open HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse stringTheory nomsetTheory listTheory ramanaLib relationTheory quotientLib pairTheory bagTheory commonUnifTheory; val _ = new_theory "nterm"; val _ = metisTools.limit := { time = NONE, infs = SOME 5000 }; val permeq_exists = RWstore_thm( "permeq_exists", `(∃x. p == x) ∧ (∃x. x == p)`, METIS_TAC [permeq_refl]); val _ = Hol_datatype` Cterm = CNom of string | CSus of (string # string) list => num | CTie of string => Cterm | CnPair of Cterm => Cterm | CnConst of 'a`; val Ctermeq_def = RWDefine` (Ctermeq (CNom a1) (CNom a2) = (a1 = a2)) ∧ (Ctermeq (CSus p1 v1) (CSus p2 v2) = (p1 == p2) ∧ (v1 = v2)) ∧ (Ctermeq (CTie a1 t1) (CTie a2 t2) = (a1 = a2) ∧ Ctermeq t1 t2) ∧ (Ctermeq (CnPair t1a t1d) (CnPair t2a t2d) = Ctermeq t1a t2a ∧ Ctermeq t1d t2d) ∧ (Ctermeq (CnConst c1) (CnConst c2) = (c1 = c2)) ∧ (Ctermeq t1 t2 = F)`; val Ctermeq_refl = RWstore_thm( "Ctermeq_refl", `∀t. Ctermeq t t`, Induct THEN SRW_TAC [][permeq_refl]); val Ctermeq_sym = Q.store_thm( "Ctermeq_sym", `∀t1 t2. Ctermeq t1 t2 = Ctermeq t2 t1`, Induct THEN Cases_on `t2` THEN SRW_TAC [][] THEN METIS_TAC [permeq_sym]); val Ctermeq_trans = Q.store_thm( "Ctermeq_trans", `∀t1 t2 t3. Ctermeq t1 t2 ∧ Ctermeq t2 t3 ⇒ Ctermeq t1 t3`, Induct THEN Cases_on `t2` THEN Cases_on `t3` THEN SRW_TAC [][] THEN METIS_TAC [permeq_trans]); val Ctermeq_equiv = Q.store_thm( "Ctermeq_equiv", `∀t1 t2. Ctermeq t1 t2 ⇔ (Ctermeq t1 = Ctermeq t2)`, METIS_TAC [equivalence_def,symmetric_def,reflexive_def,transitive_def, ALT_equivalence,Ctermeq_refl,Ctermeq_sym,Ctermeq_trans]); val CTie_rsp = Q.store_thm( "CTie_rsp", `∀t1 t2 a1 a2. (a1 = a2) ∧ Ctermeq t1 t2 ⇒ Ctermeq (CTie a1 t1) (CTie a2 t2)`, Induct THEN SRW_TAC [][]); val CnPair_rsp = Q.store_thm( "CnPair_rsp", `∀t1a t1d t2a t2d. Ctermeq t1a t2a ∧ Ctermeq t1d t2d ⇒ Ctermeq (CnPair t1a t1d) (CnPair t2a t2d)`, Induct THEN SRW_TAC [][]); fun mk_def(t) = let val s = (String.extract(term_to_string t,1,NONE)) in {def_name = s ^ "_def", fixity = NONE, fname = s, func = t} end; val [nterm_induction,nterm_nchotomy,ntermeq_thm] = define_equivalence_type { name = "nterm", equiv = Ctermeq_equiv, defs = map mk_def [``CNom``,``CSus``,``CTie``,``CnPair``,``CnConst``], welldefs = [CTie_rsp,CnPair_rsp], old_thms = map theorem ["Cterm_induction","Cterm_nchotomy"] @ [Ctermeq_def] }; val _ = save_thm("nterm_induction",nterm_induction); val _ = save_thm("nterm_nchotomy",nterm_nchotomy); val _ = RWsave_thm("ntermeq_thm",ntermeq_thm); val (nterm_rec_rules,nterm_rec_ind,nterm_rec_cases) = Hol_reln ` nterm_rec Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf (Nom a) (Nf a) ∧ nterm_rec Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf (Sus p v) (Sf p v) ∧ (nterm_rec Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf t r ⇒ nterm_rec Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf (Tie a t) (Tf a t r)) ∧ (nterm_rec Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf t1 r1 ∧ nterm_rec Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf t2 r2 ⇒ nterm_rec Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf (nPair t1 t2) (Pf t1 t2 r1 r2)) ∧ nterm_rec Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf (nConst c) (Cf c)`; val nterm_rec_total = Q.store_thm( "nterm_rec_total", `∀t. ∃r. nterm_rec Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf t r`, HO_MATCH_MP_TAC nterm_induction THEN METIS_TAC [nterm_rec_rules]); val nterm_rec_unique = Q.store_thm( "nterm_rec_unique", `(∀p1 p2 v. p1 == p2 ⇒ (Sf p1 v = Sf p2 v)) ⇒ ∀t r. nterm_rec Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf t r ⇒ ∀r'. nterm_rec Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf t r' ⇒ (r' = r)`, STRIP_TAC THEN HO_MATCH_MP_TAC nterm_rec_ind THEN SRW_TAC [][] THENL [ FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [Once nterm_rec_cases], FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [Once nterm_rec_cases], POP_ASSUM MP_TAC THEN SRW_TAC [][Once nterm_rec_cases] THEN METIS_TAC [], POP_ASSUM MP_TAC THEN SRW_TAC [][Once nterm_rec_cases] THEN METIS_TAC [], FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [Once nterm_rec_cases] ]); val nterm_rec_exists = Q.store_thm( "nterm_rec_exists", `∀Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf. (∀p1 p2 v. p1 == p2 ⇒ (Sf p1 v = Sf p2 v)) ⇒ ∃f. (∀a. f (Nom a) = Nf a) ∧ (∀p v. f (Sus p v) = Sf p v) ∧ (∀a t. f (Tie a t) = Tf a t (f t)) ∧ (∀t1 t2. f (nPair t1 t2) = Pf t1 t2 (f t1) (f t2)) ∧ (∀c. f (nConst c) = (Cf c))`, REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN Q.EXISTS_TAC `λt. @r. nterm_rec Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf t r` THEN SRW_TAC [][] THENL [ SELECT_ELIM_TAC THEN METIS_TAC [nterm_rec_unique,nterm_rec_rules], SELECT_ELIM_TAC THEN METIS_TAC [nterm_rec_unique,nterm_rec_rules], NTAC 2 SELECT_ELIM_TAC THEN SRW_TAC [][] THENL [ METIS_TAC [nterm_rec_total], METIS_TAC [nterm_rec_rules], POP_ASSUM MP_TAC THEN SRW_TAC [][Once nterm_rec_cases] THEN METIS_TAC [nterm_rec_unique] ], NTAC 3 SELECT_ELIM_TAC THEN SRW_TAC [][] THENL [ METIS_TAC [nterm_rec_total], METIS_TAC [nterm_rec_total], METIS_TAC [nterm_rec_rules], POP_ASSUM MP_TAC THEN SRW_TAC [][Once nterm_rec_cases] THEN METIS_TAC [nterm_rec_unique] ], SELECT_ELIM_TAC THEN METIS_TAC [nterm_rec_unique,nterm_rec_rules] ]); val is_Nom_def = Define`is_Nom t = ?a. (t = Nom a)`; val is_Sus_def = Define`is_Sus t = ?p v. (t = Sus p v)`; val is_Tie_def = Define`is_Tie t = ?t' a. (t = Tie a t')`; val is_nPair_def = Define`is_nPair t = ?t1 t2. (t = nPair t1 t2)`; val _ = export_rewrites["is_Nom_def","is_Sus_def","is_Tie_def","is_nPair_def"]; val dest_Nom_def = Define `dest_Nom t = @a. t = Nom a`; val dest_Sus_def = Define `dest_Sus t = ((@p.∃v. t = Sus p v),(@v.