structure stateLib :> stateLib = struct open HolKernel boolLib bossLib open updateLib utilsLib open stateTheory temporal_stateTheory open helperLib progSyntax temporalSyntax temporal_stateSyntax structure Parse = struct open Parse val (Type, Term) = parse_from_grammars temporal_stateTheory.temporal_state_grammars end open Parse val ERR = Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "stateLib" (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* Versions of operations in helperLib that are generalise to cover TEMPORAL_NEXT as well as SPEC *) fun SPECC_FRAME_RULE frame th = Thm.SPEC frame (Drule.MATCH_MP progTheory.SPEC_FRAME th handle HOL_ERR _ => Drule.MATCH_MP temporal_stateTheory.TEMPORAL_NEXT_FRAME th) fun SPECL_FRAME_RULE l th = let val p = temporal_stateSyntax.dest_pre' (Thm.concl th) val xs = progSyntax.strip_star p val lx = List.filter (fn t => not (Lib.exists (Lib.can (Term.match_term t)) xs)) l in List.foldl (Lib.uncurry SPECC_FRAME_RULE) th lx end val MOVE_COND_CONV = Conv.REWR_CONV (GSYM progTheory.SPEC_MOVE_COND) ORELSEC Conv.REWR_CONV (GSYM temporal_stateTheory.TEMPORAL_NEXT_MOVE_COND) local val cond_T = Q.prove ( `!p : 'a set set. (set_sep$cond T * p = p) /\ (p * set_sep$cond T = p)`, REWRITE_TAC [set_sepTheory.SEP_CLAUSES]) val rule1 = helperLib.PRE_POST_RULE (REWRITE_CONV [cond_T]) o Conv.CONV_RULE MOVE_COND_CONV fun COND_RW_CONV atm = let val cnv = Conv.RAND_CONV (PURE_REWRITE_CONV [ASSUME atm]) in fn tm => if progSyntax.is_cond tm then cnv tm else NO_CONV tm end in fun MOVE_COND_RULE tm thm = let val thm1 = Conv.CONV_RULE (Conv.DEPTH_CONV (COND_RW_CONV tm)) thm in case Thm.hyp thm1 of [t] => if t = tm then rule1 (Thm.DISCH t thm1) else thm | _ => thm end end fun PRE_COND_CONV cnv = helperLib.PRE_CONV (Conv.ONCE_DEPTH_CONV (fn tm => if progSyntax.is_cond tm then Conv.RAND_CONV cnv tm else raise ERR "PRE_COND_CONV" "") THENC PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [stateTheory.cond_true_elim]) (* Some syntax functions *) fun mk_state_pred x = pred_setSyntax.mk_set [pred_setSyntax.mk_set [pairSyntax.mk_pair x]] (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ update_frame_state_thm: Generate theorem with conjuncts of the form !a w s x. f a IN x ==> (FRAME_STATE m x (u s a w) = FRAME_STATE m x (r s)) where "m" is a projection map and "u" is a state update function. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local val concat_ = String.concat o Lib.separate "_" val dom_of = utilsLib.dom o Term.type_of val rng_of = utilsLib.rng o Term.type_of val ty_name = #Tyop o Type.dest_thy_type o Term.type_of in fun update_frame_state_thm proj_def = let val tac = Cases THEN SRW_TAC [] [proj_def, combinTheory.APPLY_UPDATE_THM] val proj = utilsLib.get_function proj_def val th = Drule.ISPEC proj stateTheory.UPDATE_FRAME_STATE val {Thy = p_thy, Name = n, Ty = ty, ...} = Term.dest_thy_const proj val isa = if String.isSuffix "_proj" n then String.extract (n, 0, SOME (String.size n - 5)) else raise ERR "update_frame_state_thm" "unexpected proj name" val state_ty = fst (Type.dom_rng ty) val {Thy = thy, ...} = Type.dest_thy_type state_ty val s = Term.mk_var ("s", state_ty) fun frame_state_thm component = let val l = String.tokens (Lib.equal #".") component val c_name = concat_ (isa :: "c" :: l) val c = Term.prim_mk_const {Name = c_name, Thy = p_thy} val (f, aty, not_map) = case dom_of c of SOME ty => (c, ty, false) | NONE => (combinSyntax.mk_K_1 (c, Type.alpha), Type.alpha, true) val a = Term.mk_var ("a", aty) val w = ref boolSyntax.T fun iter rest tm = fn [] => if rest then tm else if not_map then (w := Term.mk_var ("w", Term.type_of tm); !w) else ( w := Term.mk_var ("w", rng_of tm) ; Term.mk_comb (combinSyntax.mk_update (a, !w), tm) ) | h :: t => let val fupd_name = concat_ [ty_name tm, h, "fupd"] val fupd = Term.prim_mk_const {Name = fupd_name, Thy = thy} val d = utilsLib.dom (dom_of fupd) val v = Term.mk_var (utilsLib.lowercase h, d) in Term.list_mk_comb (fupd, [combinSyntax.mk_K_1 (iter rest v t, d), tm]) end val u = iter false s l val u = Term.list_mk_abs ([s, a, !w], u) val l = if not_map then Lib.butlast l else l val r = Term.mk_abs (s, iter true s l) val thm = th |> Drule.ISPECL [f, u, r] |> SIMP_RULE (srw_ss()) [] val p = fst (boolSyntax.dest_imp (Thm.concl thm)) val p_thm = Tactical.prove (p, tac) in Drule.GEN_ALL (MATCH_MP thm p_thm) end in Drule.LIST_CONJ o frame_state_thm end end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ update_hidden_frame_state_thm: Generate theorem with conjuncts of the form !x y s. (FRAME_STATE m x (s with ? := x) = FRAME_STATE m x s) where "m" is a projection map. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local val tac = NTAC 2 STRIP_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC [stateTheory.FRAME_STATE_def, stateTheory.STATE_def, stateTheory.SELECT_STATE_def, set_sepTheory.fun2set_def] THEN SRW_TAC [] [pred_setTheory.EXTENSION, pred_setTheory.GSPECIFICATION] THEN EQ_TAC THEN STRIP_TAC THEN Q.EXISTS_TAC `a` THEN Cases_on `a` fun prove_hidden thm u = let val p = utilsLib.get_function thm val t = tac THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (srw_ss()) [thm] in Drule.GEN_ALL (Q.prove (`!y s. FRAME_STATE ^p y ^u = FRAME_STATE ^p y s`, t)) end in fun update_hidden_frame_state_thm proj_def = utilsLib.map_conv (prove_hidden proj_def) end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ star_select_state_thm: Generate theorems of the form !cd m p s x. ({cd} * p) (SELECT_STATE m x s) = (!c d. (c, d) IN cd ==> (m s c = d)) /\ IMAGE FST cd SUBSET x /\ p (SELECT_STATE m (x DIFF IMAGE FST cd) s) pool_select_state_thm: Generate theorems of the form !cd m p s x. {cd} (SELECT_STATE m x s) = (!c d. (c, d) IN cd ==> (m s c = d)) /\ IMAGE FST cd SUBSET x /\ (x DIFF IMAGE FST cd = {}) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local val EXPAND_lem = Q.prove( `!x:'a # 'b y m s:'c c:'d. (!c d. (c, d) IN set (x :: y) ==> (m s c = d)) = (!c d. ((c, d) = x) ==> (m s c = d)) /\ (!c d. ((c, d) IN set y) ==> (m s c = d))`, SRW_TAC [] [] \\ utilsLib.qm_tac []) val EXPAND_lem2 = Q.prove( `!x:'a # 'b y m s:'c c:'d. (!c d. (c, d) IN x INSERT y ==> (m s c = d)) = (!c d. ((c, d) = x) ==> (m s c = d)) /\ (!c d. ((c, d) IN y) ==> (m s c = d))`, SRW_TAC [] [] \\ utilsLib.qm_tac []) val emp_thm = set_sepTheory.SEP_CLAUSES |> Drule.SPEC_ALL |> Drule.CONJUNCTS |> List.last in fun star_select_state_thm proj_def thms (l, thm) = let val proj_tm = utilsLib.get_function proj_def val tm = thm |> Thm.concl |> boolSyntax.strip_forall |> snd |> boolSyntax.rhs |> pred_setSyntax.strip_set |> List.hd val tm_thm = (REWRITE_CONV thms THENC Conv.CHANGED_CONV EVAL) tm handle HOL_ERR {origin_function = "CHANGED_CONV", ...