structure spec_databaseLib :> spec_databaseLib = struct open HolKernel boolLib bossLib val ERR = Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "spec_databaseLib" (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) datatype ''opt entry = Pending of thm * term | Built of (''opt list * thm) list fun thm_eq thm1 thm2 = Term.aconv (Thm.concl thm1) (Thm.concl thm2) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- mk_spec_database Tools for maintaining a database of specification theorems. The type ''opt represents configuration options. - basic_opt : unit -> ''opt Get the options corresponding with the specification that comes directly from applying "basic_spec". - default_opt The default build option. - proj_opt Used to determine if the current option setting is different from "basic_opt". - closeness : ''opt -> ''opt -> int Gives value to ease with which one options setting can be converted to another. A negative result corresponds with "impossible", whereas a high value indicates a close match. - convert_opt_rule Gives the rule for conversting from one option setting to another. - get_opcode Extracts the database index key (usual the instructions op-code) from the specification theorom. - basic_spec : thm * term -> thm Gives the basic spcification. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun mk_spec_database basic_opt (default_opt: ''opt) proj_opt closeness convert_opt_rule get_opcode basic_spec = let val current_opt = ref default_opt fun set_current_opt opt = current_opt := opt fun get_current_opt () = !current_opt val db = ref (LVTermNet.empty: (''opt entry) LVTermNet.lvtermnet) val add1 = fn x as Pending (_, tm) => db := LVTermNet.insert (!db, ([], get_opcode (ASSUME tm)), x) | x as Built [] => raise ERR "add1" "" | x as Built ((_, thm) :: _) => db := LVTermNet.insert (!db, ([], get_opcode thm), x) val add1_pending = add1 o Pending fun reset_db () = ( print "\nResetting specifications database.\n\n" ; db := LVTermNet.empty ) fun current_opt_rule target = convert_opt_rule (basic_opt ()) target fun not_basic (opt: ''opt) = proj_opt opt <> proj_opt (basic_opt ()) fun sub1 k = db := fst (LVTermNet.delete (!db, k)) fun replace f (k, tm: term, new) = let val l = List.filter (f tm) (LVTermNet.find (!db, k)) in sub1 k; add1 (l @ [Built new]) end val replace_pending = replace (fn tm => fn Pending (_, t) => t <> tm | _ => true) val replace_built = replace (fn tm => fn Built ((_, th) :: _) => Thm.concl th <> tm | _ => true) fun closest target = fst o utilsLib.maximal (closeness target) fun find_closest target = (closest target ## I) o fst o utilsLib.maximal (closeness target o closest target o fst) fun insert_thm (opt: ''opt, thm) = let val eq_thm = thm_eq thm fun iter a = fn [] => ([opt], thm) :: List.rev a | (h as (opts, th)) :: t => if eq_thm th then List.revAppend (a, (opt :: opts, th) :: t) else iter (h :: a) t in iter [] end val extract_spec = fn (k, Pending (x as (thm, tm))) => let val opt = !current_opt val () = print "+" val basic = basic_spec x val l = [([basic_opt ()], basic)] val l = if not_basic opt then insert_thm (opt, current_opt_rule opt basic) l else l in replace_pending (k, tm, l) ; (true, Lib.with_exn (snd o hd) l (ERR "extract_spec" "empty")) end | (_, Built []) => raise ERR "extract_spec" "empty built" | (k, Built (l as (_, th) :: _)) => let val opt = !current_opt in (false, case List.find (Lib.mem opt o fst) l of SOME (_, thm) => thm | NONE => let val (close_opt, close_thm) = find_closest opt l val thm = convert_opt_rule close_opt opt close_thm in replace_built (k, Thm.concl th, insert_thm (opt, thm) l) ; thm end) end fun find_thms opc = case LVTermNet.match (!db, opc) of [] => NONE | l => let val (new, thms) = ListPair.unzip ( extract_spec l) in SOME (List.exists I new, thms) end fun list_db () = (snd ## I) (LVTermNet.listItems (!db)) in (reset_db, set_current_opt, get_current_opt, add1_pending, find_thms, list_db) end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) end