\DOC restart \TYPE {restart : unit -> proof} \SYNOPSIS Returns the proof state to the initial goal. \DESCRIBE The function {restart} is part of the subgoal package. A call to {restart} clears the proof history and returns to the initial goal. After a call to {restart}, the proof state is the same as it was after the inital call to {set_goal} (or {g}). For a description of the subgoal package, see {set_goal}. \FAILURE The function {restart} only fails if no goalstack is being managed. \USES Restarting an interactive proof. \SEEALSO proofManagerLib.set_goal, proofManagerLib.restart, proofManagerLib.backup,proofManagerLib.restore, proofManagerLib.save, proofManagerLib.set_backup,proofManagerLib.expand, proofManagerLib.expandf, proofManagerLib.p,proofManagerLib.top_thm, proofManagerLib.top_goal. \ENDDOC