} => combinTheory.I_THM in STAR_SELECT_STATE |> Drule.ISPECL ([tm, proj_tm] @ l) |> Conv.CONV_RULE (Conv.STRIP_QUANT_CONV (Conv.FORK_CONV (REWRITE_CONV [GSYM thm, emp_thm], REWRITE_CONV [tm_thm, EXPAND_lem, EXPAND_lem2] THENC SIMP_CONV (srw_ss()) [proj_def, emp_SELECT_STATE]))) |> Drule.GEN_ALL end fun pool_select_state_thm proj_def thms instr_def = let val tm = utilsLib.get_function proj_def val ty = utilsLib.rng (Term.type_of tm) val ty = (pairSyntax.mk_prod (Type.dom_rng ty) --> Type.bool) --> Type.bool val emp = Term.mk_const ("emp", ty) in star_select_state_thm proj_def thms ([emp], instr_def) end end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sep_definitions sthy expnd thm Generate a state component map for a given next state function, where sthy: name of model (used as a prefix tag), e.g. "x86" expnd: specifies which record components should be expanded (be given separate component names). For example, [["CPSR"]] thm: the next state function ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local fun def_suffix s = s ^ "_def" val comp_names = (def_suffix o fst o Term.dest_const o utilsLib.get_function) fun mk_state_var ty = Term.mk_var ("s", ty) fun make_component_name sthy = String.concat o Lib.cons (sthy ^ "_c_") o Lib.separate "_" o List.rev fun make_assert_name sthy tm = sthy ^ String.extract (fst (Term.dest_const tm), String.size sthy + 2, NONE) fun component (n, ty) = let val (a, r) = HolKernel.strip_fun ty in ((n, ParseDatatype.dAQ a), r) end fun build_names (sthy, expnd, hide, state_ty) = let val s = mk_state_var state_ty fun loop (x as ((path, ty), tm), es, hs) = case TypeBase.fields_of ty of NONE => [x] | SOME [] => [x] | SOME l => let val l = (l, utilsLib.accessor_fns ty) fun process n = o List.filter (Lib.equal (SOME n) o List.hd) val (nd, dn) = List.foldl (fn ((x as ((n, t), f)), (nd, dn)) => let val hs' = process n hs val es' = process n es val ahide = Lib.mem [] hs' val y = ((n :: path, t), Term.mk_comb (f, tm)) in if List.null es' then (nd, if ahide then dn else y :: dn) else ((y, es', hs') :: nd, dn) end) ([], []) l in dn @ List.concat ( loop nd) end val (l1, tms) = ListPair.unzip (loop ((([], state_ty), s), expnd, hide)) val (components, data) = ListPair.unzip ( (component o (make_component_name sthy ## Lib.I)) l1) in (components, Lib.mk_set data, tms) end fun data_constructor ty = case Type.dest_thy_type ty of {Thy = "fcp", Args = [_, n], Tyop = "cart"} => "word" ^ Arbnum.toString (fcpSyntax.dest_numeric_type n) | {Thy = "min", Args = [_, b], Tyop = "fun"} => data_constructor b | {Thy = "pair", Args = [a, b], Tyop = "prod"} => data_constructor a ^ "_X_" ^ data_constructor b | {Thy = "option", Args = [a], Tyop = "option"} => data_constructor a ^ "_option" | {Thy = "list", Args = [a], Tyop = "list"} => data_constructor a ^ "_list" | {Args = [], Tyop = s, ...} => s | _ => raise ERR "data_constructor" "incompatible type" fun define_assert0 sthy pred_ty (tm1, tm2) = let val dty = utilsLib.dom (Term.type_of tm2) val d = Term.mk_var ("d", dty) val tm_d = Term.mk_comb (tm2, d) val s = make_assert_name sthy tm1 val l = Term.mk_comb (Term.mk_var (s, dty --> pred_ty), d) val r = mk_state_pred (tm1, tm_d) in Definition.new_definition (def_suffix s, boolSyntax.mk_eq (l, r)) end fun define_assert1 sthy pred_ty (tm1, tm2, vs) = let val cs = case vs of [v] => [Term.mk_var ("c", Term.type_of v)] | l => List.tabulate (List.length vs, fn i => Term.mk_var ("c" ^ Int.toString i, Term.type_of (List.nth (vs, i)))) val tm1 = Term.subst ( (op |->) ( (vs, cs))) tm1 val dty = utilsLib.dom (Term.type_of tm2) val d = Term.mk_var ("d", dty) val tm_d = Term.mk_comb (tm2, d) val s = make_assert_name sthy (fst (boolSyntax.strip_comb tm1)) val tys = Term.type_of cs val ty = List.foldl (op -->) pred_ty (dty :: List.rev tys) val l = Term.list_mk_comb (Term.mk_var (s, ty), cs @ [d]) val r = mk_state_pred (tm1, tm_d) in Definition.new_definition (def_suffix s, boolSyntax.mk_eq (l, r)) end in fun sep_definitions sthy expnd hide thm = let val next_tm = utilsLib.get_function thm val state_ty = utilsLib.dom (Term.type_of next_tm) val (components, data, tms) = build_names (sthy, expnd, hide, state_ty) fun dc ty = sthy ^ "_d_" ^ data_constructor ty val data_cons = (fn d => (dc d, [ParseDatatype.dAQ d])) data val s_c = sthy ^ "_component" val s_d = sthy ^ "_data" val () = Datatype.astHol_datatype [(s_c, ParseDatatype.Constructors components)] val () = Datatype.astHol_datatype [(s_d, ParseDatatype.Constructors data_cons)] val cty = Type.mk_type (s_c, []) val dty = Type.mk_type (s_d, []) val pred_ty = pred_setSyntax.mk_set_type (pred_setSyntax.mk_set_type (pairSyntax.mk_prod (cty, dty))) fun mk_dc ty = Term.mk_const (dc ty, ty --> dty) val n = ref 0 val a0 = define_assert0 sthy pred_ty val a1 = define_assert1 sthy pred_ty val define_component = fn ((s, []), tm) => let val tm1 = Term.mk_const (s, cty) val tm2 = mk_dc (type_of tm) in ((tm1, Term.mk_comb (tm2, tm)), a0 (tm1, tm2)) end | ((s, ptys), tm) => let val tys = ParseDatatype.pretypeToType ptys val vs = (fn ty => Term.mk_var ("v" ^ Int.toString (!n), ty) before n) tys val tm_v = Term.list_mk_comb (tm, vs) val bty = snd (HolKernel.strip_fun (Term.type_of tm)) val aty = List.foldl (op -->) cty (List.rev tys) val tm1 = Term.list_mk_comb (Term.mk_const (s, aty), vs) val tm2 = mk_dc (Term.type_of tm_v) in ((tm1, Term.mk_comb (tm2, tm_v)), a1 (tm1, tm2, vs)) end val l = define_component ( (components, tms)) val (cs, defs) = ListPair.unzip l val proj_r = TypeBase.mk_pattern_fn cs val proj_s = sthy ^ "_proj" val proj_f = Term.mk_var (proj_s, state_ty --> cty --> dty) val proj_l = Term.mk_comb (proj_f, mk_state_var