(* ========================================================================= *) (* HIGHER-ORDER UTILITY FUNCTIONS *) (* Joe Hurd, 10 June 2001 *) (* ========================================================================= *) structure subtypeUseful :> subtypeUseful = struct open Susp HolKernel Parse Hol_pp boolLib BasicProvers pred_setTheory; infixr 0 oo ++ << || THEN THENC ORELSEC THENR ORELSER ## thenf orelsef; infix 1 >> |->; val op++ = op THEN; val op<< = op THENL; val op|| = op ORELSE; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Basic ML datatypes/functions. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type 'a thunk = unit -> 'a; (* type (''a, 'b) cache = (''a, 'b) Polyhash.hash_table; *) type 'a susp = 'a Susp.susp; type ppstream = Portable.ppstream; type ('a, 'b) maplet = {redex : 'a, residue : 'b}; type ('a, 'b) subst = ('a, 'b) Lib.subst; (* Error handling *) exception BUG_EXN of {origin_structure : string, origin_function : string, message : string}; fun ERR f s = HOL_ERR {origin_structure = "subtypeUseful", origin_function = f, message = s}; fun BUG f s = BUG_EXN {origin_structure = "subtypeUseful", origin_function = f, message = s}; fun BUG_to_string (BUG_EXN {origin_structure, origin_function, message}) = ("\nBUG discovered by " ^ origin_structure ^ " at " ^ origin_function ^ ":\n" ^ message ^ "\n") | BUG_to_string _ = raise BUG "print_BUG" "not a BUG_EXN"; fun err_BUG s (h as HOL_ERR _) = (print (exn_to_string h); BUG s "should never fail") | err_BUG s _ = raise BUG "err_BUG" ("not a HOL_ERR (called from " ^ s ^ ")"); (* Success and failure *) fun assert b e = if b then () else raise e; fun try f a = f a handle (h as HOL_ERR _) => (print (exn_to_string h); raise h) | (b as BUG_EXN _) => (print (BUG_to_string b); raise b) | e => (print "\ntry: strange exception raised\n"; raise e); fun total f x = SOME (f x) handle HOL_ERR _ => NONE; fun can f = Option.isSome o total f; fun partial (e as HOL_ERR _) f x = (case f x of SOME y => y | NONE => raise e) | partial _ _ _ = raise BUG "partial" "must take a HOL_ERR"; (* Exception combinators *) fun nof x = raise ERR "nof" "never succeeds"; fun allf x = x; fun op thenf (f, g) x = g (f x); fun op orelsef (f, g) x = f x handle HOL_ERR _ => g x; fun tryf f = f orelsef allf; fun repeatf f x = ((f thenf repeatf f) orelsef allf) x; fun repeatplusf f = f thenf repeatf f; fun firstf [] _ = raise ERR "firstf" "out of combinators" | firstf (f :: rest) x = (f orelsef firstf rest) x; (* Combinators *) fun A f x = f x; fun C f x y = f y x; fun I x = x; fun K x y = x; fun N 0 _ x = x | N 1 f x = f x | N n f x = N (n - 1) f (f x); fun S f g x = f x (g x); fun W f x = f x x; fun f oo g = fn x => f o (g x); (* Pairs *) infix 3 ## fun (f ## g) (x, y) = (f x, g y); fun D x = (x, x); fun Df f = f ## f; fun fst (x,_) = x; fun snd (_,y) = y; fun add_fst x y = (x, y); fun add_snd x y = (y, x); fun curry f x y = f (x, y); fun uncurry f (x, y) = f x y; fun equal x y = (x = y); fun pair_to_string fst_to_string snd_to_string (a, b) = "(" ^ fst_to_string a ^ ", " ^ snd_to_string b ^ ")"; (* Ints *) val plus = curry op+; val multiply = curry op*; val succ = plus 1; (* Strings *) val concat = curry op^; val int_to_string = Int.toString; val string_to_int = partial (ERR "string_to_int" "couldn't convert string") Int.fromString; fun mk_string_fn name args = name ^ String.concat (map (concat "_") args); fun dest_string_fn name s = (case String.tokens (fn #"_" => true | _ => false) s of [] => raise ERR "pure_dest_fn" "empty string" | f::args => (assert (f = name) (ERR "dest_fn" "wrong name"); args)); fun is_string_fn name = can (dest_string_fn name); (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Tools for debugging. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Timing *) local fun iterate f a 0 = () | iterate f a n = (f a; iterate f a (n - 1)) in fun time_n n f a = time (iterate f a) n end; (* Test cases *) fun tt f = (time o try) f; fun tt2 f = tt o f; fun tt3 f = tt2 o f; fun tt4 f = tt3 o f; fun ff f = try (fn x => case (time o total o try) f x of NONE => () | SOME _ => raise ERR "ff" "f should not have succeeded!"); fun ff2 f = ff o f; fun ff3 f = ff2 o f; fun ff4 f = ff3 o f; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Useful imperative features. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Fresh integers *) local val counter = ref 0 in fun new_int () = let val c = !counter val _ = counter := c + 1 in c end end; (* Random numbers *) val random_generator = Random.newgen (); fun random_integer n = Random.range (0, n) random_generator; fun random_real () = Random.random random_generator; (* Function cacheing *) (* fun new_cache () : (''a, 'b) cache = Polyhash.mkPolyTable (10000, ERR "cache" "not found"); *) (* fun cache_lookup c (a, b_thk) = (case Polyhash.peek c a of SOME b => b | NONE => let val b = b_thk () val _ = Polyhash.insert c (a, b) in b end); *) (* fun cachef f = let val c = new_cache () in fn a => cache_lookup c (a, fn () => f a) end; *) (* Lazy operations *) fun pair_susp a b = delay (fn () => (force a, force b)); fun susp_map f s = delay (fn () => f (force s)); (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Options. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val is_some = Option.isSome; fun grab (SOME x) = x | grab NONE = raise ERR "grab" "NONE"; fun o_pair (SOME x, y) = SOME (x, y) | o_pair _ = NONE; fun pair_o (x, SOME y) = SOME (x, y) | pair_o _ = NONE; fun o_pair_o (SOME x, SOME y) = SOME (x, y) | o_pair_o _ = NONE; val app_o = Option.map; fun o_app f = curry (app_o (uncurry A) o o_pair) f fun o_app_o f = curry (app_o (uncurry A) o o_pair_o) f fun partial_app_o f = Option.join o app_o f; fun partial_o_app f = Option.join o o_app f; fun partial_o_app_o f = Option.join o o_app_o f; fun option_to_list NONE = [] | option_to_list (SOME s) = [s]; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Lists. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun cons x = curry op:: x; fun append l = curry op@ l; fun wrap a = [a]; fun unwrap [a] = a | unwrap _ = raise ERR "unwrap" "not a singleton list"; fun fold _ b [] = b | fold f b (h::t) = f h (fold f b t); fun trans _ s [] = s | trans f s (h::t) = trans f (f h s) t; fun partial_trans _ s [] = SOME s | partial_trans f s (h::t) = partial_app_o (C (partial_trans f) t) (f h s); fun first _ [] = raise ERR "first" "no items satisfy" | first f (h::t) = if f h then h else first f t; fun partial_first _ [] = NONE | partial_first f (h::t) = (case f h of NONE => partial_first f t | s => s); val forall = List.all; val exists = List.exists; val index = Lib.index; fun nth n l = List.nth (l, n); val split_after = Lib.split_after; fun assoc x = snd o first (equal x o fst); fun rev_assoc x = fst o first (equal x o snd); val map = List.map; val partial_map = List.mapPartial; fun zip_aux _ [] [] = [] | zip_aux f (x::xs) (y::ys) = f (x, y) (zip_aux f xs ys) | zip_aux _ _ _ = raise ERR "zip" "lists different lengths"; fun zip xs ys = zip_aux cons xs ys; fun zipwith f xs ys = zip_aux (cons o (uncurry f)) xs ys; fun partial_zipwith f xs ys = zip_aux (fn (x, y) => case f x y of NONE => I | SOME s => cons s) xs ys; fun cart_aux f xs ys = let val xs' = rev xs val ys' = rev ys in trans (fn x => C (trans (fn y => f (x, y))) ys') [] xs' end; fun cart xs ys = cart_aux cons xs ys; fun cartwith f xs ys = cart_aux (cons o uncurry f) xs ys; fun partial_cartwith f xs ys = cart_aux (fn (x, y) => case f x y of NONE => I | SOME s => cons s) xs ys; fun list_to_string _ [] = "[]" | list_to_string elt_to_string (h :: t) = trans (fn x => fn y => y ^ ", " ^ elt_to_string x) ("[" ^ elt_to_string h) t ^ "]"; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Lists as sets. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun subset s t = forall (C mem t) s; fun distinct [] = true | distinct (x :: rest) = not (mem x rest) andalso distinct rest; fun union2 (a, b) (c, d) = (union a c, union b d); (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Rotations, permutations and sorting. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Rotations of a list---surprisingly useful *) local fun rot res _ [] = res | rot res seen (h :: t) = rot ((h, t @ rev seen) :: res) (h :: seen) t in fun rotations l = rev (rot [] [] l) end; fun rotate i = nth i o rotations; fun rotate_random l = rotate (random_integer (length l)) l; (* Permutations of a list *) fun permutations [] = [[]] | permutations l = (flatten o map (fn (h, t) => map (cons h) (permutations t)) o rotations) l; fun permute [] [] = [] | permute (i :: is) (xs as _ :: _) = (op:: o (I ## permute is) o rotate i) xs | permute _ _ = raise ERR "permute" "bad arguments (different lengths)"; fun permute_random [] = [] | permute_random l = (op:: o (I ## permute_random) o rotate_random) l; (* Finding the minimal element of a list, wrt some order. *) local fun min_acc _ best [] = best | min_acc f best (h :: t) = min_acc f (if f best h then best else h) t in fun min _ [] = raise ERR "min" "empty list" | min f (h :: t) = min_acc f h t end; (* Merge (for the following merge-sort, but generally useful too). *) fun merge f [] al' = al' | merge f al [] = al | merge f (a::al) (a'::al') = if f a a' then a::(merge f al (a'::al')) else a'::(merge f (a::al) al'); (* Order function here should be <= for a stable sort... *) (* ...and I think < gives a reverse stable sort (but don't quote me). *) fun sort f l = let val n = length l in if n < 2 then l else (uncurry (merge f) o Df (sort f) o split_after (n div 2)) l end; local fun find_min _ (_, []) = raise ERR "top_min" "no minimal element!" | find_min f (a, x::b) = (assert (f x x <> SOME false) (BUG "top_min" "order function says x > x!"); if forall (fn y => f x y <> SOME false) (a @ b) then (x, a @ b) else find_min f (x::a, b)) in fun top_min f l = find_min f ([], l) end; fun top_sort f [] = [] | top_sort f l = let val (x, rest) = top_min f l in x::top_sort f rest end; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Sums. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) datatype ('a, 'b) sum = LEFT of 'a | RIGHT of 'b; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Streams. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) datatype ('a) stream = STREAM_NIL | STREAM_CONS of ('a * 'a stream thunk); fun stream_null STREAM_NIL = true | stream_null (STREAM_CONS _) = false; fun dest_stream_cons STREAM_NIL = raise ERR "dest_stream_cons" "stream is nil" | dest_stream_cons (STREAM_CONS c) = c; fun stream_hd s = fst (dest_stream_cons s); fun stream_tl s = snd (dest_stream_cons s); local fun to_list res STREAM_NIL = res | to_list res (STREAM_CONS (a, thk)) = to_list (a :: res) (thk ()) in fun stream_to_list s = rev (to_list [] s) end; fun stream_append s1 s2 () = (case s1 () of STREAM_NIL => s2 () | STREAM_CONS (a, thk) => STREAM_CONS (a, stream_append thk s2)); fun stream_concat ss = trans (C stream_append) (K STREAM_NIL) ss; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* A generic tree type. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) datatype ('a, 'b) tree = BRANCH of 'a * ('a, 'b) tree list | LEAF of 'b; fun tree_size (LEAF _) = 1 | tree_size (BRANCH (_, t)) = trans (plus o tree_size) 0 t; fun tree_fold f_b f_l (LEAF l) = f_l l | tree_fold f_b f_l (BRANCH (p, s)) = f_b p (map (tree_fold f_b f_l) s); fun tree_trans f_b f_l state (LEAF l) = [f_l l state] | tree_trans f_b f_l state (BRANCH (p, s)) = flatten (map (tree_trans f_b f_l (f_b p state)) s); fun tree_partial_trans f_b f_l state (LEAF l) = option_to_list (f_l l state) | tree_partial_trans f_b f_l state (BRANCH (p, s)) = (case f_b p state of NONE => [] | SOME state' => flatten (map (tree_partial_trans f_b f_l state') s)); (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Pretty-printing helper-functions. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun pp_map f pp_a (ppstrm : ppstream) x : unit = pp_a ppstrm (f x); fun pp_string ppstrm = let val {add_string,add_break,begin_block,end_block,add_newline,...} = Portable.with_ppstream ppstrm in fn s => (begin_block Portable.CONSISTENT 1; add_string s; end_block ()) end; fun pp_unknown ppstrm _ = pp_string ppstrm "_"; fun pp_int ppstrm i = pp_string ppstrm (int_to_string i); fun pp_pair pp1 pp2 ppstrm = let val {add_string,add_break,begin_block,end_block,add_newline,...} = Portable.with_ppstream ppstrm in fn (a, b) => (begin_block Portable.CONSISTENT 1; add_string "("; pp1 ppstrm a:unit; add_string ","; add_break (1, 0); pp2 ppstrm b:unit; add_string ")"; end_block()) end; fun pp_list pp ppstrm = let val {add_string,add_break,begin_block,end_block,add_newline,...} = Portable.with_ppstream ppstrm val pp_elt = pp ppstrm fun pp_seq [] = () | pp_seq (h::t) = (add_string ","; add_break (1, 0); pp_elt h:unit; pp_seq t) in fn l => (begin_block Portable.INCONSISTENT 1; add_string "["; (case l of [] => () | h::t => (pp_elt h; pp_seq t)); add_string "]"; end_block()) end; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Substitution operations. