\DOC exn_to_string \TYPE {exn_to_string : exn -> string} \SYNOPSIS Map an exception into a string. \KEYWORDS exception, formatting \DESCRIBE The function {exn_to_string} maps an exception to a string. However, in the case of the {Interrupt} exception, it is not mapped to a string, but is instead raised. This avoids the possibility of suppressing the propagation of {Interrupt} to the top level. \FAILURE Never fails. \EXAMPLE { - exn_to_string Interrupt; > Interrupted. - exn_to_string Div; > val it = "Div" : string - print (exn_to_string (mk_HOL_ERR "Foo" "bar" "incomprehensible input")); Exception raised at Foo.bar: incomprehensible input > val it = () : unit } \SEEALSO Feedback, Feedback.HOL_ERR, Feedback.ERR_to_string. \ENDDOC