state_ty) val proj_def = Definition.new_definition (sthy ^ "_proj_def", boolSyntax.mk_eq (proj_l, proj_r)) val () = Theory.adjoin_to_theory {sig_ps = SOME (fn _ => PP.add_string "val component_defs: thm list"), struct_ps = SOME (fn _ => PP.block PP.CONSISTENT 2 [ PP.add_string "val component_defs =", PP.add_break(1,0), PP.block PP.INCONSISTENT 1 ( PP.add_string "[" :: PP.pr_list PP.add_string [PP.add_string ",", PP.add_break (1, 0)] (comp_names defs) @ [PP.add_string "]"] ), PP.add_newline ] ) } in proj_def :: defs end end (* open arm_stepTheory val sthy = "arm" val expnd = [["CPSR"], ["FP", "FPSCR"]] val hide = [["undefined"], ["CurrentCondition"]] val thm = arm_stepTheory.NextStateARM_def val (x as ((path, ty), tm), es) = ((([], state_ty), s), expnd) val SOME l = TypeBase.fields_of ty val (x as ((n, t), f)) = hd l val hs = [["Architecture"]] *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ define_map_component (name, f, def) Given a definition of the form |- !c d. model_X c d = {{(model_c_X, model_d_Y)}} this function generates a map version, as defined by !df f. name df f = {BIGUNION {BIGUNION (model_X c (f c)) | c IN df}} and it also derives the theorem |- c IN df ==> (model_X c d * name (df DELETE c) f = name df ((c =+ d) f)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) fun define_map_component (s, f, def) = let val thm = Drule.MATCH_MP stateTheory.MAPPED_COMPONENT_INSERT_OPT def handle HOL_ERR _ => Drule.MATCH_MP stateTheory.MAPPED_COMPONENT_INSERT1 def val map_c = fst (boolSyntax.dest_forall (Thm.concl thm)) val map_c = Term.mk_var (s, Term.type_of map_c) val (tm_11, def_tm) = thm |> Thm.SPEC map_c |> Thm.concl |> boolSyntax.dest_imp |> fst |> boolSyntax.dest_conj val comp_11 = simpLib.SIMP_PROVE (srw_ss()) [] tm_11 val (v_df, def_tm) = boolSyntax.dest_forall def_tm val (v_f, def_tm) = boolSyntax.dest_forall def_tm val v_df' = Term.mk_var ("d" ^ f, Term.type_of v_df) val v_f' = Term.mk_var (f, Term.type_of v_f) val def_tm = Term.subst [v_df |-> v_df', v_f |-> v_f'] def_tm val mdef = Definition.new_definition (s ^ "_def", def_tm) val thm = Theory.save_thm (s ^ "_INSERT", Drule.SPECL [v_f', v_df'] (MATCH_MP thm (Thm.CONJ comp_11 mdef))) in (mdef, thm) end handle HOL_ERR {message, ...} => raise ERR "define_map_component" message (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ mk_code_pool: make term ``CODE_POOL f {(v, opc)}`` ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local val code_pool_tm = Term.prim_mk_const {Thy = "prog", Name = "CODE_POOL"} in fun mk_code_pool (f, v, opc) = let val x = pred_setSyntax.mk_set [pairSyntax.mk_pair (v, opc)] in boolSyntax.list_mk_icomb (code_pool_tm, [f, x]) end handle HOL_ERR {message, ...} => raise ERR "mk_code_pool" message end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ list_mk_code_pool: make term ``CODE_POOL f {(v, [opc0, ...])}`` ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) fun list_mk_code_pool (f, v, l) = mk_code_pool (f, v, listSyntax.mk_list (l, Term.type_of (hd l))) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ is_code_access: test if term is of the form ``s.mem v`` or ``s.mems (v + x)`` ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) fun is_code_access (s, v) tm = case boolSyntax.dest_strip_comb tm of (c, [_, a]) => c = s andalso (a = v orelse (case wordsSyntax.dest_word_add a of SOME (x, y) => x = v andalso wordsSyntax.is_word_literal y | NONE => false)) | _ => false (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ dest_code_access: ``s.mem a = r`` -> (0, ``r``) ``s.mem (a + i) = r`` -> (i, ``r``) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) fun dest_code_access tm = let val (l, r) = boolSyntax.dest_eq tm val a = boolSyntax.rand l val a = case (snd o wordsSyntax.dest_word_add) a of SOME x => wordsSyntax.uint_of_word x | NONE => 0 in (a, case optionSyntax.dest_some r of SOME v => v | NONE => r) end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ read_footprint proj_def comp_defs cpool extras Generate a map from step-theorem to (component pre-conditions, code-pool, Boolean pre-condition, processed next-state term) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local val vnum = ref (Redblackmap.mkDict : (string, int) Redblackmap.dict) fun is_gen s = String.sub (s, 0) = #"%" in fun gvar s ty = let val i = case Redblackmap.peek (!vnum, s) of SOME i => (vnum := Redblackmap.insert (!vnum, s, i + 1) ; Int.toString i) | NONE => (vnum := Redblackmap.insert (!vnum, s, 0); "") in Term.mk_var (s ^ i, ty) end val vvar = gvar "%v" fun varReset () = vnum := Redblackmap.mkDict fun is_vvar tm = case Term.dest_var tm of SOME (s, _) => is_gen s | NONE => false fun is_nvvar tm = case Term.dest_var tm of SOME (s, _) => not (is_gen s) | NONE => false fun build_assert (f: term * term -> term) g = fn ((d, (c, pat)), (a, tm)) => let val v = vvar (utilsLib.dom (Term.type_of d)) in (f (c, Term.mk_comb (d, v)) :: a, Term.subst [pat |-> g v] tm) end end type footprint_extra = (term * term) * (term -> term) * (term -> term) local fun entry (c, d) = let val (d, pat) = Term.dest_comb d in (d, (c, pat)) end fun component_assoc_list proj_def = proj_def |> Thm.concl |> boolSyntax.strip_forall |> snd |> boolSyntax.rhs |> Term.dest_abs |> snd |> TypeBase.strip_case |> snd |> entry |> List.partition (fn (_, (t, _)) => Term.is_comb t) fun prim_pat_match (c, pat) tm = HolKernel.bvk_find_term (K true) (fn t => let val m = fst (Term.match_term pat t) in (Term.subst m c, t) end) tm fun pat_match s_tm (c, pat) tm = HolKernel.bvk_find_term (Term.is_comb o snd) (fn t => let val m = fst (Term.match_term pat t) val _ = List.length (HolKernel.find_terms (Lib.equal s_tm) t) < 2 orelse raise ERR "" "" in (Term.subst m c, t) end) tm fun read_extra x = fn [] => x | l as ((cpat, f, g) :: r) => (case prim_pat_match cpat (snd x) of SOME (d, pat) => read_extra (build_assert (f o snd) g ((d, (boolSyntax.T, pat)), x)) l | NONE => read_extra x r) fun map_rws rws = List.concat o ( (boolSyntax.strip_conj o utilsLib.rhsc o Conv.QCONV (REWRITE_CONV rws))) val tidyup = map_rws [optionTheory.SOME_11] fun is_ok_rhs tm = is_nvvar tm orelse (case optionSyntax.dest_some tm of SOME v => is_nvvar v | NONE => List.null (Term.free_vars tm)) fun mk_rewrite1 (l, r) = Lib.assert (fn {redex, residue} => Term.is_var redex andalso is_ok_rhs residue andalso Term.type_of redex = Term.type_of residue) (l |-> r) fun mk_rewrite tm = case boolSyntax.dest_eq tm of SOME x => mk_rewrite1 x | NONE => (case boolSyntax.dest_neg tm of SOME v => mk_rewrite1 (v, boolSyntax.F) | NONE => mk_rewrite1 (tm, boolSyntax.T)) val is_rewrite = Lib.can mk_rewrite fun make_subst tms = tms |> mk_rewrite |> List.partition (Term.is_var o #residue) |> (fn (l1, l2) => Term.subst (l2 @ l1)) fun not_some_none tm = case optionSyntax.dest_is_some tm of SOME t => not (optionSyntax.is_some t) | NONE => true in fun read_footprint proj_def comp_defs cpool (extras: footprint_extra list) = let val (l1, l2) = component_assoc_list proj_def val sty = utilsLib.dom (Term.type_of (utilsLib.get_function proj_def)) val b_assert = build_assert (utilsLib.rhsc o REWRITE_CONV ( GSYM comp_defs) o mk_state_pred) Lib.I val mtch = pat_match (Term.mk_var ("s", sty)) in fn thm: thm => let val () = varReset () val (b, c: term, tm) = cpool thm val x = List.foldl (fn e as ((_, cpat), x) => if Option.isSome (prim_pat_match cpat (snd x)) then b_assert e else x) ([], tm) l2 fun loop modified x = fn [] => if modified then loop false x l1 else x | l as ((d, cpat) :: r) => (case mtch cpat (snd x) of NONE => loop modified x r | SOME m => loop true (b_assert ((d, m), x)) l) val (a, tm) = read_extra (loop false x l1) extras val a = b :: a val (p, tm) = boolSyntax.strip_imp tm val (eqs, rest) = List.partition is_rewrite (tidyup p) val rest = List.filter not_some_none rest val sbst = make_subst eqs val a = sbst a val p = if List.null rest then boolSyntax.T else sbst (boolSyntax.list_mk_conj rest) in (a, c, p, sbst (optionSyntax.dest_some (boolSyntax.rhs tm))) end end end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ write_footprint syntax1 syntax2 l1 l2 l3 l4 P (p, q, tm) Extend p (pre) and q (post) proposition lists with entries for component updates. l1 is a list of updates for map components l2 is a list of updates for regular components l3 is a list of updates for regular components (known to be read) l4 is a list of user defined updates for sub components P is a predicate this is used to test whether all updates have been considered ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local fun strip_assign (a, b) = let val (x, y) = combinSyntax.strip_update (combinSyntax.dest_K_1 a) in if b <> y then (Parse.print_term b ; print "\n\n" ; Parse.print_term y ; raise ERR "write_footprint" "strip_assign") else () ; x end fun not_in_asserts p (dst: term -> term) = List.filter (fn x => let val d = dst x in not (Lib.exists (fn y => case dst y of SOME c => c = d | NONE => false) p) end) val prefix = HolKernel.list_mk_comb o (Lib.I ## Lib.butlast) o boolSyntax.strip_comb fun fillIn f ty = fn []: term list => [] | _ => [f (vvar ty)]: term list datatype footprint = MapComponent of term * (term * term -> term) * (term -> term) * (term -> term) | Component of term list * term list * term -> term list * term list fun mk_map_footprint syntax2 (c:string, t) = let val (tm, mk, dst:term -> term * term, _:term -> bool) = syntax2 c val ty = utilsLib.dom (utilsLib.rng (Term.type_of tm)) val c = fst o dst fun d tm = mk (c tm, vvar ty) in MapComponent (t, mk, c, d) end fun mk_footprint1 syntax1 (c:string) = let val (tm, mk, _:term -> term, _:term -> bool) = syntax1 c val ty = utilsLib.dom (Term.type_of tm) in Component (fn (p, q, v) => let val x = mk v val l = fillIn mk ty (not_in_asserts p Term.rator [x]) in (l @ p, x :: q) end) end fun mk_footprint1b syntax1 (c:string) = let val (_, mk, _, _) = syntax1 c in Component (fn (p, q, v) => (p, mk v :: q)) end in fun sort_finish psort (p, q) = let val q = psort (q @ not_in_asserts q prefix p) in (psort p, q) end fun write_footprint syntax1 syntax2 l1 l2 l3 l4 P = let val mk_map_f = mk_map_footprint syntax2 val l1 = (fn (s, c, tm) => (s, mk_map_f (c, tm))) l1 val l2 = (I ## mk_footprint1 syntax1) l2 val l3 = (I ## mk_footprint1b syntax1) l3 val l4 = (I ## Component) l4 val m = Redblackmap.fromList (l1 @ l2 @ l3 @ l4) fun default (s, l, p, q) = if P (s, l) then (p, q) else raise ERR "write_footprint" s fun loop (p, q, tm) = (case boolSyntax.dest_strip_comb tm of (f_upd, l as [v, rst]) => (case Redblackmap.peek (m, f_upd) of SOME (Component f) => let val (p', q') = f (p, q, combinSyntax.dest_K_1 v) in loop (p', q', rst) end | SOME (MapComponent (t, mk, c, d)) => let val l = mk (strip_assign (v, t)) val l2 = d (not_in_asserts p c l) in loop (l2 @ p, l @ q, rst) end | NONE => default (f_upd, l, p, q)) | (s, l) => default (s, l, p, q) : (term list * term list)) handle HOL_ERR {origin_function = "dest_thy_const", ...} => (p, q) in loop end end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ mk_pre_post Generate pre-codition, code-pool and post-condition for step-theorem ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local val temporal = ref false in fun set_temporal b = temporal := b fun generate_temporal () = !temporal end local fun get_def tm = let val {Name, Thy, ...} = Term.dest_thy_const (Term.rand tm) in DB.fetch Thy (Name ^ "_def") end in fun mk_pre_post model_def comp_defs cpool extras write_fn psort = let val (model_tm, tm) = boolSyntax.dest_eq (Thm.concl model_def) val proj_def = case pairSyntax.strip_pair tm of [a, _, _, _, _] => get_def a | _ => raise ERR "mk_pre_post" "bad model definition" val read = read_footprint proj_def comp_defs cpool extras val mk_spec_or_temporal_next = temporal_stateSyntax.mk_spec_or_temporal_next model_tm val write = (progSyntax.list_mk_star ## progSyntax.list_mk_star) o sort_finish psort o write_fn in fn thm: thm => let val (p, pool, c, tm) = read thm val (p, q) = write (p, []: term list, tm) val p = if c = boolSyntax.T then p else progSyntax.mk_star (progSyntax.mk_cond c, p) in mk_spec_or_temporal_next (generate_temporal()) (p, pool, q) end end end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ rename_vars: Rename generated variables "%v" in a SPEC theorem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) fun rename_vars (rmap, bump) = let fun rename f tm = case boolSyntax.dest_strip_comb tm of (_, []) => NONE | (c, l) => let val (x, v) = Lib.front_last l in if is_vvar v then case rmap c of SOME g => (case g x of SOME s => SOME (v |-> f (s, Term.type_of v)) | NONE => NONE) | NONE => NONE else NONE end in fn thm => let val p = temporal_stateSyntax.dest_pre' (Thm.concl thm) val () = varReset () val () = (fn s => General.ignore (gvar s Type.alpha)) bump val avoid = utilsLib.avoid_name_clashes p o Lib.uncurry gvar val p = progSyntax.strip_star p in Thm.INST (List.mapPartial (rename avoid) p) thm end handle e as HOL_ERR _ => Raise e end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ introduce_triple_definition (duplicate, thm_def) thm Given a thm_def of the form |- !x. f x = p1 * ... * pn * cond c1 * ... * cond cm (where the conds need not be at the end) and a theorem "thm" of the form |- SPEC (cond r * p) c q the function introduce_triple_definition gives a theorem of form |- SPEC (cond r' * p' * f x1) c (q' * f x2) The condition "r'" is related to "r" but will no longer incorporate conditions found in "c1" to "cm". Similarly "p'" and "q'" will no longer contain components "p1" to "pn". The "duplicate" flag controls whether or not conditions in "r" are added to the postcondition in order to introduce "f". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local val get_conds = List.filter progSyntax.is_cond o progSyntax.strip_star val err = ERR "introduce_triple" fun move_match (pat, t) = MOVE_COND_RULE (case Lib.mk_set (find_terms (Lib.can (Term.match_term pat)) t) of [] => raise (err "missing condition") | [m] => m | l => Lib.with_exn (Lib.first (Lib.equal pat)) l (err "ambiguous condition")) in fun introduce_triple_definition (duplicate, thm_def) = let val ts = thm_def |> Thm.concl |> boolSyntax.strip_forall |> snd |> boolSyntax.dest_eq |> snd |> progSyntax.strip_star val (cs, ps) = List.partition progSyntax.is_cond ts val cs = progSyntax.dest_cond cs val rule = helperLib.PRE_POST_RULE (helperLib.STAR_REWRITE_CONV (GSYM thm_def)) fun d_rule th = if duplicate then MATCH_MP progTheory.SPEC_DUPLICATE_COND th handle HOL_ERR _ => MATCH_MP temporal_stateTheory.TEMPORAL_NEXT_DUPLICATE_COND th else th in fn thm => let val p = temporal_stateSyntax.dest_pre' (Thm.concl thm) val move_cs = (fn t => (fn c => d_rule o move_match (c, t)) cs) (get_conds p) in thm |> SPECL_FRAME_RULE ps |> Lib.C (List.foldl (fn (f, t) => f t)) (List.concat move_cs) |> rule end end end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ introduce_map_definition (insert_thm, dom_eq_conv) thm Given an insert_thm of the form |- c IN df ==> (model_X c d * name (df DELETE c) f = name df ((c =+ d) f)) (which may be generated by define_map_component) and a theorem "thm" of the form |- SPEC (cond r * p) c q where "p" and "q" contain instances of "model_X c d", a theorem new is generated of the form |- SPEC (p' * name df f * cond (r /\ z)) x (q' * name df f') where "p'" and "q'" are modified versions of "p" and "q" that no longer contain any instances of "model_X c d". The predicate "z" will specify which values are contained in "df", which represents the domain of the newly intoruced map "f". The conversion "dom_eq_conv" can be used to simplify "z" by deciding equality over elements of the domain of "f". ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local fun strip2 f = case boolSyntax.strip_comb f of (f, [a, b]) => (f, (a, b)) | _ => raise ERR "strip2" "" val tidy_up_rule = helperLib.MERGE_CONDS_RULE o PURE_REWRITE_RULE [GSYM progTheory.SPEC_MOVE_COND, GSYM temporal_stateTheory.TEMPORAL_NEXT_MOVE_COND] o Drule.DISCH_ALL val is_ineq = Lib.can (boolSyntax.dest_eq o boolSyntax.dest_neg) val apply_id_rule = PURE_REWRITE_RULE [updateTheory.APPLY_UPDATE_ID] in fun introduce_map_definition (insert_thm, dom_eq_conv) = let val insert_thm = Drule.SPEC_ALL insert_thm val ((f_tm, (c, d)), (m_tm, (df, f))) = insert_thm |> Thm.concl |> boolSyntax.dest_imp |> snd |> boolSyntax.dest_eq |> fst |> progSyntax.dest_star |> (strip2 ## strip2) val is_f = Lib.equal f_tm o fst o boolSyntax.strip_comb val get_f = List.filter is_f o progSyntax.strip_star o temporal_stateSyntax.dest_pre' o Thm.concl val c_ty = Term.type_of c val d_ty = Term.type_of d val c_set_ty = pred_setSyntax.mk_set_type c_ty val df = fst (pred_setSyntax.dest_delete df) val df_intro = List.foldl (pred_setSyntax.mk_delete o Lib.swap) df fun mk_frame cs = Term.mk_comb (Term.mk_comb (m_tm, df_intro cs), f) val insert_conv = utilsLib.ALL_HYP_CONV_RULE (PURE_REWRITE_CONV [pred_setTheory.IN_DELETE]) o utilsLib.INST_REWRITE_CONV [Drule.UNDISCH_ALL insert_thm] val (mk_dvar, mk_subst) = case optionSyntax.dest_option d_ty of SOME ty => (fn () => optionSyntax.mk_some (Term.genvar ty), fn (d, c) => optionSyntax.dest_some d |-> Term.mk_comb (f, c)) | NONE => (fn () => Term.genvar d_ty, fn (d, c) => d |-> Term.mk_comb (f, c)) val update_ss = bool_ss ++ simpLib.rewrites [updateTheory.APPLY_UPDATE_ID, combinTheory.UPDATE_APPLY, combinTheory.UPDATE_APPLY_IMP_ID] in fn th => let val xs = get_f th in if List.null xs then th else let val xs = (fn t => let val (g, d) = Term.dest_comb t val c = Term.rand g in (Term.mk_comb (g, mk_dvar ()), (Term.rand g, mk_subst (d, c))) end) xs val (xs, cs_ds) = ListPair.unzip xs val (cs, ds) = ListPair.unzip cs_ds val frame = mk_frame cs val rwt = insert_conv (List.foldr progSyntax.mk_star frame xs) val ineqs = rwt |> Thm.hyp |> boolSyntax.strip_conj |> List.concat |> List.filter is_ineq |> (utilsLib.ALL_HYP_CONV_RULE dom_eq_conv o ASSUME) val (rwt, rule) = if List.null ineqs then (rwt, apply_id_rule) else (utilsLib.ALL_HYP_CONV_RULE (REWRITE_CONV ineqs) rwt, SIMP_RULE (update_ss++simpLib.rewrites ineqs)[]) in th |> SPECC_FRAME_RULE frame |> helperLib.PRE_POST_RULE (helperLib.STAR_REWRITE_CONV rwt) |> Thm.INST ds |> rule |> tidy_up_rule end end end handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "introduce_map_definition" "" end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ fix_precond Given a list of theorems of the form [ |- SPEC m (p1 * cond (... /\ c /\ ...)) code q1, |- SPEC m (p2 * cond ~c) code q2 ] (where the "cond" terms are not necessarily outermost) return theorems [ |- SPEC m (p1 * cond (...) * precond c) code q1, |- SPEC m (p2 * precond ~c) code q2 ] Is an identity function for single element lists and raises and error for all other lists. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local val pecond_rule = Conv.CONV_RULE (Conv.TRY_CONV (helperLib.PRE_CONV (Conv.RAND_CONV (Conv.RATOR_CONV (Conv.REWR_CONV (GSYM set_sepTheory.precond_def)))))) fun rule c th = pecond_rule (MOVE_COND_RULE c th) val get_cond = Term.rand o Lib.first progSyntax.is_cond o progSyntax.strip_star o temporal_stateSyntax.dest_pre' o Thm.concl in val fix_precond = fn [th1, th2] => let val c = get_cond th2 in [rule (utilsLib.mk_negation c) th1, rule c th2] end | thms as [_] => thms | _ => raise ERR "fix_precond" "" end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ split_cond pre dst_f th Given a theorem th of the form |- SPEC m (p * cond c) code (q * f (if b then x else y)), this routine returns theorems of the form [ |- SPEC m (p1 * cond c1 * precond b) code (q1 * f x) , |- SPEC m (p2 * cond c2 * precond ~b) code (q2 * f y) ] when pre is true and [ |- SPEC m (p1 * cond (c1 /\ b)) code (q1 * f x), |- SPEC m (p2 * cond (c2 /\ ~b)) code (q2 * f y) ] when pre is false. The expressions p1, q1, c1 are p, q, c rewritten assuming b = T and p2, q2, c2 are p, q, c rewritten assuming b = F. cond T assertions are eliminated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local val move_cond = GSYM progTheory.SPEC_MOVE_COND val move_precond = REWRITE_RULE [GSYM set_sepTheory.precond_def] move_cond val cond_true_elim = REWRITE_RULE [stateTheory.cond_true_elim] fun rule pre = cond_true_elim o (if pre then Lib.I else helperLib.MERGE_CONDS_RULE) o Conv.CONV_RULE (Conv.REWR_CONV (if pre then move_precond else move_cond)) o Lib.uncurry Thm.DISCH fun spec_cases pre b th = let val nb = boolSyntax.mk_neg b val pt = Drule.EQT_INTRO (Thm.ASSUME b) val nt = Drule.EQF_INTRO (Thm.ASSUME nb) val pth = PURE_REWRITE_RULE [pt, boolTheory.COND_CLAUSES] th val _ = Thm.hyp pth = [b] orelse raise ERR "spec_cases" "" val nth = PURE_REWRITE_RULE [nt, boolTheory.COND_CLAUSES] th val r = rule pre in [r (b, pth), r (nb, nth)] end in fun split_cond pre dst th = let val p = progSyntax.strip_star (progSyntax.dest_post (Thm.concl th)) in case List.mapPartial ( dst) p of [t] => (case boolSyntax.dest_cond t of SOME (b, _, _) => spec_cases pre b th | NONE => [th]) | _ => [th] end end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ get_delta pc_var pc get_pc_delta is_pc ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) fun get_delta pc_var pc = case wordsSyntax.dest_word_add pc of SOME (x, n) => if x = pc_var then wordsSyntax.uint_of_word n else NONE | NONE => (case wordsSyntax.dest_word_sub pc of SOME (x, n) => if x = pc_var then (Int.~ o wordsSyntax.uint_of_word) n else NONE | NONE => if pc = pc_var then SOME 0 else NONE) fun get_pc_delta is_pc = let val get_pc = Term.rand o Lib.first is_pc o progSyntax.strip_star in fn th => let val (p, q) = progSyntax.dest_pre_post (Thm.concl th) in get_delta (get_pc p) (get_pc q) end end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PC_CONV ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local fun f q = boolTheory.COND_RAND |> Q.ISPEC q |> SIMP_RULE std_ss [] |> Drule.GEN_ALL val COND_RAND_CONV = PURE_REWRITE_CONV ( f [`\n : 'a word. n + z`, `\n : 'a word. z + n`, `\n : 'a word. n - z`, `\n : 'a word. z - n`]) val cnv = wordsLib.WORD_ARITH_CONV THENC wordsLib.WORD_SUB_CONV fun ARITH_SUB_CONV tm = (if boolSyntax.is_cond tm then Conv.RAND_CONV ARITH_SUB_CONV THENC Conv.RATOR_CONV (Conv.RAND_CONV ARITH_SUB_CONV) else cnv) tm val PC_CONV0 = Conv.RAND_CONV (COND_RAND_CONV THENC ARITH_SUB_CONV) fun is_word_lit tm = case wordsSyntax.dest_mod_word_literal tm of SOME (n, s) => n = wordsSyntax.dest_word_literal tm andalso Lib.funpow (Arbnum.toInt s - 1) Arbnum.div2 n = | NONE => false fun is_irreducible tm = Term.is_var tm orelse (case wordsSyntax.dest_word_add tm of SOME (p, i) => Term.is_var p andalso is_word_lit i | NONE => false) orelse (case wordsSyntax.dest_word_sub tm of SOME (p, i) => Term.is_var p andalso is_word_lit i | NONE => false) orelse (case boolSyntax.dest_cond tm of SOME (_, x, y) => is_irreducible x andalso is_irreducible y | NONE => false) in fun PC_CONV s = Conv.ONCE_DEPTH_CONV (fn tm => case boolSyntax.dest_strip_comb tm of (c, [t]) => if c = s andalso not (is_irreducible t) then PC_CONV0 tm else raise ERR "PC_CONV" "" | _ => raise ERR "PC_CONV" "") end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ group_into_chunks (dst, n, mk, is_big_end) l Helper function for collecting together multiple map accesses. Assumes that the list "l" is suitably ordered. dst - identifies the access, e.g. arm_MEM n - number of accesses to be grouped togther, e.g. 4 bytes mk - used when reversing endianness is_big_end - identify big-endian mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local fun err i = ERR "group_into_chunks" ("missing chunk: " ^ Int.toString i) fun get i l = if i = 0 then snd (hd l) : term else case (wordsSyntax.dest_word_add ## I) (List.nth (l, i)) of SOME ((a, b), d) => ( wordsSyntax.uint_of_word b = i orelse raise (err i) ; d ) | NONE => raise (err i) fun mk_chunk (w, ty) = fn (h, l) => let val hi = numSyntax.term_of_int h val li = numSyntax.term_of_int l in wordsSyntax.mk_word_extract (hi, li, w, ty) end fun prim_mk_word_var (i, ty) = Term.mk_var ("w" ^ Int.toString i, ty) fun mk_word_var (d, i, ty) = case wordsSyntax.dest_word_extract d of SOME (_, _, v, _) => v | NONE => prim_mk_word_var (i, ty) fun process be n j = fn [] => raise ERR "group_into_n_chunks" "empty" | l as ((a, d) :: _) => let val dty = wordsSyntax.dest_word_type (Term.type_of d) val dsz = fcpSyntax.dest_int_numeric_type dty val ty = wordsSyntax.mk_int_word_type (dsz * n) val w = mk_word_var (d, j, ty) val mk = mk_chunk (w, dty) fun mk_i i = let val l = i * dsz in mk (l + dsz - 1, l) end in (List.rev (List.tabulate (n, fn i => get i l |-> mk_i (if be then n - 1 - i else i))), (w, a)) end fun group_into_n n = let fun iter a l = if List.null l then List.rev a else iter (List.take (l, n) :: a) (List.drop (l, n)) handle General.Subscript => raise ERR "group_into_n" "too few" in iter [] end in fun group_into_chunks (dst, n, be) = ListPair.unzip o Lib.mapi (process be n) o group_into_n n o List.mapPartial ( dst) end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) fun pick_endian_rule (is_big_end, rule1, rule2) = let val P = List.exists is_big_end o progSyntax.strip_star o temporal_stateSyntax.dest_pre' o Thm.concl in fn th => if P th then rule1 th else rule2 th : thm end fun chunk_for m_def = let val (l, r) = boolSyntax.dest_eq (Thm.concl (Drule.SPEC_ALL m_def)) val m_tm = fst (boolSyntax.strip_comb l) val (c_tm, n) = case progSyntax.strip_star r of [] => raise ERR "chunks_intro" "" | l as h :: _ => (fst (boolSyntax.strip_comb h), List.length l) in (HolKernel.dest_binop c_tm (ERR "dest" "chunks"), n, m_tm) end fun not_refl thm = case (boolSyntax.dest_eq o Thm.concl) thm of SOME (l, r) => l <> r | NONE => false fun chunks_intro_pre_process m_def = let val (dst, n, _) = chunk_for m_def val dst = fst o dst in fn thm => let val p = temporal_stateSyntax.dest_pre' (Thm.concl thm) val l = List.filter (Lib.can dst) (progSyntax.strip_star p) in if List.null l then thm else let val base = dst (hd l) val ty = wordsSyntax.dim_of base fun lit i = wordsSyntax.mk_n2w (numLib.term_of_int i, ty) fun mk0 i = wordsSyntax.mk_word_add (base, lit i) fun mk (0, 0) = base | mk (0, j) = mk0 j | mk (i, 0) = mk0 i | mk (i, j) = wordsSyntax.mk_word_add (mk0 i, lit j) fun rwt tm (i, j) = let val r = Drule.EQT_ELIM (wordsLib.WORD_ARITH_CONV (boolSyntax.mk_eq (dst tm, mk (i, j)))) in Conv.RATOR_CONV (Conv.RAND_CONV (Conv.REWR_CONV r)) tm end val (rwts, _) = List.foldl (fn (tm, (acc, (i, j))) => let val r = rwt tm (i, j) in (if not_refl r then r :: acc else acc, if j = n - 1 then (i + n, 0) else (i, j + 1)) end) ([], (0, 0)) l in PURE_REWRITE_RULE rwts thm end handle HOL_ERR {origin_function = "EQT_ELIM", ...} => thm end end fun chunks_intro be m_def = let val (dst, n, _) = chunk_for m_def val chunks = group_into_chunks (dst, n, be) val cnv = REPEATC (helperLib.STAR_REWRITE_CONV (GSYM m_def)) in fn thm => let val p = temporal_stateSyntax.dest_pre' (Thm.concl thm) val (s, wa) = chunks (progSyntax.strip_star p) in if List.null wa then thm else helperLib.PRE_POST_RULE cnv (Thm.INST (List.concat s) thm) end handle HOL_ERR {origin_function = "group_into_n", message = "too few", ...} => thm end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sep_array_intro mk_rev is_big_end m_def rwts Introduce a SEP_ARRAY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local val (sep_array_tm, mk_sep_array, dest_sep_array, _) = HolKernel.syntax_fns {n = 5, dest = HolKernel.dest_quadop, make = HolKernel.mk_quadop} "set_sep" "SEP_ARRAY" val list_mk_concat = HolKernel.list_mk_rbinop (Lib.curry wordsSyntax.mk_word_concat) val list_mk_add = HolKernel.list_mk_lbinop (Lib.curry wordsSyntax.mk_word_add) val emp_right = set_sepTheory.SEP_CLAUSES |> SPEC_ALL |> CONJUNCTS |> last fun mk_array prj be (s1: (term, term) subst list) = let val f = if be then List.rev else Lib.I in (fn l => list_mk_concat ( prj (f l))) s1 end val mk_array1 = mk_array (#residue) val mk_array2 = mk_array (#redex) fun array_iter_rwts base wa delta = Lib.mapi (fn i => fn (_, a) => let val t = list_mk_add (base :: List.tabulate (i, K delta)) in if t = a then boolTheory.TRUTH else wordsLib.WORD_ARITH_PROVE (boolSyntax.mk_eq (t, a)) end) wa val cnv1 = REWRITE_CONV [emp_right, set_sepTheory.SEP_ARRAY_def] fun frame_rule thm = Drule.SPEC_ALL (MATCH_MP (if generate_temporal () then temporal_stateTheory.SEP_ARRAY_TEMPORAL_FRAME else stateTheory.SEP_ARRAY_FRAME) thm) fun length_list rwt = let val (_, _, _, l) = dest_sep_array (utilsLib.rhsc rwt) in listSyntax.mk_length l end val length_eq = Drule.EQT_ELIM o (Conv.BINOP_CONV listLib.LENGTH_CONV THENC reduceLib.NEQ_CONV) o boolSyntax.mk_eq in fun sep_array_intro be m_def rwts = let val (dst, n, m_tm) = chunk_for m_def val chunks = group_into_chunks (dst, n, be) val rule = SYM o PURE_REWRITE_RULE rwts val cnv1 = REWRITE_CONV [m_def, emp_right, set_sepTheory.SEP_ARRAY_def] fun star rwt = helperLib.STAR_REWRITE_CONV rwt THENC PURE_REWRITE_CONV rwts in fn thm => let val p = temporal_stateSyntax.dest_pre' (Thm.concl thm) val (s, wa) = chunks (progSyntax.strip_star p) in if List.null wa then thm else let val (w, base) = hd wa val sz = wordsSyntax.size_of base val delta = wordsSyntax.mk_word (Arbnum.fromInt n, sz) val iter_rwts = array_iter_rwts base wa delta val r = rule o (cnv1 THENC PURE_REWRITE_CONV iter_rwts) val l1_tm = listSyntax.mk_list (mk_array1 be s, Term.type_of w) val sep_array1 = mk_sep_array (m_tm, delta, base, l1_tm) val rwt1 = r sep_array1 val thm' = Thm.INST (List.concat s) thm val lq = progSyntax.strip_star (temporal_stateSyntax.dest_post' (Thm.concl thm')) val (s2, _) = chunks lq val array = (if s = s2 then mk_array2 else mk_array1) be s2 val l2_tm = listSyntax.mk_list (array, Term.type_of w) val sep_array2 = mk_sep_array (m_tm, delta, base, l2_tm) val rwt2 = r sep_array2 val length_l2_l1 = length_eq (length_list rwt2, length_list rwt1) in frame_rule (Thm.CONJ length_l2_l1 (Conv.CONV_RULE (helperLib.PRE_CONV (star rwt1) THENC helperLib.POST_CONV (star rwt2)) thm')) end end handle HOL_ERR {origin_function = "group_into_n", message = "too few", ...} => thm end end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ register_combinations Take a next-state (step) theorem and SPEC term and generate all valid variants based on register equivalences. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local fun concat_unzip l = (List.concat ## List.concat) (ListPair.unzip l) fun instantiate (a, b) = if Term.is_var a then SOME (a |-> b) else if a = b then NONE else raise ERR "instantiate" "bad constant match" fun mk_assign f (p, q) = (fn ((r1, a), (r2, b)) => (Lib.assert (op =) (r1, r2); (r1, a, b))) ( (f p, f q)) fun takeWhile P = let fun iter [] = [] | iter (h :: t) = if P h then h :: iter t else [] in iter end in fun register_combinations (dest_reg, reg_width, proj_reg, reg_conv, ok_conv, asm, model_tm) = let val mk = temporal_stateSyntax.mk_spec_or_temporal_next model_tm val regs = List.mapPartial ( dest_reg) val reg_rule = utilsLib.FULL_CONV_RULE reg_conv val bits = bitstringSyntax.mk_b o utilsLib.padLeft false reg_width o bitstringSyntax.num_to_bitlist o Arbnum.fromInt fun proj_reg0 tm = case (fst o bitstringSyntax.dest_v2w) tm of SOME l => fst (listSyntax.dest_list l) | NONE => bits (wordsSyntax.uint_of_word tm) val proj = case proj_reg of SOME f => (fn t => case f t of SOME i => bits i | NONE => proj_reg0 (Term.rand t)) | NONE => proj_reg0 fun err s = ERR "register_combinations: explode_reg" s fun explode_reg tm = let val l = proj tm in List.length l = reg_width orelse raise (err "assertion failed") ; l end handle HOL_ERR {message = s, ...