∃p.t = Sus p v))`; val dest_Tie_def = Define `dest_Tie t = @p. Tie (FST p) (SND p) = t`; val dest_nPair_def = Define `dest_nPair t = @p. nPair (FST p) (SND p) = t`; val dest_nConst_def = Define `dest_nConst t = @c. nConst c = t`; val dest_Nom_thm = RWstore_thm("dest_Nom_thm", `dest_Nom (Nom a) = a`, SRW_TAC [][dest_Nom_def]); val dest_Sus = RWstore_thm("dest_Sus_thm", `dest_Sus (Sus p v) = ((@p'. p' == p),v)`, SRW_TAC [][dest_Sus_def] THEN1 (AP_TERM_TAC THEN SRW_TAC [][FUN_EQ_THM] THEN METIS_TAC [permeq_sym]) THEN SELECT_ELIM_TAC THEN SRW_TAC [][] THEN METIS_TAC [permeq_refl]); val dest_Tie = RWstore_thm("dest_Tie_thm", `dest_Tie (Tie a t) = (a,t)`, SRW_TAC [][dest_Tie_def] THEN SELECT_ELIM_TAC THEN REPEAT (SRW_TAC [][EXISTS_PROD,PAIR])); val dest_nPair_thm = RWstore_thm("dest_nPair_thm", `dest_nPair (nPair t1 t2) = (t1,t2)`, SRW_TAC [][dest_nPair_def] THEN SELECT_ELIM_TAC THEN REPEAT (SRW_TAC [][EXISTS_PROD,PAIR])); val dest_nConst_thm = RWstore_thm("dest_nConst_thm", `dest_nConst (nConst a) = a`, SRW_TAC [][dest_nConst_def]); val nterm_case_def = Define` nterm_CASE t Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf = if is_Nom t then Nf (dest_Nom t) else if is_Sus t then UNCURRY Sf (dest_Sus t) else if is_Tie t then UNCURRY Tf (dest_Tie t) else if is_nPair t then UNCURRY Pf (dest_nPair t) else Cf (dest_nConst t)`; val nterm_case_cong = Q.store_thm( "nterm_case_cong", `∀t t' Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf. (t = t') ∧ (∀a. (t' = Nom a) ⇒ (Nf a = Nf' a)) ∧ (∀p v. (t' = Sus p v) ⇒ (Sf p v = Sf' p v)) ∧ (∀a t. (t' = Tie a t) ⇒ (Tf a t = Tf' a t)) ∧ (∀t1 t2. (t' = nPair t1 t2) ⇒ (Pf t1 t2 = Pf' t1 t2)) ∧ (∀c. (t' = nConst c) ⇒ (Cf c = Cf' c)) ⇒ (nterm_CASE t Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf = nterm_CASE t' Nf' Sf' Tf' Pf' Cf')`, REPEAT GEN_TAC THEN Q.SPEC_THEN `t'` STRUCT_CASES_TAC nterm_nchotomy THEN SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [nterm_case_def] THEN SRW_TAC [][] THEN1 (FIRST_X_ASSUM MATCH_MP_TAC THEN SELECT_ELIM_TAC THEN SRW_TAC [][permeq_sym] THEN METIS_TAC [permeq_refl]) THEN METIS_TAC [permeq_refl]); val nterm_case_rewrites = RWstore_thm( "nterm_case_rewrites", `(nterm_CASE (Nom a) Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf = Nf a) ∧ (nterm_CASE (Tie a t) Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf = Tf a t) ∧ (nterm_CASE (nPair t1 t2) Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf = Pf t1 t2) ∧ (nterm_CASE (nConst c) Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf = Cf c)`, SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [nterm_case_def]); val Sus_case1 = Q.store_thm( "Sus_case1", `nterm_CASE (Sus p v) Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf = Sf (@p'. p' == p) v`, SRW_TAC [] [nterm_case_def]); (* Unfortunately this theorem is wasted when using Define, since only Sus_case1 goes into the case theorem given to the TypeBase *) val Sus_case2 = Q.store_thm( "Sus_case2", `(∀p1 p2. (p1 == p2) ⇒ (Sf p1 v = Sf p2 v)) ⇒ (nterm_CASE (Sus p v) Nf Sf Tf Pf Cf = Sf p v)`, SRW_TAC [] [nterm_case_def] THEN FIRST_X_ASSUM MATCH_MP_TAC THEN SELECT_ELIM_TAC THEN SRW_TAC [][]); val nterm_size_def = RWnew_specification ("nterm_size_def", ["nterm_size"], nterm_rec_exists |> Q.INST_TYPE [`:'a`|->`:num`] |> Q.SPECL [ `λa. 0`, `λp v. 0`, `λa t r. 1 + r`, `λt1 t2 r1 r2. 