" ^ lastminute_fixes (Substring.string ss) ^ ")" in out (ostr, "\\DOC{"^docpart^"}{"^prettypart^"}\n\n") end val verbose = ref false fun do_the_work dir dset outstr = let fun appthis dnm = let val _ = if !verbose then warn ("Processing "^dnm) else () val cname = core_dname dnm val file = parse_file (OS.Path.concat(dir,dnm ^ ".doc")) handle ParseError msg => die ("Parse error in "^dnm^": "^msg) in print_docpart(file, outstr); app (fn s => print_section (s,outstr)) file; out(outstr, "\\ENDDOC\n\n") end handle e => die ("Exception raised (" ^ dnm ^ ".doc): " ^ General.exnMessage e) in appthis dset end fun main () = let fun handle_args (docdir, texfile) = let val texfstr = TextIO.openAppend texfile val docfiles = find_docfiles docdir in do_the_work docdir docfiles texfstr; TextIO.closeOut texfstr; OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success end in case CommandLine.arguments() of [docdir, texfile] => handle_args (docdir, texfile) | ["-v", docdir, texfile] => (verbose := true; handle_args(docdir,texfile)) | _ => (warn ("Usage: "^^ " [-v] \n"); warn (" -v be verbose about what's happening."); OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure) end end (* struct *)