} => raise (err s) fun match_register (tm1, v1, _) (tm2, v2, v3) = let val _ = v3 = v2 orelse raise ERR "match_register" "changed" val l = (explode_reg tm2, explode_reg tm1) in ((v2 |-> v1) :: List.mapPartial instantiate l, [tm2]) end val frees = List.filter Term.is_var o explode_reg fun no_free (t, _: term, _: term) = List.null (frees t) val exists_free = List.exists (not o no_free) fun no_good l = List.length (takeWhile no_free l) > 1 fun groupings ok rs = let val (cs, vs) = List.partition no_free rs in (cs @ vs) |> utilsLib.partitions |> List.filter (not o Lib.exists no_good) |> (List.mapPartial (fn l => let val (unchanged, changed) = List.partition (fn (_, a, b) => a = b) l in if 1 < List.length l andalso List.length changed < 2 andalso exists_free l then SOME (changed @ unchanged) else NONE end)) |> Lib.mk_set |> Lib.mapfilter (fn p => concat_unzip ( (fn l => let val (h, t) = Lib.pluck no_free l handle HOL_ERR {message = "predicate not satisfied", ...} => (hd l, tl l) fun mtch x = let val s = match_register h x in Lib.assert ok (fst s); s end in concat_unzip ( mtch t) end) p)) end (* check that the pre-condition predictate (from "cond P" terms) is not violated *) val conv = reg_conv THENC ok_conv fun assign_ok p = let val l = List.mapPartial ( progSyntax.dest_cond) p val c = boolSyntax.list_mk_conj l in fn s => utilsLib.rhsc (conv (Term.subst s c)) <> boolSyntax.F end fun star_subst s = (utilsLib.rhsc o reg_conv o Term.subst s) in fn (thm, t) => let val (_, p, c, q) = temporal_stateSyntax.dest_spec' t val pl = progSyntax.strip_star p val ql = progSyntax.strip_star q val rs = mk_assign regs (pl, ql) val groups = groupings (assign_ok pl) rs in if List.null groups then [(thm, t)] else (fn (s, d) => let val do_reg = star_subst s o List.filter (fn tm => case dest_reg tm of SOME (a, _) => not (Lib.mem a d) | NONE => true) val pl' = do_reg pl val p' = progSyntax.list_mk_star pl' val q' = progSyntax.list_mk_star (do_reg ql) val rwts = Lib.mapfilter (asm o Term.rand o fst) (regs pl') val asm_conv = Conv.QCONV (REWRITE_CONV rwts) in (Conv.CONV_RULE asm_conv (reg_rule (Thm.INST s thm)), mk (generate_temporal()) (p', Term.subst s c, utilsLib.rhsc (asm_conv q')): Term.term) end) groups end end end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ spec Generate a tool for proving theorems of the form |- SPEC p c q The goal is expected to be generated by mk_pre_post based on a step-theorem, which is in turn used to prove the goal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* val () = set_trace "Goalstack.print_goal_at_top" 0 val () = set_trace "Goalstack.print_goal_at_top" 1 val () = set_trace "stateLib.spec" 1 *) local val spec_debug = ref false val () = Feedback.register_btrace ("stateLib.spec", spec_debug) val PRINT_TAC = RULE_ASSUM_TAC (CONV_RULE PRINT_CONV) THEN CONV_TAC PRINT_CONV val WEAK_STRIP_TAC = DISCH_THEN (REPEAT_TCL CONJUNCTS_THEN ASSUME_TAC) val AND_IMP_INTRO_RULE = Conv.CONV_RULE (Conv.DEPTH_CONV Conv.AND_IMP_INTRO_CONV) fun is_ineq tys = fn thm => (thm |> Thm.concl |> boolSyntax.dest_neg |> boolSyntax.dest_eq |> fst |> Term.type_of |> Lib.C Lib.mem tys) handle HOL_ERR _ => false val ADDRESS_EQ_CONV = PURE_REWRITE_CONV [wordsTheory.WORD_EQ_ADD_LCANCEL, wordsTheory.WORD_ADD_INV_0_EQ] THENC (Conv.TRY_CONV wordsLib.word_EQ_CONV) fun UPDATE_TAC tys = fn thms => CONV_TAC (Conv.DEPTH_CONV (updateLib.UPDATE_APPLY_CONV (PURE_REWRITE_CONV (List.filter (is_ineq tys) thms) THENC ADDRESS_EQ_CONV))) val cond_STAR1 = CONJUNCT1 (Drule.SPEC_ALL set_sepTheory.cond_STAR) val STAR_ASSOC_CONV = Conv.REDEPTH_CONV (Conv.REWR_CONV (GSYM set_sepTheory.STAR_ASSOC)) val cond_STAR1_I = utilsLib.qm [cond_STAR1, combinTheory.I_THM] ``(set_sep$cond c * p) (s:'a set) = I c /\ p s`` in fun spec imp_spec imp_temp read_thms write_thms select_state_thms frame_thms component_11 map_tys EXTRA_TAC STATE_TAC = let val sthms = cond_STAR1_I :: select_state_thms val pthms = [boolTheory.DE_MORGAN_THM, pred_setTheory.NOT_IN_EMPTY, pred_setTheory.IN_DIFF, pred_setTheory.IN_INSERT] val UPD_TAC = UPDATE_TAC map_tys val PRE_TAC = GEN_TAC \\ GEN_TAC \\ CONV_TAC (Conv.LAND_CONV (Conv.RATOR_CONV STAR_ASSOC_CONV THENC REWRITE_CONV (component_11 @ sthms @ pthms))) \\ WEAK_STRIP_TAC val POST_TAC = PURE_ASM_REWRITE_TAC write_thms \\ Tactical.REVERSE CONJ_TAC >- ( ASM_SIMP_TAC (pure_ss++simpLib.rewrites frame_thms) [] \\ ( REFL_TAC ORELSE (RW_TAC pure_ss frame_thms \\ (REFL_TAC ORELSE PRINT_TAC)) ) ) \\ CONV_TAC (Conv.RATOR_CONV STAR_ASSOC_CONV) (* For testing: val tac = ref ALL_TAC ASSUM_LIST (fn thms => (tac := UPD_TAC thms; ALL_TAC)) val update_TAC = !tac *) \\ ASSUM_LIST (fn thms => let val update_TAC = UPD_TAC thms in REPEAT ( ONCE_REWRITE_TAC sthms \\ CONJ_TAC >- ( STATE_TAC \\ update_TAC \\ ASM_REWRITE_TAC [boolTheory.COND_ID] ) \\ CONJ_TAC >- ASM_REWRITE_TAC (component_11 @ pthms) ) end ) \\ POP_ASSUM SUBST1_TAC \\ (REFL_TAC ORELSE ALL_TAC) val NEXT_TAC = RULE_ASSUM_TAC (PURE_REWRITE_RULE [combinTheory.I_THM]) \\ ASM_REWRITE_TAC read_thms \\ EXTRA_TAC \\ PRINT_TAC fun tac (v, dthm) = MATCH_MP_TAC (if generate_temporal () then imp_temp else imp_spec) \\ PRE_TAC \\ Tactic.EXISTS_TAC v \\ CONJ_TAC >- ( MATCH_MP_TAC dthm \\ NEXT_TAC ) \\ POST_TAC in fn (thm, t) => let val v = optionSyntax.dest_some (utilsLib.rhsc thm) val dthm = AND_IMP_INTRO_RULE (Drule.DISCH_ALL thm) in (* set_goal ([], t) *) prove (t, tac (v, dthm)) end handle e as HOL_ERR _ => (if !spec_debug then (proofManagerLib.set_goal ([], t); thm) else raise e) end end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) end