\DOC MESG_outstream \TYPE {MESG_outstream : TextIO.outstream ref} \SYNOPSIS Reference to output stream used when printing {HOL_MESG}. \KEYWORDS I/O, messages, output \DESCRIBE The value of reference cell {MESG_outstream} controls where {HOL_MESG} prints its argument. The default value of {MESG_outstream} is {TextIO.stdOut}. \EXAMPLE { - val ostrm = TextIO.openOut "foo"; > val ostrm = : outstream - MESG_outstream := ostrm; > val it = () : unit - HOL_MESG "Nattering nabobs of negativity."; > val it = () : unit - TextIO.closeOut ostrm; > val it = () : unit - val istrm = TextIO.openIn "foo"; > val istrm = : instream - print (TextIO.inputAll istrm); <> } \SEEALSO Feedback, Feedback.HOL_MESG, Feedback.ERR_outstream, Feedback.WARNING_outstream, Feedback.emit_MESG. \ENDDOC