structure patternMatch = struct (*****************************************************************************************) (* Decision Tree for pattern matching. *) (* When compiling a function in clausal form, we build a decision tree which determines *) (* the order in which subterms of any term are to be examined to find the first patter n *) (* that matches that term. We attempt to make this decision tree optimal or minimal, in *) (* the sense that the order imposed on subterm-testing is such that the matching pattern *) (* can be found with a minimum number of tests. Each node of a decision tree represents *) (* a test that can be carried out on a sub-term discriminating between constructor cases.*) (* The branches coming out of a node correspond to the possible results of the test *) (* performed at that node (i.e. possible constructors for that subterm, which are *) (* determined by the type of the subterm). Each branch is labeled with a type constuctor *) (* and a set of pattern indices representing the patterns that were still possibly *) (* matching (live) before the test and that have this construct or as result of the test.*) (* At run-time, when a value term has to be matched against one of the patterns, the *) (* code executed corresponds to going down the decision tree from the root to one of the *) (* leaves, executing the tests corresponding to the test nodes along the path. *) (*****************************************************************************************) open HolKernel Parse; structure S = Binaryset (*****************************************************************************************) (* Decision Tree. *) (*****************************************************************************************) datatype 'a subterm = Wildcard (* _ *) | Var of 'a (* variables *) | Constr of 'a (* constructor *) | ConS of 'a S.set (* constructor set *) type rule_type = int * (string subterm) list; type test_type = int * string; datatype 'a tree = Node of {tset : test_type S.set, (* tests *) rlist : rule_type list, (* rules *) ledge : test_type, (* left out-coming edge *) left : 'a tree, (* left sub-tree *) right : 'a tree} (* right subtree *) | Leaf of rule_type list (* a single rule *) fun strOrder (name1 : string, name2 : string) = if name1 > name2 then GREATER else if name1 = name2 then EQUAL else LESS fun testOrder ((index1, name1) : int * string, (index2, name2) : int * string) = if index1 > index2 then GREATER else if index1 = index2 then if name1 > name2 then GREATER else if name1 = name2 then EQUAL else LESS else LESS; (*****************************************************************************************) (* Attempt to choose the optimal test. *) (*****************************************************************************************) fun match_constr(Constr x, v) = x = v | match_constr(ConS s, v) = S.member(s,v) | match_constr(_, v) = true fun relevant_indices(test_set, rule) = let val test_list = S.listItems(test_set) val relevant_list = List.filter (fn (index,name) => (index = fst rule) andalso not (match_constr (List.nth(snd rule, index), name))) test_list in relevant_list end fun next_indices (test_set, rules) = let fun first_index(remaining_rules) = if length remaining_rules = 0 then [] else let val v = relevant_indices(test_set, hd remaining_rules) in if length v = 0 then first_index(tl remaining_rules) else v end in first_index(rev rules) end (*****************************************************************************************) (* Eliminate redundant rules in a rule list. *) (*****************************************************************************************) fun zip ([],[]) = [] | zip (x1::l1,x2::l2) = (x1,x2)::zip(l1,l2) fun elim_redundant_rules rules = let fun cover rule1 rule2 = List.all (fn (t1,t2) => case t1 of Constr x => (case t2 of Constr y => x = y | ConS s => S.listItems s = [x] | _ => false (* Wildcard or variables *) ) | ConS s1 => (case t2 of Constr y => S.member(s1, y) | ConS s2 => S.isSubset(s2,s1) | _ => false (* Wildcard or variables *) ) | _ => true) (zip(rule1,rule2)) in List.foldl (fn (rule2, r_rules) => if List.exists (fn rule1 => cover (snd rule1) (snd rule2)) r_rules (* rule1 consumes rule2 *) then r_rules else r_rules @ [rule2] ) [] rules end (*****************************************************************************************) (* Modify the rule by instantializing it with constructor information. *) (*****************************************************************************************) fun inst_rule (rule : rule_type, index, subterm) = (#1(rule), List.take(#2 rule, index) @ [subterm] @ List.drop(#2 rule, index + 1)) fun inst_rules(rules : rule_type list, test_set) = let val l = S.listItems test_set val index = fst (hd (l)) val constr_set = S.addList(S.empty strOrder, snd l) in List.foldl (fn (rule, r_rules) => case List.nth(#2 rule, index) of Constr x => if S.member(constr_set, x) then r_rules @ [inst_rule(rule, index, Constr x)] else r_rules | ConS s => let val sub_s = S.intersection(constr_set, s) in if S.isEmpty sub_s then r_rules else if S.numItems s = 1 then r_rules @ [inst_rule(rule, index, Constr (hd (S.listItems s)))] else r_rules @ [inst_rule(rule, index, ConS constr_set)] end | _ => r_rules @ [inst_rule(rule, index, if S.numItems constr_set = 1 then Constr (hd (S.listItems constr_set)) else ConS constr_set)] ) [] rules end (*****************************************************************************************) (* Build the decision tree in a top-down manner. *) (* A test on a subterm is relevant to a pattern pi if and only if pi does not agree with *) (* all the possible values on that subterm. In terms of decision-trees, a test on a sub *) (* term is relevant to a pattern pi if and only if i does not appear in the set of live *) (* rule indices which label each successor of that test. Given a set of possible tests *) (* tset and a set of live rule indices rset, the relevance heuristic searches for the *) (* least index i in rset such that at least one test in tset is relevant to pi. If there *) (* is no such index, no test in tset is relevant to any pattern in rset and one has *) (* reached a leaf of the tree. Otherwise, one computes the sub set trel of tset *) (* containing the tests that are relevant to pi. If trel is a singleton, its element is *) (* the next desired next test. Otherwise, the next heuristic selection is applied on *) (* trel. *) (*****************************************************************************************) fun build_tree(test_set, rules) = let val indices = next_indices (test_set, rules) in if null indices then Leaf rules else let val test = hd indices val left_set = S.add(S.empty testOrder, test) val right_set = S.addList(S.empty testOrder, List.filter (fn (n,x) => n = fst test) (S.listItems(S.delete(test_set, test)))) val next_set = S.delete(test_set, test) val left_rules = elim_redundant_rules(inst_rules(rules, left_set)) val right_rules = elim_redundant_rules(inst_rules(rules, right_set)) in Node {tset = test_set, (* tests *) rlist = rules, (* rules *) ledge = test, (* left out-coming edge *) left = build_tree(next_set, left_rules), (* left sub-tree *) right = build_tree(next_set, right_rules) (* right subtree *) } end end (* val test_set = S.addList(S.empty testOrder, [(0,"nil"), (0,"cons"), (1,"nil"), (1,"cons")]); val rules = [(0, [Constr "nil", Var ""]), (1, [Var "", Constr "nil"])]; build_tree(test_set, rules) *) (*****************************************************************************************) (* Branching Factor Heuristic. *) (* The branching factor heuristic tries to minimize the number of test-nodes by favoring *) (* the choice of tests with low branching factor first. *) (*****************************************************************************************) fun select_index(test_set, indices) = if length indices = 1 then hd indices else let val test_list = S.listItems test_set val (min_index, min_value) = List.foldl (fn ((index,name), (i,j)) => let val n = length (List.filter (fn (n,x) => n = i) test_list) in if n < j then (index, n) else (i,j) end ) (0, length test_list) indices in valOf (List.find (fn(index,name) => index = min_index) indices) end (* val test_set = S.addList(S.empty testOrder, [(0,"true"), (0,"false"), (1,"red"), (1,"blue"), (1,"green")]); val test_set = S.addList(S.empty testOrder, [(0,"true"), (0,"false"), (1,"green"), (1,"red/blue")]); val rules = [(0, [Constr "true", Constr "green"]), (1, [Constr "false", Constr "green"])]; build_tree(test_set, rules) *) end (* Define `(f 0 _ = 0) /\ (f (SUC i) 0 = i) /\ (f (SUC i) (SUC j) = i + j) `; *)