structure tripleSyntax :> tripleSyntax = struct open Abbrev HolKernel open tripleTheory val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "tripleSyntax" (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val (triple_tm, mk_triple, dest_triple, is_triple) = HolKernel.syntax_fns4 "triple" "TRIPLE" val (case_sum_tm, mk_case_sum, dest_case_sum, is_case_sum) = HolKernel.syntax_fns3 "triple" "case_sum" fun dest_model tm = let val (m, _, _, _) = dest_triple tm in m end fun dest_pre tm = let val (_, p, _, _) = dest_triple tm in p end fun dest_code tm = let val (_, _, c, _) = dest_triple tm in c end fun dest_post tm = let val (_, _, _, q) = dest_triple tm in q end fun dest_pre_post tm = let val (_, p, _, q) = dest_triple tm in (p, q) end fun get_component P thm = case Thm.hyp thm of [h] => let val (l, r) = boolSyntax.dest_eq h val l = pairSyntax.strip_pair l val r = pairSyntax.strip_pair r in case (Lib.index P) r of SOME n => List.nth (l, n) | NONE => raise ERR "get_component" "not found" end | _ => raise ERR "get_component" "not single hyp" (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *) end