open HolKernel boolLib bossLib open stateLib set_sepTheory progTheory riscv_stepTheory val () = new_theory "riscv_prog" (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) val _ = stateLib.sep_definitions "riscv" [] ( Lib.list_of_singleton ["c_update", "log", "totalCore", "done", "clock", "c_tlb", "c_instret", "c_cycles", "c_UCSR", "c_SCSR", "c_ReserveLoad", "c_HCSR", "c_ExitCode"]) riscv_stepTheory.NextRISCV_def val riscv_instr_def = Define` riscv_instr (a, i: word32) = { (riscv_c_MEM8 a, riscv_d_word8 ((7 >< 0) i)); (riscv_c_MEM8 (a + 1w), riscv_d_word8 ((15 >< 8) i)); (riscv_c_MEM8 (a + 2w), riscv_d_word8 ((23 >< 16) i)); (riscv_c_MEM8 (a + 3w), riscv_d_word8 ((31 >< 24) i)) }`; val riscv_proj_def = DB.definition "riscv_proj_def" val RISCV_MODEL_def = Define` RISCV_MODEL = (STATE riscv_proj, NEXT_REL (=) NextRISCV, riscv_instr, ($= :riscv_state -> riscv_state -> bool), K F : riscv_state -> bool)` val RISCV_IMP_SPEC = Theory.save_thm ("RISCV_IMP_SPEC", stateTheory.IMP_SPEC |> Q.ISPECL [`riscv_proj`, `NextRISCV`, `riscv_instr`] |> REWRITE_RULE [GSYM RISCV_MODEL_def] ) val RISCV_IMP_TEMPORAL = Theory.save_thm ("RISCV_IMP_TEMPORAL", temporal_stateTheory.IMP_TEMPORAL |> Q.ISPECL [`riscv_proj`, `NextRISCV`, `riscv_instr`, `(=) : riscv_state -> riscv_state -> bool`, `K F : riscv_state -> bool`] |> REWRITE_RULE [GSYM RISCV_MODEL_def] ) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) val riscv_ID_def = Define` riscv_ID id mcsr = riscv_exception NoException * riscv_procID id * riscv_c_NextFetch id NONE * riscv_c_MCSR id mcsr * cond (mcsr.mstatus.VM = 0w)` val riscv_ID_PC_def = Define` riscv_ID_PC id pc = riscv_c_PC id pc * cond (aligned 2 pc)` (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Specialize to RV64I, core 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) val riscv_RV64I_def = Define` riscv_RV64I mcsr = cond (mcsr.mcpuid.ArchBase = 2w) * riscv_ID 0w mcsr` val riscv_REG_def = Define`riscv_REG = riscv_c_gpr 0w` val riscv_PC_def = Define`riscv_PC = riscv_ID_PC 0w` (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) val RISCV_PC_INTRO = Q.store_thm("RISCV_PC_INTRO", `SPEC m (p1 * riscv_ID_PC c pc) code (p2 * riscv_c_PC c pc') ==> (aligned 2 pc ==> aligned 2 pc') ==> SPEC m (p1 * riscv_ID_PC c pc) code (p2 * riscv_ID_PC c pc')`, REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [riscv_ID_PC_def, SPEC_MOVE_COND, STAR_ASSOC, SEP_CLAUSES] ) val RISCV_TEMPORAL_PC_INTRO = Q.store_thm("RISCV_TEMPORAL_PC_INTRO", `TEMPORAL_NEXT m (p1 * riscv_ID_PC c pc) code (p2 * riscv_c_PC c pc') ==> (aligned 2 pc ==> aligned 2 pc') ==> TEMPORAL_NEXT m (p1 * riscv_ID_PC c pc) code (p2 * riscv_ID_PC c pc')`, REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [riscv_ID_PC_def, temporal_stateTheory.TEMPORAL_NEXT_MOVE_COND, STAR_ASSOC, SEP_CLAUSES] ) val cond_branch_aligned = Q.store_thm("cond_branch_aligned", `(aligned 2 (pc: word64) ==> aligned 2 (if b then pc + sw2sw (v2w [x0; x21; x1; x2; x3; x4; x5; x6; x17; x18; x19; x20] : word12) << 1 else pc + 4w)) = (aligned 2 pc /\ b ==> ~x20)`, rw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract] \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC ) val jal_aligned = Q.store_thm("jal_aligned", `(aligned 2 (pc: word64) ==> aligned 2 (pc + sw2sw (a: word20) << 1)) = aligned 2 pc ==> ~word_lsb a`, rw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract] \\ blastLib.BBLAST_TAC ) val jalr_aligned = Q.store_thm("jalr_aligned", `~(a: word12) ' 1 /\ (b \/ aligned 2 (v: word64)) /\ (c ==> aligned 2 (if b then sw2sw a && 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEw else v + sw2sw a && 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEw)) = ~(a: word12) ' 1 /\ (b \/ aligned 2 (v: word64))`, rw [alignmentTheory.aligned_extract] \\ blastLib.FULL_BBLAST_TAC ) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) val c_gpr_frame = Q.store_thm("c_gpr_frame", `!c_gpr a b w s x. riscv_c_c_gpr a b IN x ==> (FRAME_STATE riscv_proj x (s with c_gpr := (a =+ (b =+ w) (c_gpr a)) c_gpr) = FRAME_STATE riscv_proj x (s with c_gpr := c_gpr))`, rw [stateTheory.FRAME_STATE_def, stateTheory.SELECT_STATE_def, set_sepTheory.fun2set_def, pred_setTheory.EXTENSION] \\ eq_tac \\ rw [] \\ Cases_on `a'` \\ rw [combinTheory.APPLY_UPDATE_THM, riscv_proj_def] \\ Cases_on `b = c0` \\ fs [] ) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) val riscv_opcode_bytes = Theory.save_thm("riscv_opcode_bytes", blastLib.BBLAST_PROVE ``(d @@ ((c @@ ((b @@ a) : word16)) : word24) = r: word32) = (a = ( 7 >< 0) r : word8) /\ (b = (15 >< 8) r : word8) /\ (c = (23 >< 16) r : word8) /\ (d = (31 >< 24) r : word8)``) val () = export_theory()