1 + r1 + r2`, `λc. 0`] |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [] |> GEN ``g:'b -> num`` |> CONV_RULE SKOLEM_CONV |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [FORALL_AND_THM]); val nterm_case_eq = Q.store_thm( "nterm_case_eq", ‘(nterm_CASE n nmf sf tf pf cf = v) ⇔ (∃a. (n = Nom a) ∧ (nmf a = v)) ∨ (∃p w. (n = Sus p w) ∧ (sf (@p'. p' == p) w = v)) ∨ (∃a t. (n = Tie a t) ∧ (tf a t = v)) ∨ (∃t1 t2. (n = nPair t1 t2) ∧ (pf t1 t2 = v)) ∨ (∃c. (n = nConst c) ∧ (cf c = v))’, Q.ISPEC_THEN ‘n’ STRUCT_CASES_TAC nterm_nchotomy >> simp[nterm_case_rewrites, Sus_case1] >> eq_tac >> rw[] >- (rename [‘(c == _) /\ (_ = _)’] >> qexists_tac ‘c’ >> simp[permeq_refl]) >> rename [‘_ (@p'. p' == c1) _ = _ (@p'. p' == c2) _’] >> ‘∀p. p == c2 <=> p == c1’ suffices_by simp[] >> metis_tac[permeq_def]); local open TypeBase open TypeBasePure open Drule in val _ = write [mk_datatype_info { ax = ORIG nterm_rec_exists, induction = ORIG nterm_induction, case_def = LIST_CONJ (let val (n::rest) = CONJUNCTS nterm_case_rewrites in n::Sus_case1::rest end), case_cong = nterm_case_cong, case_eq = nterm_case_eq, nchotomy = nterm_nchotomy, size = SOME (``nterm_size``,ORIG nterm_size_def), encode = NONE, lift = NONE, one_one = NONE, distinct = NONE (* SOME ntermeq_thm *), fields = [], accessors = [], updates = [], destructors = [], recognizers = [] }] end val _ = adjoin_to_theory { sig_ps = NONE, struct_ps = SOME (fn _ => PP.add_string "local open TypeBase open TypeBasePure open Drule in\ \ val _ = write [mk_datatype_info {\ \ ax = ORIG nterm_rec_exists,\ \ induction = ORIG nterm_induction,\ \ case_def = LIST_CONJ\ \ (let val (n::rest) = CONJUNCTS nterm_case_rewrites\ \ in n::Sus_case1::rest end),\ \ case_cong = nterm_case_cong,\n\ \ case_eq = nterm_case_eq,\n\ \ nchotomy = nterm_nchotomy,\ \ size = SOME (``nterm_size``,ORIG nterm_size_def),\ \ encode = NONE,\ \ lift = NONE,\ \ one_one = NONE,\ \ distinct = NONE,\ \ fields = [],\ \ accessors = [],\ \ destructors = [],\ \ recognizers = [],\ \ updates = []\ \}] end\n")} val SELECT_permeq_REFL = RWstore_thm( "SELECT_permeq_REFL", `(@p.p==l)==l`, SELECT_ELIM_TAC THEN SRW_TAC [][]) val Sus_eq_perms = Q.store_thm( "Sus_eq_perms", `p1 == p2 ⇒ (Sus p1 v = Sus p2 v)`, SRW_TAC [][]) val nvars_def = RWDefine` (nvars (Sus p v) = {v}) ∧ (nvars (Tie a t) = nvars t) ∧ (nvars (nPair t1 t2) = nvars t1 ∪ nvars t2) ∧ (nvars _ = {})` val FINITE_nvars = RWstore_thm( "FINITE_nvars", `FINITE (nvars t)`, Induct_on `t` THEN SRW_TAC [][]) val nvarb_def = RWDefine` (nvarb (Sus p v) = {|v|}) ∧ (nvarb (Tie a t) = nvarb t) ∧ (nvarb (nPair t1 t2) = nvarb t1 + nvarb t2) ∧ (nvarb _ = {||})` val FINITE_nvarb = RWstore_thm( "FINITE_nvarb", `∀t. FINITE_BAG (nvarb t)`, Induct THEN SRW_TAC [][]); val IN_nvarb_nvars = RWstore_thm( "IN_nvarb_nvars", `∀t. BAG_IN e (nvarb t) <=> e IN nvars t`, Induct THEN SRW_TAC [][]); val _ = export_theory ();