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun redex {redex, residue = _} = redex; fun residue {redex = _, residue} = residue; fun find_redex r = first (fn rr as {redex, residue} => r = redex); fun clean_subst s = filter (fn {redex, residue} => not (redex = residue)) s; fun subst_vars sub = map redex sub; fun maplet_map (redf, resf) {redex, residue} = (redf redex |-> resf residue); fun subst_map fg = map (maplet_map fg); fun redex_map f = subst_map (f, I); fun residue_map f = subst_map (I, f); fun is_renaming_subst vars sub = let val residues = map residue sub in forall (C mem vars) residues andalso distinct residues end; fun invert_renaming_subst vars sub = let val _ = assert (is_renaming_subst vars sub) (ERR "invert_renaming_subst" "not a renaming subst, so not invertible") fun inv {redex, residue} = residue |-> redex in map inv sub end; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* HOL-specific functions. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type hol_type = Type.hol_type type term = Term.term type thm = Thm.thm type goal = term list * term type conv = term -> thm type rule = thm -> thm type validation = thm list -> thm type tactic = goal -> goal list * validation type thm_tactic = thm -> tactic type vars = term list * hol_type list type vterm = vars * term type vthm = vars * thm type type_subst = (hol_type, hol_type) subst type term_subst = (term, term) subst type substitution = (term, term) subst * (hol_type, hol_type) subst type ho_substitution = substitution * thm thunk type raw_substitution = (term_subst * term set) * (type_subst * hol_type list) type ho_raw_substitution = raw_substitution * thm thunk (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* General *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* A profile function counting both time and primitive inferences. *) fun profile f a = let val m = Count.mk_meter () val i = #prims(Count.read m) val t = Time.now () val res = f a val t' = Time.now () val i' = #prims(Count.read m) val _ = print ("Time taken: " ^ Time.toString (Time.-(t', t)) ^ ".\n" ^ "Primitive inferences: " ^ Int.toString (i' - i) ^ ".\n") in res end; (* Parsing in the context of a goal, a la the Q library. *) fun parse_with_goal t (asms, g) = let val ctxt = free_varsl (g::asms) in Parse.parse_in_context ctxt t end; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Term/type substitutions. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val empty_subst = ([], []) : substitution; val type_inst = type_subst; val inst_ty = inst; fun pinst (tm_sub, ty_sub) = subst tm_sub o inst_ty ty_sub; fun type_subst_vars_in_set (sub : type_subst) vars = subset (subst_vars sub) vars; fun subst_vars_in_set ((tm_sub, ty_sub) : substitution) (tm_vars, ty_vars) = type_subst_vars_in_set ty_sub ty_vars andalso subset (subst_vars tm_sub) (map (inst_ty ty_sub) tm_vars); (* Note: cyclic substitutions are right out! *) fun type_refine_subst ty1 ty2 : (hol_type, hol_type) subst = ty2 @ (clean_subst o residue_map (type_inst ty2)) ty1; fun refine_subst (tm1, ty1) (tm2, ty2) = (tm2 @ (clean_subst o subst_map (inst_ty ty2, pinst (tm2, ty2))) tm1, type_refine_subst ty1 ty2); (* refine_subst ([(``x:'b list`` |-> ``CONS (y:'b list) []``)], [(``:'a`` |-> ``:'b list``)]) ([(``y:real list`` |-> ``[0:real]``)], [(``:'b`` |-> ``:real``)]); refine_subst ([(``x:'b list`` |-> ``[y : 'b]``)], [(``:'a`` |-> ``:'b``)]) ([(``y:'a`` |-> ``z:'a``)], [(``:'b`` |-> ``:'a``)]); *) fun type_vars_after_subst vars (sub : (hol_type, hol_type) subst) = subtract vars (subst_vars sub); fun vars_after_subst (tm_vars, ty_vars) (tm_sub, ty_sub) = (subtract (map (inst_ty ty_sub) tm_vars) (subst_vars tm_sub), type_vars_after_subst ty_vars ty_sub); fun type_invert_subst vars (sub : (hol_type, hol_type) subst) = invert_renaming_subst vars sub; fun invert_subst (tm_vars, ty_vars) (tm_sub, ty_sub) = let val _ = assert (is_renaming_subst tm_vars tm_sub) (ERR "invert_subst" "not a renaming term subst") val ty_sub' = type_invert_subst ty_vars ty_sub fun inv {redex, residue} = inst_ty ty_sub' residue |-> inst_ty ty_sub' redex in (map inv tm_sub, ty_sub') end; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Logic variables. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val empty_vars = ([], []) : vars; fun is_tyvar ((_, tyvars) : vars) ty = is_vartype ty andalso mem ty tyvars; fun is_tmvar ((tmvars, _) : vars) tm = is_var tm andalso mem tm tmvars; fun type_new_vars (vars : hol_type list) = let val gvars = map (fn _ => gen_tyvar ()) vars val old_to_new = zipwith (curry op|->) vars gvars val new_to_old = zipwith (curry op|->) gvars vars in (gvars, (old_to_new, new_to_old)) end; fun term_new_vars vars = let val gvars = map (genvar o type_of) vars val old_to_new = zipwith (curry op|->) vars gvars val new_to_old = zipwith (curry op|->) gvars vars in (gvars, (old_to_new, new_to_old)) end; fun new_vars (tm_vars, ty_vars) = let val (ty_gvars, (ty_old_to_new, ty_new_to_old)) = type_new_vars ty_vars val (tm_gvars, (tm_old_to_new, tm_new_to_old)) = term_new_vars tm_vars val old_to_new = refine_subst (tm_old_to_new, []) ([], ty_old_to_new) val new_to_old = (tm_new_to_old, ty_new_to_old) in ((map (inst_ty ty_old_to_new) tm_gvars, ty_gvars), (old_to_new, new_to_old)) end; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Bound variables. *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun dest_bv bvs tm = let val _ = assert (is_var tm) (ERR "dest_bv" "not a var") in index (equal tm) bvs end; fun is_bv bvs = can (dest_bv bvs); fun mk_bv bvs n : term = nth n bvs; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Types. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Terms. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val type_vars_in_terms = trans (union o type_vars_in_term) []; local fun dest (tm, args) = let val (a, b) = dest_comb tm in (a, b::args) end in fun list_dest_comb tm = repeat dest (tm, []) end; fun conjuncts tm = if is_conj tm then let val (a, b) = dest_conj tm in a::(conjuncts b) end else [tm]; fun dest_unaryop c tm = let val (a, b) = dest_comb tm val _ = assert (fst (dest_const a) = c) (ERR "dest_unaryop" "different const") in b end; fun is_unaryop c = can (dest_unaryop c); fun dest_binop c tm = let val (a, b) = dest_comb tm in (dest_unaryop c a, b) end; fun is_binop c = can (dest_binop c); val dest_imp = dest_binop "==>"; val is_imp = can dest_imp; local fun dest (vs, tm) = (C cons vs ## I) (dest_forall tm) in val dest_foralls = repeat dest o add_fst [] end; val mk_foralls = uncurry (C (trans (curry mk_forall))); fun spec s tm = let val (v, body) = dest_forall tm in subst [v |-> s] body end; val specl = C (trans spec); fun var_match vars tm tm' = let val sub = match_term tm tm' val _ = assert (subst_vars_in_set sub vars) (ERR "var_match" "subst vars not contained in set") in sub end; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Thms. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val FUN_EQ = prove (``!f g. (f = g) = (!x. f x = g x)``, PROVE_TAC [EQ_EXT]); val SET_EQ = prove (``!s t. (s = t) = (!x. x IN s = x IN t)``, PROVE_TAC [SPECIFICATION, FUN_EQ]); val hyps = foldl (fn (h,t) => union (hyp h) t) []; val LHS = lhs o concl; val RHS = rhs o concl; local fun fake_asm_op r th = let val h = rev (hyp th) in (N (length h) UNDISCH o r o C (foldl (uncurry DISCH)) h) th end in val INST_TY = fake_asm_op o INST_TYPE; val PINST = fake_asm_op o INST_TY_TERM; end; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Conversions. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Conversionals *) fun CHANGED_CONV c tm = let val th = QCONV c tm in if rhs (concl th) = tm then raise ERR "CHANGED_CONV" "" else th end; fun FIRSTC [] tm = raise ERR "FIRSTC" "ran out of convs" | FIRSTC (c::cs) tm = (c ORELSEC FIRSTC cs) tm; fun TRYC c = QCONV (c ORELSEC ALL_CONV); fun REPEATPLUSC c = c THENC REPEATC c; fun REPEATC_CUTOFF 0 _ _ = raise ERR "REPEATC_CUTOFF" "cut-off reached" | REPEATC_CUTOFF n c tm = (case (SOME (QCONV c tm) handle HOL_ERR _ => NONE) of NONE => QCONV ALL_CONV tm | SOME eq_th => TRANS eq_th (REPEATC_CUTOFF (n - 1) c (RHS eq_th))); (* A conversional like DEPTH_CONV, but applies the argument conversion *) (* at most once to each subterm *) fun DEPTH_ONCE_CONV c tm = QCONV (SUB_CONV (DEPTH_ONCE_CONV c) THENC TRYC c) tm; fun FORALLS_CONV c tm = QCONV (if is_forall tm then RAND_CONV (ABS_CONV (FORALLS_CONV c)) else c) tm; fun CONJUNCT_CONV c tm = QCONV (if is_conj tm then RATOR_CONV (RAND_CONV c) THENC RAND_CONV (CONJUNCT_CONV c) else c) tm; (* Conversions *) fun EXACT_CONV exact tm = QCONV (if tm = exact then ALL_CONV else NO_CONV) tm; val NEGNEG_CONV = REWR_CONV (CONJUNCT1 NOT_CLAUSES); val FUN_EQ_CONV = REWR_CONV FUN_EQ; val SET_EQ_CONV = REWR_CONV SET_EQ; fun N_BETA_CONV 0 = QCONV ALL_CONV | N_BETA_CONV n = RATOR_CONV (N_BETA_CONV (n - 1)) THENC TRYC BETA_CONV; local val EQ_NEG_T = PROVE [] ``!a. (~a = T) = (a = F)`` val EQ_NEG_F = PROVE [] ``!a. (~a = F) = (a = T)`` val EQ_NEG_T_CONV = REWR_CONV EQ_NEG_T val EQ_NEG_F_CONV = REWR_CONV EQ_NEG_F in val EQ_NEG_BOOL_CONV = QCONV (EQ_NEG_T_CONV ORELSEC EQ_NEG_F_CONV); end; val GENVAR_ALPHA_CONV = W (ALPHA_CONV o genvar o type_of o bvar); val GENVAR_BVARS_CONV = DEPTH_ONCE_CONV GENVAR_ALPHA_CONV; fun ETA_EXPAND_CONV v tm = SYM (ETA_CONV (mk_abs (v, mk_comb (tm, v)))); val GENVAR_ETA_EXPAND_CONV = W (ETA_EXPAND_CONV o genvar o fst o dom_rng o type_of); (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Rules. