\DOC \TYPE {RENAME1_TAC : term quotation -> tactic} \SYNOPSIS Finds an instance of a pattern in a goal, and renames to use names from the pattern. \KEYWORDS \DESCRIBE The tactic {Q.RENAME1_TAC q} is defined to be { MATCH_RENAME_TAC q ORELSE MATCH_ASSUM_RENAME_TAC q ORELSE MATCH_GOALSUB_RENAME_TAC q ORELSE MATCH_ASMSUB_RENAME_TAC q } \FAILURE Fails if all of the constituent tactics fail. \COMMENTS This tactic can be used to force a particular set of names on a goal, hopefully making the resulting tactic more robust in the face of underlying implementation changes. Note though that successful use of this tactic requires that the ``new'' names in the provided pattern really be fresh for the goal. If one is really uncertain about what names might be appearing in a goal, this condition may be difficult to ensure, particularly as the tactic only looks for one instance of the pattern at a time (but see {Q.RENAME_TAC}). This tactic is also available under the alias {bossLib.rename1}. \SEEALSO Q.MATCH_ASMSUB_RENAME_TAC, Q.MATCH_ASSUM_RENAME_TAC, Q.MATCH_GOALSUB_RENAME_TAC, Q.MATCH_RENAME_TAC. \ENDDOC