\DOC \TYPE {print_theories_as_tex_doc : string list -> string -> unit} \SYNOPSIS Emits theories as LaTeX commands and creates a document template. \DESCRIBE An invocation of {print_theories_as_tex_doc thys name} will export the named theories {thys} as a collection of LaTeX commands and it will also generate a document, whose file name is given by {name}, that presents all of the theories. The theories are exported with {print_theory_as_tex}. \FAILURE Will fail if there is a system error when trying to write the files. It will not overwite the file {name}, however, the theories may be overwritten. \EXAMPLE The invocation { - EmitTeX.print_theories_as_tex_doc ["arithmetic", "list", "words"] "report"; > val it = () : unit } will generate four files "HOLarithmetic.tex", "HOLlist.tex", "HOLwords.tex" and "report.tex". The document can be built as follows: { $ cp $HOLHOME/src/emit/holtex.sty . $ pdflatex report $ makeindex report $ pdflatex report } \SEEALSO EmitTeX.print_term_as_tex, EmitTeX.print_type_as_tex, EmitTeX.print_theorem_as_tex, EmitTeX.print_theory_as_tex, EmitTeX.tex_theory \ENDDOC