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun op THENR (r1, r2) (th:thm) :thm = r2 (r1 th:thm); fun REPEATR r (th:thm) = REPEATR r (r th) handle HOL_ERR _ => th; fun op ORELSER (r1, r2) (th:thm):thm = r1 th handle HOL_ERR _ => r2 th; fun TRYR r = r ORELSER I; val ALL_RULE : rule = I; fun EVERYR [] = ALL_RULE | EVERYR (r::rest) = r THENR EVERYR rest; local val fir = prove (``(!(x:'a). P x ==> Q x) ==> ((?x. P x) ==> (?x. Q x))``, PROVE_TAC []) in val FORALL_IMP = HO_MATCH_MP fir end; val EQ_BOOL_INTRO = EQT_INTRO THENR CONV_RULE (REPEATC EQ_NEG_BOOL_CONV); val GENVAR_BVARS = CONV_RULE GENVAR_BVARS_CONV; val GENVAR_SPEC = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV GENVAR_ALPHA_CONV) THENR (snd o SPEC_VAR); val GENVAR_SPEC_ALL = REPEATR GENVAR_SPEC; local fun mk th [] = th | mk th (c :: rest) = mk (CONJ c th) rest handle HOL_ERR _ => raise BUG "REV_CONJUNCTS" "panic" in fun REV_CONJUNCTS [] = raise ERR "REV_CONJUNCTS" "empty list" | REV_CONJUNCTS (th :: rest) = mk th rest end; fun REORDER_ASMS asms th0 = let val th1 = foldr (fn (h,t) => DISCH h t) th0 asms val th2 = funpow (length asms) UNDISCH th1 in th2 end; local fun dest_c tm = if is_comb tm then let val (a, b) = dest_comb tm in (I ## cons b) (dest_c a) end else (tm, []) fun comb_beta eq_th x = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV BETA_CONV) (MK_COMB (eq_th, REFL x)) in fun NEW_CONST_RULE cvar_lvars th = let val (cvar, lvars) = (I ## rev) (dest_c cvar_lvars) val sel_th = CONV_RULE (RATOR_CONV (REWR_CONV EXISTS_DEF) THENC BETA_CONV) th val pred = rator (concl sel_th) val def_tm = list_mk_abs (lvars, rand (concl sel_th)) val def_th = ASSUME (mk_eq (cvar, def_tm)) val eq_th = MK_COMB (REFL pred, trans (C comb_beta) def_th lvars) in CONV_RULE BETA_CONV (EQ_MP (SYM eq_th) sel_th) end end; val GENVAR_CONST_RULE = W (NEW_CONST_RULE o genvar o type_of o bvar o rand o concl); local fun zap _ _ [] = raise ERR "zap" "fresh out of asms" | zap th checked (asm::rest) = if is_eq asm then let val (v, def) = dest_eq asm in if is_var v andalso all (not o free_in v) (checked @ rest) then MP (SPEC def (GEN v (DISCH asm th))) (REFL def) else zap th (asm::checked) rest end else zap th (asm::checked) rest in val ZAP_CONSTS_RULE = repeat (fn th => zap th [concl th] (hyp th)) end; (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* vthm operations *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun thm_to_vthm th = let val tm = concl th val c_tyvars = type_vars_in_term tm val h_tyvars = type_vars_in_terms (hyp th) val f_tyvars = subtract c_tyvars h_tyvars val (f_tmvars, _) = dest_foralls tm val f_vars = (f_tmvars, f_tyvars) val (vars, (sub, _)) = new_vars f_vars in (vars, PINST sub (REPEATR (snd o SPEC_VAR) th)) end; fun vthm_to_thm (((vars, _), th) : vthm) = GENL vars th; fun clean_vthm ((tm_vars, ty_vars), th) = let val tms = concl th :: hyp th val ty_vars' = intersect (type_vars_in_terms tms) ty_vars val tm_vars' = intersect (free_varsl tms) tm_vars in ((tm_vars', ty_vars'), ZAP_CONSTS_RULE th) end; fun var_GENVAR_SPEC ((tm_vars, ty_vars), th) : vthm = let val v = (genvar o type_of o fst o dest_forall o concl) th in ((v :: tm_vars, ty_vars), SPEC v th) end; fun var_CONJUNCTS (vars, th) : vthm list = map (add_fst vars) (CONJUNCTS th); fun var_MATCH_MP th : vthm -> vthm = (I ## MATCH_MP th); (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Discharging assumptions on to the lhs of an implication: *) (* DISCH_CONJ a : [a] UNION A |- P ==> Q |-> A |- a /\ P ==> Q *) (* UNDISCH_CONJ : A |- a /\ P ==> Q |-> [a] UNION A |- P ==> Q *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val DISCH_CONJ_CONV = REWR_CONV AND_IMP_INTRO; fun DISCH_CONJ a th = CONV_RULE DISCH_CONJ_CONV (DISCH a th); fun DISCH_CONJUNCTS [] _ = raise ERR "DISCH_CONJ" "no assumptions!" | DISCH_CONJUNCTS (a::al) th = foldl (uncurry DISCH_CONJ) (DISCH a th) al; fun DISCH_CONJUNCTS_ALL th = DISCH_CONJUNCTS (hyp th) th; fun DISCH_CONJUNCTS_FILTER f th = DISCH_CONJUNCTS (filter f (hyp th)) th; fun UNDISCH_CONJ_TAC a = UNDISCH_TAC a ++ CONV_TAC DISCH_CONJ_CONV; val UNDISCH_CONJUNCTS_TAC = POP_ASSUM MP_TAC ++ REPEAT (POP_ASSUM MP_TAC ++ CONV_TAC DISCH_CONJ_CONV); val UNDISCH_CONJ_CONV = REWR_CONV (GSYM AND_IMP_INTRO) val UNDISCH_CONJ = CONV_RULE UNDISCH_CONJ_CONV THENR UNDISCH val UNDISCH_CONJUNCTS = REPEATR UNDISCH_CONJ THENR UNDISCH val DISCH_CONJ_TAC = CONV_TAC UNDISCH_CONJ_CONV ++ DISCH_TAC val DISCH_CONJUNCTS_TAC = REPEAT DISCH_CONJ_TAC ++ DISCH_TAC (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Tacticals. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun PURE_CONV_TAC conv :tactic = fn (asms,g) => let val eq_th = QCONV conv g in ([(asms, RHS eq_th)], EQ_MP (SYM eq_th) o hd) end; fun ASMLIST_CASES (t1:tactic) _ (g as ([], _)) = t1 g | ASMLIST_CASES _ t2 (g as (x::_, _)) = t2 x g; fun POP_ASSUM_TAC tac = ASMLIST_CASES tac (K (UNDISCH_CONJUNCTS_TAC ++ tac ++ TRY (DISCH_THEN (EVERY o map ASSUME_TAC o CONJUNCTS)))); (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * tac1 THEN1 tac2: A tactical like THEN that applies tac2 only to the * first subgoal of tac1 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun op THEN1 (tac1 : tactic, tac2 : tactic) : tactic = fn g => let val (gl, jf) = tac1 g val (h_g, t_gl) = case gl of [] => raise ERR "THEN1" "goal completely solved by first tactic" | h :: t => (h, t) val (h_gl, h_jf) = tac2 h_g val _ = assert (null h_gl) (ERR "THEN1" "1st subgoal not solved by second tactic") in (t_gl, fn thl => jf (h_jf [] :: thl)) end handle HOL_ERR{origin_structure,origin_function,message} => raise ERR "THEN1" (origin_structure^"."^origin_function^": "^message); val op>> = op THEN1; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * REVERSE tac: A tactical that reverses the list of subgoals of tac. * Intended for use with THEN1 to pick the `easy' subgoal, e.g.: * - CONJ_TAC THEN1 SIMP_TAC * if the first conjunct is easily dispatched * - REVERSE CONJ_TAC THEN1 SIMP_TAC * if it is the second conjunct that yields. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun REVERSE tac g = let val (gl, jf) = tac g in (rev gl, jf o rev) end handle HOL_ERR{origin_structure,origin_function,message} => raise ERR "REVERSE" (origin_structure^"."^origin_function^": "^message); (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Tactics. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val TRUTH_TAC = ACCEPT_TAC TRUTH; fun K_TAC _ = ALL_TAC; val KILL_TAC = POP_ASSUM_LIST K_TAC; fun CONJUNCTS_TAC g = TRY (CONJ_TAC << [ALL_TAC, CONJUNCTS_TAC]) g; val FUN_EQ_TAC = CONV_TAC (CHANGED_CONV (ONCE_DEPTH_CONV FUN_EQ_CONV)); val SET_EQ_TAC = CONV_TAC (CHANGED_CONV (ONCE_DEPTH_CONV SET_EQ_CONV)); fun SUFF_TAC t (al, c) = let val tm = parse_with_goal t (al, c) in ([(al, mk_imp (tm, c)), (al, tm)], fn [th1, th2] => MP th1 th2 | _ => raise ERR "SUFF_TAC" "panic") end; fun KNOW_TAC t = REVERSE (SUFF_TAC t); local val th1 = (prove (``!t. T ==> (F ==> t)``, PROVE_TAC [])) in val CHECK_ASMS_TAC :tactic = REPEAT (PAT_ASSUM T K_TAC) ++ REPEAT (PAT_ASSUM F (fn th => MP_TAC th ++ MATCH_MP_TAC th1)) end; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* EXACT_MP_TAC : thm -> tactic *) (* *) (* If the goal is (asms, g) then the supplied theorem should be of the *) (* form [..] |- g' ==> g *) (* *) (* The tactic returns one subgoal of the form (asms, g') *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun EXACT_MP_TAC mp_th :tactic = let val g' = fst (dest_imp (concl mp_th)) in fn (asms, g) => ([(asms, g')], MP mp_th o hd) end; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* STRONG_CONJ_TAC : tactic *) (* *) (* If the goal is (asms, A /\ B) then the tactic returns two subgoals of *) (* the form (asms, A) and (asms, A ==> B) *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) local val th = prove (``!a b. a /\ (a ==> b) ==> a /\ b``, PROVE_TAC []) in val STRONG_CONJ_TAC :tactic = MATCH_MP_TAC th ++ CONJ_TAC end; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* FORWARD_TAC : (thm list -> thm list) -> tactic *) (* *) (* Here is what happens when *) (* FORWARD_TAC f *) (* is applied to the goal *) (* (asms, g). *) (* *) (* 1. It calls the supplied inference function