open HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib; open stringLib integerTheory; open lcsymtacs; val ect = BasicProvers.EVERY_CASE_TAC; val _ = new_theory "imp"; (* This file defines a funcional big-step semantics for the IMP languages of Nipkow and Klein's book Concrete Semantics. *) val _ = temp_type_abbrev("vname",``:string``); val _ = Datatype ` aexp = N int | V vname | Plus aexp aexp`; val _ = Datatype ` bexp = Bc bool | Not bexp | And bexp bexp | Less aexp aexp`; val _ = Datatype ` com = SKIP | Assign vname aexp | Seq com com | If bexp com com | While bexp com` val aval_def = Define ` (aval (N n) s = n) /\ (aval (V x) s = s x) /\ (aval (Plus a1 a2) s = aval a1 s + aval a2 s)`; val bval_def = Define ` (bval (Bc v) s = v) /\ (bval (Not b) s = ~bval b s) /\ (bval (And b1 b2) s = bval b1 s /\ bval b2 s) /\ (bval (Less a1 a2) s = aval a1 s < aval a2 s)`; val STOP_def = Define `STOP x = x`; (* The following function defines the semantics of statement evaluation. The clock decreases when entering the body of the While loop. NB: the definition mechanism in HOL4 is not smart enough to notice that the clock doesn't increase. In order to make the termination simple, we insert an extra `if t < t2 then t else t2` in the Seq case. In cval_def_with_stop below, we remove this redundant if-statement. *) val cval_def = tDefine "cval" ` (cval SKIP s (t:num) = SOME (s,t)) /\ (cval (Assign x a) s t = SOME ((x =+ aval a s) s,t)) /\ (cval (Seq c1 c2) s t = case cval c1 s t of | NONE => NONE | SOME (s2,t2) => cval c2 s2 (if t < t2 then t else t2)) /\ (cval (If b c1 c2) s t = cval (if bval b s then c1 else c2) s t) /\ (cval (While b c) s t = if bval b s then if t = 0 then NONE else cval (Seq c (STOP (While b c))) s (t - 1) else SOME (s,t))` (WF_REL_TAC `inv_image (measure I LEX measure com_size) (\(c,s,t). (t,c))` \\ SRW_TAC [] [] \\ DECIDE_TAC) val clock_bound = prove( ``!c s t s' t'. (cval c s t = SOME (s',t')) ==> t' <= t``, recInduct (theorem "cval_ind") \\ rpt strip_tac \\ fs [cval_def] \\ ect \\ fs [] \\ decide_tac); fun term_rewrite tms = let fun f tm = ASSUME (list_mk_forall(free_vars tm,tm)) in rand o concl o QCONV (REWRITE_CONV (map f tms)) end val r = term_rewrite [``(if t < t2 then t else t2) = t2:num``]; val cval_def_with_stop = store_thm("cval_def_with_stop", cval_def |> concl |> r, REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ SIMP_TAC std_ss [Once cval_def] \\ ect \\ imp_res_tac clock_bound \\ `r = t` by DECIDE_TAC \\ fs []); val cval_def = save_thm("cval_def",REWRITE_RULE [STOP_def] cval_def_with_stop); (* We also remove the redundant if-statement from the induction theorem. *) val cval_ind = prove( theorem "cval_ind" |> concl |> r, NTAC 2 STRIP_TAC \\ HO_MATCH_MP_TAC (theorem "cval_ind") \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ fs [] \\ FIRST_X_ASSUM MATCH_MP_TAC \\ fs [] \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ fs [STOP_def] \\ RES_TAC \\ imp_res_tac clock_bound \\ Cases_on `t < t2` \\ fs [] \\ `t = t2` by DECIDE_TAC \\ fs []) |> REWRITE_RULE [STOP_def]; val _ = save_thm("cval_ind",cval_ind); val _ = export_theory();