\DOC Hol_datatype \TYPE {Hol_datatype : hol_type quotation -> unit} \SYNOPSIS Define a concrete datatype (deprecated syntax). \KEYWORDS type, concrete, definition. \DESCRIBE The {Hol_datatype} function provides exactly the same definitional power as the {Datatype} function (which see), with a slightly different input syntax, given below: { spec ::= [ ; ]* binding ::= = [ | ]* | = <| [ : ; ]* : |> clause ::= | of [ => ]* } \EXAMPLE For example, what with {Datatype} would be { Datatype`btree = Leaf 'a | Node btree 'b btree } is { Hol_datatype `btree = Leaf of 'a | Node of btree => 'b => btree` } when using {Hol_datatype}. The {=>} notation in the description highlights the fact that, in HOL, constructors are by default curried. \COMMENTS The {Datatype} function's syntax is easier to write and easier to understand. \SEEALSO bossLib.Datatype. \ENDDOC