with the assumptions *) (* to obtain a list of theorems. *) (* ths = f (map ASSUME asms) *) (* IMPORTANT: The assumptions of the theorems in ths must be either *) (* in asms, or `definitions' of the form `new_var = body`. *) (* *) (* 2. It returns one subgoal with the following form: *) (* (map concl ths, g) *) (* i.e., the same goal, and a new assumption list that logically *) (* follows from asms. *) (* *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun forward_just ths th0 = let val th1 = foldr (fn (h,t) => DISCH (concl h) t) th0 ths val th2 = foldl (fn (h,t) => MP t h) th1 ths in th2 end fun FORWARD_TAC f (asms, g:term) = let val ths = f (map ASSUME asms) in ([(map concl ths, g)], fn [th] => (REORDER_ASMS asms o ZAP_CONSTS_RULE o forward_just ths) th | _ => raise BUG "FORWARD_TAC" "justification function panic") end; (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* A simple-minded CNF conversion. *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) local open simpLib infix ++ in val EXPAND_COND_CONV = QCONV (SIMP_CONV (pureSimps.pure_ss ++ boolSimps.COND_elim_ss) []) end local val EQ_IFF = prove (``!a b. ((a:bool) = b) = ((a ==> b) /\ (b ==> a))``, BasicProvers.PROVE_TAC []) in val EQ_IFF_CONV = QCONV (PURE_REWRITE_CONV [EQ_IFF]) end; local val IMP_DISJ = prove (``!a b. ((a:bool) ==> b) = ~a \/ b``, BasicProvers.PROVE_TAC []) in val IMP_DISJ_CONV = QCONV (PURE_REWRITE_CONV [IMP_DISJ]) end; local val NEG_NEG = CONJUNCT1 NOT_CLAUSES val DE_MORGAN1 = CONJUNCT1 (CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV FORALL_AND_CONV) DE_MORGAN_THM) val DE_MORGAN2 = CONJUNCT2 (CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV FORALL_AND_CONV) DE_MORGAN_THM) in val NNF_CONV = (QCONV o REPEATC o CHANGED_CONV) (REWRITE_CONV [NEG_NEG, DE_MORGAN1, DE_MORGAN2] THENC DEPTH_CONV (NOT_EXISTS_CONV ORELSEC NOT_FORALL_CONV)) end; val EXISTS_OUT_CONV = (QCONV o REPEATC o CHANGED_CONV o DEPTH_CONV) (LEFT_AND_EXISTS_CONV ORELSEC RIGHT_AND_EXISTS_CONV ORELSEC LEFT_OR_EXISTS_CONV ORELSEC RIGHT_OR_EXISTS_CONV ORELSEC CHANGED_CONV SKOLEM_CONV); val ANDS_OUT_CONV = (QCONV o REPEATC o CHANGED_CONV o DEPTH_CONV) (FORALL_AND_CONV ORELSEC REWR_CONV LEFT_OR_OVER_AND ORELSEC REWR_CONV RIGHT_OR_OVER_AND) val FORALLS_OUT_CONV = (QCONV o REPEATC o CHANGED_CONV o DEPTH_CONV) (LEFT_OR_FORALL_CONV ORELSEC RIGHT_OR_FORALL_CONV); val CNF_CONV = QCONV (DEPTH_CONV BETA_CONV THENC EXPAND_COND_CONV THENC EQ_IFF_CONV THENC IMP_DISJ_CONV THENC NNF_CONV THENC EXISTS_OUT_CONV THENC ANDS_OUT_CONV THENC FORALLS_OUT_CONV THENC REWRITE_CONV [GSYM DISJ_ASSOC, GSYM CONJ_ASSOC]); val CNF_RULE = CONV_RULE CNF_CONV; val CNF_EXPAND = CONJUNCTS o repeat GENVAR_CONST_RULE o CNF_RULE; val CNF_TAC = CCONTR_TAC THEN FORWARD_TAC (flatten o map CNF_EXPAND); (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* ASM_MATCH_MP_TAC: adding MP-consequences to the assumption list. *) (* Does less than (EVERY (map ASSUME_TAC ths) ++ RES_TAC). *) (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) local val is_mp = is_imp o snd o dest_foralls o concl; fun initialize mp_th = let val (vars, (asm, body)) = ((rev ## dest_imp) o dest_foralls o concl) mp_th val asms = conjuncts asm in case asms of [a] => ([], [mp_th]) | _ => let val mp_th' = (SPEC_ALL THENR UNDISCH_CONJUNCTS) mp_th val rots = rotations asms fun f (asm, rest) = (DISCH_CONJUNCTS rest THENR DISCH asm THENR GENL vars) mp_th' in (map f rots, []) end end fun initialize_collect (m, s) th = let val (mx, sx) = initialize th in (mx @ m, sx @ s) end val initializel = trans (C initialize_collect) fun match1 (multi, single) th = let val do_match = partial_map (fn x => total (MATCH_MP x) th) in (do_match multi, do_match single) end fun add_thm th (concls, ths) = let val tm = concl th in if mem tm concls then (concls, ths) else (tm :: concls, th :: ths) end fun clean_add_thms ths = snd o trans add_thm (map concl ths, ths) fun match 0 _ ths = ths | match n state ths = let val (m_res, s_res) = (Df flatten o unzip o map (match1 state)) ths val state' = initializel state m_res val s_res' = clean_add_thms ths s_res in match (n - 1) state' s_res' end; in fun MATCH_MP_DEPTH n = match n o initializel ([], []) o filter is_mp end; fun ASM_MATCH_MP_TAC_N depth ths = POP_ASSUM_LIST (EVERY o map ASSUME_TAC o rev o MATCH_MP_DEPTH depth ths) val ASM_MATCH_MP_TAC = ASM_MATCH_MP_TAC_N 10; end; (* probTools *)