\DOC EVERY_CONV \TYPE {EVERY_CONV : (conv list -> conv)} \SYNOPSIS Applies in sequence all the conversions in a given list of conversions. \KEYWORDS conversional. \DESCRIBE {EVERY_CONV [c1;...;cn] "t"} returns the result of applying the conversions {c1}, ..., {cn} in sequence to the term {"t"}. The conversions are applied in the order in which they are given in the list. In particular, if {ci "ti"} returns {|- ti=ti+1} for {i} from {1} to {n}, then {EVERY_CONV [c1;...;cn] "t1"} returns {|- t1=t(n+1)}. If the supplied list of conversions is empty, then {EVERY_CONV} returns the identity conversion. That is, {EVERY_CONV [] "t"} raises {UNCHANGED}, which indicates the result {|- t=t}. \FAILURE {EVERY_CONV [c1;...;cn] "t"} fails if any one of the conversions {c1}, ..., {cn} fails (other than by raising {UNCHANGED}) when applied in sequence as specified above. \SEEALSO Conv.UNCHANGED, Conv.THENC. \ENDDOC